So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 60 Meng Lang’s disciples

Chapter 60 Meng Lang’s disciples
  In the next two days, Meng Lang and Arne Talon finalized the contract details.

This is a 4-year contract.

Arn Tailen charges a total of 10% of Meng Lang's future rookie contract as his fee.

This 10% is divided into two parts:
  Commission is 4%. ——This is a very cheap number, other brokers are basically around 10%.

The remaining 6% will be used for Meng Lang's future living needs, such as attorney fees during litigation. This part of the money is not mandatory, but if it is not given, Meng Lang will have to deal with these things by himself.

Most rookies will give this money, except for some money-grabbing players and players without agents.

Meng Lang didn't hesitate. Professional matters were left to professionals, so the money had to be spent.

There were also a lot of licensing contracts. After comparing, studying and signing these contracts, Meng Lang officially joined Tai Lun's "Timber Corps".

The first activity that Tai Lun took on for Meng Lang was to accept a special interview with "Sports Illustrated" with Lao K.

Old K told the story of how he met Meng Lang. When he heard that such a "super newcomer" came to Duke with a scouting report, the reporters who interviewed him were stunned.

What kind of bad luck is this!

"When I met him, I had a feeling that God would make Duke become the second NCAA team to win the 'three consecutive championships'." Old K pushed Meng Lang to a "new ship" without any objection. "the height of.

After this interview was published, Smith was so upset!
  Duke and North Carolina are so close, why didn't Meng Lang come to North Carolina for an interview?

This made him feel like he had missed out on [-] million, no, [-] million!
  He immediately decided to appropriately relax North Carolina's admissions standards for next year.

Maybe he would meet a second "Meng Lang"?

Smith is not the only college coach who has this idea. Other NCAA Division I head coaches have also set their sights on those high school leagues that lack intensity and reputation, hoping to find "treasures" among them.

For a time, Meng Lang changed the ecological environment of this senior class of high school graduates.

Some players from high school leagues who are not strong enough have more opportunities to try out.

This report also attracted the attention of one person, his name:

Sonny Vaccaro!
  "He wants to see me?"

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment when he heard this name from Tai Lun.

Another boss-level figure.

It was he who used his job guarantee to let Nike sign Michael Jordan, who had yet to make a fortune, with a one-year contract of 50 yuan. This was how Nike started their rise.

Probably for this reason, he left Nike two or three years ago and founded a sports company of his own.

Although there hasn't been much movement in the past few years, Meng Lang knows very well that his legendary story has just begun.

If Meng Lang remembers correctly, he has just entered Adidas and will soon establish the ABCD training camp that will become popular in the future. ——The purpose of this training camp is to discover unknown high school talents in advance.

During the Nike era, Vaccaro had made similar moves, but the concept was still immature in many aspects at the time. After he left, Nike's ABCD training camp became the "All-American Camp", similar to McDonald's All-Star Weekend. , became a showcase for the strongest high school students in the United States.

In order to seize more "stars of tomorrow", Adidas fundamentally reversed the situation of NIKE, which had gradually matured and gradually monopolized NCAA stars and NBA stars. Later, Vaccaro personally took charge and restarted ABCD. Training Camp.

"I guess Adidas wants to sign a contract with you and send him as a lobbyist!" Tai Lun didn't know the future, so he could only express his own ideas. In the past two days, he released the news that Meng Lang was interested in signing sneakers, and Vaccaro immediately contacted him. He couldn't help but connect the two things.

"See you then!"

Talon was only half right. After the meeting, Vaccaro did convey Adidas's intention to sign a contract with Meng Lang, but he also had his own purpose.

"Man, I've been paying attention to you. Ever since you kicked Jordan's ass, I've been very optimistic about your development. You are one of those rare newcomers. Sure enough, you did it. You played the best in the past ten years. No , the most exciting finals solo show in twenty years, that’s your show!”

Vaccaro wasn't just complimentary.

He is really optimistic about Meng Lang, although part of the reason is because Meng Lang has conflicts with Michael Jordan. ——An enemy of an enemy is always a friend.

Back then, he used his job to guarantee Michael Jordan, but when he fell out with Nike, that bitch Michael Jordan looked at the sky-high contract that Nike gave him and resolutely cut off contact with him.

This is very "black"!
  He can accept all this. He still believes that Michael Jordan is a special player, but he expects someone to challenge his status.

Meng Lang is one of the people on his waiting list.

After greetings, Vaccaro got down to business: "Adidas will hold a new ABCD training camp this year. I hope you can become the spokesperson of the training camp. I think your story will definitely be the best for these little guys. of psychoactive cannabis.”

When he was unknown, Meng Lang met Lao K's "intelligent eye". But how many "Meng Langs" are there in the United States who can't meet his "Old K"? ABCD will become these people's "Old K" and make them famous all over the United States!
  Meng Lang did become a little interested after listening to Vaccaro's idea, but he did not show it. Instead, he left the matter entirely to Tai Lun.

In about a week, at the end of April, Tai Lun appeared in front of Meng Lang with two drafts of endorsement contracts.

One of them is a contract to endorse ABCD training camp, a three-year contract, 5 million per year.

Considering Meng Lang's traffic, the cost is actually not high. Of course it's certainly not too low.

