So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 97 Regardless of whether any of them come back

Chapter 97 No matter if any of them come back...

The Magic also updated their new trade dynamics:

Horace Grant, the "contributor core" of the Bulls' "three consecutive championships", became a completely free agent this summer, but the Bulls did not offer a sincere contract, which led Grant, who wanted a big contract, to choose In order to leave, Pat Williams seized the opportunity and successfully won the "top blue collar" No. 2 position for 498 million in years.

As soon as this news came out, the entire league was shocked.

You know, the Magic's starting lineup is already gorgeous enough. The combination of Shaquille O'Neal, Hardaway and Meng Lang can be said to be young and capable, plus Nick Anderson and Scott...

Although Scott Skiles, the former main number one position, has left the Magic, which has slightly weakened the team's personnel reserves at the one position, their biggest problem is their fourth position. .

Jeff Turner is not a player at this level at all.

Last season, the Magic also fell behind 0-3 in the finals because of problems at the fourth position.

Now Grant's arrival is equivalent to filling the shortest piece of the puzzle. After the Magic's deal broke out, ESPN directly evaluated the Pat Williams deal with the title "The Beginning of a Dynasty".

In their view, after the Magic has the "Cobra", this team already has the ability to defend the championship in the next two years!

The Orlando media even praised Pat Williams to the sky.

From last year's draft to this summer's renewal of Hardaway's contract and the means to snatch Grant, Orlandoans now finally know why Philadelphia fans trust Pat so much.

Just like when Barkley was selected, such a "magic touch" was just the norm in Pat Williams' career.

"The luckiest thing about Orlando is having Pat Williams!" Even the always sharp-tongued "New York Times" gave an envious evaluation.

How many years have the Magic been established?

How many people were in the team at that time? How many chips do you have on hand?

It's amazing how Pat Williams built such a "reinforced company" in just a few years!

It’s just that Pat Williams faced these voices, but he said modestly: “Without Richard’s support, there would not be such a Magic team with a lineup full of infinite possibilities. It’s just this that many people ignore. , the biggest credit should belong to Richard!”

He frequently mentioned the Magic's big boss.

Although he was the one who took the lead in establishing the Magic team in Orlando, he did not have enough funds. He only had the start-up capital with the help of the Amway Group, so he did not have shares in the Magic team.

Even though he is the "soul figure" of the establishment of this Magic team...

This was a very embarrassing thing, which made him have to worry more about the big boss's mood.

If the big boss doesn't want to play anymore, the cost of this Magic team will be significantly reduced. And recently he heard that the big boss was very dissatisfied with the public opinion from the outside world. This made him realize that he must give Richard more respect.

This may be his only worry recently!

The Magic are thriving, and in terms of lineup alone, they may be the team with the clearest and brightest future in the league right now. And to talk about the team with the worst prospects in the league currently, we have to talk about the Chicago Bulls!

Michael Jordan retired in 93, and they lost the "Cobras" this summer. The key is that they did not perform well last year, and were eliminated in the first round. Their ranking in the regular season was quite high, and they failed to have a high-ranking pick. The former "Iron Triangle" suddenly fell into disrepair. Only Scottie Pippen is left struggling to support himself.

But just looking at Pippen's poor face, the Chicago media felt that there was no hope in life. One by one, they badmouthed the Bulls in the new season. They believed that the Bulls last season could still perform like a team in the regular season. For a strong team, I'm afraid their regular season rankings won't even look good in the new season.

The whole city missed Jordan even more.

Meng Lang entered the formal special training period during this period.

He only did two things during this period. The first was to improve his basic skills in shooting and ball control. The other thing, which was also a very important thing, was to improve his court vision. Since the one he drew was "Larry" -Bird's vision ability card", so Meng Lang directly asked Tyron to bring him the video tapes that could be found throughout "Big Bird's" career. When not training, he locked himself in a small dark room and analyzed and studied each game. Larry Bird's pass.

There are many players, the more you analyze them, the more you will find that they are physically strong; there are also many players, the more you analyze them, the more you will feel their abnormality:

Michael Jordan is such a guy!

Larry Bird is the same guy!

