So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 59 Finalize the agent.

Chapter 59 Finalize the agent.

Meng Lang is more popular than he thought.

Even before the party started in the evening, there were eager agents waiting downstairs.

Meng Lang met them one by one, including some familiar names:
  Dan Fagan, Bill Duffy, Leon Rose…

It's just that Meng Lang doesn't trust these people.

Dan Fagan was the agent of Joe Smith, the No. 95 pick in 98. In [-], he encouraged his client to sign a "yin and yang contract" with the Timberwolves, which directly led to the fall of an outstanding power forward.

He has done more than one similar stupid thing. In 07, he arranged for Yi Jianlian to have a trial training with a chair, which earned Yi Jianlian the title of "Chair Man". Then he openly fell out with the management of the Bucks, the only high-draft team that wanted to select Yi Jianlian, but in the end he sent Yi Jianlian to the Bucks.

To be honest, Yi Jianlian is responsible for most of Yi Jianlian's unhappiness with the Bucks.

Bill Duffy was a member of the later "Yao Team", focusing on sincerity and kindness.

In 03, his contract with Anthony Carter was about to expire. But Bill Duffy made a mistake here. He forgot to negotiate with the Heat before the contract extension deadline, causing Anthony Carter to automatically give up the remaining one-year contract worth $400 million, and also pushed Anthony Carter into a very embarrassing situation.

Based on Anthony Carter's performance in the 02-03 season, it is difficult for any team to sign him. At this time, Bill Duffy took the initiative to assume all responsibilities. He helped Carter sign a contract with the Spurs with an annual salary of about 100 million, and took out another 300 million US dollars from his own pocket to compensate Anthony Carter for his loss.

This story does sound sincere enough.

But the problem is...

Isn't this what it should be?
  It's your problem in the first place. Isn't everything you do trying to make up for your own mistakes?

If you use this to market your agent, it's really hard to reassure people about his abilities.

Not to mention Leon Rose, the guy who orchestrated LeBron James' infamous "Decision [-]." He was originally a coward who ran away, but now he has become a "public enemy of the United States".

Meng Lang prefers agents like Pelinka to these agents with no name. After the "Eagle County Incident" in 03, he accepted Kobe's agent business and single-handedly created "Black Mamba", "Love Me Or" Hate Me” and similar images brought him back to the mainstream stage.

He also knows where Pelinka is.

This season has just ended as a substitute for the "Michigan Five". Next, he will continue to study for a doctorate in law, and then enter the SFX company in Tellem.

Meng Lang is not in a hurry even if he doesn't have a favorite agent. There is still a long time before the draft starts, and he can slowly choose his agent partner. What he didn't expect was that Leon Rose, who had clearly refused, would appear downstairs in his apartment the next day with someone else.

A stocky body, a face shape and hairstyle like "Magic" Johnson.

Although Meng Lang met them, before Leon Rose could speak, he frowned and said, "This is not the way I like to communicate, when I have already made it clear."

"It's my problem..." The "pirated magician" next to him took the initiative to take responsibility, "Let me introduce myself, my name is William Wesley, and I want to talk to you!"

Hearing his name, Meng Lang's eyes flashed with surprise.

There is an "invisible godfather" in the NBA. NBA players call him "Mighty Wes", and the great LeBron James calls him "Uncle Wes". He helped Jordan run training camps, worked as a bodyguard for Rodman, and went to the Athens Olympics with Allen Iverson. During the All-Star Weekend, he sat next to Jay-Z, the "King of American Hip-Hop".

The name of this "Invisible Godfather" is William Wesley.

Then Meng Lang remembered that LeBron James gave up cooperating with the Goodwin brothers and switched to Leon Rose, and he was among them.

And it was not just such a client who helped him connect Leon Rose. Hamilton was also introduced to Leon Rose by him.

In short, Leon Rose can become an excellent agent thanks to his childhood friend.


This has nothing to do with Meng Lang. He is not optimistic about Leon Rose's ability as an agent. Even if the "invisible godfather" comes, it will be useless.

However, what he didn't expect was that Wesley was not here to persuade Leon Rose, but wanted to introduce a new agent to Meng Lang.

"Arn Talon, this is one of the earliest professional agents in the NBA, and is also the designated agent of the American Blues and MLB. I think his professionalism should be very suitable for you, and he also expressed his desire to cooperate with you. The strong idea is now on the way." Meng Lang is relatively unfamiliar with this name. He only knows that he is an old agent and does not have top NBA stars. However, when the media selects the "Top Ten NBA Agents", he always I can see his figure.

This is actually a skill.

Then Meng Lang learned that this guy's business scope also included endorsements and commercial advertisements for a large number of leagues and teams. And not just for individual players.

With rich experience and experience, Meng Lang is still very interested in such people.

"Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning, I hope he can show up on time!"

"It's a deal, dream!"

Before meeting Arne Talen, Meng Lang received some good news.

The NCAA announced various season awards for the 92-93 season.

Meng Lang became the final MOP on the night of the final, and this time he became the "First Team of the Year" again.

In addition, the Associated Press also selected Meng Lang as the "best team".

Plus the previous ACC First Team and MVP...

Meng Lang has become the most watched player in the NCAA this year, similar to Christian Laettner last year.

But something completely different is:
  Laettner's fame was accumulated over four years, but he became "famous overnight" and became famous throughout the United States.

Therefore, the discussion about him is even louder.

He is on the prediction lists of major media and has basically locked in the top ten spots in the first round.

Of course, the increase in his ranking has nothing to do with him winning these awards. His performance in the finals is the key to his ranking rising again.

After all, the NBA is filled with too many players who won awards in the NCAA and got soft, but immediately became unknown after entering the league...

"Dream, I'm sorry. If possible, I wish I could have introduced my name to you in person yesterday... Let me introduce myself again. My name is Arne Talon, the designated agent of MLB and NBA. I have been in this industry for fifteen years. In the past year, I now have twenty-four customers. This is a big family. I am honored to serve so many customers. Of course, I hope you can join this big family. When you need me, I will be there immediately."

Meng Lang fell in love with Arne Talon the first time he met him.

Because when he spoke, he used the tone of reporting his work to superior leaders.

Meng Lang likes this kind of self-aware agent very much, rather than the kind of agent who talks about his qualifications and how to operate to package him better. As if choosing him is such a lucky thing!

Such brokers are obviously mistaken about who is spending the money.

What is a professional agent?

Even his attitude and understanding towards players are clear:
  This is the "financier's father", this is the "Party A's father"

"Taylen, it's you, prepare the contract and we can sign it!"

Talen obviously didn't expect Meng Lang to be so forthcoming. According to his understanding, Meng Lang even rejected agents such as Dan Fagan and Bill Duffy, who were well-known in the industry. I thought it would be a tough fight.

"Brother, thanks!" After watching Meng Lang leave, he shook hands with Wesley.

"You're welcome, man, that's who I want to be with, too."

When they just exchanged phone numbers, Wesley also successfully got Meng Lang's number.

(End of this chapter)

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