So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 96 Dream, let go, he is already incontinent!

Chapter 96 Dream, let go, he is already incontinent!

Brazilian war dance, also known as "Capoeira".

It is a unique technique between art and martial arts.

The disadvantages are: the ultimate move has a large forward swing, which is a serious waste of physical energy and is not suitable for use against opponents of similar strength;

The advantage is: handsome, handsome, very handsome!

What Meng Lang just used was one of the more common moves in Capoeira, the "720-degree spin kick." Use the inertia generated by turning back to launch a powerful and heavy kick.

The Brazilian war dance was not known to more people until Marcus Aurelio entered MMA.

So at this moment, Meng Lang used this gorgeous kick, which not only made Karl Malone lie on the ground for five or six seconds before slowly getting up, but also made the crowd excited and shouting.


I’ve never seen this before!

In the slow-motion replay on the big screen at the scene, you can see Karl Malone watching Meng Lang's foot approaching in a daze. Just as he was about to dodge, the kick had already hit him firmly in the face. For a moment, the entire jaw shook violently, a tooth flew out along with the saliva, and at the same time, the face became extremely wrinkled due to pain. His whole body fell straight to the ground like a collapsed building.

The first round is over.

Karl Malone put his hands on the ground. When he got up, he felt dizzy. He shook his head and forced himself to stand up. The teams on both sides entered the field. Karl Malone's coach kept asking him:

"are you OK?"

"are you OK?"

He was also good at drawing numbers in front of him to check his pupils.

Karl Malone is indeed rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and he almost recovered after just one minute of rest.

It was just the pain coming from his jaw that made him look at Meng Lang with fear in his eyes.

He was completely unprepared for that kick just now.

This is……

Chinese Kung Fu?

Seeing that he suddenly became calm, Meng Lang began to provoke wildly and raised his fingers: "Come here!"

The pace under his feet was even more aggressive, which forced Karl Malone to retreat steadily. And he did not have as good a pace as Meng Lang, so he was soon cornered by Meng Lang.

"Look at what a wimp you look like!"

"Karl Malone, is this all you have?"

"You're so low, Karl Malone!"

He kept stimulating with words, but the next second after he closed the distance for a combination of punches, Meng Lang quickly retreated.

With obvious anticipation, he dodged Karl Malone's long-planned jab.

It was obvious that Karl Malone was thinking of punching Meng Lang. This punch was extremely hard, and his entire body's center of gravity shifted forward due to the force.

If this punch was real, I'm afraid Meng Lang would feel uncomfortable.

But the punch missed again, leaving Karl Malone wide open.

Meng Lang no longer hesitated and stepped forward with a combination of punches. He hit Karl Malone's chin with an upswing fist. Karl Malone showed his ability to resist blows. Meng Lang's previous punch did not cause too much damage to him. He suffered a lot of damage, but this last blow directly "stiffened" him. Meng Lang took the opportunity to step forward, tripped his legs and pressed down. With the weight of his entire body, Karl Malone fell heavily to the ground, letting out a painful howl. Call.

The referee did not step forward.

If you can scream, it means everything is okay.

Meng Lang also knew this situation, so he didn't stop the movement of his hands. He pressed his legs up and "pulled up" his right arm completely, performing a standard "cross solid".

Because of the pain, Karl Malone's whole body fluttered violently, like a fish thrown into hot oil, but no matter how he twisted his body, he could not break away from Meng Lang's "cross-bar".

There were screams at the scene.

Karl Malone's painful screams stimulated their adrenaline.

The referee slowly approached Karl Malone and Meng Lang at this time. Normally in this situation, the players would have to slap the floor and admit defeat. Karl Malone was in so much pain that he was probably about to give in. Karl Malone lasted longer than he thought.

For 30 seconds, Karl Malone's face was distorted, but he still didn't slap the floor and admit defeat.

The second round is over.

Meng Lang let go of Karl Malone. Unexpectedly, when he got up, Karl Malone, who was lying on the ground, raised his leg and kicked him. Fortunately, Meng Lang dodged quickly. If the kick had been firm, Meng Lang might have gotten it. "Dogs eat shit." ".

"I'm so stupid!"