Not to mention shooting, Meng Lang discovered that Larry Bird's passing was actually as cool as his shooting.

Extraordinary vision, combined with coquettish moves without the ball, and finally a wonderful surprise... Meng Lang feels that most of Larry Bird's assists can be included in the "Top Ten Goals" collection.

And the more he analyzed it, the more Meng Lang discovered that Larry Bird's vision ability card was completely tailor-made for him.

The Magic have Hardaway and O'Neal, which prevents him from occupying the ball too much.


Unlike "Big Bird's" rival "Magic" Johnson, who needs to control the ball for a long time, Larry Bird's passes are more often "second passes" that do not occupy the ball.

Coupled with his shooting skills...

Larry Bird's style of play reminded Meng Lang of the great man's "guerrilla warfare theory."

"Big Bird" is like a guerrilla shooter. Sometimes the ball is in his hands, and the next moment it disappears inexplicably. You think he is going to pass the ball, but he is shooting over your head. When you think he is going to When shooting, he fed the ball to an open teammate who didn't know where he was standing but had already been observed by him.

Giving the ball from the outside to the inside is a technical job in this era, and this is Larry Bird's "speciality".

Here we have to talk about "Magic" Johnson again, because he is also a player who is good at feeding the ball inside. But unlike Johnson's one-handed through ball, which is powerful and fast, even if the defender sees it with his eyes, it is difficult for his body reaction to keep up. "Big Bird"'s "outside pass inside" is a little more difficult to guard against.

Here I have to talk about Larry Bird's passing, which is an atypical "one-handed pass". The range of movement is very small, which makes "Big Bird" a little more concealed when passing the ball.

In addition to "passing inside and outside the ball", Larry Bird is also good at "passing behind the head" and long passes, which are his signature moves.

Later, in order to better cooperate with someone in a fast break, Kevin Love specially practiced long passes. He studied them based on Larry Bird's video tapes. According to him, he had not yet started. , but in the eyes of the media, he is already an inside player with relatively strong long-passing ability in the "small ball era".

It can be seen that if Larry Bird were in the "small ball era", he would be another "Big Buddha"!

Don’t think that those media reports that Larry Bird “can’t jump high or run fast” really have poor physical fitness...

He is actually the same as Meng Lang. His so-called dynamic talent is not outstanding, and he is just compared with the beasts in the league.

But his static talents, such as strength, are not inferior to the "rough guys" in the league who are famous for their strength.

At the same time, he also has many invisible and intangible "soft talents", such as his touch, his basketball IQ, and his "trash talk"!

It's quite interesting to say that, who would have imagined that this top E-man in the NBA started out as a "best E-man" who felt uncomfortable playing in public places with even a slightly larger audience. It was after his father died that he found the "Big Bird" code, and he has been out of control ever since.

I don’t know if it’s because he has the “Larry Bird Vision Ability Card”, but Meng Lang learns very quickly. Although he has not officially tested it on the court, the rapidly rising vision ability value on the attribute panel proves that. It turns out that his "intracranial training" is effective.

At the end of August, his visual field ability suddenly reached 8 points. This is not so much a process of improvement, but rather a process of integration. But it is true that vision is very difficult to master in the later stages.

If you let Michael Jordan or Kobe focus on passing the ball on the court, although he can also send out 10 assists per game, it will be difficult to win the game.

So it’s understandable why most of someone’s matches are filled with anxiety…

To be honest, if the assists obtained by "breaking through and scoring" can be considered as "comprehensive vision and strong passing ability", then Westbrook and Harden are definitely better than others in terms of passing and vision ability. Up.

The most powerful thing about a certain "goat" is actually his comprehensiveness. Except for his breakthrough ability, everything else is basically at the level of 80 points. However, in terms of comprehensiveness, he is still beaten by the "peak turtle". .

What to do?

I can only save my seniority!

In addition, Meng Lang's ball-handling ability has reached 79 points, which is about to reach the All-Star level. However, this is not his progress this summer, but his progress throughout the year since last summer, and the additional training during this period. Let him reach 79 points.

