So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 215 Trade me now

Early the next morning, news of the Lakers' championship officially spread to the outside world.

The "turn of the century" after Meng Lang slumped over Jordan was the cover chosen by most media.

No way, this is too attractive.

In the words of an ESPN expert: "All fans who see this photo will be upset that they missed last night's live broadcast. They will try their best to find the original video to see what happened!"

In fact, not only the shots of this last scene, but also the two overtimes and the 50 points scored by Meng Lang and Jordan each can prove how exciting this game was.

ESPN described last night’s game this way: “For a long time in the future, it may be difficult to have opponents like Michael Jordan and Meng Lang!”

This is really an "ultimate battle"!
In addition, the photo of Meng Lang with Larry Bird and Thomas has also become the content of most media reports. The news headline of three generations of "Joe Catchers" is an eye-catching one.

This represents Michael Jordan's "fall from power" because many media dare to make fun of him.

And Orlando was once again dragged out of the "whipping corpse", and the Los Angeles media had an eye-catching headline:
"Dream, how did we get you from Orlando? Oh, it turns out Orlando has a fool!"

Faced with such ridicule, the Orlando media really couldn't say a word in reply.

Meng Lang proved his ability to lead the team in the first year after he left. Now even the toughest "Orlando Sentinel" can't say that Meng Lang can be so successful because the Magic's lineup is solid enough.

But in the end, they changed places and defeated the Bulls who were eliminated by the Magic... This is enough to show that it was not the Orlando Magic that year, but his dream!

This is the reaction of most of the media. In Miami, following the instructions of Pat Riley, the Miami media acted separately and compared Meng Lang and Shaquille O'Neal from various angles. Some media said, "After the Magic changed their lineup, There is indeed a reason why he can win the championship. Dream is more suitable to be the core of a team than Shaq." Some media said, "It was the biggest regret that I could not win Dream at that time. But choosing Shaquille O'Neal, Some people are sick and seek medical treatment urgently. We should keep Mourning." Some even said, "It turns out that without Meng Lang, Shaquille O'Neal couldn't even beat Olajuwon"...

This sentence stung Shaquille O'Neal's little heart. I woke up early in the morning and kept clutching my chest. Originally, he wanted to pretend not to see these reports. But the problem's not just him who sees these reports, but also other Miamians.

So when he walked on the street, someone would hear from the side: "Hey, Shaq, when Dream wins his fifth career championship, can we win our first championship in team history?"

When I go to eat, there will be people next to me: "Shaq, you should send a message to Dream and ask him to come to Miami. I believe that with him here, you will continue to take care of it!"

On the way home... "Shaq, do you think you are worth 100 million?"


After returning home, Shaq finally couldn't bear it any longer and started beating the sandbag hanging in the living room. The more he beat, the more aggrieved he became. He almost burst into tears holding the sandbag.

He really didn't expect that when Meng Lang won the championship, Miami fans would be so aggressive towards him!
No, it’s mainly because these Miami media are so cruel...

This is to punish him to death!

But what could he say in reply?

Meng Lang did win the championship. Without Meng Lang, he really couldn't beat Olajuwon.

These are all facts!

In desperation, Shaquille O'Neal could only make a phone call; "Hey, man, prepare the second phase of the special training plan for me... Well, I think I just discovered that I am a 'training freak', I can't wait Need to strengthen training! "

He can only give Miami people one attitude...

How about saying "Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat"!

Shaquille O'Neal was troubled by these public opinions, and Scottie Pippen was in a similar situation.

When he woke up, he found that he was being scolded all over Chicago.

As if he had done something heinous!
Originally, when Klaus called him yesterday, he was upset. What did he mean that the contract would not be renewed? What did he mean that I was worth 2 million! Hell, I'm an All-Star forward in the Eastern Conference. The current round of abuse from the Chicago media has made him feel that he has no affection for the city, and that the city even has no sympathy for him...


Have you forgotten that I won 4 championships for this city?

Where is my damn respect?

He wished he could openly shout to all Chicagoans now: "You are all a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

Then he shouted to Klaus: "If you have the ability, trade me!"

But he has been unable to make up his mind in this regard.

After all, Pippen is quite like Ah Q. After venting his anger, his mood immediately improved a lot, and he was no longer in a hurry to do hot-headed things.

Krause waited for two days and saw that Pippen did nothing unusual. He couldn't help it at that time. He immediately called and continued to arrange the second wave of public opinion attacks: "More deals with Scottie Pippen." Related rumors!"

He didn't believe it anymore. When rumors about Pippen's trade were flying everywhere, this guy could still be a turtle, hiding in his shell and not reacting.

"By the way, let's dig out all the key battles that he didn't win well in the past and intensify the hostility of Chicagoans towards him!"

Thinking about Pippen's endurance, Klaus finally decided to add more fire.

It's not just Miami and Chicago that are engaged in a public opinion war. Boston's "living fossil" Auerbach has also been sending signals through his old acquaintances in the media that "Van Horn is the second generation of Larry Bird." After thinking about it, he also instructed: "You can put this sentence on my head and say that I think so after reading his trial report! If the Philadelphia 76ers or the New Jersey Nets If you choose him, you will definitely get a future superstar!”

The game was fierce outside, but Los Angeles had been immersed in the atmosphere of winning the championship. For several days, it was very lively.

Meng Lang took LeBron around Los Angeles for two days. The bustling place made the "future King" from Akron a little overwhelmed. For two days in a row, I felt like I was in another world. I even went back to the hotel to rest at night. In my dreams at night, I felt like my grown-up self, enjoying everything in Los Angeles.