Meng Lang was so angry that he even cursed the country.

Can this old dirty guy still have some "martial virtue"?

But now the teams on both sides came up, and the referee stood between the two people in time. He stopped the angry Meng Lang and gave Karl Malone a warning.

With the help of his team, Ma Long stood up. The heartbreaking pain in his arm made him look at Meng Lang with eyes like a poisonous snake. Huge boos rang out from the entire audience. It didn't matter that his skills were inferior to others, but with his character, the audience was completely on Meng Lang's side.

"Karl, let's admit defeat! If we continue to fight, it may affect the new season."

"No way, I can't just give up!" Karl Malone felt it was humiliating to do so.

Just wait and see!

Even if he couldn't win, he would make Meng Lang pay the price!

At least don't think about being arrogant in front of him!

Talon noticed the look in Karl Malone's eyes and whispered in Meng Lang's ear: "Dream, deal with this guy in the next round to prevent him from doing anything dirty!"

From the "flying kick" just now, it can be seen that Karl Malone lost his face. Such a person is very dangerous and is very likely to do something illegal. To put it bluntly, the rules govern professional athletes, and neither of them is from this profession.

Even if there is a violation, what impact will it have on Karl Malone?

Meng Lang nodded.

The game started again with cheers from the audience.

Karl Malone's chin has been hit hard by Meng Lang twice, and his right arm has been "crossed" and is basically useless. Meng Lang only needs to pay attention to this guy's left hand and the movements of his feet.

He boldly approached, trying to force Karl Malone to take the first move.

But this time, Karl Malone was obviously much more cautious and hesitated to take action.

When Meng Lang saw this, he raised his foot and whipped Karl Malone's right leg.

Anyway, Ma Long's right arm is no longer able to punch, so he can use it safely and boldly.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

Three times in a row, Meng Lang successfully kicked Karl Malone's right leg, and now half of the "postman's" body looked as if he had suffered a stroke. But at this moment, he endured the pain in his right leg, suddenly raised his left foot, and ran directly towards Meng Lang's "Little Meng Lang".

Fortunately, Meng Lang had been guarding against his black hand and blocked this attack.

Not only did he block this attack, he also grabbed the leg he was kicking towards, tripped his leg, and successfully knocked him down again.

Meng Lang sat on Karl Malone's body in the "riding position" and avoided his life gate with a series of combination punches, specifically looking for the fleshy areas on his face.

Karl Malone's repeated dirty tricks completely angered him. He had to beat this guy into a "pig head". Stephen Chow's famous stunt "Give Me Back the Piao Piao Fist" continuously hit Karl Malone in the face.

The pain caused Karl Malone to twist and avoid.

This time it's "doggy style" again!

Meng Lang wrapped his legs around his waist, then wrapped his right arm around Karl Malone's neck and pulled it back hard.

"Naked hanging"!

Karl Malone felt Meng Lang's hand was dead, and the huge fear made him subconsciously reach out and slap the floor. However, his other hand had long been disabled in the "cross bar", and one hand could not support his body at all. The person fell to the ground with a heavy "snap".

But at this time, Meng Lang exerted all his strength. Karl Malone instantly felt difficulty breathing, his whole body lost strength, and his consciousness gradually began to blur. He didn't even have the strength to move a finger, let alone slap the floor.

Meng Lang continued to exert force, but what he didn't notice was that a puddle of water and an unknown yellow lump suddenly appeared in Karl Malone's shorts.

"Let go, dream, let go, he's already incontinent!" It took the referee two or three seconds to notice the situation, and he quickly came up and asked Meng Lang to let go.

Meng Lang angrily increased his strength, and then stood up angrily. Karl Malone lay on his crotch, like a dead pig, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


After scolding fiercely, Meng Lang raised his hands in the air, and the cheers at the scene were already shaking.

Madonna in the front row looked at Meng Lang, who was soaked in sweat under the spotlight, and felt that there was a layer of golden light shining on the top of his head, as if he was a god of war!

Do not……

He defeated Karl Malone, whom no one thought he could beat before the game!

He is a "god of war"!

Jenny Bass also had a bit of confusion in her eyes. She was very aware of Meng Lang's wildness.

