So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 205 Extreme Jordan, but unfortunately Meng Lang is standing opposite him

"Fake goat": turning around and elbowing the opponent's temple, followed by a Yugoslav step, and finally gave a "hand-open blow" to express his innocence, and at the same time yelled at the referee, "This is a foul, blow it, you bitch";
The real goat: "Food poisoning" caused a "flu" state, and he stood there staggering, like a lone wolf in the wind.

The Bulls, just like the games that have ended in this series, did not give Jordan much support.

Under such circumstances, Jordan was very content because the team pushed him past the critical point of physical fitness and allowed him to endure that period.

Now it's his turn, it's his turn to fulfill his obligations as the core of the Bulls!
He even just recovered, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to take a three-pointer.

This is a method he doesn't often use, because in Jordan's own opinion, three-pointers will make him no longer want to break inside and complete the shot in the mid-range, which will reduce his threat. This is also the reason why he doesn't practice three-pointers.

It’s definitely not that you can’t practice three-pointers~
But now he felt good. He hit two consecutive three-pointers, and the point difference returned to a suspenseful number. Not to mention, it also completely relieved him.

Maybe later...

Forget it, he won't change his mind just because of this little thing.

Three-pointers can never become his regular weapon!

At this time, Meng Lang completed a "hand-to-hand" pass with Barkley from the outside. The ball reached Meng Lang's hands, and then he quickly shot. This was a three-point shot. Pippen and Harper switched defenses, but Barkley's solid shot The body blocks the way.

He could only watch as the ball fell into the net.

Cheers from the scene sounded at that moment.

Meng Lang responded to Jordan's three-point goal.


At least for the rest of this game, three-pointers will become his regular weapon.

Jordan immediately chose to take a three-point shot again.

A pretense of breaking through to the inside forced Jones to retreat subconsciously...

This is something that really hits Jones hard:

Obviously he has better explosive power than Jordan!
At least at Jordan's age, Jones' starting speed is definitely faster than Jordan's.

But he still had to retreat early to have enough time to complete the lateral movement.

Jordan's movements range greatly and are very purposeful, with almost no unnecessary movements.

This is probably the advantage of having a good-looking playing posture.

All beautiful playing movements are basically the most correct passing movements, standard and clean. At least there won't be any "clumsy elbow" movements like turning around and hitting the defender with the elbow.

Jones' retreat allowed Jordan to seize the opportunity, and his toes were almost on the three-point line. If precision instruments were used in the future, this would definitely be counted as two points. But in this era, especially this three-pointer was made by Jordan.

Then the referee naturally had to pretend not to see it, because after all, it was just a little blurry. From the distance, it was undoubtedly a three-pointer.


The "characteristic three-pointers" exclusive to these two seasons.


Steady hits, Jordan hit three consecutive three-pointers, the Chicago TV station went crazy, and the Bulls fans were cheering.

The Lakers still gave the ball to Meng Lang.

At this moment, Jordan is full of firepower, and the ball will naturally be given to the person who is most confident.

The Lakers have two singles players, but to be sure, there is only one choice:

Meng Lang, the "scoring champion" in the 96-97 season and the "dream" of thousands of Los Angeles people!
Or "hand to hand"!
It's no wonder that Meng Lang likes this kind of pick-and-roll method. It's really too easy to gain space with Barkley's screen. It's really a sin not to take advantage of it.

Pippen squeezed past Barkley this time and came to Meng Lang smoothly.

But because he threw so fiercely, he directly had a "close contact" with Meng Lang. Meng Lang hadn't dropped the ball at this moment. Pippen jumped forward so hard that he gave him the opportunity to rush to the basket without hesitation.

Pippen was passed by one step.

In fact, when he dropped the ball, Meng Lang's back foot was slightly dragged.

After all, he doesn't have many opportunities to break through with the ball head-on.

But like Jordan, he also received a little bit of treatment.

Of course, from the referee's point of view, to be harsh, Meng Lang's center foot did move slightly before the ball even hit the ground. But if the referee doesn't look very carefully. This ball is also somewhere between ambiguities.