In terms of shooting, the mid-range shooting has reached 88 points, which is two points away from reaching the "superstar level" of 90 points. In this way, Meng Lang will have his signature scoring method. ——As for the three-point shot, his signature scoring method in the eyes of the league and the media, it has already reached the full value of 82 points, and he has not drawn the corresponding ability card to improve his ability in this area, which is causing other problems in the league. After the team's attention, he is bound to find a more stable scoring method to replace it.

During this period, in addition to training to maintain feeling, Meng Lang spent most of his shooting training on improving the mid-range event. He hoped to increase the mid-range to 90 points before Jordan announced his return.

This is a technical improvement, and then there is Meng Lang’s physical improvement:

After his height reached 2 meters, he stopped growing, and his wingspan also remained at around 03.78 meters.

In terms of strength, he has also exhausted his potential, reaching 70 to 75 points, which is comparable to the main force in the league.

The strength is not enough, the tonnage is enough!

To this end he gained another 1kg of weight.

His tonnage has therefore reached 101kg.

Don't underestimate the weight of 1kg. Sometimes in a confrontation, the weight difference may be just this little bit.

In this case, his style of play in the new season will still be based on shooting and passing after running without the ball. He has not yet been able to develop most of the skill packages for holding the ball. Otherwise, even if he develops them, it will probably be difficult for him to use them when meeting those defensive experts, so he has not conducted special training in these aspects.

However, even if he wanted to train, he would not have enough time.

There are only 24 hours in a day!

He couldn't practice from morning to night. Even if he wanted to, his body wouldn't be able to handle it.

Patience is also a talent. Meng Lang's injury resistance is not top-notch, only 70 points. Probably at the upper reaches of the league.

At the end of August, Meng Lang's summer special training ended, and Tai Lun got him a clothing endorsement and a fashion magazine cover shoot notice. Change his mood for him and make some money on the way.

NBA players don't get paid during the off-season, but the daily expenses for maintaining their mansions and living expenses are constant one after another. Meng Lang now understands why some players make tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, but still go bankrupt in the end.

The cost is indeed too great!

Lu Xun once said: "It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!"

I am used to spending money lavishly, and my income suddenly shrinks, and I am unable to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Naturally, I can only sit back and have nothing. Meng Lang is making money very quickly now, with his player contract plus sneaker contract, and four or five endorsement ads. Adding these together, he now has about 20 to 30 million in his card.

This was thanks to Tai Lun, a good agent. Meng Lang had not planned to buy such a large mansion at first, but he told Meng Lang that these large purchases were tax deductible. In December last year, he established two "shell companies" on behalf of Meng Lang. After December, Meng Lang's income, such as the share of his signature shoes, went to the company's account, which saved Meng Lang a lot of money. , In the end, Meng Lang earned about 12 million last year, but only paid about 12 million in taxes in January this year.

You really need to find someone who understands this money to avoid losing it to the greatest extent.

However, Meng Lang's expenses have increased recently. He asked Tai Lun to find a team of skilled nutritionists to take care of his three meals a day. He also renovated the swimming pool in the courtyard and added some Among the new changes, he also purchased two sports cars:

A Ferrari, a Porsche.

Nearly 50 were spent in one fell swoop.

As he became more and more lavish, he always felt that he was not making money fast enough, so he had to take advantage of being a time traveler, think carefully, and invest in a profit-making project.

The requirements of the clothing endorsement contract are very simple. Meng Lang only needs to wear their clothes to shoot a few posters. Then they will hang Meng Lang's posters in their direct sales stores. Of course, Meng Lang must wear their brand's private servers 80 times during post-game press conferences and other occasions during the two years required by the contract. 2 times in 80 years and only 1 times in 40 year. This is not too much to ask. At any rate, the endorsement fee is 1 million dollars a year!

In just half a day, Meng Lang finished shooting the poster.

Next up is the magazine cover shoot.

Talen specially introduced this magazine to Meng Lang: "Vogue was founded in 1892. It is the most popular fashion magazine in the United States. Basically, the stars who can become their cover are the top people in the entertainment industry..."

Meng Lang was a little curious: "That shouldn't fall on me!"

When something weird happens, there must be something fishy!

Tai Lun smiled mysteriously: "Because Madonna personally spoke up and asked to cooperate with you!"

