So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 216 Dream, can you be my godfather?

Krause acted quickly. When Pippen called and asked for a trade the next day, the matter had already spread throughout the league.

Pippen is still very marketable, even if his performance in the Finals was not good.

Maybe it's really not suitable to be the "second boss" of a team.

But the "third boss", or some "second boss" whose goal is only to enter the playoffs in the new season, are very good choices.

More importantly, he only has a one-year contract. When the contract expires next summer, you can decide whether to renew it based on his performance in the new season.

There have always been many players who broke out in "contract years"...

All things considered, this is a very good signing.

This is especially true after the crazy trading days last summer.

Pippen can be considered a relatively good "high-quality asset" this year.

This is also the reason why Klaus is eager to make a move. He knows that Pippen is the most valuable summer this year, and he will not be willing to pay a high price to renew Pippen next summer, so he is eager to make a move for Pippen.

Another point is that the average age of the Bulls is too old. From the perspective of his general manager, he has to reduce the age of the Bulls.

Michael Jordan is an immovable asset for the Bulls. Although others can be replaced by others, they can achieve the bargaining chip to continue the Bulls' level. It can be said that none of them can. Including Kukoc, the aura that just entered the league in the 93-94 season has long been finalized after the past three or four years. He is now a "Best Sixth Man" level player, and other teams will not do it for him. He gives better leverage.

Of course, more importantly, Klaus was reluctant to trade him.

Only Pippen, no matter in terms of reputation, personal experience, or positioning in the Bulls, is a high-quality asset that some young teams urgently need.

Jerry West is also somewhat moved.

He even had a special phone call with Meng Lang.

In fact, professional general managers, regardless of their qualifications and prestige, will inform the team owner before making a big deal. It does not mean "see if I can do this", but "I am ready to do this". If you do this, I’ll tell you first.”

Because of the personnel relationships in the team, the general manager doesn't know too much in detail. At most, he knows who is not easy to deal with, who is very close to whom, and this person is not easy to touch. But how can we say anything about relationships accurately? What if we hit the point of a gun?
By then, the relationship between the two people will be strained.

Just like Klaus and Jordan.

Trading Pippen will inevitably involve some bargaining chips. If an inconspicuous "water cooler player" is Meng Lang's good friend, wouldn't it mean that he traded his friend without Meng Lang's knowledge?

No one in the league doesn't know that what Meng Lang cares about most is respect.

He had just regained the championship for the Lakers. Not to mention Jerry West, even Buss must give this respect.

The Lakers have always done a good job in this regard.

Meng Lang already knew about Pippen's request for a trade.

He wasn't surprised either.

Because the Bulls originally won the championship, there were similar rumors.

The reason is the inevitable big contract renewal.

Scottie Pippen has reached this stage of his career. He no longer cares about honors, and his historical status is almost fixed. There is only one thing he wants now:
That’s a big contract!

In terms of his ability, Meng Lang feels that the Lakers can go for Pippen.

Just enough to fill the vacancy when Johnson retires.

Even strengthened.

Regardless of the finals, he failed to fulfill his role as the "second boss".

But that was because of guarding Meng Lang.

Nowadays, every perimeter defensive player in the league counts. Anyone who defends him will almost always have physical problems that will affect the offensive end. But there is only one Meng Lang in this alliance.

With Meng Lang by his side, Pippen might be able to regain his second youth!

Don't forget, the "Pi Lao Er" who got a big contract in the Trail Blazers almost helped the team reach the finals.

He has not yet reached the point where "Lian Po is old".

But the problem remains the same. Pippen wants a big contract, and the new season is still the last year of his old contract. This means that even if he is traded and cannot be given a big contract, he will still leave the Lakers.

Pippen only recognizes money...

This is understandable.

No matter how charming Meng Lang is, he can't compare to those bundles of beautiful knives.

So what kind of chips are used to trade Pippen, who may only have one year of usage rights, is what Jerry West needs to consider.

However, Meng Lang did not emphasize this to Jerry West.

The brains of "logo men" are famous in the industry.

How could Jerry West not understand what he could understand?

Meng Lang felt that there was a high probability that he would not give the Bulls the chips they wanted.

At this moment, Meng Lang reacted belatedly:
Why did you get to the quotation stage so quickly?

In the original summer of 97, although there were rumors similar to the Pippen trade, after Jordan said, "If Pippen is traded, I can retire," the Bulls were able to retain the original team and eventually won the "three consecutive championships." Achievements in Michael Jordan’s “dynasty”…

Now some teams have already started to make offers?

It seems that the Bulls' loss this year has changed a lot of things, right?
Meng Lang was a little proud:

My "butterfly" is quite powerful!

In the next few days, the Adidas Youth Training Camp officially opened, and Meng Lang focused all his attention on it. He didn't pay much attention to the progress of Pippen's trade. He knew very well that the current situation in Los Angeles should not be solved. Pippen.

Although it should feel good to bring Pippen to torture Jordan again, but if it is at the expense of Kobe, Jones and Ben Wallace, then Meng Lang still feels that it is better for the Lakers to settle for the status quo.

He is still young anyway, and even if he runs with them in the new season and waits for them to continue to grow for a year, he will have enough time to build a dynasty.

This is probably the benefit of early success! At the same time, in Chicago, Michael Jordan's villa, he looked at Scottie Pippen in front of him with an ugly face, looked at this old friend who had fought alongside him for so many years, and listened to his slightly excited words. Criticism: "Michael, you have everything, but what about me? I only have more than 2 million a year, and that damn consumption guy even said that I only deserve so much. This city doesn't respect me. Why should I?" I still want to stay here. I just want to tell you today, Michael, that I have no objection to you, but this city has disappointed me so much. I must leave. No one’s persuasion is of any use!”