Because his view of Meng Lang's footsteps was blocked by Pippen who suddenly rushed forward. Before he could move his position, Meng Lang had successfully broken through.

Even if he had doubts about this kind of ball, it was impossible for him to hit Meng Lang.


He is Meng Lang!

This actually has nothing to do with "turning a blind eye".

Entering the paint, Rodman made up for it again. Before Barkley could return to defense, Meng Lang once again threw the ball toward the backboard, but when the ball was released, his giant palms were like vise-like pliers. Catch the basketball firmly.

As soon as Rodman turned his head, Meng Lang rushed towards the basket and dunked firmly on his head.

At this time, the entire arena was completely turned upside down.

The cheers were much more intense than when Meng Lang responded to Jordan's three-pointer just now.

Sure enough, dunking is the best stimulant.

Not to mention the fans, other Lakers teammates also got fired up.

Jones worked very hard to get stuck, and actually succeeded in preventing Jordan from catching the ball in this round.

Jordan's staggering figure really couldn't defeat Jones with continuous exertion.

Pippen barely broke through for a layup, and the ball bounced out of the frame.


Rodman, who had just been dunked, suddenly rose up and grabbed the ball in his arms.

This is the Rodman everyone in Chicago is familiar with.

He grabbed an important rebound.

Then, like a "guide dog", he accurately judged Jordan's position with just a turn of his head.

It smells like Jordan there!

He shouted.

Jordan caught the ball and made another three-pointer.

The ball flew straight towards the basket. Jones stretched out his hand desperately, but was still half a beat too late.

This time Jordan raised his hand to throw the ball faster than usual.


But the ball still fell steadily into the basket.

"OMG!" In the ESPN commentary box, the commentator shook his head slightly, and his eyes trembled violently.

At this moment, he looked at the shaky Bulls No. 23 and was completely shocked.

He asked himself that his usual praise for Jordan had reached a high enough level...

He can guarantee that Jordan will be treated as the "first man in history" by him.


Seeing Jordan's amazing performance from beyond the three-point line, he still felt that he didn't respect him enough!
The scene was also filled with "big eyes and small eyes". People in Los Angeles looked at the 7-point lead, but still felt that it was too unsafe.

If Jordan were to continue to have such three-point shooting ability, this 7-point advantage would be nothing!

And that slightly swaying figure reminds Lakers fans all the time: this pervert is not in his normal state, he is fighting every step of the way.

But while he was fighting against his body, he also performed such an amazing performance. After 4 consecutive three-pointers, his score was about to approach 40 points!

Is this Michael Jordan?
Lakers fans once again have a clear understanding of the "God of Basketball."


We have a dream!

A dashing figure broke through Pippen in the blink of an eye.

This time Pippen didn't pounce so fiercely, but the moment he saw Meng Lang raise his hand, he couldn't help but pounced towards Meng Lang.

Meng Lang also seized the opportunity to reach the mid-range and successfully hit a steady "emergency stop jumper".

Bill Walton watched Meng Lang respond to Jordan's goal again, and couldn't help but sigh softly. He really wanted to say, is this the Bulls "No. 24" VS the Lakers "No. 23"?

No wonder he thinks so. In fact, Jordan's handling of the shot at this moment is very much like Meng Lang, and Meng Lang is very much like Jordan.

Maybe you can only see this at this time!

In other words, only these two "super players" can bring such a feast.

Jordan watched Meng Lang score again, with a little more recognition in his eyes.

At this moment, he finally realized why his dislike for Meng Lang had always only been related to the game. Normally, he didn't dislike Meng Lang too much. After all, the specific ways he hates a player are clear:

It's like he once said he respects any player but not Reggie Miller!

He believes that a character like Reggie Miller does not deserve respect.

Meng Lang has almost become a weapon used by the media to check and balance him, and he often appears in topics related to him. He has never said anything similar. Now he understands, just like when he felt the difficulties that players such as Larry Bird and "Magic" Johnson would bring to him with the 18-year-old Meng Lang...

He recognized Meng Lang and the media's acquiescence in him, all because Meng Lang could always perform to match his!

