Thousand-year-old family: its rise began with Shang Yang’s reforms

Chapter 312: Changping Champion Marquis Lin'an Marquis

Chapter 312: Changping Champion Marquis Lin'an Marquis

Chen Pi's sudden rebuke left Liu Che completely stunned. He didn't even know how to react.

At this time, Liu Che was in a state of great excitement, complacency, and he felt that he was the only one in the world. In such a state, a heavy hammer was enough to make the emperor understand everything and become humble again.

At least be humble before you really gain power in the world.

This is a good thing for people all over the world.

Liu Che's reaction was also very quick. He looked at Chen Pi with a guilty look on his face and said, "Sir, you are right. I was wrong."

The guilt on his face seemed to cover everything, and he looked like he truly felt that he was wrong.

But Chen Pi didn't think so. He knew that Liu Che didn't understand what he said at this time. He just pretended that he understood it in order to fool him and completely extinguish his anger. That was all.

However, Chen Pi's goal has indeed been achieved.

He knew that after Liu Che returned, he would think carefully about what happened today and what he said today.

Liu Che was a natural emperor and a natural hero. He would definitely be able to think this matter through and would definitely be able to "become a real emperor", even if at that time he just hid his resentment a little deeper in his heart.

Chen didn't mind that the emperor resented her. After all, this was normal for her.

It is better for the emperor to hate the Chen family than for the whole world to hate the Chen family.

Chen only needed to see the smiling faces of the people in the world. As for the emperor's smiling face? What did it matter?

Fighting against the emperor, isn't this the specialty of powerful officials and noble families?
No matter how little the Chen family looks like a noble family or a powerful family, the people and the essence of the Chen family always have this background, and this is a fact that cannot be concealed.

After Chen Pi left, Liu Che's expression slowly changed after a long time.

The Central Government Official standing in the distance didn't even dare to say a word. He could feel the anger of His Majesty from Liu Che.

Yes, angry.

Liu Che closed his eyes. His mind had come back to senses from the excitement and excitement. He began to think about everything he had done before.

After filtering all the things, Liu Che let out a long sigh.

He did it wrong!

I really did something wrong.

Whether targeting Chen or Zhou Yafu, both were wrong.

What was wrong was not targeting them, but his method of targeting them.

The emperor could target them openly or secretly, but he could not "appoint people based on personal connections" and put a person he trusted but had no ability in a high position in order to target the Chen family and the aristocratic families.

Because there is a fundamental difference between the royal family and the aristocratic families.


Aristocratic families will not be overthrown by the common people, but dynasties will, and so will the royal family whose dignity is built on the dynasty.

The emperor regards the common people as a threat and does not want them to live a good life. What are the consequences?
It was the appearance of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, just like the fourth emperor of Qin.

But what about the aristocratic family?

If the noble families treat the common people well, it won't have much effect; if they treat the common people badly, it won't cause any major harm either.

If the dynasty falls, will the aristocratic families fall as well?

Most of the time no.

The Qin Dynasty fell, but did the aristocratic families that existed during the Qin Dynasty also fall?


They still exist.

Headed by the Chen family, aren’t they still standing in this court and becoming the dignitaries of the new dynasty?
This is a noble family.

Liu Che opened his eyes and let out the foul air in his heart. He looked in the distance, where the blue sky and white clouds were still there, but in Liu Che's eyes, the blue sky and white clouds at this moment were different from the blue sky and white clouds at the previous moment.

When you look at mountains, they are mountains; when you look at water, it is water; when you look at mountains, they are not mountains; when you look at water, it is not water.

He stood up, and the Central Government official in the distance finally had the courage to come forward, supporting Liu Che and slowly walking towards the imperial garden.

Liu Che just glanced at the man and thought secretly in his heart.

I was too hasty in setting up the Central Government Order before, and I pulled down the Central Government Order that was originally set up by my father.

I thought that this way I could replace him with my own person.

Now it seems that this step was indeed a big mistake.

Aren't my father's people my own people? The Central Government's orders came from the inner palace and had no connection with the previous dynasty. They could only rely on me. Only if I was good could they be better.

Just one word from me can deprive them of their positions.