"Well, this is indeed a powerful woman!"

"Perform well, Dream. When "Vogue" publishes the magazine with you as the cover, we will definitely receive several good luxury endorsements. This is the influence of "Vogue". I estimate that we can earn at least 1 million. …”

Tai Lun kept chattering, but Meng Lang heard what he meant: "Do you want me to be polite to Diana?"

"That's probably what I meant..." Tai Lun showed a fox-like shrewd smile, "Or maybe I just happened to say what's on your mind."


Meng Lang closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Madonna's stunning face came to his mind.

To be honest, Madonna is definitely the beauty among beauties. Apart from being short in stature, she basically has no shortcomings. Moreover, she has an extremely free and easy personality, and even Rodman was fascinated by her.

What would you do when such a goddess sends a strong and positive signal to you?

When Meng Lang arrived at the parking lot of the shooting scene, there were already a lot of reporters waiting outside. As soon as Meng Lang appeared, he put on a pair of black sunglasses very pretentiously, covered his eyes, and looked at it with a straight face. The reporters rushed in front of him.

Tai Lun was prepared. When they arrived, there were two cars in total. He and Tai Lun were in a car, and there was a van behind them. A dozen men in black rushed out of the car and quickly stood between Meng Lang and the reporter. He desperately forked a passage.

Meng Lang walked in from the passage and heard the hoarse voices of the reporters:

"Dream, are you dating Madonna now?"

"Rodman, it was you who ruined his relationship with Madonna. Is this true?"

"Meng Lang, when did you start dating, and how far have you reached!"


Meng Lang turned a deaf ear to these noisy voices. He regretted one thing. If he had known that this would be the case, he would have asked the brand to prepare a black windbreaker for him.

After entering the scene, Meng Lang felt that his ears were much clearer. However, as soon as he entered, the staff and photographers who were preparing immediately turned to look at him, with different eyes and all kinds of thoughts.

Then an on-site director came over, and without talking nonsense, he directly told him about the filming content later. Only then did Meng Lang know that Madonna had arrived and was trying on makeup and clothes in the dressing room.

"What we are going to shoot this time is a punk-themed content. Dream, do you usually listen to this type of music a lot?"

"It's okay, I've heard of some..."

"That's okay. You and the makeup artist will look at the clothes later and find the ones you like, and then we'll try to adjust them."


The communication went smoothly, and Meng Lang followed the makeup artist to the costume room.

But as soon as he arrived at the costume room, the makeup artist who was following him was kicked out.

"I'll just find some clothes for him!"

The voice was somewhat familiar, which made Meng Lang look at the man twice more:

Her back was to Meng Lang. Her long hair stood up high and tied into a ball randomly. She also wore a headscarf. It was messy but had a messy beauty.

Wearing blue denim looks neutral.

The big silver earrings on the ears are particularly eye-catching.

As she turned her head, a delicate side face was revealed. Only then did Meng Lang realize that it was Madonna.

"Long time no see, dream!"

She turned around and showed a naughty smile.

Not to mention, she is indeed very heroic in denim.

This is Madonna, she can attack or receive, and she can control any style.

"How's it going?" She enjoyed Meng Lang's gaze and turned around to let Meng Lang take a closer look.

Meng Lang leaned against the door frame, holding his chin with one hand, stroking his stubble, and gave his opinion seriously: "I think a pair of sunglasses can be hung on the collar."

As he spoke, he hung his sunglasses on Madonna's collar.

Madonna didn't avoid him at all, including her eyes, which were staring directly at Meng Lang.

"Seriously, don't bend me!" Meng Lang said seriously.

This made Madonna laugh out loud.

"I've prepared clothes for you. You can put them on and take a look."

Meng Lang looked at the clothes Madonna had prepared for her, and then tried on all of them in front of her.

"How about it?"

"I think..." Madonna showed a wicked smile again, "It's more tempting without wearing any clothes!"

As he spoke, he came closer and put his hand on Meng Lang's chest.

Her hands...

It's hot!

As a result, Meng Lang could only see her red lips.