This place suddenly became a dream in the heart of young LeBron. Like a seed, it was sown in the soil of his heart.

"These are the things basketball can bring me!"

Thinking of this, his heart became a little hotter.

Tai Lun reported to Meng Lang the specific progress of the Adidas Youth Training Camp. The venue was almost ready, and the first training camp also sent invitation letters to 30 students as requested by Meng Lang.

These 30 students are all current primary school students and junior high school students. As far as Tai Lun knows, Meng Lang sent the invitation letter after getting to know each area. They are 30 students who he thinks are likely to perform well in the NBA in the future.

Well... Actually, it was Meng Lang who opened his "eyes in the sky" and gathered all the future "stars" together.

He wants to make this first youth training camp a classic "one".

On the roster he currently has, what he can see is Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh, Iguodala, Dwyane Wade, Stoudemire...

Of course, he can't call all future "star players".

Not to mention that there are not so many high-quality star players, even if there were, he would not be able to do this because it would be too scary.

Before the Adidas Junior Training Camp, the Lakers held a "Champions Parade".

Meng Lang sprayed champagne wildly on the bus, while the fans around the bus were like devout believers, bathing in the "holy water" and even opened their mouths to taste the "holy water".

Everything is crazy.

"Magic" Johnson announced at the end of the "Parade of Champions" that he will retire this summer.

The knee sprain in the finals was a minor episode, but in the finals, he felt that he was out of touch with the current league. He was becoming more and more unable to do what he wanted. If he continues to play next season, it will definitely be even worse: " My pride made me choose to leave before I became a drag on the team. I am grateful to Dream, whose appearance allowed me to retire with satisfaction!”

Ten finals and six championship rings, Johnson's career is perfect enough.

Letting his number of championships reach twice that of his "old rival" Larry Bird leaves him with no other wish.

"I'm very happy to form the Sheath Gang with Dream."

This started a trend throughout the league.

"The moment I handed the Finals MVP to Dream on the stage of the Finals, I knew that all my missions were accomplished!"

"Everything is the best arrangement. Finally, let me shout out, Lakers!!!!"

After saying this, the scene was filled with wild cheers.

Unstoppable tears appeared in the corners of Johnson's eyes. It was obvious that he did not want to retire. For a "heavy spotlight enthusiast" like him, losing the spotlight would be difficult. The good news is that his story with Meng Lang is enough to feed him for another two or three years.

It is foreseeable that during the period after his retirement, there will be various interviews inviting him to tell interesting stories about his comeback year.

This made him no longer panic.

But for the Lakers, losing "Magic" means that there is a vacancy in their "five small lineups" in the new season, and someone needs to fill this vacancy. Don't look at "Magic" who only averaged 14.3 points and 5.5 rebounds per game last season. 4.5 assists, but as the season progresses, especially when playing tactics centered on Meng Lang's running without the ball, his ball holding and passing are a key part of the lineup.

One of the more fatal things is...

There is no one left on the Lakers who can replace him in this role.

And it's not just Johnson who is retiring, but also "Old Dunk King" Wilkins.

After winning the championship with the team, he no longer has any obsession with the league.

In other words, he now sees clearly that he wants to prove that the Eagles made the wrong choice in trading him, and he no longer has the ability to do it.

He did not announce his retirement in public like Johnson because he did not have such weight in Los Angeles. He announced it to the media after the tour.

As a result, not only are the main players' positions lacking, but the depth of the bench has also been reduced.

The only good news may be that the free market has not yet opened, and opportunities for reinforcement still exist.

If Johnson and Wilkins wait until two months after the free market starts to announce this matter, then they will have even more headaches.

"Man, why don't you try it and fight this kid two times one by one!"

At the party after the "Champions Parade", Meng Lang saw that Kobe was going to train before the party was over, so he stopped him and asked him to have a bullfight with LeBron James, whom he had brought.

Kobe glanced at LeBron and sneered: "Meng, do you think I can't even deal with a high school student?"

"Didn't you almost fall over when you had a bullfight with Tracy last year?" Meng Lang showed no mercy.

"I..." Kobe Bryant said, and began to look at LeBron seriously, and said, "This high school student is really strong!"

LeBron James couldn't bear it anymore and corrected him: "Uncle, I'm not a high school student, I'm only in the second grade of junior high school!"

"Huh?" Kobe was stunned. At almost 1 meters tall, he was only about half a head shorter than him, right? This figure is almost as strong as him, and look at the muscle lines that are starting to become obvious on this arm...

Whose junior high school grew up like this!
Are you sure you're not kidding me?

He asked Meng Lang with his eyes.

Meng Lang explained: "He is really a junior high school student!"

"...OK, come on!" Even Kobe was a little curious now. He wanted to see what the basketball prowess of this 14-year-old "junior high school student" who looked like an 18-year-old was.

Meng Lang quickly took his camera to record this moment.

This is the scene of the first battle between No. 23 and No. 24 in the future.

As a man with "eyes in the sky", Meng Lang is increasingly interested in recording these moments that are destined to become classics in the future.

Kobe watched him take out the camera, but frowned. He had not very good memories of Meng Lang taking out the camera.

Meng Lang pointed out: "Kobe, maybe he and you will become a pair of rivals in the league in the future, just like me and Michael..." Of course, the premise is that LeBron, this kid, doesn't miss the key this time. .

Kobe laughed disapprovingly.

At this time, in Chicago, Scottie Pippen finally couldn't stand the attacks on him by the media and fans, and called Krause: "Listen, damn tuber, trade me now. I want you bastards to regret it. I want you to know what kind of wealth you have lost by losing me! "(End of Chapter)

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