So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 206 I will deal with him tonight

Of course, the bottom line is, it's nothing to get excited about.

All he killed was Jordan who had "food poisoning".

The more Meng Lang thought about this, the more his pain grew.

Because as long as Jordan performs in this game, it will definitely be a game where he will gain "fame and fortune".

And what about Meng Lang?

It was just a mediocre victory in the "Battle of Tianwang Mountain".

Just like "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu".

Everyone only remembers that he picked "Liu Guan Zhang" alone. Who still remembers that it was not easy for him to win Zhang Fei alone, and he was almost defeated at the last moment...

"Weak buff" will always make the guy who performs well look like a god of war.

This made Meng Lang couldn't help but have an idea:
What if I get "food poisoning" too?
Of course, this is just his frustration.

When Jordan was left sandwiched by his Bulls teammates, his expression was full of frustration.

The atmosphere of the entire Bulls team is also very depressing.

This is the first time the Bulls have lost the "Battle of Heavenly King Mountain" in the finals.

After playing 5 games in the finals, they were the trailing side. This was something they had never experienced before.

So even though the next two games are the Bulls' home games, their hearts are heavy at this moment.

Just like the channel broadcasting this game in Chicago at the moment, the two commentators looked at Michael Jordan, who worked hard to the last moment but still failed to bring victory to the team, with worries deep in their eyes.

44 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, this is the final report card of Jordan who had "food poisoning".

Don't say he had "food poisoning", even if he didn't have "food poisoning", this performance was already his top performance.

His 44 points set a new high for his scoring in a single game in this finals.

But with this performance, the Bulls still lost.

Pippen's final statistics were fixed at 16 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists.

Compared with the previous game, there is no obvious disadvantage.

It's just that on a night like Jordan's food poisoning, his performance felt a bit like "not trying his best".

Rodman is the same.

He scored 8 points and 9 rebounds in this game.

This is actually his performance above average in this round of finals.

But this kind of performance is really not up to par compared with Jordan.

One of the Chicago commentators even shouted angrily: "Michael needs more help, Dennis and Scotty, you guys don't seem to realize this at all!"

In fact, there are even more ugly words, but a big score of 3-2 is not the end of the world, and now is not the time for "liquidation". Before this year's finals are completely lost, all criticisms should be pointed out.

In this regard, as Chicago has won three consecutive championships, they have enough experience.

Compared to dull Chicago, Los Angeles is filled with all kinds of thunderous cheers.

What made this concrete was the shouts one after another in the arena:



Even though the buzzer sounded, even though Meng Lang had finished the sideline interview and walked towards the players' tunnel, the cheers showed no signs of stopping.

In the 91 Finals, Lakers fans watched the Bulls lift the championship trophy at their home court.

The strutting Michael Jordan became a nightmare for Los Angeles fans during that time.

But now, this nightmare has been shattered.

The shot of Jordan almost collapsing to the ground and being held up by Meng Lang as he passed by was enough to make Lakers fans forget the mark that Michael Jordan once left on this city.

This is also the reason for these cheers.


This is Meng Lang's performance in this game.

People in Los Angeles didn't care at all about the 1 point Meng Lang lost compared to Jordan.

Just kidding, if you let Jordan stand here properly, how powerful can he perform tonight?

His willpower is certainly awesome, but his performance tonight was actually his upper limit. But from the perspective of feeling, he was suffering from "food poisoning" which made all this even more difficult. Putting all this aside, Meng Lang's performance tonight was not inferior to him in the slightest.

When Jordan wanted to launch a counterattack, it was Meng Lang who stepped up and responded to Jordan with goals one after another.

And at the last moment, it was Meng Lang's "2 plus 1" that completely sealed the victory!

Jordan exhausted his last bit of physical energy and finally collapsed on Meng Lang, but still failed to narrow the point difference to single digits.

This is the pressure Meng Lang put on Jordan tonight...

If you really want to say that Jordan has a "food poisoning" buff, then look at Meng Lang. His appearance, which seems to have not experienced any fierce battles, is the best explanation:

He still has energy left!
In short, for the people of Los Angeles tonight, Jordan, who fought hard to the end and played a top performance, is certainly awesome. But in the end, Meng Lang, who made everything about Jordan "useless", is the only true god tonight!

Please accept the cheers from Angelenos!
Tonight, the whole of Los Angeles is cheering for Meng Lang.

After Meng Lang finished the interview, he originally wanted to meet Monica, but the staff came to inform him that everyone was already waiting on the bus. They were leaving for Chicago tonight to work hard for the final victory.

Win this game and the Lakers will be great again!
This is what all of Los Angeles is looking forward to.

Of course, the most important thing is that the last time the Lakers lost the championship, they lost to the Bulls at their home court.

If I could go to the Bulls' home court and win the championship trophy, it would be a bit like regaining the championship.

Especially the opponent is Michael Jordan, which is even better!
In the end, Meng Lang could only send Monica a text message:

——After the finals, do you want to meet up? Not at the side of the court, just the two of us.

The text message was sent quickly:

——How about now? I haven't left yet. ——Well, I have to pack my things right now. The team bus is waiting for me. I'm going to Chicago tonight.

Then, there was no reply to the text message.

It wasn't until Meng Lang packed up his things, put his phone in his pocket, and walked out of the dressing room that he saw a stunning beauty in a white shirt with curly hair parted in the middle hurriedly walking towards him. It was Monica.

Seeing Meng Lang, her pace slowed down and then quickened again.

When she walked in front of Meng Lang, she couldn't help but cover her chest. She felt that her heart was about to jump out. It was because she walked too fast, and also because she was impulsively questioned by seven or eight staff members just because she wanted to enter the locker room.

