So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 212 is over, Michael!

"Oh my God!"

The commentator on the Chicago channel didn't know what to say when he saw Meng Lang calmly ending after another perfect draw.

Michael Jordan shocked him in a way that no other star had ever done, but now, he felt the same with this 24-year-old young player named Meng Lang.

There was also another issue that he did not dare to delve into, and that was...

"Guys, a question worth pondering, can the 24-year-old Michael Jordan perform like this?"

The announcers on the Los Angeles channel shouted questions that the announcers on the Chicago channel were afraid to say.

At this moment, they were so excited that they felt their whole bodies shaking unconsciously.

No one thought that Game 6 of this series would go to this level...

In the audience, David Stern looked at Meng Lang, who was walking off the court with a towel to wipe his sweat, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

He always wondered if a player like Michael Jordan would ever happen again...

Meng Lang's momentum is huge enough, but the road he has traveled is too flat, as if he is the born king of this field.

In the first year of his rookie season, he reached the finals and completed a big script of "let three chase four".

Defend the title later!

Even during the injury period, it proves his arrogance!

The journey has been magnificent.

If there's something missing...

Maybe it's the result of Michael Jordan's repeated failures.

People are very worried. Once he encounters a setback, like Michael Jordan who failed to win a championship in 7 years, will he sink?

It turns out that this is an equally tough guy.

By the end of the second overtime, his playing time had reached 52 minutes and 45 seconds, just 15 seconds shy of 53 minutes. This playing time is the same as Jordan's. Even though he is 24 years old and strong, he may have been exhausted long ago under a high-intensity confrontation like tonight's.

But even under such circumstances, he still resisted the pressure and achieved another "perfect draw"...

If this doesn't prove his perseverance and desire for a championship, what else can prove it?
David Stern is certain that he may not seem as paranoid as Jordan. But his desire for a championship is the same as Michael Jordan's. This is a guy who will never get tired of winning championships no matter how many times he wins...

The only thing that can stop him is one possibility:
That's what's ahead of him, there's no target!
"Ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

"Ho ho ho ho!"


The big screen at the scene kept switching back and forth between the benches on both sides. The sight of Jordan and Meng Lang breathing heavily fell in the eyes of every fan, and everyone could feel their exhaustion.

But their still shining eyes also illustrate their attitude:

I must win this game!


The buzzer sounded and the third overtime officially began.

Bill Walton looked at Meng Lang, who had been fighting against Jordan since he came on the court, and heard the commentary partner next to him let out a soft "ooh".

Obviously Meng Lang's perseverance surprised this explanation.

Everyone knows how mentally powerful Michael Jordan is
"The Breakfast Club", and the fearless forwardness that passed over the Pistons... In the previous game, Michael Jordan, who suffered from "food poisoning", made his image of "perseverance incarnate" even more fulfilling. .

It seems that as long as he steps onto the court, nothing can hinder him.

Therefore, when the game time came to the 54th minute and Michael Jordan came on the court with a "normal" look and his eyes were still full of perseverance, they would only sigh: "This is Michael Jordan!"

But it wouldn’t be a surprise.

Because he is Michael Jordan.

But Meng Lang still gritted his teeth. When he stood opposite Michael Jordan and faced each other tit for tat, it was really hard not to sigh.

They have become accustomed to opponents who cannot stand up to Jordan until the last minute.

There are two in the Lakers team:

Johnson in 91, Barkley in 93...

Seeing Meng Lang, it was inevitable that he would feel a little uncomfortable.

Is a new era really coming?

It can be seen that the players on both sides are really tired. Not only the core players here, but also the role players. Just fighting against each other makes their whole feet feel like they are floating.

The ball movement also slowed down, making it feel like watching a high school league game.


Meng Lang had the ball in his hand. Facing Michael Jordan, he let out a very obvious breath, and then rushed towards the basket with all his strength. He felt as if his whole legs were filled with lead, but at this time, he was very I am convinced that there is no one in the Lakers who is lighter on his feet than him.

Moreover, he is so exhausted. Even if the old man opposite him is extremely talented, even if he spends all day in the "Breakfast Club" and is used to playing in this "fatigue mode", he can be sure that Every step this guy takes now is equally difficult, or even more difficult.