Therefore, this position should not be placed with the so-called "insiders", but with a "smart person", a smart person who can check and balance the previous dynasty - at least a mad dog who dares to fight with those people of the previous dynasty over "key issues".

Instead of being a person who just wants to stay away from others to avoid being implicated when he sees himself angry, or even when he himself has not yet gotten angry.

At this time, the Commander of the Central Government who was supporting Liu Che was still secretly happy in his heart, and that was why he did not step forward.

He had no idea that he would soon meet his final destination - a dry well in the palace.

An Wangfu
Chen Qiu looked at Chen Pi standing in front of him, with a little nostalgia and attachment on his face. He patted Chen Pi on the shoulder and said softly, "You've lost weight."

"Second brother, you have suffered."

Amid long sighs, the yard was filled with a sad atmosphere and leaves kept falling.

At this time, Chen Pi chuckled and broke the sentimental atmosphere.

"Brother, how can you tell that I've lost weight?"

There was a light in his eyes, a light that had never been seen before when he was in Chang'an City.

"I have obviously gained a lot of weight." Chen Pi's face was extremely weathered, and there were even some white hairs on his head. He had changed from the elegant young man when he left Chang'an City to a rough "man", but Chen Pi did not regret it. Instead, he was very excited.

He first told Chen Qiu everything he had just said in the palace.

After hearing this, Chen Qiu didn't say anything. These were just trivial matters.

He just asked with concern: "Among the seeds you brought back from the Western Regions, are there really cotton? Are you sure about its function?"

What the Chen family’s descendants always care about first is things concerning the people, rather than the emperor’s “face”.

Fortunately, Chen has this ability.

Chen Qiu nodded and said with a bright look in his eyes: "I have already reported to His Majesty that cotton and other crop seeds will be available soon!"

This is a great thing for the world.

The autumn of the first year of Yuanshou passed under such circumstances. At first, people did not know how great a shock Chen Pi's return would bring to the world.

At first, it was just an imperial decree.

The emperor issued an edict: conferring the title of "Bichen Hou" on Chen Pi of the Chen family, appointing him as the minister of the Honglu Temple and concurrently serving as the internal official in charge of grain.

Since everyone knew that Chen Pi had been sent as an envoy to the Western Regions and had opened up trade routes, people in the court did not doubt why the emperor made Chen Pi a marquis. They were just curious: it would have been fine if he was just the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, a suitable professional position, but why did he have to serve as an official in charge of grain as well?

Somewhat strange.

But what happened next made everyone understand.

Chen Pi, the Marquis of Pichen, presented the Han Dynasty with seeds of many crops that had never been available, such as "cotton", "sugarcane", and "bread beans", and indicated that many countries in the Western Regions had decided to establish "trade" relations with the Han Dynasty.

From now on, certain products from the Western Regions will no longer be considered "rare" things!

If people in the court were excited about "spices", then the people of the common people and the world were excited about "cotton" and "sugarcane".

They were even happier about the arrival of "sugarcane" than cotton.

Because they didn't know what cotton was for the time being, even if they had heard what Marquis Bi Chen said that cotton could block the severe cold, they didn't really understand how much this "blockage" could block.

But sugar cane!
Even the dumbest person can understand the word "Gan".

This thing can be used to make sugar!

Sugar could be considered a "strategic material" not only in the Han Dynasty but also in the later feudal society, or even when the feudal society had just fallen. Sugar became widely used in later generations only after entering the new century.

In this era, if you want to have a sweet taste in your mouth, the only way is to eat "honey".

The sweetness of honey is a light sweetness, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford.

In this situation, how can people in the world not be excited?

Therefore, when seeds of sugarcane, cotton and other crops began to be distributed to the people under the command of Chen Pi, an internal official in charge of grain, everyone was looking forward to it, hoping that they could get some seeds of the new crops.

As for the spices?

The seeds of spices were still relatively precious at that time, so they were temporarily planted in the imperial farm. After they bore fruit, the seeds would be gradually distributed to people all over the world for planting.

Chen Pi knew what was important and what was not. Others might not know the importance of cotton, but he knew it having seen cotton clothing with his own eyes. So when he came back this time, half of the seeds he brought were cotton seeds.

