So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 52 Before the Finals

Chapter 52 Before the Finals
  4 month 10 day.

The much-anticipated NCAA Finals has officially begun.

The neutral venue hosting the NCAA Finals this year is the Alamodome in San Antonio.

This is a large arena that has just been built. It was officially opened on May 5th and will be put into use as the home arena of the NBA San Antonio Spurs and the CFL San Antonio Texans.

It can accommodate approximately 6 spectators.

And that's the size of the NCAA Finals. The NCAA Finals are held in similar venues every year. And it’s still hard to get a vote. This shows just how popular "March Madness" is.

Also, without such popularity, can the NBA make way for it?
  With such a scale, the audience seats on the sidelines are naturally star-studded.

Not only the general managers of each team and NBA stars, but also some of America's most popular singers and Hollywood movie stars can be found in the audience on the sidelines.

The whole scene was very lively.

"Dream, aren't you nervous?"

After entering the scene and sitting down on the bench, Antonio listened to the deafening cheers of the audience and felt that his heart beat faster. Then he looked at Meng Lang next to him. He was tied up as if nothing was wrong. Your own shoelaces. There is no difference from usual.

After all, he has already played in two finals and has a certain degree of adaptability to such scenes. He just had these slight reactions. When he entered the finals for the first time and stepped onto a similar venue, he felt his legs were shaking.

Meng Lang's calmness was beyond his expectation.

He thought that at least this guy would behave a little abnormally.

Is this a "super newcomer"?

Meng Lang pointed to the auditorium behind him, where there was a large group of "blue people". The scale is more exaggerated than ever before.

Why are you so nervous about this familiar scene?
  "You're really calm!"

In the private room on the attic, a middle-aged man who looked very lucky was also sighing. Next to him, another middle-aged man elegantly lit a cigar. The moment he held it between his two fingers and held it to the corner of his mouth, he showed his bossy temperament.

If there are NBA fans present, they will definitely recognize them at a glance. This is the general manager of the Orlando Magic, Pat Williams, and the head coach, Chuck Daly.

"Don't be so surprised about this, right? After all, he is now the newcomer you want to choose the most!"

"It's not just me..." Pat did not refute what Chuck Daly said, because Daly was right. After a season of observation, he is now more and more interested in Meng Lang.

The Magic are in a critical period of competing for the playoffs, but the Magic's record is basically certain, and the overall ranking is about 18th in the league. This means that if nothing else happens, they will get around the 11th pick in the first round.

The potential players in this pick are Alan Houston, Scott Haskin, Doug Edwards, Lynch Hunter...

Not as good as Meng Lang!


There are too many general managers interested in Meng Lang now.

As Pat knew, Jerry West also came to the scene today. This was his third time watching Meng Lang play in person.

Although the signal the Lakers have been sending is watching North Carolina's George Lynch.

But, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing with me?
  The moment George sat on the ground and cried loudly, it was impossible for him to be selected first than Meng Lang.

Chuck Daly kept his eyes fixed on the big screen. When a close-up of Meng Lang warming up appeared on the screen again, his eyes narrowed into slits. It was not because of the cigar smoke, but because of Meng Lang's performance this year. He felt a great sense of accomplishment, and it was worth the trouble he went through when he accepted the offer from Sports Illustrated.

His eyes are so vicious!

Taking a deep breath, the burning cigarette butt became even redder.

Before he was filled with smoke, two "old smokers" in the next room had already "shot".

One of them was none other than Michael Jordan, who had previously made up his mind to come to watch the game. Sitting next to him was his former Bulls teammate, his die-hard bodyguard, and his best buddy "Old Oak" Charles O. Klee.

"Man, these North Carolina kids are a little serious!" They had just come out of the North Carolina locker room, and Jordan made a special trip to their locker room before the game to cheer them on.

This move made Oakley feel that Jordan valued this victory.

It’s not just about the friendship with your alma mater, right?

He thought of the rumors that were still circulating and suddenly laughed strangely, but he did not ask.

It's not without reason that he became Jordan's close friend. What Oakley knows best is his "little brother" and what should and shouldn't be asked.

Michael Jordan enjoys everyone worshiping him, especially those around him.

So even if he thought about it, he would not speak.

Jordan glanced at him. He also knew Oakley very well. This kid must have thought of something funny, but he didn't say it. There was a high probability that this funny thing had something to do with him. Jordan gave Oakley an eye roll that lasted for a long time, and he almost didn't roll his eyes back.

"Michael, are you really so sure that North Carolina will have the last laugh today?" Oakley could only find a random question to cover up his embarrassment.

"Of course!" Jordan said with a "Aren't you talking nonsense" expression on his face.

Oakley couldn't help but cursed:

I'm afraid you're not so sure, right?

If he was really so determined, he believed that Jordan would not sit in the box, but just sit casually in the audience on the sidelines.

"Okay, guys, the game is about to begin. Think about that night, think about how we got here, think about how eager we are to have this opportunity again, and now the time has come to make this last game beautiful. Let’s win!”

In front of North Carolina's bench on the sidelines, Smith's words were inspiring.

George Lynch secretly clenched his fists.

He has seen all the recent media predictions, and no media has ranked him ahead of Meng Lang.

He knows what this means better than anyone else!

Now, this is his only chance in this life, and he must prove himself tonight.

Not only to restore North Carolina's glory, but also to his own future and destiny.

This battle...

Don't miss out!

The eyes full of desire met another pair of eyes full of desire after entering the stage.

In less than a second, George Lynch avoided it.

He is cowardly!

The owner of those eyes was none other than Meng Lang.

Nearly a month and a half had passed since the ACC finals, but Lynch still didn't dare to face Meng Lang.

He would still think of the last attack of the day, Meng Lang's retreat, which seemed to create a chasm between them. He had dreamed about it many times, and every time he could only watch Meng Lang make that killer shot. Slowly, this scene made him feel palpitations.

The good news is that Meng Lang didn't look at him. What he thought was eye contact was actually Meng Lang's eyes falling on the audience seat opposite.

That's the gathering area for North Carolina fans.

There was pity in Meng Lang's eyes because he didn't see Jordan on the sidelines.

 I should be able to finish writing the finals tomorrow, and then I have one week left to write about the draft. I will finish writing all the content before entering the NBA before putting it on the shelf. In fact, the pace is really good, because I have written three parts in total, including the Dream Team and NCAA. There is a draft.

  (End of this chapter)

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