She felt rash.

But when Meng Lang asked to see her, she immediately forgot how presumptuous these disrespectful behaviors were. She also wanted to meet Meng Lang privately.

Just the two of them.

See you now...

"come on!"

But she only said such a short word.

Meng Lang responded to her with a kiss after embracing...

When the Lakers bus arrived at the airport, fans were already waiting there, and the passenger aisle was overcrowded.

Most Lakers fans have the same mentality:

Send the Lakers on an expedition and win at the Bulls' home court to avenge the loss of 91.

Here we go with great vigor and high spirits.

Early the next morning, there were more and more reports about the "Battle of Tianwang Mountain".

Except for the Los Angeles media, other media are lamenting the "god-like" Jordan.

After all, it is really outrageous that this "food poisoning" can perform like this.

However, in addition to lamenting Jordan, some media have also begun to face up to the current situation of the Bulls:
After losing the "Battle of Tianwang Mountain", the next sixth game of the series will be their last "straw".

"We are all talking about experience, so what is worth noting is that the Bulls have never had the experience of returning home after losing Game 5 of a series. The reason why they can win Game 6 of a series is also because, They got the match point, they were excited to win the championship trophy as soon as possible, and Michael's theory of 'never let the series become uncontrollable', all these are the reasons why they won the 6th game of the series. !”

"But now, they are in a situation where they have to say goodbye once they lose one game. Their mood must be completely different!"

"Also, regardless of the outcome of Game 6 of the Finals, one thing is certain... Michael Jordan's rule of never playing a 'Tiebreaker' will come to an end, because even if the Bulls win Game of the series In six games, they still have to win the tiebreaker to reverse the Lakers again and win this series!”

"This will be Michael's most difficult finals round!"

"Let us wait and see which side will win the championship in the 96-97 season!"

The Lakers began their preparations in Chicago amid these reports.

On this day, many twists and turns occurred.

Because of Michael Jordan's "food poisoning", many Chicagoans believed that it was people from Los Angeles who did it.

So they spontaneously gathered people and went to the hotel where the Lakers were staying to harass them.

Although during the finals, it is not uncommon for home team fans to harass visiting team fans. But this time Bulls fans are definitely going a little crazy. Some of their actions are also dangerous. After calling the police without achieving good results, Buss took out his mansion in Chicago for the Lakers players to rest.

Of course, given Old Bass's urinary nature, some parts of this mansion must be off-limits.

It's not that Buss is stingy, but that if the Lakers players enter these places, he is afraid that "the fortress will collapse from within."

Any self-disciplined man will become undisciplined here.

So some places must be banned.

However, he also promised at that time that as long as he won the championship, this mansion would be completely open to all Lakers players. As soon as he said this, there was no reaction at the time, but when training the next morning, every one of the Lakers really It's the howling "Iron Wolf".

Old Bass still knew how to play. Except for Meng Lang, everyone else recognized Old Bass's taste. As for Meng Lang, there was Madonna in front of him, Monica in the back, Jenny Buss and the "most expensive stripper". He could imagine the happiness of old Bass, but he still wanted to see how good Bass was having fun. How wild.

At noon, Johnson was interviewed: "It was the summer of 91. I sat on the bench and watched Michael lift his trophy. I knew that I and my players worked hard and the Lakers could win in the 80s. My teammates and I did well to create glory, but losing that series made me miserable because I didn’t know if I would have a chance to return to that stage and save myself!”

"Now six years later, when the Lakers got the match point, I have to seriously think about whether it is God's mercy that gave me such an opportunity. Will this be the only opportunity in my life."

"I will give everything I have in this game to rebuild the glory of the Lakers!"

Look, what a "show" Johnson was so excited about.

Meng Lang also suddenly remembered that Johnson had received a similar reward after winning the championship in his rookie season. Now it seems that old Bass really has something, otherwise Johnson wouldn't be so excited.

You said what happened to Johnson, how could there be any girl willing to serve him?

Then I can only say that you know too little about the sufferings of the world, and what is more terrible than death is...

No money!
As long as condoms can cut off 50% of the chances, there will be many "good girls" in the United States who are willing to give it a try and see if they can earn a lot of money.

Besides, for Johnson now, even if he really can’t do anything, it’s still good to take a look!

"I just met David Stern in the square outside the arena. Do you think you are going to win the championship tonight or the night after tomorrow?"

When Meng Lang was interviewed by a reporter, the first question was quite routine. Meng Lang said: "Everyone says that Michael Jordan never plays in tiebreakers. Now this record is destined to be broken, because even if he wins tonight's game, he still has to win another game to win. Finals! To this group of people, I want to say..."

"Don't worry, Michael's record will not be broken, because...he has no chance to see the seventh game. I will deal with him tonight!"

Meng Lang spoke so frankly.

Of course Jordan couldn't bear it.

The reporters were first concerned about his health.

"Of course, I have fully recovered and I feel very good now!" Jordan didn't want to dwell on this matter.

Although he suffered from "food poisoning", he performed at a god level.


Eating a pizza gave me food poisoning, and then collapsed in Meng Lang's arms after the game. Not to mention how shameful it felt. When he got back on the bus, he couldn't help but ask Pippen:
Where are you?
Where did he die?
I just watched other men touch me, no, hug me?

This is also the reason why he doesn't want to get too entangled in this topic. He is afraid that reporters will mention this matter.

Then there are the remarks about Meng Lang. Jordan is also extremely confident. He said: "I think the Bulls have an advantage. We have two home courts. Even if we are facing elimination, in Chicago, we have countless reasons to Winning the game is our motivation! I will fight this as the last game of the finals, but I am ready to play the last game of the series, and tonight will definitely not be the end.” (End of chapter)

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