In such an exciting and warm atmosphere, the first year of Yuanshou passed.

When the spring of the second year of Yuanshou arrived, the emperor took a series of new actions.

He trained troops, stored grain, and convened meetings of important officials in the court many times.

The merchants among the people were the first to react to the current situation, followed by the common people.

By the time the people of Qian finally reacted and began to look forward to it, an urgent report from the border arrived from eight hundred miles away!
The Huns were once again driven to the vicinity of Langjuxu Mountain, and this time they were even more miserable. Only half of their soldiers were left, and they even lost control of the entire grassland!
Initially, during the Qin Dynasty, Wu'an Jun Chen Zhan drove the Huns to the vicinity of Langjuxu Mountain, and all the northern border grasslands were controlled by the Qin Dynasty. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, although the Huns did not dare to invade the Central Plains, they quietly took advantage of the Central Plains' preoccupation with themselves and gradually occupied and controlled the grasslands.

By the time of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, the grassland was nominally controlled by the Han Dynasty, but in reality it had become a place for plunder by the Huns.

Although Chen De, Marquis of Wu'an, and Han Xin at that time drove the Huns back to Langjuxu Mountain again, they did not regain control of the grassland. On the one hand, it was because the Han Dynasty was in a state of disrepair and had no ability to continue fighting. On the other hand, Emperor Gaozu was worried that the two of them would "become too successful and threaten the emperor."

By the time of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing, the Huns regained their strength due to the lack of young and middle-aged military generals in the Han Dynasty. Relying on the geographical advantages of the grassland and their unique horses, they not only took control of the grassland, but also began to try to "go south".

And today, the Huns were once again driven to the vicinity of Langjuxu Mountain.

Not only that, the grassland also returned to the embrace of the Han Dynasty, and Wei Qing and his two companions once again accomplished the feat of Wu'an Jun!
And it is precisely because of this that people all over the world suddenly understand one thing.

Back then, he was able to drive the Huns to Langjuxu Mountain and control the entire grassland with just the power of the Qin State. What a powerful man Chen Zhan, the Marquis of Wu'an, was!
The urgent letter from the northern border not only stated these things, but also wrote about two other things.

First, ask the emperor whether the army needs to continue the attack and completely drive the Huns out of "Han" so that they can only continue to wander westward.

Second, ask for credit.

Compared to the first matter, which still needs to be discussed in the court, the second matter is much easier if there is no direct answer.

The emperor was extremely excited and with a wave of his hand, he directly conferred titles of nobility on the three men again!
Wei Qing, who was originally the Marquis of Guannei, was given the title of "Changping" and, for the first time, his fiefdom was set up as "Changping County". Of course, this did not mean that Wei Qing could establish a country in Changping, nor did it mean that everything in Changping could be controlled by Wei Qing.

It's just that this place serves as Wei Qing's "fiefdom".

Chen Qulu was given the title of "Marquis of Lin'an", which means that the country is safe when he is on the battlefield; Huo Qubing was given the title of "Marquis of Guanjun", which means that he is the bravest among the three armies.

The emperor's pardon and ennoblement was unexpected, but also within everyone's expectations.

What surprised people was that the emperor did not follow traditional practice and confer the title of "Marquis of Wu'an" on Chen Qulu of the Chen family. After all, the position of Marquis of Wu'an had basically belonged to the Chen family since ancient times.

In other words, it is possible that someone else could have received this title, but that was when no one in the Chen family had made any achievements in martial arts.

No one knows what the emperor means, but people know this.

The result of the debate and discussion that lasted for several days finally came out!
The emperor has issued an imperial decree, ordering the generals Wei Qing, Lin'an Marquis Chen Qulu, and Guanjun Marquis Huo Qubing to lead the army to attack the Xiongnu! This time, not only will they be driven out of the Han territory, but they will also be forced to wander westward!
This time, the decree also hinted at three people.

We must leave some soldiers and horses for the Huns so that they can escort the "old, young, women and children" to the west and occupy the western territory!

Northern Xinjiang
Chen Qulu put his arm around Huo Qubing's shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Qubing, do you dare to join me in a big fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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