The so-called dry fire ignited at a moment's notice. If it weren't for the coughing sound coming from outside the door, Meng Lang would have stripped Madonna naked. But even if her interest was disturbed, Madonna was not annoyed at all. Instead, she looked at Meng Lang expectantly and panted: "Normally I like to inspect the goods first, but for you, Dream, I want to say now, do you want to talk? A love that lives in front of the camera every day?" Meng Lang met her eyes and said, "This is not a good time. If I agree, I will really become gay..."

After saying that, the two of them laughed together.

The shooting ended smoothly. When Meng Lang left, he received a text message from Madonna:

——Next time, I will choose a good time!

Madonna has a very busy schedule, and even a magazine like Vogue can only take up a few hours of her time.

Meng Lang looked at the text message and smiled, but did not reply.

Tai Lun looked at his smile through the rearview mirror and said meaningfully: "As your agent, I have the obligation to remind you, Dream, that there are some things that I have the right to know, so that I can ensure that I There are times when it’s more appropriate to respond.”

Meng Lang cursed: "Go away, you will know when it's your turn!"

Early the next morning, the news that Meng Lang and Madonna were co-producing a magazine successfully aroused heated discussion.

Meng Lang was a little surprised that these guys were not as harsh as Rodman in their words towards him.


Their fierce rhetoric towards Rodman was largely due to Rodman's own love of sensationalism.

For a tough guy like Meng Lang who beat Karl Malone until he was incontinent, they really couldn't say such teasing words. They didn't want Meng Lang to make a date with them in the Octagon.

Hardaway called immediately. At times like this, he could always receive a call from this guy.

Meng Lang looked at the caller ID, thinking about what he would say, and suddenly realized that it was okay not to answer the call, so he hung up the phone directly.

Unexpectedly, Hardaway did not give up and sent him a text message:

——Man, you are so fierce, you even got Madonna. This is a woman that even Michael can't get!

Michael, Michael!

Is Michael your father?

Michael Michael every day!

Meng Lang cursed endlessly. Hardaway's words reminded him of an anecdote about Pippen, Jordan and Madonna.

Rodman and Madonna's relationship was very high-profile, but before Rodman and Madonna, the "Queen" and Pippen also had an in-depth relationship. But it's not public, and it's limited to every time the Bulls play in Los Angeles.

Therefore, he should be regarded as a "pao friend".

Madonna would always show up at the arena with a hot tub and pick up Pippen.

Jordan was very coveted that Pippen could have a romantic relationship with the sexiest woman in the world, so he said to Madonna: "My second brother can do it, but I can do it even better!"

But in the end, Madonna didn't even look at him and said: "There is no chance!"

This is also the only time in his life that Pippen has surpassed Jordan.

In addition, we can understand why Jordan's son got together with Pippen's ex-wife, right?

This is genetics!

It's just that Jordan's son did what Jordan didn't do!

Meng Lang was suddenly a little curious. Now that he was hanging out with Madonna, he didn't know what Jordan would think.


In a mansion in Chicago, Jordan looked at the newspaper in front of him and slammed the table.

What he saw was the scandal between Madonna and Meng Lang.

This little bitch definitely did it on purpose!

He must have learned from somewhere that Madonna had rejected him, so he hooked up with Madonna!

"Yeah!" He picked up the phone and called David Falk. "Listen, I will let out a little bit of news one after another. If you wait for the right time, you can start this thing!"

After getting Falk's response, he called Armstrong.

"Michael?" Armstrong was surprised when he answered the phone.

"How about the guy named Latrell Sprewell who was on the All-NBA team last season?"

"I should say, it's pretty good, he's very talented..."

"What about the Magic? How about their young core, the one named Dream?"

"He should be the most popular newcomer. Michael, I think you should know something about his recent situation. He often appears in the headlines of major newspapers."

"...Where is Scotty?" After a long silence, he asked again, "Have you been training in advance? Have you met him?"

"Well, it's still the same, well, he's even more depressed!"

"I see……"

The phone was hung up, and Armstrong looked at the phone in confusion.

Phil Jackson noticed this scene: "Whose phone is it, bj?"


"What?" Jackson asked curiously. He was curious about anything about Jordan.