Sure enough, after two confrontations, Jordan ducked back in frustration. Meng Lang fully occupied the position of breaking through the basket and jumped up with all his strength. Who knew that Jordan only stepped back so that he could also use his strength to jump up.


But just as Jordan gritted his teeth and jumped up, Pippen threw himself on Meng Lang and threw him to the ground.

The ball didn't go in, but the referee's whistle sounded.

"Bulls No. 33 fouled, Lakers No. 24 made 2 free throws!"

Jordan, who danced lonely, turned around and cursed secretly in dissatisfaction. He gave in because he was either unable to bear it or because he was "taking retreat to advance" and wanted to block Meng Lang and boost his morale.

Didn't I agree that I would deal with this kid?

Do these guys really not believe me now?

he is very angry.

But Pippen's even more annoyed look and the low shouts from the audience made him stunned for a moment, and then he also remembered:

This was Pippen's sixth foul.


Now he is the only one left in the Bulls' "Iron Triangle"!
Meng Lang fell to the ground and felt as if his whole body had been shattered. It took him a long time to recover, and he breathed hard, finally catching his breath. Ben Wallace ran over and pulled him up hard. Seeing Pippen walking down the court in frustration, Meng Lang suddenly felt his whole body relax again.

The winner will soon be determined!

Meng Lang walked towards the free throw line, and the huge boos at the scene seemed to drown him.

There were nervous expressions on the Lakers bench.

Meng Lang's free throws have always been very stable.

But their physical energy was exhausted to such an extent that they fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. They were really not sure whether Meng Lang's free throws were as good as before.




Meng Lang adjusted his breathing continuously, and then, amid the boos that seemed to last forever, he threw the ball and hit it steadily!

The Chicago fans shook their heads slightly and closed their eyes in despair again.

At this point in the game, even just one point could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


Then came the second penalty, and Meng Lang hit again. When he was returning to defense, he glanced at the silent Chicago auditorium and seemed to hear the cheers for him from all of Los Angeles.

After these two free throws, his score for this game reached 50 points!
One step faster than Jordan!

On the Los Angeles channel, two commentators raised their hands and cheered for Meng Lang.

This is not the first time Meng Lang has scored 50 points, even for the Lakers.

But this was the first time he played against Jordan in the Finals and scored 50 points. This is definitely historic.

Just like this game is destined to become a classic battle in the NBA Finals...

During the Bulls' offensive round, after Pippen came off the court, Kukoc was the one holding the ball for the Bulls, but looking at his shaky figure, Jordan obviously didn't trust him to hold the ball. Came over and forced the ball.

Not to mention, even when he catches the ball, his body is a little wobbly. But seeing him take the ball, the hearts of all Chicagoans became much calmer.

As long as the ball is in Jordan's hands, Chicago believes that he can definitely score the ball and tie the score. This is Michael Jordan. This is what he has been doing in the Chicago Bulls jersey for the past ten years. He has done it almost every time, and this time, they believe that Jordan can do the same.

"Ho, ho, ho!"

The crowd was so focused that they all heard Jordan's breathing that seemed to burst his lungs.

But his eyes were so determined, like a buffalo covered in scars but still showing its fangs.

So he is a symbol of Chicago!
He leaned towards Meng Lang, then turned around and walked in. The speed of turning was the slowest anyone had ever seen him turn around. It was as if he was swaying and was about to stop but hadn't stopped yet. Top.

He looks so old!
So much so that Meng Lang's entire body was shrouded in front of him.

Can’t see the basket…

This was Jordan's first reaction after turning around to face the frame.

But he still jumped up with difficulty, trying hard to challenge gravity and his heavy body.


I must tie it!

Jordan's belief was so strong that his eyes were red, and his belief in winning could defeat everything... Jordan always believed this sentence, and he took action without hesitation. The ball flew out of his hand, and it was embarrassing. It flew past Meng Lang's outstretched palm and flew straight to the basket...

At this moment, the whole of Chicago seemed to be quiet for a second.


Until the ball fell into the basket, the city exploded!


"Another tie!"

"Michael scored 50 points too!"

"Oh my God, this man!"

All the commentators were exclaiming, just like the roar in Chicago.

