Jordan's impatience also came from the fact that he felt he could completely lock down Meng Lang, but he failed to do so.

He has always been very accurate in his judgment. Now his miscalculation is not because he misjudged Meng Lang's strength. Maybe there is some reason. More importantly...he is no longer the person he remembered.

He is old!

When Michael Jordan found out about this, it was really harder for him to accept than killing him.

All he can do is respond immediately with offensive performance.

"Food poisoning" seems to have stimulated his final potential. He was in good form in the last game, and his form in this game continued from the previous game.

Chuck Daley had to use Barkley against him.

After just one round, he gave up this plan.

Barkley did resist Jordan, and his shot missed. But the key problem is... Johnson couldn't stop Rodman, and he grabbed the rebound that popped out, giving the Bulls a chance to "second offense."

While Jordan can get to the basket smoothly, the Lakers don't have a player with outstanding frame protection ability.


Jordan goes in again!

This forced Chuck Daly to give up the idea of ​​​​changing his position.

But Jones' presence on the court is indeed too low now.

If you can't guard people, you can't attack the opponent!
Whether it's against Pippen, Harper, or Jordan.

After the first five games of this series, his offensive methods have been seen through.

He himself was a bit vague in his shots, which can be seen from the fact that he did not choose to take a three-pointer when he had an open three-pointer in the previous fast break.

For a confrontation of this level, Chuck Daly naturally hopes to put all available players on the field, rather than such a "four against one" situation.

He turned and looked towards the bench on the sidelines, his mind constantly "storming", looking for possibilities.

Kobe's eyes were eager to play, but after thinking about his 4-for-1 shooting performance in this game, Chuck Daly still chose to give up.

Any round from now on may determine the final life or death. It is impossible to use such a game to gain experience for Kobe.

On the court, the ball was in Meng Lang's hands again. Jordan had just said that he would handle this person himself. Meng Lang felt that this was a point that could be exploited, so he decisively chose to turn forward in the "post-play" and forced a breakthrough.

Jordan moved faster this time than before, but when he reached the free throw line, Meng Lang could not take another half step.

Sure enough, if you don't catch the ball on the move, you still can't force a break through this guy.

Meng Lang did not hesitate and gave the ball quickly. Jones received the ball from outside the three-point line and set a screen for him. Meng Lang regained the ball and the space to hold the ball. But before he could bypass Jones, Jordan and Harper double-teamed him.

Meng Lang, who has quick eyes and quick hands, returned the ball to Jones.

Jones was in a relatively open position. He took a step forward and shot directly. There was a "bang" and he missed.


Chuck Daly secretly clenched his fists.

The Bulls obviously also noticed that Jones was a little out of rhythm, and began to let go of their defense in a targeted manner.

Must be replaced...

Daley's eyes became much firmer.



Another opportunity to overtake the score!

Even the Chicago fans had fire in their eyes, let alone Michael Jordan.

His overly strong offensive expectations caused the Lakers to unconsciously focus all their attention on him. As a result, after Jordan attracted a double-team in the mid-range, he passed the ball to Pippen in the bottom corner.

Pippen caught the ball while traveling and completed the attack, leading the score!

In the Chicago studio, the two commentators almost howled. The Bulls finally overtook the score. At this moment, they had been waiting for too long.

"Hold it, hold it!"

"Just keep this score and that's it!"

The words they spoke were always light and airy, and their frowning brows also showed that even they knew how difficult it was to accomplish this thing.

"Why did you let that guy get the ball again?"

The guy they were talking about was none other than Meng Lang!

Even though the defender standing in front of him was Michael Jordan. But they are still very worried about it.

Even they themselves didn't notice...

They actually started to question Jordan!
Chuck Daly watched Jones get the ball and pass it back to Meng Lang. He immediately made a decision and shouted towards the bench: "Ben, get ready to play!"

Meng Lang got the ball again on the court. Seeing that there were less than 7 seconds left, he didn't call any tactics. He directly blasted the ball to the right side, then lifted up with his toes against the three-point line and shot.

