So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 208 The time has come for a change of dynasty

It is no coincidence.

Meng Lang's score in the first half was not high, only 13 points, which was the same as Pippen.

For the first time in the entire finals, Pippen tied Meng Lang's score after the first half.

Obviously, the head coaches of the two teams thought of it again.

Although they are somewhat indifferent in terms of personnel arrangements, they have no control over the playing time of the main players, and they only want to gain an advantage on the field. However, they still considered this game from an overall perspective:

Meng Lang and Jordan, these two "nuclear weapons" who can single-handedly change the situation of the game, made them intentionally or unintentionally reduce the drama in the first half. They all know that if they want to win this game, they mainly rely on Meng Lang (Jordan) in the end.

Bill Walton sees all this in his eyes, so in his opinion, the already intense first half is just the "appetizer" of this finals. The second half of this game is the real "highlight" .

Not only did he see it, but the "big guys" in the audience also saw it.

Larry Bird was chatting with Thomas. When the second half of the game was about to begin, he asked: "Who do you think will have the last laugh tonight?"

Thomas said: "There is no doubt that Michael..."

The smile on Larry Bird's face remained unchanged, but he did not continue to speak. It was obvious that he did not agree with Thomas' words.

"Smiling Assassin" could also feel the change in his attitude: "Why, do you think more favorably of that Chinese boy?"

"Big Bird" still didn't speak, but his smile became obvious.

Thomas didn't understand: "Because he is the new Big Bird?"

"You can understand it that way!" Larry Bird did not explain.

The game on the field also restarted.

Coming back in the second half, both sides strengthened their defense. Maybe they were too focused on the defensive end. Both sides' offensive ends seemed to have lost power.

At 2 minutes and 13 seconds of the third quarter, the two sides did not score any goals.

The offensive round came to the Bulls again. All the eyes of Chicagoans were focused on one of them, and the big screen at the scene also gave a close-up of that person:

Chicago 23!
Michael Jordan caught the ball in front of everyone, and with continuous shaking, he moved Eddie Jones' body shape. Then he suddenly made a diagonal stab step, directly closing the distance with Eddie Jones, and pushed away the back under the physical confrontation. Or, after collecting the ball, he immediately takes off, raises his hand and throws the ball.

2 points in!

"This is Michael, this is Michael!" the Chicago commentator shouted excitedly.

The Lakers' counterattack, they are also looking for their support.

Bulls fans held their breath.

Their appearance cannot deceive anyone.

They are very nervous!
The reason for the tension is also very simple:
The opponent also has a guy who will cause damage to them as long as he gets the ball.

This situation has happened many times in this finals.

He is arrogant, rude, arrogant but really powerful!
Chicagoans hated him, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Meng Lang looked like a ghost, weaving through the Lakers' screens. Pippen was thrown away by him, and Harper followed up immediately. The Bulls are now familiar with the way he escapes and have some muscle memory on how to switch.

A very timely change of defense, but facing Harper, Meng Lang chose to receive the ball directly.

The moment Harper blocked him, he made a break with the ball. This forced Harper to retreat, because his explosive power after a serious injury could not stop Meng Lang from breaking through with the ball. With this retreat, there is room for shooting between him and Meng Lang.

Meng Lang didn't hesitate at all, raised his hand and threw the ball.

In the silence, Meng Lang slightly stuck out his tongue and made a provocative move toward the Bulls fans who wanted to scold him but were afraid of angering him.

This is a three-pointer, one point more than Jordan's goal.

Jordan watched the high-spirited Meng Lang stand up. He knew that he had to continue to take action. Behind Jones, Meng Lang was standing this time. But Meng Lang intercepted Jordan and had a confrontation with him. However, Jordan took off during the confrontation, his body was stable in mid-air, and he threw the ball in a standard shooting posture.

The ball fell into the basket as if it had eyes.


"Oh my God!" Next to Bill Walton, the commentator was dumbfounded.

He is also a retired professional player, so he understands even more how difficult this seemingly mediocre technical move is.

You must know that Jordan quickly adjusted his body shape the moment he jumped up. What an outstanding core strength it takes to do this!