He once worked hard to beat Drexler in the finals, and left a classic trash talk: "If I didn't beat him, you would think I was on the same level as him."

Before the game started, the media asked Meng Lang to fight with him in the ring, which was very similar to the so-called "Yu Liang" 92 years ago.

But Jordan failed to destroy the self-confidence of a "second shooting guard in the league" like he did at that time.

Do you think he doesn't want to?

He desperately wanted to do this.

But so far in the series, it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s that he really can’t do it!
Meng Lang can always give a sufficient response, just like just now...


Jordan cursed secretly.

So he was very unhappy!
Accustomed to the days of "how lonely it is to be invincible", he knew very well that when he met a comparably competitive opponent again, his era would almost come to an end.

Do not……

Unless I am willing, this league will always belong to Jordan!

At least, at this age, Jordan is not willing to leave the throne of "first man".

His eyes became sharper.

After the start of the fourth quarter, he continued to score.

It's just that the Lakers changed their defensive measures against him.

Instead of letting him shoot three-pointers, we force him to break through inside.

It's not that Jordan hit 4 consecutive three-pointers, which means that his breakthrough threat is lower than the threat of his three-pointers.

Jordan's breakthrough must be given enough respect at any time.

But don't forget, Jordan is in a state of "food poisoning" today. His physical fitness seems to have slowed down again, but in this state, it is often easier to approach the critical point of physical fitness. What we have to do now is to do everything possible to get Jordan into a "stiff" state again.

The bad news is that the Bulls now need the "food poisoning" Jordan to continue to drag others forward with scoring.


In the great Bulls, when Jordan stopped scoring, they were so embarrassed.

In fact, to be more serious, the Bulls this season and next season have fallen into the same "dynasty sequelae" as the Warriors did after 19 years. The team's core competitiveness has begun to decline, especially on the stage of the finals, which can give Jordan The support provided is not enough.

So what makes them a "three-peat" team again?
There is only one answer, and that is Michael...Jordan!
Sticking out his tongue, he once again broke through with the ball. He made a difficult pull rod while traveling, and the ball spun and fell into the basket.

When he landed, he staggered.

In this game, this image has appeared again and again.

Comparing the images every time, you will find that there is almost no difference.

Maybe it's a little different...

That is, Jordan's figure is shaking more and more.

But it’s even more shocking for this reason:
Michael Jordan showed everyone what "focus" and "willpower" are.

Why he's the NBA's greatest player...

Jones, who was standing in front of him, was stunned. He could feel Jordan groaning every time he fought, as if he had exhausted all his strength. His steps were staggering, as if he would lose his footing on the next step. But he can get close to the basket and deliver a fatal blow.

Bill Walton said: "Larry Bird described Michael on the night of 63 points as God, so tonight's Michael, you can call him the ultimate Jordan! This is a unique struggle against willpower in human history. Great example!”

It's just a pity...

Even with such a show of willpower, it would be difficult for Michael to get a satisfactory result in this game.




2 plus 1!

Meng Lang broke through the Bulls' defense, caused Kukoc to foul under the basket, and also scored the ball.

Jordan constantly pushed his limits to put the ball in the basket. Meng Lang would also continue to respond. So far, he has only failed to respond twice...

But Jordan didn't respond by scoring more goals.

And it is becoming more and more frequent!

And this time, Meng Lang got the opportunity to "score 3 points" and get 1 more point.

and so……

Defeat, Michael!




This was the last 1 minute and 15 seconds before the end. As Meng Lang scored an extra penalty, the Lakers' lead returned to 10 points again.

Jordan gave everything he had and could only watch the Bulls lose this "Battle of Heavenly Kings Mountain" 80 to 91, with a score difference of 11 points.

The buzzer sounded, and Jordan walked toward the bench amidst the cheers of the audience. His vision went dark and his whole body collapsed to the ground. This time, he didn't fall into Pippen's arms, but Meng Lang, the nearest man, stepped forward to help him.

The scene was quickly captured on camera.

If Meng Lang said "Michael, this is for you" at this time, it would definitely be a sure win, but looking at such a weak Jordan, Meng Lang finally decided to be a good person. (End of chapter)

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