She witnessed Meng Lang's wildness with her in a presidential suite in Los Angeles.

But Meng Lang, who was now in the octagonal cage, was more ambitious.

She wished that Meng Lang would tear her clothes to pieces immediately.

"Beast Man"!

She felt that she needed to change the note in Meng Lang's address book.

Hardaway and Hill were also present today. Meng Lang prepared front row tickets for them. They were sitting close to each other. They looked at each other in confusion as they looked at Karl Malone who was incontinent on the stage.

Now they finally knew why Meng Lang was so confident.

This is a complete massacre!

Shaquille O'Neal was about two or three rows behind. He saw Hardaway and Hill, so before the ring started, he was still a little dissatisfied with Meng Lang. He thought Meng Lang was not interesting enough, so why should he follow Hill? Hardaway's sideline tickets can only be regarded as infield tickets?

To be honest, for a moment, he really wanted to see Karl Malone punch Meng Lang in the head.

But now, he had to seriously recall whether he had offended Meng Lang too much.

He was afraid that one day he would be lying on the ground like Ma Long, with unknown yellow liquid and solid matter under his crotch.

He was not the only one who had this idea at this moment. All the players who watched this Octagon game on TV were reflecting on whether they had left a bad impression during their rookie season in Meng Lang.

Then they are "naked hanging"!

It is true that Karl Malone is not a thing, but when Meng Lang gets cruel, it is too scary!

In fact, if Karl Malone hadn't wanted to "tick his vaginal legs", Meng Lang really wouldn't have had to knock him unconscious.

All I can say is that everything is self-inflicted!

The reporters were waiting for Meng Lang to come out of the Octagon, and they all rushed in front of him. However, there was obvious restraint in this enthusiasm. They were afraid that they would accidentally bump into Meng Lang and cause Karl Malone the same pain.

"So after this PK, has the grudge between you and Karl Malone been eliminated?" This was the reporter's first question.

Meng Lang wiped his sweat with a white towel and said while avoiding the microphone that was being pressed forward: "It's even deeper! I can never forgive this grandson! He is really rude!"

Really vindictive!

Meng Lang's characteristic is to "hold grudges". Reporters have long known this, but he will always hold grudges against anyone who has offended him, even fans. So when they interviewed Meng Lang, they always wore warm smiles to avoid being resented by Meng Lang.

But they really didn't expect that they would not forgive me after being beaten like that!

Is this the legendary "stingy ghost"?

As the interview continued, a generous female voice came from outside the circle: "Well done, Dream. Congratulations on your victory. I look forward to our next meeting!"

The reporters who heard the sound turned their heads one after another. Those with microphones in their hands pointed the microphones at the woman; those with cameras in their hands also pointed their cameras at her immediately. Even Meng Lang's limelight was somewhat stolen at this moment.

No way, who made this woman Madonna!

The absolute queen of America.

There may be another "King" in the entertainment industry, Michael Jackson, who can compete with her in terms of traffic.

It's just that Jackson wasn't that enthusiastic. He didn't speak before the game, and he didn't come to say hello to Meng Lang after the game. He left directly accompanied by his bodyguards.

Madonna doesn't shy away from these shots at all, that's just her character.

She was interested in Meng Lang, and it didn't matter even if the whole country knew about it.

Meng Lang nodded in response.

The word "donut" made him feel a little guilty about Madonna. This is what he did wrong, so he must be polite to Madonna's enthusiasm.

Jenny Buss originally wanted to step forward, but when she saw Madonna in front of the camera, she pursed her lips slightly and left from the audience channel. She turned on her mobile phone and sent Meng Lang a text message:

——You are really like a beast today, tear me apart like this next time!

Meng Lang later replied:

——You also want to become incontinent?

It made Jenny Bass roll her eyes.

When Karl Malone woke up, he was already in the hospital. He was wearing a large patient gown, thick bandages on his arms, and a white neck brace on his neck. When he wanted to speak, he realized that his chin was also tied Elastic bandage. Just the subconscious movement of opening his mouth caused a burst of heartbreaking pain, making him unable to help but moan.

