So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 211 Overtime, overtime, overtime! !

The moment the ball flew out of Meng Lang's hand, everyone's eyes were on the ball.

After the ball fell into the basket, the camera looked for Meng Lang.

Of course, not only him, but the Bulls and the Lakers, including Larry Bird and Thomas on the sidelines, all looked at the place where Meng Lang had just shot.


What about people?

The camera continued to roll, and then I saw Meng Lang walking towards the field with a normal expression, without Jue Ping's excitement at all.

When the Lakers rushed toward him excitedly, he just reached out and patted their shoulders, which was equivalent to a response.

This is crazy...

After all, you have saved the team from danger, can't you be a little emotional?

It was the first time for the fans at the scene to see such an unexcited "perfect match". The key point is that it looked so impressive.

I really want to curse!
Jordan rubbed his bald head. In fact, at the last moment, he shouldn't have rushed forward to defend Barkley on Pippen's behalf. But when Barkley rushed in, what he was thinking was to prevent the ball and get the rebound, and then the victory of this game would be theirs.

But in the end, the ball was defended. But unexpectedly, Barkley actually snatched the rebound back from the head of their "Iron Triangle".

This is crazy...


Bill Walton looked at Jordan who was gritting his teeth and walking to the bench, and thought to himself.

Once this game enters overtime, the physical weakness of the Bulls' "classic car" will be reflected.

You know, not only is this team's "Iron Triangle" older, Harper, who was born in 64, is now 33 years old. The youngest player in the Bulls' main rotation is 28-year-old Longley, and even Kukoc is 29 years old...

Furthermore, although these two are young, they should be at the peak of their physical fitness, but as white men, Longley is still a large-tonnage center, and their upper limit of physical fitness is actually there. They are not that great. Break away from the "physical monster".

Of course, the most important thing is that Michael Jordan has played 43 minutes in this game, Pippen has played 41 minutes, and Rodman has also played 42 minutes... The "Iron Triangle" has played a lot of playing time. This is the most important thing!
Compared with them, although the Lakers also have seniors like Johnson, Meng Lang, who is the absolute core, still looks full of physical fitness.

In addition, Ben Wallace only played less than 20 minutes in this game.

Jones also sat out most of the quarter.

Jones couldn't play in a game of that level in the last half of the fourth quarter, but that doesn't mean he couldn't beat the tired Bulls.

Barkley, who redeemed himself with an offensive rebound, was also very clear about the current situation. His eyes were flashing with light. He had never felt that he was so close to the championship...

Just as Bill Walton predicted, after the overtime started, the Lakers brought on Jones and replaced Johnson, using young people with more impact to attack the Bulls' defense.

Jordan needs to guard Meng Lang, Pippen needs to guard Barkley, and the person guarding Jones becomes Harper.

He obviously couldn't keep up with his footsteps, because Jones successfully passed him as soon as he started and went straight to the basket, causing Rodman to foul.

Then he made 2 of 1 free throws.

"Damn it!"

Jones was very dissatisfied with the missed free throw.

But the Lakers were ahead by 1 point anyway.

Chuck Daly clapped his hands to remind the team to defend.

The Lakers made defensive changes in overtime, focusing on preventing Jordan from catching the ball. As long as he catches the ball, he will be double-teamed immediately.

Jordan, who had just gotten the ball, had no choice but to pass the ball out again. The Bulls generals also wanted to find an opportunity for Jordan to catch the ball again. Unfortunately, as time passed by, Jordan still did not find a suitable opportunity. Kukoc cut straight to the middle, but was met with a big blow from Ben Wallace. cap.

Meng Lang got the ball in his hands before Jordan did, and the Bulls also began to double-team him to prevent him from getting the ball. This just suits Meng Lang's idea, he quickly gives the ball and then starts running without the ball.

How can this guy still run?

Pippen felt that his legs could no longer move. Seeing Meng Lang still keeping up with the clockwork "perpetual motion machine", he cursed secretly.

The ball reached Meng Lang's hands smoothly, he picked it up and threw it.


On the bench on the sidelines, the young Bulls fans shouted heartbreakingly. This shows the fear he projected towards Meng Lang.

It's a pity that his shouting couldn't stop Meng Lang from making this three-pointer.

