So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 207: An experience Bulls fans have never had before

Meng Lang said, "I will deal with him tonight," and Jordan said, "Tonight will definitely not be the end."

This means that one of the two guys that the league is currently paying the most attention to will be slapped in the face the next day.

And with their personalities, they naturally would not allow themselves to be slapped in the face.

A lot of fans came to the United Arena tonight, and the entire arena was almost packed.

This situation is the same as always.

In the sixth game of the finals in previous years, Chicagoans who had waited for three away games at their home court would always feel very hungry after waiting for the Bulls to return to their home court for the sixth game of the series.

The energy they hold back will give them the warmest cheers.

Except for 91 and 93, when the Bulls won the championship on the road, this is the third year they have done so.

Of course, this year is very different.

The fans came, but the expressions on their faces were full of worry instead of excitement.

When standing on the edge of a cliff, it is difficult for anyone to maintain a normal mind, especially fans, who will have all kinds of random thoughts.

It wasn't until the Lakers players entered the stadium that the fans finally stopped their random thoughts. Huge boos filled the entire arena, and some angry Chicago fans wanted to throw objects at Lakers players.

The reason why they are so angry is naturally because they believed Jordan was poisoned by people in Los Angeles.

The Bulls management saw these riots in their eyes and chose to pretend to "turn a blind eye." This excitement can allow these Bulls fans to better support the entire Bulls team. Just listen to the boos now. Which opponent wouldn't feel his liver trembling?

But they also made two preparations.

There is more security on site than in the past.

David Stern also became their "punching bag". Whenever a close-up was shown to the league president, bursts of boos almost made him unable to maintain the smile on his face. He was also the man who was booed in the draft. This kind of scene should not feel strange. But listening to these boos at this moment, he knew very well that they were different from the boos from New York fans. They really hate it!
No wonder, in the eyes of Chicago fans, David Stern is actually a "Chicago Ominous Omen", similar to the "Grim Reaper".

Once he holds the O'Brien Trophy tonight, there is only one possible recipient:
Los Angeles Lakers!
How could the Chicagoans at the scene not be hostile to him?
Especially Chicagoans tonight.

David Stern and the Lakers are on the same team in their eyes at this moment.

It was the Bulls' turn to go out in full force.

Pippen and Rodman were criticized harshly before the game, but the moment they walked out of the tunnel of the home team, the audience still gave them the loudest cheers.

No matter what, we have to rely on them to support Jordan tonight!
Come on...

The good news is that Jordan's overall condition looks very good. He is no different from the Jordan that Chicagoans have seen in the past. This shows that he enjoys this moment. Jordan like this can always bring outstanding performance.

The bad news is, except for Jordan, everyone else is a little cramped.

Especially Pippen and Rodman.

Now it depends on whether the two of them can rely on this feeling of constraint to get into good shape.


The buzzer sounded, and the much-anticipated game officially started.

On the Lakers side, the starters, led by Meng Lang, took the field unhurriedly.

They looked very calm.

No excitement, no nervousness...

The side with the advantage is in a very good state.

The Chicago commentator looked at them with a slightly helpless look and said: "This is the first time the Lakers have returned to this stage after 91 years since 6, but this team is not like any new recruits at all. I also have enough experience on this stage!”

This is actually the real reason why the Bulls are facing such a dangerous situation.

Compared with other finals teams, the Lakers, like the Bulls, are very mature teams on this stage. They know how to handle a game like this.

It is worth mentioning that there are so many superstars on the sidelines tonight!
Not a Hollywood star, nor a familiar face in various entertainment circles.

Although there is no shortage of these people.

But tonight there are more "big guys in the industry" coming here:
“Big Bird” Larry Bird came to the scene; Jordan’s most hated “Smiling Assassin” came to the scene; “Dr. A crucial game that may lead to the first defeat in the finals.

When Jordan just walked out of the home tunnel, he looked relaxed. When he saw these old guys with malicious intentions, his whole face became as ugly as possible.

These bastards...

Even looking at Meng Lang at this moment, he became displeased.

Well, Meng Lang didn't have many pleasant moments in his eyes.

"There are too many lice but they don't itch." Meng Lang had long been used to Jordan's gaze.


Look, look, just keep looking at me like this, tonight I will give you the first defeat in your career finals journey!
Meng Lang was full of motivation, especially when he thought that he would become the first guy in NBA history to win the championship trophy under Jordan's gaze, which made him even more motivated.

Jordan's current status is "one of the quasi-firsts in history", and Johnson and Bill Russell can still compete with him. But as far as Meng Lang knows about the "future Jordan", he is a real "goat". Some people have not caught up with his achievements in 21 seasons in 15 seasons.

This level of comfort is directly upgraded!

The referee blew the whistle again.

It was the Bulls who took the lead.

Both sides quickly entered their respective running positions.

It is already the sixth game of the series, and both sides have become tactically immutable at this point. Basically, it depends on how the players on both sides perform in their respective advantageous periods.

The advantageous period for the Lakers is naturally a period of tactical attack with Johnson and Divac, the ball-handlers, on the court, specifically focusing on Meng Lang's shooting; while the advantageous period for the Bulls is when Johnson and Divar are on the court. After Ci was forced off the court, Meng Lang was forced into singles. Through defensive rotation and Jordan's personal ability, he formed a "king versus king" single-point explosion stage with him.

In terms of individual scoring performance, Jordan and Meng Lang are basically in the stage of "mutual explosion".

Of course, the most important thing is that Meng Lang has not turned on the "dream mode". He has not yet played such an explosive scoring performance in Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals in this series. Almost all of them are on par with Jordan's scoring performance.

However, this is already the top scoring performance in the league!

Meng Lang is the only one in this league whose scoring ability can be on the same level as Jordan...