The agent accompanying him heard the sound and hurriedly came forward: "Don't, don't move, don't move, Karl, the doctor just fixed your jaw! And your arms are all severely dislocated. In addition, you There are also severe contusions on your neck and bone fractures on your face. In addition, you have also been diagnosed with a moderate concussion, so you'd better not talk or move now. Just lie like this. I'll call the doctor to change you. Medicine, painkiller injection!”

But Karl Malone was anxious to know what happened.

His memory only lasted until he wanted to surrender, and then it was fragmented. The agent listened to his hesitation. Although he didn't understand, he knew exactly what Karl Malone wanted to ask. He sighed and said, "Let's talk about it in two days when you feel better!"

But his appearance made Karl Malone feel nervous. He struggled to get up and find the newspaper himself, but his agent could only explain the situation to him.

When he heard that he was "naked" by Meng Lang until he became incontinent, Karl Malone's chest suddenly rose and fell uncontrollably. Then, lying on the bed, he suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and waves of dizziness flooded his brain. , causing him to faint again.

The agent was so frightened that he immediately rushed out the door: "Doctor, doctor, come quickly, Karl fainted again!"

When he woke up again, it was already late at night. Karl Malone felt the pain that had not dissipated all over his body, but the things his agent told him kept swirling in his mind:

Stunned, incontinent...

He was so embarrassed!

He could already imagine Meng Lang's face after the game and how the bitches in the league would view this matter. This made his expression distorted again.

Oh, no, he can't even express pain on his face now. A slight twitch would cause severe pain.

He regrets it a bit!

If he hadn't taken over this Octagon, wouldn't he have ended up like this?

Yes, he still doesn't regret the things he did, including the dirty tricks on Meng Lang on the stage. He was just a little regretful that he couldn't succeed, otherwise, he wouldn't have been embarrassed like this.

In his opinion, the only thing he shouldn't do is agree to this Octagon match.

However, under the circumstances, it was impossible for him to make any other choice. No one would think that he could not beat Meng Lang.

But it turns out that this guy is a tough guy, a few steps tougher than the tough attitude he usually shows in front of the media.

It would have been nice if that "tickling vaginal leg" kick at that time had hit the mark!

Thinking about it in the end, Karl Malone regretted more and more that he failed to succeed in his "black hand". Otherwise, even if he lost the game, he could continue to show off his power in front of the media instead of lying here and waiting for the media and the league tomorrow morning. The cynicism of those players.

Meng Lang still understood him, and the grudge between them had indeed become deeper!

Karl Malone is also well aware of the rest of the league's attitude towards him.

After watching the game yesterday, many people accepted interviews from the media and made all kinds of cynicism towards him.

"Smiling Assassin" Thomas said: "I think now, he will no longer dare to stretch out his elbow to others unscrupulously!"

David Robinson said: "I have no sympathy for this guy's ugliness at all. He deserves it!"

There was another player who refused to reveal his name, and his words were also the cruelest: "I heard that Karl Malone has woken up. Meng Lang was too gentle. He should have let this grandson be comatose in bed for three days and three nights. Only then could he Really let him repent of the mistakes he committed!"

At the same time, Meng Lang's performance in the Octagonal cage also aroused heated discussions.

Barkley said: "I now seriously doubt that after Dream achieves great success in the NBA, he may be like Michael, retire for two seasons and go to the Octagon to pursue his passion. He is a professional. I think anyone can agree on this." I won’t object, I’m already his fan, not just on the basketball court!”

Oakley said: "You may not believe what I am saying now, but I really think Dream is very likely to win this victory, but I didn't expect him to beat Karl Malone like that!"

The reporter published his first remarks on this topic and successfully "counter-killed" him.

ESPN media contacted Reggie Miller, and the host’s first question was:

"In the new season, will you still talk trash to Dream as always?"

Reggie Miller was silent for about two or three seconds, and then hung up the phone without saying a word. Just before hanging up the phone, you can clearly hear his mumbling:

"Fuck you, what kind of question are you asking?"

The heat in the Octagon lasted about two weeks.

There was no way, Meng Lang was so cruel that he actually beat Karl Malone to the point where he became incontinent.