The key is, he can still score the ball!

It was the only word he could use to describe Michael Jordan.

Bird and Thomas had different expressions.

Although they were all surprised, Bird still had envy in his eyes:
Michael Jordan is now 2 years younger than when he retired.

But in fact, Bird has been suffering from back injuries at the end of his career. This is partly his own fault, but it is also related to his personal physical fitness.

He is not as paranoid as Jordan, but don't forget that Jordan's paranoia is reflected in the amount of training in training, which would have been scrapped 8 times on him.

This is why Bird is envious.

If he had Jordan's physical attributes...

Thomas's eyes were filled with jealousy:
Jordan only suffered one major injury in his career, recovered from it, and has never suffered another major injury since. But the reason for this is naturally not just Jordan.

and also……

Thomas looked at the famous top trainer sitting on the bench. He was very jealous of Jordan. It would be great if he had such a trainer to control his body!

Jordan scored consecutive goals, making the scene a little more restless.

The best stimulant in this arena is Michael Jordan, who keeps scoring goals!

But the smile has not completely dissipated from his face, and the Lakers also completed the goal.

It's still Meng Lang!

Pippen's too forward defensive posture allowed him to seize the opportunity to break through and reach the mid-range. Facing Harper's attack from the side, he "turned his back" and at the same time passed the ball behind him from his crotch. , and then turn around again.

The ball passed through the double-team of two people first.

Then Meng Lang put his hands in front of his "cylinder", jumped forward, and pulled and pulled, passing between the two people.

The cool "The ball has passed" caused a low cry in the audience, and in Los Angeles, which could not hear it, bursts of cheers rang out.

Meng Lang successfully made a layup under the basket.

Meng Lang's breakthrough layup was replayed on the big screen.

His overall movements were not very fast, but they were relaxed and freehand, with a dash of chicness.

He has never been a "beast" that flies into the sky and escapes from the ground, but such a "top ten goal" goal can definitely cause no less shock than those flat-frame dunks.

"Art, simply art!" The commentator on the Los Angeles channel couldn't help but admire Meng Lang's ability to control the ball. He also knew clearly where his ball was, so he dared to make such moves at such a moment. "He turned Chicago's basketball mecca into a street basketball court in Los Angeles!"

Bird was also a little surprised.

Ever since this kid got the nickname "Big Bird", he has been paying attention to his growth.

The progress is still very obvious, from having almost no ball-holding ability, to being able to control the ball skillfully to break through, and then to having more and more mature "post-playing ability". Now it seems that the ball-handling ability is more refined and there are more and more tricks. !
Bird's feeling is correct, but from Meng Lang's perspective, it's not that his ball-handling skills are better. He already has 95 points of ball-handling ability, and there is no way to upgrade it. It's just the "white chocolate" he has. He skillfully moved the "Fancy Pass" skill card into dribbling.

It's understandable to think of the "passing the ball" just now as "passing the ball behind you".

Meng Lang responded to Jordan's goal again.

The entire Lakers bench was excited.

Jordan watched Meng Lang easily toying with his teammates on the big screen. In the next round, he took the ball directly from the backcourt.

This time, under Meng Lang's signal, Jones pounced in advance and used confrontation to force Jordan into the basket. Meng Lang followed closely behind, followed by Barkley's cover. Jordan passed the ball to Rodman under the basket.

Rodman couldn't see his teammates left and right, so he could only try to take a shot, but was slapped down by Divac.

But as soon as the ball landed on the ground and bounced up, Jordan grabbed the ball in his hand, jumped on the spot, and dunked the ball into the basket.

Come in again!


Chuck Daly looked a little short of breath as he watched.

The Lakers arranged a "double-team and then double-team" tactic for Jordan, but as long as the guy was given a chance to breathe, he could seize the loophole and drive the ball into the basket.

Jordan, with all his firepower, was terrifying.

"Hurry up, don't hesitate to switch defenses, don't be afraid that your men will not be replaced!"

