Chapter 313: Youthful Spirit is Most Valuable
Want a big one?
Huo Qubing held the wine bag in his hand, and a look of curiosity flashed across his face.

Young people love excitement and play the most, even young generals like Huo Qubing and Chen Qulu.

He quietly glanced at Wei Qing, who was sitting in the front and discussing with the soldiers, lowered his head and tilted his head slightly, and said in a very soft voice: "How do we get a big one?"

The bonfire beside me was still burning silently, and everything seemed normal.

Chen Qulu also imitated Huo Qubing, quietly lowered his head, and said in the same voice: "Simple, how about we go and capture the Khan or the prince of the Xiongnu?"

When Huo Qubing heard Chen Qulu's bold speech, the first thing he did was not to stop him or even to be surprised. Instead, a surge of intense excitement surged in his heart, as if his head was filled with blood.

He subconsciously said, "Just the two of us?"

"Can it be done?"

Huo Qubing did not consider whether he should do it or not. He simply skipped this step and considered the question of "whether it can succeed".

This made Chen Qulu feel as if he had found the right soulmate, and he wanted to laugh out loud immediately, but Huo Qubing, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, covered his mouth in an instant.

The two's movements were seen by Wei Qing who was above. He frowned and rebuked Huo Qubing, "Qubing! What are you doing?"

He quickly walked to Chen Qulu's side and whispered, "My Lord, Qubing is usually too arrogant. I didn't expect him to be so offensive. He must have been drunk."

"Don't blame me, sir."

A look of surprise flashed across Huo Qubing's face, as if he didn't understand why his uncle would say that.

But Chen Qulu understood.

He just shook his head and said, "General, don't mind. There is no Chen Qulu, son of the Chen family, here. There is only Lin'an Marquis Chen Qulu."

"General, you don't have to be obsessed with external names."

Wei Qing lowered his head. Even though Chen Qulu said so, he did not take it seriously. He just regarded it as a polite remark.

He is such a cautious person.

This is true even in the original history.

After Wei Qing left, Huo Qubing sat by the campfire, poking quietly with a branch in his hand, with a depressed look on his face.

When Chen Qulu finished communicating with Wei Qing and came back here, he said with some depression: "Uncle is always so careful."

Chen Qulu sat down next to Huo Qubing, picked up the wine bag beside him, tilted his head back, and poured all the wine in the bag into his mouth.

His expression was also filled with depression and fatigue.

Young people's emotions always come and go quickly. Huo Qubing asked Chen Qulu in a low voice: "I see you have gotten used to your uncle's treatment?"

He asked curiously, "Is Chen really that powerful? How many people in the world would treat you like this?"

Chen Qulu's mouth curled up into a mocking arc: "I didn't know how powerful the Chen family is."

He said indifferently: "I just know that no matter where I go, the local county magistrate will be the first to come to see me, even if he is greeting his superiors or the eunuchs in the palace, and the superiors and eunuchs will come to greet me at this time."

"No matter which kingdom I go to, the king will know before I even set foot on the border of that kingdom, and will personally greet me at the border when I am about to arrive, and even let me live in the palace."

Chen Qulu lowered his head, holding the wine bag in his hand: "They let their princes and princesses all surround me, and even some kings of small countries want to send their daughters to my bed, even if they can't be my wife or concubine, just to serve me for one night."

He stood up and looked at the endless green fields in the distance.

A long sigh echoed in the moonlit night of the grassland: "But I know that whether they make friends with me or want to climb into my bed, it is not because of "Chen Qulu", but because of "Guan Du Chen Clan"."

When Chen Qulu said this, the atmosphere had become very quiet.

The sounds of crickets and grasshoppers were heard all around. Under the night sky of the grassland, the sounds were very obvious. In the silence, Huo Qubing walked to Chen Qulu's side.

He grinned with a bright smile on his face: "That's why we have to do a big one!"

Huo Qubing chuckled and bumped into Chen Qulu's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter if they deny you. As long as you make great enough achievements, Chen will be your modifier in the future, not you belonging to Chen, right?"