This has caused discussion not only in basketball circles, but throughout the United States. Not only the United States but also China also reported this incident. Meng Lang didn't know what kind of heat it caused, but Tai Lun told him that such a thing happened.

Considering the current development speed of the domestic media industry, Meng Lang really had no way of knowing the details.

During this period, he accepted an endorsement deal with a fighting brand, which cost about 2 million per year, and he signed the contract for a total of 2 years.

WWF, the future "Hollywood actor training base" WWE, also sent an invitation to Meng Lang, inviting him to play an exhibition match. But Meng Lang didn't agree. The main reasons are:

No need!

Unless WWF offers him a price he can't refuse, there's really no need for him to play in such an exhibition match.

And after playing with Karl Malone, he will participate in the second ABCD camp next. After finishing this work, he will go out to promote his new shoes. July has passed, from August to mid-September. There was only one and a half months in total, and he wanted to use all of this time on personal improvement.

On July 7, he drew "Larry Bird's vision ability card", which means that in the new season, besides shooting, his most important weapon is passing. He must quickly polish this "weapon" of passing. .

Lest opponents target his shots in the new season, he won't be able to give more responses. ——As for his "shooting show" in the finals, there is no doubt that he will be targeted by opponents in the new season.

He is mentally prepared for this.

This is how great players are made!

While the news about Meng Lang and Karl Malone in the Octagon dominates the screen, there is another very hot news:

This year's "No. 1 pick" Glenn Robinson asked for 100 million when he signed a contract with the Bucks management. The Bucks management naturally refused. They were mentally prepared to sign Glenn Robinson with a big price, but they really didn't expect that the "lion" Glenn Robinson would open his mouth so wide!

The final result was what Meng Lang knew. Glenn Robinson and the Bucks each took a step back and finally signed a 10-year contract of 6815 million.

This rookie contract allowed the employers to see their increasingly passive position in rookie negotiations. This summer, the collective bargaining agreement was due to expire. The employer representatives forcefully demanded that the league formulate standards for rookie contracts and at the same time implement hard policies. salary cap.

Naturally, it is impossible for the players union to harm the interests of the players. NBA superstars led by Ewing argued hard and showed a tough attitude. The negotiations reached a deadlock. People were panicked for a while, and the media continued to hype that the NBA's third lockout was coming.

In the midst of the storm, Hardaway was worried. He even made a special call to Meng Lang. Meng Lang said: "You have already signed a 9-year, 7200 million contract with the Magic. There is no need to worry about what has not happened yet, even if something does happen." The problem is, your contract is also guaranteed!"

Hardaway thought it made sense and continued to sunbathe in Miami.

What happened to having fun after a hard season?

Meng Lang, accompanied by Tai Lun, arrived in New York to participate in the second ABCD training camp. Sonny Vaccaro handed him the list for this session, and the first thing he said to Meng Lang was:

"Who do you think among these people can become an NBA superstar in the future?"

Meng Lang's eyes wandered over the list, and he soon saw two familiar names:

Richard Hamilton and Kobe Bryant!

Many people discuss Hamilton and Kobe together, just because Kobe said "I'm going to break his legs" after the 04 Finals.

But in fact, the comparison between the two of them started in high school, and Kobe is not as withdrawn as rumored. His best friend in high school was Hamilton. The two were rivals in the high school league, but in the AUU league But they are teammates.

The two of them were tied as the "strongest high school students" in their area.

But that's just their area.

In the ABCD camp, they are not the most prominent, but have no sense of presence. Vaccaro will prepare single rooms in luxury hotels for star high school students, while other lesser-known minor characters will crowd in the Chase Shop.

Kobe and Hamilton are members of the "Chase Shop".

Now they have no reputation.

The labels now attached to them are that one is the son of a long-distance runner, and the other is the son of a retired NBA player. They are all the "second generation stars" in the sports world.

Meng Lang didn't make a prediction, but shook his head slightly: "They don't look like superstars, but there are a few. At first glance, they look like masochists!"

The answer made Vaccaro laugh.

The next day, Meng Lang gave a speech to these high school students.

When they saw him, the eyes of most high school students were filled with admiration and some fear.