Phil Jackson was also shouting at the Bulls players on the court, asking them to speed up their defense changes. Such a rapid change of defense still worries Phil Jackson, and there is only one person:

Pippen tried his best to follow, but while he was more familiar with Meng Lang, Meng Lang was also more familiar with his defensive habits, so it was not easy to get rid of him, but he would never run back and forth on the court for more than ten seconds, and still nothing Way to get Pippen out of the situation.

Harper was once again placed in front of Meng Lang.

Meng Lang, who had the psychological advantage, had the ball in his hands and did not hesitate at all. He dribbled continuously, forcing Harper to react in advance, and then adjusted his shots according to his defensive changes.

Meng Lang's biggest change in this round of the finals is that he has made more breakthroughs.

This is due to him having more opportunities to run without the ball.

When his catching and shooting ability was fully demonstrated, the opponent did not dare to give him a little space, which gave him the opportunity to pass the opponent in one step. His breakthrough was naturally more decisive.


Another step passed, and Meng Lang completed a dunk near the basket.

"I'll make it up!"

Jordan watched Meng Lang fight back again, and finally couldn't help but join in the encirclement and suppression of him.

Pippen wanted to say: "Michael, just attack with peace of mind!"

But under the current situation, he has absolutely no position to say such a thing.

Because he couldn't stop Meng Lang from running at all.

Damn, I really want to break his legs!

It was not just Pippen who had this idea, but also the Chicago fans at the scene.

They are used to Jordan holding the ball in isolation.

So much so that they disdain other scorers who hold the ball from the outside.

Meng Lang allowed them to see a different side of outside scorer.

This guy keeps running up and down the field and it seems like he's never going to stop. But as long as you are stunned for a moment, he will take the ball and give you a fatal blow.

The key is……

He doesn't just have one hand to catch and shoot.

His air cuts, his back-ups, his face-to-face breakthroughs, and his sudden shots while on the move...

His "arsenal" is full, and he brings a super explosive scoring power that is no less than that of Michael Jordan!

The 5-point difference between the Bulls and the Bulls now is proof. In the past, with Jordan's efforts, the Bulls had already overtaken the score. But now, let alone overtaking the score, the Bulls, who started the third quarter with great strength, not only failed to narrow the score by 4 points. The point difference actually turned the 4-point difference into 5 points.


To make matters worse, even Jordan stopped scoring.

The ball made a half circle on the basket and fell out again.

"Defend, defend!"

Jordan watched Barkley protect the rebound, stepped forward and delayed, preventing the Lakers' fast break counterattack. When returning to defense, he jumped on his feet and shouted to his teammates, instructing them to quickly get into position.

The silence of the scene made his irritable voice seem particularly abrupt.

Looking at this scene, both Larry Bird and Thomas were a little sad.

They had all successfully "caught Joe" before, so they had all seen the impatient Jordan.

But it is also because I have seen it that I understand how difficult it is to see Jordan's impatience.

It's not just that you completely counterattacked Jordan's goal.

The important thing is that you also need to make Jordan feel the pressure and make him feel the pressure.

Jordan would feel like this when he was no longer so sure about winning the game and no longer so determined about winning the game.

In the past, whether it was Bird or Thomas, they relied on the whole team.

In addition to Bird, the Celtics also had a number of powerful players at the time, including Hall of Fame players, not to mention the Pistons. The "Jordan Law" was the key to their success in "catching Joe".

And what about the Lakers?
With Barkley being entangled by Rodman, Meng Lang was the only one competing against Jordan.

In the past, this was his most realistic picture.

But now, after the continuous confrontation, impatience appears...

Meng Lang is probably the only one who can make Jordan feel threatened by scoring, right?
The Lakers successfully found Meng Lang, Pippen was got rid of, and Jordan stood in front of Meng Lang as he said.

"King versus king"!
The real "King vs. King" is here!
Meng Lang looked at the leader of the Bulls team in front of him, whose eyes were slightly red, like a charging bull. He was looking at him with fighting spirit. His eyes were also getting more and more expectant and he said: "Michael, you finally stopped being a coward!"

Come on, Michael, it's time for a change of dynasty! (End of chapter)

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