Everyone can see that Father Time did take something away from Michael Jordan, but this perseverance alone became stronger.

Is this Michael Jordan?
Is this Michael Jordan?

The announcer on the Los Angeles channel was also shaking his head.

"Is this shot sure this guy can see the basket?"

Someone asked.

But when the ball goes in, it means everything.

"This is Michael Jordan!"

Phil Jackson immediately reached out and called a timeout amidst the cheers of the audience.

He sensed something was wrong with Jordan who completed the goal.

Sure enough, Jordan, who had just completed the important task of equalizing the game, walked off the court and collapsed on the ground, retching but nothing came out.

"I'm so tired, so tired!"

Chicago commentators are shaking their heads, and Chicagoans are feeling sad.

You must know that I just experienced "food poisoning" in the last game and was exhausted after the game. This game has been played for almost 55 minutes. Even with a "god" body, it is normal for a serious overdraft.

On the other side, Meng Lang, who was sitting in his seat, was also surrounded by people, and even when he was wiping his sweat, he was not allowed to do anything by himself. Barkley and Johnson surrounded him, giving him towels on both sides to wipe his sweat.

And he just needs to close his eyes and rest, and seize the time to rest.

"I'm not going to call a timeout, man, it's all up to you!" Chuck Daly said as he was about to come on the court. He knew very well that Jordan needed a rest more than Meng Lang.

Meng Lang also knew what he wanted to express. When he walked onto the court, only Jordan and Meng Lang, the last absolute core, were left on both sides...

Looking at each other, the confrontation between the two people was staged again.

However, there was only a limit to the amount of physical energy that could be restored during a one-minute rest period. The two guys who had reached the critical point started to pant again after less than two rounds of confrontation. The sound of hammering was also heard from the basket.

Time quickly dropped below the final minute.

After Michael Jordan missed consecutive mid-range attempts, he used all his strength to rush towards the basket.

I almost fell down when I landed.


The moment the referee blew the whistle, the whole audience was in an uproar, and even he clenched his fist vigorously.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

While gasping for breath, he steadily hit 2 extra penalties.

Chuck Daly looked at the time, 20 seconds and 12 seconds. He wanted to call a timeout, but Meng Lang stopped him.

Jordan had just held back his energy in the breakthrough round and could not recover so quickly. He had to seize this opportunity and return the favor!
The Bulls did not adopt a double-team tactic.

Because the legs and feet of this group of people are no longer suitable for using such radical defensive tactics. If it is self-defeating, it will allow the opponent to score easily.

Just take good care of it.

In the theoretical last attack, Jordan defended Meng Lang alone.

Last 12 seconds.

Meng Lang looked at the eager Jordan and kept saying in his heart:
He is more tired than me, he is more tired than me...

Then start dribbling!
Jordan discovered that Meng Lang was not in a hurry to break through directly this time, but wanted to drive his pace through dribbling.

whispering sound!
Damn guy...

Jordan cursed secretly and kept cheering himself up:
If we defend this goal, we will win. If we defend this goal, we will win!
Meng Lang dribbled the ball under his crotch and got up, breaking through from Jordan's left side. However, Jordan followed this step very well, but Meng Lang himself almost lost the ball. He just dribbles in front of his body and dribbles under his hips to control his center of gravity.

Immediately broke through again...

This set of movements makes it difficult to lift his entire foot.

But he still gritted his teeth and kept secretly saying;
He is more tired than me, he is more tired than me, this old bastard is more tired than me!
Breaking through again, he was blocked again. He dribbled the ball behind his back and handed it to the other hand. Meng Lang suddenly changed the direction of the breakthrough, but at the same time as he started, he took a lateral step and retreated outside the three-point line. Jordan did not expect that Meng Lang could still do it. With such a large movement, the entire center of gravity was completely unbalanced. Before the foot that fell backward could be firmly planted, the whole body fell to the ground.


There were exclamations and low shouts at the scene.

Then it turned into more exaggerated boos.

Meng Lang glanced at the time, 3.2 seconds!
He adjusted slightly, looked at his toes again, and then jumped up and shot.

"It's over, Michael!"

The ball seemed to fly in the air for an eternity, and then fell straight into the basket.

In! (End of chapter)

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