What they admired was Meng Lang's "miraculous performance" of "letting 3 chase 4" on the finals stage, especially the fourth quarter of the sixth game of the finals, which made them feel like Meng Lang was like God; as for what they feared, Do you need to say it?

They were afraid that if Meng Lang was unhappy, they would beat him until he became incontinent.

It's just that there will always be another kind of existence...

Before Meng Lang could say anything, a young boy with a green look in his eyes stood up with a pout and looked at Meng Lang with dissatisfaction: "Dream, Sonny said you don't think any of us are superstars. Is this true? "

While he was speaking, a thin young man next to him kept tugging on his hand, eager to stop him from speaking. It's a pity that he failed.

It was none other than Kobe Bryant and Hamilton.

Meng Lang looked at Kobe's uneasy expression, nodded, and admitted generously: "Yes, that's what I said."

There was an uproar below, and some of the "strongest high school student"-level teenagers in the United States couldn't sit still, but Meng Lang glanced at them, and the trivial sounds disappeared immediately, and each one returned to their well-behaved appearance.

Apart from……


"Then do you dare to accept my challenge!"

Okay, as expected of Kobe, this taste is strong!


"I refuse!" Meng Lang actually wanted to deal with Kobe, but then he thought about it. It was really pointless to bully a student who had just finished his sophomore year of high school, but it was still okay to give him a verbal blow. "I know what you want to say? Do you think I'm afraid of being raped?" You defeat!"

Kobe moved his mouth a few times and was about to speak. After Meng Lang finished speaking, he quietly closed it again.

Meng Lang was right, he really wanted to say that.

"I reject you not because I'm afraid of you, but for a brat like you, if everyone wants to challenge me, I really don't have time to improve. Are you the strongest high school student in the United States? You have already received the invitation from a famous college basketball school. offer? Or are you already an NBA player now? Boy, standing in front of you is the Finals MVP, the man who defeated Hakeem. If you want to challenge me, you must first be qualified to challenge me!"

"I will still be here next year. If you become the number one high school student in the United States, then I will give you this opportunity!"

The completely merciless blow made Kobe's pout become more obvious.

It could be seen that he was angered by Meng Lang's words.

But in anger, he sadly discovered that Meng Lang seemed to be right. The gap between him and Meng Lang was too far. He is just a nobody, but Meng Lang has already won the Finals MVP trophy in his rookie season.

The person who did it before him was Magic Johnson.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. His strong self-esteem made him unwilling to be defeated like this. He said directly: "If I were on the same team as Anfernee Hardaway and Shaquille O'Neal, I can also win the championship!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene became even quieter. Even the strongest high school student in ABCD wearing the No. 1 training uniform looked at Kobe as if he had seen a ghost.

He had no impression of Kobe. He just remembered that he and the skinny guy next to him had been training together. He didn't expect that he turned out to be such a warrior.

Meng Lang was not angry at all: "This is something I need to prove, and you, do what you need to prove first and then talk about it!"

Then he entered into the formal speech.

After about half an hour, he left in front of these high school students, and Vaccaro was waiting for him to finish.

"How about it? Do you think this class of high school students is full of personality?"

Meng Lang shook his head speechlessly: "Any high school student with a little bit of anger should react like that when he hears my words. I won't think this high school student is very different because of this."

"But you still made a bet with him, didn't you?" Vaccaro's eyes were shining. He accurately grabbed Meng Lang's "sore foot" and looked at Meng Lang proudly, as if to say:

Admit it now, you still care about that kid!

Meng Lang said nothing. He was considering whether to let Vaccaro taste the feeling of incontinence.

"By the way, I talked to Kevin recently. He is ready to participate in the 95 draft as a high school student next year!" Vaccaro's tone seemed to be talking about some outstanding work.

Well, letting high school students skip college and go directly to the draft is indeed one of the purposes of his ABCD training camp.

Meng Lang nodded: "I'm not surprised at all that he would choose this way!"

Just like the previous one, the students of this ABCD training camp have also become "Meng Lang's disciples".

At the same time, the bet between Meng Lang and Kobe in the training camp was also reported by the media, and Kobe received a lot of attention. But he refused to admit that he was a "disciple of Meng Lang". After Meng Lang learned about this, he took the initiative to mention Kobe: "Yes, that kid is one of the young guys I am more optimistic about among these disciples. I hope he can become the number one high school student in the United States, so that he can He has a bullfight with me, this is his wish!"