The overtime time was almost halfway over, and with Meng Lang's three-pointer, the Lakers took a 4-point lead.


Those were the words the Chicago channel commentators were afraid to utter.

They feel that the life that belongs to the Bulls is constantly passing away...

The subdued atmosphere of the United Arena also illustrates this point.

However, at this moment, Jordan picked up the ball from outside the three-point line and walked in despite being double-teamed. Facing Ben's defense, his whole body was about to fold into a "Z" shape, and he could barely avoid Ben. His big hands, like using his tongue, made a muffled sound in the air. He exerted force on his hands, and the ball spun and fell into the basket.

"I'm rough!"

The ESPN commentator couldn't help but use foul language.

This is already the 51st minute of the game, and Jordan can still do such an action.

Considering his age and the amount of physical energy he consumes...

Michael Jordan……

Really are!
It wasn't over yet. The Lakers attacked. This time Meng Lang was severely blocked after taking the ball, and Jordan successfully forced him to stop.

It seems that Jordan has also figured out that there are two different situations in which Meng Lang can break through and damage him when he is running, and when Meng Lang stops.

As long as Meng Lang is forced to stop, his damage will be greatly reduced.


The defense is done!
Jordan just turned his head and glanced, then quickly stepped down and ran towards the Lakers' penalty area. It was also at this time that the ball fell in front of him.

Rodman, who got the rebound, saw Jordan immediately and quickly threw the ball in front of him.

To be honest, this ball was a little too big. Jordan needed to take two steps quickly to catch the ball...

Jordan, who had already started running desperately, was almost at the fastest speed at this moment, but he was still a little behind.

If it cannot be caught immediately, then the ball may become a "miss ball".

No, absolutely not!
Jordan groaned in his heart. He didn't know where the strength came from, but his speed actually became much faster. He caught the ball and completed the layup.


Meng Lang slapped the ball hard.

When Jordan saw this scene, his whole heart froze.

There were also exclamations at the scene, and many more people shouted "No" in despair.


But the referee blew the whistle at this time:
"Two points valid!"

"Lakers No. 24, interfere with the ball!"


Meng Lang cursed loudly. He was sure that he would hit the ball while it was still flying in the air. But at this time, he had no choice but to hold back. If he really gets a T, he will give his opponent the lead for nothing.


Jordan, who chased so hard that he fell to the ground when he landed, looked at the referee's signal and slapped the floor hard.

Among the many goals in his career, this goal can only be regarded as mediocre.

But the goal saved the Bulls' lives.

He couldn't help but be excited.

"start running!"

But before he could get up from the ground, Meng Lang served directly and threw the ball towards the front court. Jones held the ball firmly.

"I rely on!"

The two Bulls who were about to help Jordan quickly returned to defense. Jordan, who was crawling on the ground, staggered and almost couldn't hold his hands. He got up in a hurry and hurriedly chased Meng Lang. go. This despicable Chinese!

So damn...

Almost stumbling all the way, Jordan finally got back on defense in time.

He was panting heavily and looked like his whole body was shaking steadily.

But when Meng Lang took action, he still managed to cause interference, even if he fell to the ground again.

"This is Michael Jordan!" At this scene, Bill Walton couldn't help but sigh, "This man can't be defeated by food poisoning!"

The first overtime ends.

The two sides were tied again.

Jordan's playing time came to an astonishing 48 minutes.

It can be seen from the efficiency of both sides that they have entered a period of fatigue.

But the defensive attitudes of both sides are still as tough as ever.

Due to age issues, the Bulls couldn't keep up, and they committed two consecutive early fouls. Rodman committed "6 fouls" and made the audience hold their heads again. However, the Lakers were not much better. Johnson directly sprained his knee when he returned to the game and limped off. Obviously, he could not play again.

What his absence affects is Meng Lang's chance to catch the ball.

During the overtime, Meng Lang received fewer balls, which was due to the fact that Johnson was not on the court.


It wasn't until 2 minutes and 31 seconds into the second overtime that Buckley broke through for a layup, helping the Lakers once again gain a two-point lead.

After landing, he couldn't hide the pain on his face. Now even for a breakthrough, he felt that all his strength had been used up.

feeling bad!
When I breathed, I felt like there was a fire burning in my whole chest.