Jordan's hand reached out in front of him in time, and he used it as a "scope". The ball flew straight to the basket and went in!


The ESPN commentary box gasped.

Meng Lang's goal was too domineering.

"The Lakers overtook the score again!"


Even Bill Walton, who has seen big rivers, is watching it with gusto at this moment.

A thought came to his mind:
It would be nice if I wasn't live broadcasting this game.

In this way, he would definitely light a cigar, take a good puff, and then spit it out slowly. Only in this way could he calm down his slightly restless heart. He hasn't seen such a wonderful finals for a long time.

The scene returned to silence again. The close-up shot of Meng Lang returning to defense on the big screen was imprinted in each of their eyes and deeply remembered in their hearts:

too strong!
Larry Bird was also surprised by Meng Lang's decisive shot. He could make such an unreasonable shot at such a time. This kid was much bolder than he thought. Maybe if you throw the ball in, no matter how unreasonable the shot is, it becomes very reasonable.

What I didn't say is that Dream's current strength is indeed able to stand where Jordan stands.

The Bulls continued to find Jordan with the ball.

At this time, even Scottie Pippen did not dare to handle the ball at will. He was not sure whether his distribution of the ball was in line with Jordan's wishes. It would be best to just give him the damn ball.

Jordan was still breaking through, looking for his teammates, but this time, he "fake a sudden break" and Jones was thrown away by him. Meng Lang made up for it in time, but could not stop Jordan from taking action. He could only drag Jordan down.

Of course, there must be protective actions on the hands.

He is not like someone who always likes to push others while they are flying in the air.

The referee's whistle blew, Jordan stepped to the free throw line, and Ben Wallace replaced Eddie Jones off the court.

"Charles will defend Michael later, and Ben will play the fourth position!"

While the Lakers generals were listening to Chuck Daly's distribution, Jordan steadily hit two free throws, and the Bulls took the lead again.

"Defend!" "Defend!"


At the same time, the shouts at the scene also became unified and fanatical at this moment.

All Bulls fans know that this game has reached the most critical moment. As long as they seize the opportunity, it is possible for the Bulls to widen the score difference.

The Lakers still look for Meng Lang, especially after Ben Wallace came up, they relied even more on Meng Lang. Meng Lang continued to play the "hand-to-hand" tactic. Only this time, Jordan chose to intercept early to prevent Meng Lang and Barkley from getting close.

This was also because he was worried about Barkley's size. He was not sure to get around Barkley and get back in front of Meng Lang before Meng Lang could catch the ball again.

But in this case, there is also a problem, that is, Barkley has it in hand and only needs to face Pippen. Facing Pippen, Barkley had enough psychological advantages. He came to the basket in a crushing style and easily scored the ball.

It's better for Rodman to guard him!

Seeing Pippen being easily crushed into the basket, Phil Jackson reluctantly waved to Rodman and asked him to make up the defense.

He also knows why Pippen can't catch Pippen.

No matter whoever runs 6 kilometers behind Meng Lang first, I'm afraid his legs will be weak by now...

Meng Lang is really good at running, and according to Pippen, he felt that when he was defending Meng Lang, his physical fitness declined faster than usual. Whether this feeling is real or not, Phil Jackson cannot judge, because he is a man who suffers from "migraines".

But Pippen looked more tired than usual, and that was true.

Now for the Bulls, who are falling behind again, the only good news is that Ben Wallace, who just came up, does not have very good offensive ability, which is a point that can be strategically abandoned.

This makes Rodman's defense more flexible and he no longer has so many worries.

Chuck Daly shook his head slightly, but that's all it can do now. Under the current situation, the Lakers cannot come up with an absolutely perfect lineup to restrain the Bulls.

But the good news is that although Rodman's defensive ability is no longer restricted, Jordan has actually encountered a stronger shackles.

Ben Wallace's ability to protect the frame, coupled with Barkley's entanglement, made his breakthrough encounter an unprecedented challenge.

do not forget……

On the defensive end, he still has to keep an eye on the bastard Meng Lang!