Armstrong didn't say the content, just his feelings: "We often talk on the phone, and he seems willing to talk about basketball."

"Huh?" Jackson clearly felt something unusual.

In early September, news came from Salt Lake City that Karl Malone was fully healthy, which made Utah Jazz fans secretly relieved.

When Meng Lang saw the news, he could only sigh with emotion: "As expected of a postman!"

Not to mention this guy's character, his body is really strong. Apart from major injuries in the last year, he has not encountered any serious injuries.

You must know that this is not an era 10 years later, when medicine is becoming more and more advanced. At that time, players' careers have become longer and have become more and more common. Even minimally invasive surgeries are no longer fatal.

In this era, there are many players who died young due to injuries. Karl Malone didn't retire until he was 40 years old. His body is really strong.

It recovers quickly, which seems reasonable, right?

If I had known earlier, it would be more important to start!

On September 9, the name Michael Jordan returned to the public eye after a long absence. Although there were some rumors, there was news from many quarters:

Michael Jordan is considering a comeback!

A stone stirs up a thousand waves...

Especially the name of this stone is "Michael Jordan"!

"Magic" Johnson immediately recorded a kneeling video, imploring Michael Jordan to come back and save the NBA!

This time, the people of Chicago will not be able to deal with it.


You are so sad, how can we express our deeper longing?

Compared to the NBA, Chicagoans are naturally more in need of saving. They had just experienced the "Bulls Era" of "three consecutive championships" and really didn't want to watch the Bulls fall into the abyss in two years.

"we need mj!"

"we need mj!"

"we need mj!"


Chicago finally shouted the slogan, but was quickly stopped by the Orlando people:

Don’t you have your own slogan?

Please do not plagiarize and please respect the results of others!

On September 9, Shaquille O'Neal called Meng Lang. This was the first time he called Meng Lang since he asked for tickets. He even sent a message to congratulate Meng Lang for winning the Octagon. Meng Lang wouldn't care about these details, but he couldn't ignore them.

Because this is the delicate relationship between him and Shaq now.

People who want to be the boss are destined not to be truly good brothers!

But just being a teammate is not really a problem.

"Man, the new season is just around the corner, it's time for us to start training!"

Shaq wants to start training camp early. Usually the people who do this kind of thing are the bosses of the team. He seemed to want to use this method to secretly declare his sovereignty. As long as it does not affect the cooperation on the court, Meng Lang will not have any thoughts about his little thoughts, and he will be very cooperative: "Okay, Shaq, I like your momentum, just do as you say! "



Shaq cursed in his mind.

Meng Lang's tone reminded him of when he was a child, when he helped with housework at home, and his stepfather praised him like this: "Hey, sensible guy, you are really getting better and better!"

He just let Meng Lang become the guest...

Do you think he can't be angry?

Orlando completed a soul-stirring reversal this summer, coupled with the trade of Pat Williams in the summer, so when the Magic announced the media open day, the Orlando Arena that had been silent for a summer came to Wuyang Wuyang. A bunch of reporters.

Meng Lang met this summer's new player "Cobra" Grant in the locker room, as well as the Magic's rookie this year, small forward Monty Williams, who was selected with the 24th overall pick in the first round.


When he first learned about the team selection, he thought it was just the same name.

But when he met in person, he realized that it was either the same name or this guy.

In the future, he will lead the Suns to the Finals, and then lead the Pistons to a 28-game losing streak as a "ghost" coach.

Of course, the Pistons' 28-game losing streak cannot be blamed on him.

Who did he bring with him on the Suns?

Chris Paul, who did he bring to the Pistons? Can he play point guard with just those few pieces of material?

You can’t beat it, you know!

Compared to his somewhat glorious coaching career, Monty's playing career was a bit bleak, and he was just an ordinary role player. Not even a single memorable moment. But it happened that he survived in the league for 10 years!

There is a type of player in the NBA who has mediocre abilities, but the key is to be obedient, able to become the coach's assistant, and can well complete the tactical intentions assigned by the coach. And such players often eventually become head coaches.

Monty is one, Rivers is one, and the same is true for Tyronn Lue, whose career is a little brighter than theirs.