Pippen looked at Jordan, who was constantly being double-teamed, and wanted to help, but his layup on a breakthrough ended up being a hit.

"This is a foul!" he shouted to the referee.

Because he knew very well that without Rodman, it would be difficult for them...


Rodman's pupils shrank. He actually saw Jordan grab an offensive rebound, then foul Barkley under the basket and go to the free throw line again.

This man...

"too strong!"

Even Bird was shaking his head.

Jordan was difficult enough to deal with back then, but I didn't expect that Jordan at this age would be even more difficult to deal with.

"Damn it!"


Different voices came from the Los Angeles studio and the Chicago studio. All of them were that Barkley's foul was his sixth foul of the game.

He was also sent off due to the full foul.

As a result, the Lakers are left with only Meng Lang and three new recruits: Jones, Ben, and Kobe.

Even Divac at the fifth position can only be used as a wooden stake on the court now.

The situation took a turn for the worse, as can be seen from the next round. The Bulls were staring at Meng Lang. Kobe seized the opportunity and made a layup, but was slapped away.

Jordan had the ball in his hands and the Bulls counterattacked. There were only 16.8 seconds left in the second timeout.

He was not in a hurry, and slowly watched his teammates get into position, waiting for the last 12 seconds left before starting to attack. Meng Lang took the lead and defended on the opposite side of him.

"Back to back" to kill, Jordan only had strength left at this moment, but because he was too tired, his steps were slow and there was no way to complete the breakthrough before Meng Lang moved sideways.


There was a muffled sound.

Sure enough, Meng Lang blocked his way in time.

Jordan didn't hesitate, turned around, made a turn-over jumper from outside the three-point line, and threw the ball.

The ball was so smooth that Meng Lang's hands couldn't interfere with it from such a long distance.




a roar from the Chicago studio.

Like him, the crowd at the United Arena was also filled with exclamations of surprise.

"48 points, 48 ​​points! After Michael made this 3-pointer, his score for this game has reached 48 points!"

The shouts at the scene were like an uncontrollable flood, sweeping towards the scene.

Jordan pumped his fist hard.

This goal, he is proud of himself!

"What a three-pointer that killed the game!"

Bill Walton listened to what his partner said and headed towards the remaining time in the game, 3.4 seconds...

It looked like a goal that killed the game, but the Lakers still had a chance to time out. They can serve at half court. Meng Lang still had a chance to equalize the game.

"Let's see if there's a third overtime!"

All the shots on the scene were shown to Meng Lang who was drawing tactics on the bench...


"He actually arranged the last attack by himself?" an exclamation came from the Chicago channel.

Barkley watched Meng Lang come on the court: "Sorry..."

Meng Lang shook his head: "Charles, without you, this game wouldn't be where it is now. Believe me, the game is not over yet!"

He confidently walked towards the court, looked at Jordan walking towards him, pointed to the three-point line in front of him, and said: "Michael, watch out, I will complete another absolute tie here!"


Jordan didn't scoff.

If someone else said this in front of him, he might shake his head and say sarcastically: "You're the one who still wants to be like Big Bird?"

But it was Meng Lang, he really didn't dare to be careless.


When the referee's whistle sounded and the ball was served, Meng Lang immediately leaned towards Ben Wallace. Jordan and Pippen on the Bulls side were originally staring at him.

But when they saw Meng Lang, who was approaching Wallace, suddenly turning his head and running towards the other side, they suddenly didn't know what to do.

If we really followed him, this half would be completely free.

But in this stunned moment, Jones, who slipped over from the baseline, successfully got the ball.

At this moment, he was in the open position, and Jordan finally shouted: "Scotty!"

Pippen understood and rushed towards Jones, while Jordan went to guard Meng Lang himself, but in this way, it became a 1-defense-1 defense.
Meng Lang had already leaned towards Jones at this time, took the ball in his hand, took a step forward, and only took one step. When he reached the position he just told Jordan, he raised his hand for a three-pointer, and the ball just flew out of him hand, the red light on the backboard turned on.


The buzzer sounded, covering up the friction sound of the ball falling into the basket.

Absolutely flat again.

The third overtime. (End of chapter)

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