Jordan wanted to say: "I advised you not to sign such a long contract. Not only did I persuade you, but the owner of the Bulls also advised you, but you didn't listen. You insisted on signing such a big contract. What can I do? "

Next to him, Pippen's wife Lasalle was holding 4-year-old Marcus and couldn't help but said: "Scotty, calm down, don't scare this child."

Pippen glared back at her, but his tone finally softened when facing Jordan: "It was a pleasure working with you, Michael, I'm leaving."

With that said, he pulled Lasalle and left Jordan's house.

Jordan looked helplessly at his retreating figure, knowing that this time, even if he forced Krause to unilaterally not trade Pippen. This matter will be going on for a long time, and it’s not necessarily a perfect ending.

That would be a waste of time... and would make this team completely out of control.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

Jordan knew very well that it was time for the Bulls to change again, but he was unconvinced and still called Krause: "Damn guy, I'm waiting for you to bring me good news!"

"Michael, you should know that this is Scottie's attitude, not mine. I am just fulfilling him. I am also doing this for the good of this team, but rebuilding is not an easy thing. I will bring a very good team." Guy, but whether the Bulls can quickly return to competitiveness depends on you and Phil Jackson, not on me!" Krause got a good deal, and when the busy signal came on the phone, he showed his great success. A winning smile.

On June 6, the annual draft came as scheduled.

Meng Lang was also looking forward to the moment when the "maximum number" entered the field, and had already decided to stay in front of the TV on time to watch the game.

But that morning, a very tragic thing happened in the training camp. A student accidentally sprained his ligament during the confrontation, causing the ligament to tear. Watching him being carried away on a stretcher, Meng Lang shook his head helplessly. .

Although he was extremely unfamiliar with the name Brand Camby, he also knew that if it weren't for this training camp, he would not have encountered such a thing, so he asked Tyron to talk to the Adidas staff about this kid. The subsidy is responsible for finding a way for this child to make a living and be self-sufficient.

This incident seemed to be a huge blow to LeBron.

He looked distracted all morning and made several mistakes during training.

This is not his normal state.

Meng Lang chatted with him during his lunch break. He felt that Canby's injury might have brought some psychological shadow to him. He was not wrong. He watched the child being carried out of the stadium and listened to the staff nearby saying that his life was basically ruined. Although torn ligaments can be recovered, they will affect athletic ability, especially with current medical treatments. Only then did LeBron James discover that this sport that could change his destiny could also ruin his life.

He didn't want to let himself and his mother suffer anymore.

He fears returning to those days.

So much so that he was a little worried about gains and losses.

Looking at Meng Lang who was a little worried about him, LeBron James suddenly discovered that it was not just the sport of basketball that could change his destiny, but also Meng Lang, who had already become famous. He knows that Meng Lang even defeated Michael Jordan. He is the real "number one in the league" in the NBA. If we can deepen our bond with him, even if he is really seriously injured and unable to engage in basketball, Exercise, then...

"Dream, I have never known who my father is since I was a child. I am very grateful to you for taking care of me. You made me feel the family-like affection. Apart from my mother, I have never felt so much affection from anyone else. Good intentions, dream, can you be my godfather?”

Children's thoughts are always easy to guess.

Meng Lang thought for a moment, then looked at LeBron's expectant eyes, and immediately understood what LeBron was really thinking.


He seemed to have no reason to refuse.

No matter from which point of view, he has the ability to become the godfather of one or several children. also destined to be with him.

After all, the first time he asked his bodyguard to "hero save the beauty", he happened to save Gloria. This was fate.

He patted LeBron on the shoulder: "Don't you need to ask your mother? Such a big thing!"

LeBron almost blurted out: "She has already asked me to treat you as my father."

But I immediately remembered that this was just my childhood self who had misunderstood.

After thinking for a while, he said: "She will agree. She has always been grateful to you, godfather!"

He is truly worthy of LeBron, with his vision and ability to climb along the stick.

Meng Lang nodded.

When LeBron saw that Meng Lang agreed, he wished that the media would come to interview him immediately. He also wanted to implement this matter in public as soon as possible.

But now, he is indeed much more settled, and during the afternoon training, he returned to his previous level.

That night, the 97 draft officially arrived.

Shortly after Meng Lang arrived home, the live broadcast officially started. David Stern came on stage amidst boos and officially announced this year's "No. 1997 pick": "With the first pick in the first round of the 76 NBA Draft, the Philadelphia ers selected ...Tim Duncan, from Wake Forest!”

The camera at the scene followed his broadcast and showed a man with a square face and an honest look.

His face was expressionless, and he looked like he had "facial paralysis."

The moment he put on a Philadelphia 76ers cap, there were sad voices in Boston and San Antonio.

Auerbach and Popovich look as if they are 10 years older.

They worked hard all season, but it was all in vain.

The general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers watched with high spirits as Tim Duncan came on stage to shake hands with David Stern.

Meng Lang's eyes flashed as he watched this scene: "Here it comes, here it comes, the most terrifying 'maximum number' in the history of the NBA."

And this time his partner is Allen Iverson, the "super scorer."

But don't think that in the 04 Olympics, the "Dream Team" of the United States only won the bronze medal, so that they are not a good match.

First of all, the restrictions of "zone defense" on Allen Iverson are there.

Another backcourt of the 04 "American Dream Team" is Allen Iverson and Marbury. No matter who looks at this, they are a "point-giving boy" combination.

This was the main reason why the "American Dream Team" lost in 04.

And as for Tim Duncan's "compatibility", as long as enough time is given, compatibility with Allen Iverson is not something that can be grasped? (End of this chapter)

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