In short, this alliance really has its own way of living.

After retiring throughout their careers, you will find that the money they earned is not necessarily less than some "All-Star players" who died young.

"Hello, dream!"

Monty greeted Meng Lang with the usual reserve of rookies.

Meng Lang just nodded, not too enthusiastically.

The current atmosphere in this league is like this. If you are enthusiastic towards everyone, others may in turn treat you as a soft persimmon. In addition, Meng Lang was not a warm-hearted person to begin with.

Grant felt much more at ease. When he saw Meng Lang, he was still sitting in his seat and just shouted at him from a distance: "Dream, now you can shoot with more confidence. I will make sure you miss." I grabbed all the rebounds!”

"Cobra" is very confident, and he also has the capital to be confident. Last season he averaged 11 rebounds per game with the Bulls, including 4.4 offensive rebounds.

For comparison, Shaquille O'Neal averaged 13.2 rebounds per game and 4.6 offensive rebounds per game; Hawks center Kevin Wesley, who ranked third in rebounds per game, averaged 12 rebounds per game and 4.2 offensive rebounds per game. He averaged only 0.2 rebounds per game, less than him.

His rebounding ability is also top-notch among power forwards, and the number of players who can beat him can be counted on one hand.

There was nothing wrong with his words, but his tone and posture made Hardaway frown secretly. He glanced at Meng Lang and said, "Horace, your shooting will become better with the Magic." Efficient, Dream can give you the opportunity to take shots calmly, and of course Shaq and I, you will find the feeling of working with Michael!"

He said this just to let Grant know that when he came to this team, he did provide help, but he and the Magic also complemented each other, and there was no such thing as relying on the other.

To put it bluntly, without Grant's offensive rebounds, the Magic already won the championship trophy last season!

Grant's face turned gloomy and he said nothing more.

He deliberately made a show of force, and the local gang was just as he thought, a little rude. I don’t understand what “respecting the old and loving the young” means at all!

Meng Lang was not surprised at all by his attitude.

When this guy was with the Bulls, even Jordan dared to confront him head-on. How can we expect this guy to be respectful to these rookies?

This is a typical "second child's ability and boss's heart". Wherever he goes, he always emphasizes his contribution to the team. Sometimes it can appear to be too aggressive. Although Meng Lang's personality is also aggressive, he usually won't bite when someone comes up, nor will he release it for no reason.

But the locker room allows such small friction.

To put it bluntly, the team is a workplace.

All office workers know that people in an office or a professional circle cannot all be friendly to each other. You can't just give up and quit because of this, right?

Life must go on!

Michael Jordan proved that even if we can't play together off the court, we can still win championships if we can play together on the court.

It doesn’t have to be “brother basketball”~

Meng Lang's first meeting with the media before the new season was arranged in a very large room. When he entered through the door, the sound of taking photos never stopped.

The reporters were even more eager to move. They were flipping through their memos, looking for questions that could be used as opening questions.

They had too many questions for Meng Lang!

"Dream, the new season is coming. The Magic have made some moves this summer. Are you satisfied?"

"Of course, Pat is the best general manager in this league!"

"Karl Malone said you were a bad guy and you wanted to ruin his career, so you hit him hard in the Octagon! But he survived it tenaciously."

"Next question! I don't want to discuss issues related to him!"

"Can you tell me your attitude? Do you really want to ruin his career?"

"I just wanted him to reflect on his sins, but obviously I failed. I am not God, and I have no obligation to cleanse his soul. If he is dissatisfied, we can continue to date in the Octagon!"

"Madonna recently gave an interview and said that she has been dreaming about you and that you have done many interesting things, so can you tell us about your current relationship?"

"No, thank you!"

"The Magic won the championship last season. Is your goal to defend the title in the new season?"

"Do you think your question sounds like nonsense?"

"There are rumors that Michael Jordan is preparing to come back. If he comes back, do you think the Magic can still win the championship in the new season?"

"Whether it's Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Bird, Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bill Russell... If there are any great names that I've missed, I'd like to apologize in advance. , no matter whether any of them comes back, they can't stop the coming changes... This is the new time!"

(End of this chapter)

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