So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 61 Good luck!

Chapter 61 Good luck!

Chris Webber's sneaker contract with Nike made headlines for the next few days.

The specific number has not been disclosed, but according to ESPN and TNT reports, the average annual salary is no less than [-] million, and in the first year of his rookie season, Nike will release signature shoes for Chris Webber.

In these two aspects, no matter which aspect, Meng Lang has a big gap.

But it's normal. Meng Lang's story is more eye-catching, but the "Michigan Five" directly inspired the entire NCAA. ——Even if it is not a good custom to behave in a flamboyant manner.

In terms of influence, there is still a gap between him and Chris Webber.

Coupled with Chris Webber's status as the "top pick", NIKE successfully signed him, which makes him even more fortunate.

So what if Adidas snatched Meng Lang?

Whoever gets Chris Webber is the real winner this summer!
  On May 5, the second round of the playoffs gradually came to fruition, and the "battle for the No. 12 pick in the 93 draft" officially began.

The lottery representatives from the Dallas Mavericks, Washington Bullets and Minnesota Timberwolves all looked solemn. After sitting down at the scene, their small movements from time to time also revealed their nervousness.

Their teams are the three teams with the worst regular season records this season.

I have worked hard for the "No. [-] pick" for a season, and now it's time to harvest.

The 93 draft can be regarded as a big draft year, even if Grant Hill has already been confirmed, he will play in the NCAA for another year. The overall quality this year is still impressive.

Meng Lang, who turned the NCAA finals into a "three-point exhibition game" by himself, Mashburn, who is technically versatile, and "genius pitcher" Alan Houston... each of them is a newcomer that the media is generally optimistic about and can become the main starting player in the NBA.

But for these three teams, their requirements are a little higher:

What they need is not ordinary main players, nor ordinary All-Star players.

But the real "cornerstone of the team"!
  There were only one and a half rookies of this level in the 93 draft.

Chris Webber, and Anfernee Hardaway.


Hardaway is that half.

The reason is that he was upset out of the first round of March Madness. Although this will not affect his market, it will also make the outside world question his prospects.

In other words, if these two people cannot be selected, the Mavericks, Bullets and Timberwolves will be "bad" this season and it will be a waste of time...

With heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, tension is inevitable.

Compared to them, Pat Williams is obviously much more relaxed.

After firming up the idea of ​​choosing Meng Lang, the Magic's next task is easy, which is to get this year's pick. ——In order of record, under normal circumstances, the Magic can get the [-]th pick in the first round. ——This lottery is not enough to ensure the selection of Meng Lang, but with a little operation, it is not difficult to exchange lottery for lottery and finally get the Meng Lang of your choice.

But after chatting with some nearby team representatives, the relaxation and joy completely disappeared from his chubby face.

He discovered a problem very keenly:
  Representatives of these teams whose lottery picks were close to his all avoided one name intentionally or unintentionally:

This is a signal:
  Although it is not yet known how serious their decision to choose Meng Lang was, the name Meng Lang must be on their inspection list.

He felt strongly that his workload would increase, and so would his games with these bitches.

Well, he should have expected it. When he was convinced because of Meng Lang's performance in the NCAA Finals, how could the other teams not be moved?
  If I had known earlier, I would have ruined it in advance.

Chuck, why didn't you say something so important earlier?

God knows how shocked he was when he learned that Meng Lang did the same thing at the "Dream Team" training camp as he did at the end of the finals. Of course, when he calmed down, he realized that what he thought was not realistic.

Shaquille O'Neal was reluctant when he signed with the Magic last summer. His agent went crazy and asked the Magic to trade him to the big city of Los Angeles. They bit the bullet and signed the "Shark" Came down.

Then tell him that we have to mess around for another year because we still want to fight for Meng Lang?

That fat kid who weighs two hundred and thirty pounds will definitely lose his temper.

There is no "number one scholar" who doesn't want to prove himself.

This season's Magic team ultimately failed to enter the playoffs, but the Magic team won 20 more games than last year. This is the change that Shaquille O'Neal brought to this team.

Shaq enjoyed the sound of praise.

Pat's random thoughts were interrupted by David Stern's voice, and the draw officially began.

When the league president announced the final winner of this year's "No. [-] pick", his heart stopped and his breathing became heavy.

He may have had auditory hallucinations, but he was absolutely unmistakable. On the card David Stern took out from the envelope, it read clearly:

Orlando Magic!

The Magic, ninth in the Eastern Conference and eleventh last in the league, have a 1.5% probability of winning the "No. [-] pick" in this year's draft!
  This is also the second consecutive year that this city has won the "No. [-] pick"...

In the history of the NBA, only the Houston Rockets have won the "No. 83 pick" consecutively in 84 and [-]. They selected Ralph Thompson and "Big Dream" Olajuwon.

Apart from this, there is no other team that has won the "No. [-] pick" for two consecutive years.

In addition, this year's Magic team is ranked ninth in the Eastern Conference, while the Rockets in the 83-84 season lost 53 games and ranked fourth from the bottom in the league. The situation is not similar. The league president is "fair, just and open" "David Stern, so Pat Williams really never thought that this incredible wealth would fall on his head.

But now, he has to say something. Who dares to say that David Stern likes to engage in "secret operations" in the future? I, Pat, will be the first to refuse!

He actually got the "No. [-] pick"! ?

Pat Williams' thighs couldn't help but tremble. It wasn't because someone turned on the switch, but because the excitement in his heart was uncontrollable.

He can't wait to do something with this "No. [-] pick".

Representatives from the Mavericks, Bullets and Timberwolves looked at Pat with murderous eyes, but slowly, the murderous eyes turned into envy and jealousy.

Has this kid bet his life on God?
  Take 20 years of life in exchange for this "number one pick"?

Now, that's all they can think.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to leave peacefully.

They also deliberately kept a distance from Pat to prevent them from being unable to resist and take a stab at him.

"We will choose Chris Webber, there is no doubt about it!" Pat Williams said to the reporter interviewing him as soon as he walked out of the venue.

That night, Meng Lang received a call from Chuck Daly:
  "It's been a year, kid, you entered the NBA faster than I thought!"


"Haha, no, it's not what I thought. Boy, you shined in the United States in your first year in college. (Enter the draft now) This is the right choice. Waiting to wear the Magic team in the draft. Hat!"

(End of this chapter)

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