Chen Qulu also smiled: "Not bad."

"When Emperor Gao summoned my great grandfather Chen De to be the general, everyone else only saw Chen, not Chen De."

"But later, immortals and gods coexisted. There was the military immortal Han Xin, and there was also the military god Chen De!"

He pointed to the grassland in the distance and whispered, "We have troops under our command. Tonight, we will take advantage of the darkness and rush a hundred miles to get around the Huns from behind and to the sides, and then attack them from both sides. Under the cover of darkness, the Huns will be awakened from their sleep and will surely blow up their camp!"

"And once the camp is blown up, you and I can take advantage of the cavalry to intercept and kill them!"

"Take no prisoners, do not fight, and retreat after one strike!"

"Charge back and forth!"

"If they fight back, we'll leave; if they continue to camp, we'll charge and kill them!"

"We will definitely be able to take the head of the Xiongnu Khan within three days!"

After hearing this idea, Huo Qubing hesitated for a moment. He did not object, but added: "In this case, we need a sufficiently stable and powerful front to tie up the Xiongnu's front army and prevent them from going back and forth!"

Chen Qulu smiled and pointed at Wei Qing, who was conscientiously celebrating the victory of his soldiers under the moonlight: "Isn't there one?"

Huo Qubing also glanced at his uncle who was standing there, and laughed: "You are right."

He knew that his friend was still angry with his uncle, so he came up with this idea. After all, even if it was a safe approach, he could talk to the commander first.

So far, Chen Qulu has no intention of discussing this matter with Wei Qing.

Huo Qubing pressed his forehead for a rare moment. It was the first time he found someone more arrogant than himself. However, he did not stop Chen Qulu. If he was angry, he had to vent it. Otherwise, when the anger accumulated to a certain level, it would not be something that could be ignored with just a little prank.

Thinking of this, he also laughed out loud: "Hahaha, okay, that's it!"

The youthful vigor and vitality of young people are always worth remembering and precious.

Under the endless night, Chen Qulu and Huo Qubing crawled out of the big tent, grinning. In the distance, their troops, a total of two thousand people, were already getting ready.


Taking advantage of the night, the two of them moved forward at high speed!
After the two of them left, a man slowly walked out from the shadows in the distance. It was Wei Qing.

Wei Qing sighed.

"He is really a young man."

He turned and walked into the big tent. The two little guys thought they could hide it from him, but in fact, how could the transfer of the army be so simple? The transfer of the two would definitely alarm him, and without his consent, those troops would not be able to follow the two of them.

"But although this Marquis of Lin'an is a bit arrogant, he still has a good heart."

After all, if Chen's descendants wanted to mobilize their troops, they didn't need to use such a direct method. He wouldn't think that Chen's descendants were fools and didn't know that such a simple and clear method would alarm him.

Therefore, this was done intentionally by the Marquis of Lin'an, simply to "retaliate" for his previous "courtesy".

It was indeed just a little revenge.

Chang'an City Anwang Palace

The moment Chen Qulu moved, two urgent reports, even faster than the 800-mile express, were sent from the northern border to Chang'an City.

One was from the Embroidered Robe Envoy, and the other was from the Black Ice Platform.

The letters from the Black Ice Platform were still faster than those from the Embroidered Uniform Envoy, so Chen Qiu and Chen Pi still knew about this matter before the emperor.

Chen Pi held the cup and drank silently, while Chen Qiu was even more helpless and indulgent: "This kid, when I come back, I will definitely deal with him. How can he do this on the battlefield?"

Chen Qiu's words sounded like a rebuke, but more of a "cover-up."

The Chen family has rarely produced such an arrogant and ambitious young man, but this generation did produce one.

Chen Qulu called him "big brother". Although he was younger, he was indeed of their generation. Chen Qiu turned his head and looked at Chen Pi: "I'm afraid your majesty will also receive the letter. What do you think we should do?"

Chen Pi was holding a wine glass filled with moonlight.

"What can be done?"

"Your Majesty will not care about this matter, as long as this matter is really accomplished."