Is there anything like this that doesn't require a lot of effort?

In the next round, Jordan failed to score. Rodman originally didn't take Ben Wallace seriously under the basket, but this kid "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers", faced his big move, not only was he not afraid , instead, with a faint sense of expectation, he rushed up and struggled with Rodman.

This feeling is very familiar to Rodman. Isn't this just another "Barkley"?


In fact, he is indeed facing two "Barkleys"!

While they were entangled together, Barkley had rushed back from the outside to the inside, firmly protecting the rebound.


Phil Jackson cursed because the opportunity to widen the point difference came to the Lakers.




The home fans shouted again. Just looking at their expressions, you will find that their expressions are as ugly as they look at this moment. Some of them are even timid and dare not look at them anymore. They close their eyes and shout, " defense".

The Bulls also seemed to have unleashed their "dying struggle" potential, and the Lakers failed to seize this opportunity to open the score.

Needless to say, the Bulls' "Death Five" defensive ability is indeed strong enough, especially when Jordan is also involved in defense, it feels airtight.

Against such a team, without a strong offensive point inside, it is really difficult to create a breakthrough.

However, on the Lakers' side, after Ben Wallace came up, the entire defense should not be underestimated, especially when the Bulls' entire offensive end was completely dragged by Jordan.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The two sides have entered a period of "iron-strike".

Although no goals were scored by either side, the atmosphere and viewing experience were extremely tense.

Because the Lakers are only one point ahead, a new situation may arise in every round.

So much so that the fans on both sides did not dare to have other thoughts, for fear that the situation on the court would change crucially in the next second.

Phil Jackson and Chuck Daly are also competing.

At this point in the game, they no longer had any tactical game. The players on the court now are their best configuration.

At this moment, what they are playing with is the pause in their hands.

No one wants to call a timeout first. This is related to the rhythm of the game and the players' morale. At this time, if you call timeout first, it feels like you need to adjust more. So no one on either side called a timeout.

But now Phil Jackson has no choice but to stop shouting.

If he doesn't call timeout...

Michael Jordan's breathing was completely messed up.

There were only the last 4 minutes of the game, and it passed by just watching, but only Phil Jackson knew how long these 4 minutes were. In the end, he bit his gums and called a timeout.

Not a timeout, but a timeout after a timeout.

But he played a trick and told the Bulls players not to move at the end of the first timeout, especially Jordan.

When the Lakers were about to return to the court, they immediately called a second timeout.

The long pause is 100 seconds, and the short pause is 60 seconds. It almost adds up to 2 and a half minutes, plus the 10 seconds that Phil Jackson gained through cleverness in the middle, nearly 3 minutes.

Jordan's breathing visibly calmed down.

"Come on, it's the last moment, cheer me up. What we have to do is to defend this home court and let this series enter the seventh game!" Phil Jackson added five players to the game before the game restarted. A main player called in front of him and took a deep look at Jordan.

Two consecutive timeouts soon paid off.

In the first round when the game restarted, Jordan used his signature mid-range jumper to complete the goal and take the lead. A few rounds later, he forced the frame again, causing a foul on Ben Wallace, and made 2 free throws, helping the Bulls widen the point difference to 3 points.

The MVP's voice echoed throughout the arena and even throughout Chicago at this moment.

After Jordan scored the second goal after the timeout, there were only 25 seconds left in the game. Meng Lang ran without the ball and wanted to catch the ball, but the Bulls used their ancestral "Qiaopi Double Team" , causing him to fail to touch the ball, Barkley forced an attack on the frame and missed. Fortunately, he grabbed the rebound and quickly found Meng Lang on the outside.

As Jordan followed in to intercept Barkley, Meng Lang was left open. He took his time and adjusted before shooting.

When the ball was about to fall into the basket, Meng Lang had already walked towards the bench.

He has enough confidence in his shooting, not to mention that it is a shot blessed by the "last shot" skill card.

Get ready for overtime!

Just as he was about to reach the sideline, the ball fell into the basket and the buzzer sounded at this time.


Overtime! (End of chapter)

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