There is also a sneaker endorsement contract with Adidas, a 6-year, 4500 million contract. Even in this era, it can be said to be a "sky-high price contract."

You know, Meng Lang has never played in an NBA game until now!

Four years later, in 4, Adidas offered a "sky-high" contract in order to allow McGrady to skip the NCAA and enter the NBA in advance, which was only 97 million for six years.

Meng Lang felt that the sneaker endorsement period was a bit long.

6 million in 4500 years and 750 million in a year. For him now, it is still a relatively considerable figure. But after he entered the league for 6 years, he still received such a sum of money. Isn't this a pure "child labor contract"? ? “Ah En, you have to have enough confidence in me!”

Tai Lun was shocked when he heard that Meng Lang was not satisfied with the time. Players had always asked for long-term salary contracts, and he had never heard of anyone who thought his contract was too long.

Oh, no, there is a player who initially asked for a multi-year contract, but now thinks his contract is too long!
  But such a reason...

Since entering this industry, he has never seen such a confident young man!
  However, adhering to the principle of "customer is God", he negotiated again with Adidas representatives and shortened the endorsement period to 3 years, or 3 million yuan in 2250 years, while keeping the average annual salary unchanged.

Meng Lang no longer hesitated and signed his name on the two contracts.

One is 3 million in three years, and the other is 1500 million in three years. Meng Lang has earned nearly 3 million before he even enters the NBA!

What does a "super newcomer" mean?

When Meng Lang's sneaker endorsement contract with Adidas was revealed, it also successfully aroused heated discussion.

Adidas took the opportunity to introduce Meng Lang’s new identity:

Spokesperson of ABCD training camp!
  The story of Old K's acquaintance with him was circulated in North America just a few days ago. Now Vaccaro shouted in front of all the media: "Talented teenagers, are you eager to become the next Meng Lang? The ABCD training camp is your old K!”

It doesn't take much to figure out how much attention this can attract.

ABCD training camp has successfully become a hot topic during this period.

Vaccaro's goal was achieved!
  In early May, the second round of the NBA playoffs was in full swing, and the first ABCD training camp under Adidas was officially held.

Meng Lang saw a familiar name among them:

"Future Wolf King" Kevin Garnett.

At the moment, he is just a sophomore in high school, has just emerged, and has gained a certain reputation in the American high school basketball circle.

With his long arms and legs, he relied on his agility that didn't match his height and his excellent physical fitness to become the No. 1 player in the first ABCD training camp. ——The rules of the ABCD training camp. After entering the training camp, these children will wear corresponding numbers according to their strength. The weaker the strength, the bigger the number. The hierarchical order of the entire training camp is clear at a glance.

This is to stimulate the competitive spirit of young people.

During the training camp, Vaccaro also used every opportunity to instill in these teenagers the concept of skipping college after graduating from high school and entering the NBA directly. ——This is another reason why he founded the ABCD training camp, to fight against the NCAA!

He believes that the NCAA is exploiting the commercial value of players, no different from white farmers in the 18th century.

Meng Lang was more pleased with him because of this.

Over the past year, he has complained about this matter frequently.

Of course, he also knew that Vaccaro's resistance became empty talk with David Stern's ban. This is also the reason why the ABCD training camp was not established after 07.

Kevin Garnett was moved, his eyes twinkling, but he obviously still had a lot of worries. He actually had enough time to think about this matter from his sophomore year to his senior year. It's just that the young man is so passionate that he can't wait to decide on this matter immediately.

This made Meng Lang feel that Vaccaro was a little bit vicious.

Kevin Garnett asked Meng Lang: "What has the NCAA brought to you?"

Meng Lang smiled and replied: "Anyway, you didn't bring me a sneaker contract worth 50 or 1 million." This is another vicious thing about Vaccaro. He directly gave these shoes worth [-] and [-] million. Contracts are placed in front of these talented teenagers to trick them into skipping the NCAA.

This trick is really easy to use, no boy can resist such a large amount of money.

Especially the black people in the slums have always been counting on using this method to change their class!
  Kevin Garnett smiled. He probably understood what Meng Lang meant.

Meng Lang did not continue.

When a coin is tossed, whether you want heads or tails, you already have the answer in your mind.

"I'm waiting for you in the NBA, Kevin!"

Before leaving, Meng Lang rubbed Kevin Garnett's head, showing off his senior attitude!

The NCAA's MOP is considered a senior to these little kids who are sophomores in high school!

Back in Durham, Meng Lang also talked about interesting things in the ABCD training camp in an interview. What he didn't expect was that these media reporters actually gave these children the title of "Meng Lang's disciples".

But thinking about it again, this can be considered a routine operation of this group of media.

Stephen Curry’s Uncle Carter, Kobe’s “Mamba Disciple” Tatum, and LeBron James’ wholesale “young kings”…

The media is eager to assign a meaning to every intersection, thinking that the contact must have had some impact on these people. They think this is "inheritance."

Just like Meng Lang right now, just like the kids in the ABCD training camp.

In the future, when Kevin Garnett skips college and directly announces his participation in the NBA, reporters will definitely ask Garnett if Meng Lang told you anything.

So when Meng Lang thought about this matter clearly, he was no longer surprised.


  Um! ! !
  He suddenly thought of something very interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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