But even so, the Bulls are not afraid to enter this mode, because the guy they have is called "Michael Jordan", and any guy who looks evenly matched with him will be defeated by him. This has happened countless times. It can be seen that the status of both sides rose very quickly.

After Jordan hit the first goal in the game, for the Lakers, Barkley made a strong kill inside and quickly responded to the goal.

Immediately afterwards, Barkley hit consecutive shots and became the most outstanding player of both teams in the first 6 minutes of the first quarter. As of 6 minutes and 23 seconds of the first quarter, Barkley's score in this game has reached 8 points.

No one expected that in tonight's show, Buckley would actually perform a "one-man show" in the early stage.

Everyone could see that he was so excited.

The fans in Phoenix who were watching the game had their eyes slightly hot, as if some hot liquid was about to flow out of their eyes. For them, Barkley's departure from Phoenix is ​​definitely not because he doesn't love this land, he just wants to give an explanation for his career.

Now, standing in the position closest to the championship... It can even be said that he is the position closest to the championship stage in his entire career. His "first shot" is what Suns fans hope for.

That's it, Charles, that's it!
Keep going towards what you dream of!

Phil Jackson called a timeout.

A very timely pause.

Barkley's performance was somewhat beyond his expectations, and the Bulls' tactical arrangement allowed Barkley to perform, but not this way.

"Dennis, are you really awake?" He tried to "activate" Rodman.

Rodman said nothing, just nodded heavily.

He was actually ready to fight Barkley.

But if he plays like this, his six fouls may not be enough. From his point of view, he has to be "obscene" for a period of time. Only in this way can he perform without any scruples in the future. But he didn't expect that Barkley might have guessed what he was thinking, but he would actually go all out from the beginning. By the time he reacted, he could no longer maintain Barkley's state.

This is an MVP-level player after all.

However, Rodman did not say any of these reasons, because these are all excuses!

Does the battlefield need an excuse?
All he has to do is quickly curb Barkley's momentum, which is more effective than anything he can say.

After returning from the timeout, Rodman used practical actions to express his determination to make corrections.

Barkley is also the main offensive point for the Lakers. But he can no longer catch the ball in the "sweet spot" under the basket. And when he catches the ball in the high post, the Bulls can rely on their high mobility to complete double teams.


As soon as the ball reached Barkley's hands, it was cut off by Jordan who rushed out from behind.

When the Bulls had a chance to counterattack, Barkley stalked Jordan.

Meng Lang's early interception destroyed Jordan's attempt to pass the ball. The passing hand was slightly stagnant, and Jordan caught the ball. But when he was retrieving it, Jones appeared and cut the ball off his hand.

The ball quickly transferred to Meng Lang's hands.

The fast break team also changed from the Bulls to the Lakers.

But even under such circumstances, the Bulls still relied on Rodman, Longley and Pippen in the backcourt to maintain the Bulls' defensive formation.

Meng Lang was always next to Jordan. When he passed the ball to Jones, he had a chance to shoot a three-pointer, but he hesitated and did not take the shot. This counterattack completely eliminated the opportunity to score on a fast break.

The ball was back in Johnson's hands.

The Bulls' defensive formation was also restructured at this time.

Bill Walton watched the offensive and defensive transition between the Bulls and the Lakers in this round and couldn't help but sigh: "This is a competition between the highest-level teams in the NBA!"

Tactical literacy is basic, and the various decisions made in it are really full of game feeling.

On such a stage, even Jordan would make mistakes, and even Meng Lang couldn't play a relaxed and comfortable "magician pass"...

Both sides were highly focused. At the end of the first quarter, with Barkley's early effort, the Lakers led by 28 points, 24-4.

As soon as the second quarter started, Chuck Daly continued to put all the main players on the court who had only rested for 2 minutes, because Phil Jackson had the same idea as him and also placed the "Bulls Five" on the court. On the field.

This is a "life and death battle", a race against time. The two ace head coaches want to gain as much advantage as possible.

After all, on such a stage, with the concentration of the two teams tonight, even the two experienced players cannot predict what will happen next.

So at this time, there is nothing more reassuring than being ahead.

If you are still considering whether your physical fitness will be affected at this time, then as a head coach, you are undoubtedly unqualified and lack the "general style".

With the support of the home players, the Bulls went on an 5-8 run in the first 5 minutes of the second quarter, quickly closing the gap to just 1 point. But in the next two or three rounds, the two teams were in a stalemate and continued to fight.

Then Meng Lang stepped up and hit a three-pointer, and Jordan responded with a 2-pointer from mid-range.

But the score difference came to 2 points...

The Lakers stabilized the situation and maintained this point difference until the end of the first half. With Barkley's last attack, they successfully established a 4-point advantage.


Rodman watched Barkley hit the buzzer beater and yelled in anger.

This time even Jordan comforted him.

Barkley scored 8 points in the first quarter and only scored 12 points in the entire first half. In other words, after the timeout, Rodman restricted him quite well and once prevented him from scoring. Barkley also took some shots during this period, but he made 3 of 0 shots and only scored 2 points with free throws, but at the last moment he made this goal.

It feels like falling short.

This feeling is actually the most irritating.

Rodman's own statistics are 3 points and 5 rebounds. If converted to a full game, he can get 6 points and 10 rebounds.

It can also be seen from this data that Rodman's performance in this game was a little better than in the previous two games. At least on the defensive end, he restricted Barkley and got more rebounds.

It's not just him who performed well, Pippen also scored 13 points in the first half...

This score is already higher than the total score in at least two or three previous games.

Under the circumstances of his performance, Jordan's half-time score did not seem to be very high. Jordan only scored 14 points in the half. In the 5 finals games that have been played, at least 4 of them, Jordan's half-time score was higher. Higher than this number (end of chapter)

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