"No, this is not my wish, and this is not his sincerity. He said that none of us have the potential to be a superstar. I just want to teach him a lesson!" Kobe fired back angrily, calling a high school kid The image is clearly revealed. Well, in the NBA, he is still the same. However, this seems to be normal, after all, he is another representative of high school students participating in the draft.

Meng Lang continued to respond to his words: "I said this, I mean, he can't become a superstar like me!"

"I will defeat him, I will!"

"I doubt he'll be able to challenge me next year."


This "war of words" lasted until the end of July, and the outside world had a preliminary impression of Kobe's paranoid character. Meng Lang officially started his "Chinese trip" at this time. ——This is the arrangement of Adidas. Only then did Meng Lang know that he had made Karl Malone incontinent, which had caused huge repercussions in China. Many people knew about him first, and then learned that he had just faced the Rockets led by Olajuwon in the finals and completed the feat of "letting 7 chase 3".

This is the first time he has returned to China since time travel.

He is actually quite unfamiliar with China in this era.

But his popularity was much better than he thought. At least hundreds of fans came to the fan meeting. Their enthusiasm doesn't seem to be fake, either. They even know some of Meng Lang's performance in his rookie season.

For example, "52 points in a single game"...

On the last day of the "China trip", Tai Lun brought Meng Lang the latest news from the NBA: "The league is temporarily suspended, but representatives from both labor and management are unwilling to affect the arrival of the new season due to the suspension, so they are actively negotiating, and it is estimated that in early September The league will return to normal."

Meng Lang nodded: "Man, it's time to prepare the gym and training team for me. I have to start special training in the summer!"

Tai Lun said: "It has been prepared for a long time!"

The duration of the league's shutdown was much shorter than Tallon expected. It ended in mid-August. Both parties took a step back. The employers agreed not to implement a hard salary cap for the time being, and the labor also agreed to implement a new rookie contract policy starting next summer.

This means that the era of people like Glenn Robinson asking for "100 million" has completely become history.

The new rookie contracts are the "3 plus 1" and "2 plus 2" contracts that Meng Lang is more familiar with. Rookie players enjoy complete guarantees for the first two or three years. The team can choose whether to sign based on the player's performance in the past few years. The remaining years of execution.

However, Meng Lang knew very well that there were more things that needed to be stipulated and corrected. Labor conflicts would arise in the summers of the next few years. It was not until the league was suspended in 98 that most of the conflicts were resolved to a certain extent.

The source of all these contradictions is that the ever-growing alliance has more income!

Every collision creates sparks, making this alliance more and more formal.

After the league announced the end of the lockout, the Rockets quickly made a deal with the Trail Blazers:

They sent Otis Thorpe, Marcelo Nikola and a 1995 first-round pick to the Portland Trail Blazers in exchange for "Glider" Clyde Drexler and Tracy. -Murray.

There is also big news happening with the Lakers:

Boss Buss gave up 4.5% of the Lakers' team shares and bought out the remaining contract of "Magic" Johnson.

According to current league regulations, retired veterans' contracts still need to be fulfilled until the end.

Just like Michael Jordan retired, he still received a salary of 93 million from the Bulls in the 94-325 season.

The same goes for "Magic". Although he retired in 92, he still occupied the Lakers' salary space of 92 million in the 93-93 and 94-250 seasons, and the contract he originally signed was a 25-year contract. Even though There are still 12 years to go from now. In order for the team to operate better, and of course to repay Magic Johnson, the hero, he gave up 4.5% of the Lakers' shares.

When it comes to treating the "original" team hero, the world only knows Mark Cuban, but few people mention the old Buss.

Not only was he interested in "Magic" Johnson, he also treated Kobe Bryant later. After his condition declined, he still offered a "pension contract" with an average annual salary of 3 million.

It was his vision and structure that created the "Purple Gold Family".

Although he had an affair with Jenny Buss, Meng Lang had to say: Old Buss's children are really far behind in this regard.

(End of this chapter)

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