So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 58 Instructions and farewell

Chapter 58 Instructions and farewell

Early the next morning, news of Duke's championship hit screens across the country, and news of Meng Lang's announcement to participate in this year's draft also began to ferment.

Amid much discussion, Duke returned to Durham with the championship trophy.

When they came down from the airport, they saw Duke men, women and children who had crowded the entire airport early. They inquired about the return flights of the Blue Devils players early and spontaneously waited here.

They swarmed all the way from the airport to school, giving the Blue Devils players the feeling of being on a championship parade.

This is the kind of fanaticism they didn't experience in the first two championships.

Obviously, after winning the last of the "three consecutive championships", the "Cameron Madmen" became even crazier!
  After returning to school and putting the championship trophy in the display room, the Duke Blue Devils' season has officially come to an end, with a very satisfactory result.

After disbanding the team, Old K kept Meng Lang alone.

Seeing this "uncut jade" that he excavated by himself now shines in North America, he felt truly proud from the bottom of his heart. Just thinking that he will leave Duke this summer and that he will lose the opportunity to coach him, Old K can't help but feel a little sad.

He understood all of Meng Lang's decisions, but regretted that he could only coach Meng Lang for one season.

Parting is always sad.

But when Laettner left, he was not so sad.

"Man, now that you have decided to participate in the draft, there are some things. I must remind you that there is a big difference between professional basketball and the NCAA. You will soon realize this, and you must be fully prepared. Of course , if you encounter a problem, you can call me, Duke and I will always be your backing!" At the end of the sentence, Old K smiled reluctantly. That's probably all he can do for Meng Lang now. .

Meng Lang could feel Old K's concern for him, which made him feel warm.

No matter how later fans evaluate Old K, at least in terms of treating him, Old K is tolerant and compromised.

Meng Lang knew this very well.

  It was also at this time that Meng Lang suddenly realized that if he made a name for himself in the NBA in the future, could the "NCAA Popovich" hat on Old K's head be taken off?

To be honest, Smith is really not much different from Old K. He coached North Carolina for so many years, and eventually a Michael Jordan came out.

Others such as Stackhouse and Vince Carter have not reached their ceiling.

Old K, let me be your "Michael Jordan"!

Before leaving the office, Old K handed Meng Lang a check of 5 U.S. dollars: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, and don't be in a hurry to refuse. I lent these to you. Listen clearly, I lent them to you, and you have to pay them back in the future!" "

After mentioning the important things twice, Meng Lang didn't refuse. After paying back the 1 dollars to his cousin, he really didn't have much money left in his pocket.

In addition, Old K also gave Meng Lang a stack of business cards. Yes, that's right, it was a stack of business cards.

"These are professional agents who hope to contact you through me. Since you have announced your participation in the draft, I think you can't do without the help of these people. Once you have finalized the person you want to choose, just call him. Otherwise, I’m not sure when they will come and harass you!”

Meng Lang nodded, but did not call these business cards after coming out of the arena.

He wasn't the eager one.

He also wanted to see who among these people was the most eager!

This is quite important!

There was a party in the evening, organized by Antonio. When he called, his tone was very excited: "Believe me, Meng, we will have a great time this time!"

To be sure, there was a lot of booze, a lot of horses, and even marijuana!

This is the understanding of "enjoyment" by American college students of this age.

Speaking of horses...

Meng Lang took out his cell phone and called Martha: "Let's talk!"

Now that we are leaving, some relationships should be broken off.

At the same time, the NBA war has reignited, with the Timberwolves and Bulls having games today. It's just that the reporters gathered in Minnesota and Chicago were not rushing to the game. It was the end of the season, and except for the competition for playoff spots between the eighth and ninth teams in the Eastern and Western Conferences, the other games had no gimmicks at all.

The Timberwolves were eliminated early, and the Bulls confirmed their first place in the Eastern Conference early.

These reporters came for Meng Lang again.

Laettner was so angry that he broke his defense again.

First, the Durham commentator, who was born in Duke, publicly called for him to apologize to Meng Lang. This move was supported by many Duke fans, and then Meng Lang directly mocked him for not being the same person as him during the post-game interview. level players.

The bitch!

However, in comparison, the reaction of Duke fans was more painful to him, which deeply hurt Laettner's self-esteem.

He loves Duke, but Duke doesn't love him now!
  Then don't blame me...

"If I wasn't at Duke, I would still be me, and my dominance in the college league would not be affected in any way!"

This wave!
  This wave is called "self-cutting"!
  The "King Duke" who broke the defense and a certain "King" in the future did similar things...

Jordan's attitude has changed a bit compared to his previous black-faced and silent attitude. He actually took the initiative and said: "Yes, I do have a score to settle with that kid!"

Meng Lang's performance in the NCAA Finals made him realize that this kid would also be an outstanding guy in the NBA. There are some qualities that cannot be deceived, and Meng Lang possesses these qualities.

When he realized this, he also had some changes in his psychology towards Meng Lang.

He no longer thought that this was just an ant that accidentally bit the tiger, and he began to regard this boy as his opponent.

And Jordan's attitude towards his opponents cannot be described as simply being petty.

Later, in the Bulls and SuperSonics finals, SuperSonics head coach George Karl felt resentful because he did not say hello to Jordan while dining in a restaurant. Later, the Heat performed well at the beginning of the season. The core of the team, Tim Hardaway, said in an interview with the media, "I don't think we are afraid of any opponent now, including the Bulls." The point he wanted to express was: the Heat are very strong, but Michael Jordan thinks he is He provoked himself and the Bulls, and when they met on the court, he kept grabbing Tim Hardaway's spot and hitting him hard. This made "Xiao Chong" couldn't help but curse when he got up in the middle of the night: No, is this guy sick?

Bai Lun-Scott once said that when defending Jordan, you should not talk to him. During the dialogue, you should always praise him, otherwise any words you say will anger him.

Meng Lang has crossed the line too much than them!
  Not only did Jordan fail to guard him, he also sprayed so many "rebellious" words at Jordan.

I didn't regard this guy as an opponent before, so I didn't bother to hold grudges, but now that Meng Lang's performance has been recognized by Jordan, it's time to settle the score.

"I'm looking forward to the day he enters the league, but I won't answer any questions about him. Let's see what happens in the playoffs first!"

Speaking of this, Jordan's eyes lit up. If he wins the championship this season, he will win the first "three consecutive championships" in his career!
  At the age of thirty!
  Michael Dillon Jordan's speech gave Meng Lang's news another reason to ferment.

At this time, Meng Lang was saying his final fierce farewell to Martha.

Rough breathing filled the room.

The creaking sound of the bed board finally became quiet after more than an hour.

Martha stood up to put on her clothes, but while holding them in her hands, she glanced at Meng Lang speechlessly and shook the pieces of rags, as if to say:
  How to wear this?

Meng Lang smiled awkwardly, and finally Martha put Meng Lang's shirt on herself: "Just think of it as a breakup gift for me!"

Before she left, Meng Lang returned the car keys to her: "I'm very happy to meet you during this period. I hope the next man can be as outstanding as me!"

Martha hesitated for a moment, then looked at Meng Lang's determined look and took the car keys.

"Dream, I'm waiting to see the day when you shine even more dazzlingly, don't let me down!"

She walked very smartly.

When the paths of life no longer overlap, remembering the good memories and saying goodbye gracefully is the most correct choice.

(End of this chapter)

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