Chapter 53 OMG
  This is the fourth time North Carolina and Duke have met this season. Many NBA teams do not encounter this many times in 82 games a season. They are already very familiar with each other's lineups and opening routines.

Plus both sides have a reason to fight for it.

On Duke's side, except for Meng Lang, everyone else wants to become a member of the "NCAA's second three consecutive championships" and become part of the NCAA's glorious history.

Meng Lang is just a latecomer. Before he came, this team had already won "two consecutive championships."

The reason why he fought so hard was just to have a higher draft pick.

as well as……

He didn't want to lose to a team he'd beaten three times this season, which would give these bitches a legendary season to be praised by posterity.

The legend of Michael Jordan is not only that he won two "three consecutive championships", but also that he persisted without a championship for the first eight years. Failure is a very important part of sports competition. No one can win all the time, but you must have a heart to win and win as much as possible.

Great players are nothing less than that.

If North Carolina wins the championship this season, it will be a "miniature version" of Michael Jordan's career.

This is exactly what Smith has said the most this season.

Jordan just entered the locker room and mentioned this:
  The greatest victory is the end of all hardships!
  The two sides were full of tension, and the initial confrontation was so fierce that neither side scored any points in the first three minutes of the game.

The audience was not bored by the sound of "clang, bang, bang", especially the North Carolina and Duke fans. Most of them were holding their breath. They were holding their throats and secretly accumulating energy, waiting for their team to be the first to "break the egg." , sent cheers immediately.

"This is really strong!"

Oakley doesn't pay much attention to the NCAA, and he accompanied Jordan to watch the game today. The last time he watched the NCAA finals was five or six years ago, when he was still with the Bulls. The intensity of the opening game between the two teams scared him a bit. They were truly "mortal enemies" and they were heading towards death!
  Jordan didn't respond, his attention focused on the big screen.

At such an anxious moment, whoever scores the first goal will dominate the field in the next few minutes. Very critical.

On the court, a figure jumped out from outside the right three-point line, causing his pupils to shrink:
  Duke No. 9 took the ball and jumped up. The defender in front of him was already making up the ball quickly, but this guy's shot was faster.

A three-point shot hit the opponent's head, and the ball hit the frame.


In the ESPN commentary box, Mike Breen's "shooting sound" aroused cheers from the audience.

"This bitch..." Jordan gritted his teeth.

Oakley looked at Jordan with interest, then at Meng Lang, who was shown a close-up shot on the big screen, and thought of something happy again.

"This kid can always have an impact when he gets the ball at critical moments!" In the private room next door, Pat was satisfied with the ball. This is not the first time he has seen Meng Lang score at a critical moment. If this kind of thing always happens, it shows that Meng Lang has qualities that ordinary players do not have:
  "Big heart"!
  This is actually a kind of talent, just like a good "sharp shooter" is always born.

Old K also breathed a sigh of relief. After this goal, Duke's players no longer tensed up like North Carolina and became more comfortable on the court.

At 4 minutes and 34 seconds, after Montrose got stuck under the basket, he smoothly turned and hooked, finally allowing North Carolina to get its first point of the finals.

But at this moment, Duke already leads 7-2 by 5 points.

"damn it!"

Smith cursed softly when he saw this.

He was scolding Meng Lang's three-pointer just now.

From the beginning of this game, his defensive strategy continued from the second half of the ACC Finals. In that game, they relied on the strategy of "blocking the three-point line, focusing on the mid-range, and focusing on the inside" to go from falling behind to becoming lead.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment of this game, Meng Lang's three-pointer broke Duke's game.

This guy is really tricky!
  Unable to catch up with 5 points, Smith chose to call a timeout.

His eyes fell on George Lynch. I felt a pain in my heart.


Before the game started, he looked at this guy with determination in his eyes. He thought he would perform well once the game started.


3 of 0 shots!
  With your eyes closed, your eyes are determined, right?
  He felt that he was sick and actually compared this kid with Michael Jordan. If Jordan knew about this, I'm afraid he would be ashamed and commit suicide.


"George, at this stage of your basketball career, Michael is actually just like you. He also has a lot of down nights, but he still believes in himself, just like I still believe in you. Good players can always overcome everything, and I always I firmly believe that You are the key to North Carolina’s success!”

This is the most fucked up thing, he has to continue to treat this kid like Jordan.

Not only was he lying to him, but now Smith was even lying to himself.


The power of "trust" is infinite.

George Lynch came on the field again, and he really showed a different state. After making 3 of 0 shots, he quickly hit the first goal of the game, followed by the second and third.

At the end of the first half, George Lynch's score reached 7 points.

In the remaining 15 minutes of the first half, his performance was completely different.

He and Montrose "one inside and one outside" supported North Carolina's offensive end.

It's just that Duke's combination of Hill and Meng Lang is equally fierce. More importantly, Bob Hurley also performed well today, making 6 of 4 shots and scoring 9 points.

With more than nine minutes left in the second half, Duke's lead was stable at 9 points.

It can be seen that North Carolina has been working hard to catch up, but with this 7-point difference, they can't catch up no matter what.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

When the order of the scores on the field was fixed as "Duke scores, North Carolina scores", the "big orange" of this game has basically been determined.

Mike Breen is a safe commentator, but he couldn't help but said: "If North Carolina still wants to reverse the score, then some players must stand up and show a state that is not usually used!"

He added in his mind:
  At least to the extent that George Lynch became Michael Jordan.

Oh, he's not talking about college Jordan, but NBA Jordan!

It can be seen how passive North Carolina's situation is.

This can also be seen from Jordan's stinking black expression.

At this point in the game, it is really difficult. If Jordan were LeBron, he would have already gotten up and prepared to leave early.

"Blue Devils" fans began to wave the team flag and celebrate the upcoming "three consecutive championships" 8 minutes later!
  But at this moment, on the court, Grant Hill broke through the basket in a dashing way and collided with Kevin Thompson in the air. His center of gravity was unbalanced and he did not step firmly when he landed. He stumbled to the ground and then curled up. , covering his ankle, showing a painful expression.

The waving flag suddenly stopped, and the expression of celebration turned into worry. Old K subconsciously held his head in his hands, and looked at the other Duke players running towards Hill who was lying on the ground with a look of astonishment on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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