"If it succeeds, our Majesty will even secretly issue an imperial decree and let those two guys pretend to be acting on a secret decree, thus erasing the crime and at the same time taking credit for themselves."

"If you fail, you'll just pick it up high, put it down gently, and give it a few words of reprimand."

There was a hint of drunkenness in his eyes: "The affairs in the court are too boring. I would like to go to the Western Regions, but His Majesty seems to have already started to choose new candidates, so it's not my turn."

New candidate?
Chen Qiu was also distracted by Chen Pi for a moment: "Who is the candidate?"

"Who else has the courage and perseverance to go to the Western Regions?"

Chen Pi chuckled and said, "There is a man named Zhang Qian, who is quite like me back then. He also came from the Honglu Temple, but he wanted to go to the Western Regions to take a look. He came to me on his own, and then I recommended him to meet Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty seems quite pleased with him."

Chen Qiu shook his head: "When going on a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, the first time is usually the most dangerous."

"The second and third times will be slightly better because we already have the experience of our predecessors. We in the Chen family do not covet this reputation. Let Zhang Qian go. He is your Majesty's man and he deserves this reputation."

Chen Pi nodded: "I think so too."

"When he comes back, I will abdicate and let him take the position of the Minister of the Honglu Temple. Then I can live my life freely and at ease again."

He held his cheek and looked towards the distant east: "Do you think that after crossing the oceans, there will really be a new world as our ancestors speculated in the diary? What does that new world look like?"

Chen Qiu also shook his head with regret: "I'm afraid we won't be able to meet again."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you leave a notebook and a guess in this humble building? What if some future generation sees it and has the energy and freedom to explore it?"

"By then, your name will still be passed down."

When Chen Pi heard this, he immediately sat up and said, "You are right."

He pounded the bed beneath him: "That's how it should be!"

"Even if I can't write a book, I can still write a letter like my ancestors did."

The two of them were discussing this matter with great interest, while at this time in the Weiyang Palace, Liu Che, who had received the secret letter, responded in the same way as the two had guessed.

However, what Liu Che did was a little more decisive than the two had guessed. He directly asked the eunuch to deliver an imperial edict in an urgent manner over a distance of 800 miles.

He took the responsibility of the matter and told Wei Qing in the name of the imperial edict that it was he who did it.

Liu Che took on this "matter" without waiting for the outcome of the war.

Success or failure.

This matter, this scapegoat.

He, Liu Che, carried it on his back.

On the endless grassland, the Hun soldiers under the night sky had tired looks on their faces. All of them looked like they were about to die. They had no energy at all. From time to time, someone among them would shout loudly and then be dragged out and killed.

In the distance, concealed by the darkness of night, two teams stood side by side.

It was Huo Qubing, Chen Qulu and others who had already reunited. The two leaders looked at each other, and then Chen Qulu suddenly reined his horse!
"Kill with me!"

"Capture the Xiongnu Chanyu alive!"

The cavalry charged forward bravely!

Even the Hun soldiers on normal days would find it difficult to resist, let alone the Hun soldiers who are now almost exhausted?
In just a moment, the attack threw the group into chaos.

Huo Qubing and Chen Qulu dismounted and walked into a large tent in the middle. At this time, the Han soldiers had already controlled the people in the tent, and there was panic on their faces.

Chen Qulu and Huo Qubing laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, that's all, that's all!"

Wei Qing was riding on his horse, looking anxious.

Among those who were charging from the rear, one was his nephew. How could he not be worried?
Suddenly, smoke and dust rose in the distance.

Along with the smoke and dust came shouts.

"Marquis Lin'an and Marquis Guanjun are back!"

"This battle was a great victory!!!"

"Capture the Xiongnu Chanyu alive!!!"

Wei Qing's hand holding the reins relaxed instantly, with a surprised smile in his eyes: "Ah?"

"Did these two guys really succeed?"

In the second year of Yuanshou, winter.

After a year, after everyone's eager anticipation, news from Northern Xinjiang finally arrived.

Just eight words made all the people in Chang'an City extremely excited.

"This battle was a great victory"

"Capture the Chanyu alive"

(End of this chapter)

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