Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 123: Throwing oneself in the arms, defecting

Chapter 123: Throwing oneself in the arms, defecting
  Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Shangguan Jinhong arrived as scheduled.

This time they came to the Demon Cult Headquarters as a group of four. In addition to him and Shangguan Fei, there were also Lin Xianer and Jing Wuming.

Now Jing Wuming has become Lin Xianer's follower, following her with his head bowed.

Three days ago, Shangguan Jinhong and Shangguan Fei returned from the "Ecstasy Cave" to the headquarters of the "Money Gang", but they saw that Jing Wuming had returned early and was waiting outside Shangguan Jinhong's residence.

Shangguan Jinhong ignored him and walked straight past him.

In Shangguan Jinhong's view, since an item no longer has value that he values, taking one more look or asking one more question is a waste of one's energy.

He came to two iron doors, which automatically opened inwards. Lin Xian'er ran out from inside with a face full of joy, and threw herself into his arms like a baby swallow.

Embracing this delicate body full of youthfulness, Shangguan Jinhong felt that his body, which was no longer young, had regained its youthful vitality.

The real battle was still three days away, but at this moment, he couldn't wait to experience the joy of conquering a city on another battlefield.

With his stoic nature, he would not have cared so much about women. Even characters like Lin Xian'er were nothing more than a tool for him to vent.

But Lin Xian'er is not just a person who treats people with sex. Since she came to Shangguan Jinhong, she has offered not only this body with the magical power to turn all living beings upside down, but also love and admiration from the bottom of her heart.

These days, she has been following Shangguan Jinhong like the most loyal hound, serving Shangguan Jinhong with all her strength and all her own. Even though Shangguan Jinhong just treated her like other women at first, and then went away as soon as he was recruited, she was not dissatisfied at all.

As time went by, with tenderness like water, Lin Xianer finally penetrated a small gap in Shangguan Jinhong's heart that had been tempered as hard and cold as gold and stone, and had a small place in it.

After the clouds cleared and the rain finished, Lin Xianer carefully asked Shangguan Jinhong how he would deal with Jing Wuming in the future. When Shangguan Jinhong showed no concern, she said that she lacked someone to run errands.

Shangguan Jinhong was a little surprised as to why she suddenly asked for help, but Lin Xianer said shyly that she was pregnant with his child and it would be inconvenient to move around soon.

While Lin Xian'er waited uneasily, Shangguan Jinhong was silent for a moment, looking at the door. He seemed to be looking through the thick iron plate and saw that he was already the same as Jing Wuming. His eyes showed an increasingly obvious gray color, and his body belonged to a human. Shangguan Fei, whose emotions were getting less and less, finally nodded in agreement.

Lin Xianer was overjoyed and immediately asked to come to the Demon Cult General Forum with Shangguan Jinhong in three days, because she and her unborn child wanted to watch their man and father become the most powerful person in the martial arts world.

The Demonic Cult Headquarters is not in a remote mountain or even underground, as people imagine. Instead, it is located in a rather prosperous building in the Western Region. From the outside, it looks like a large house.

As soon as the four people arrived in front of the door, someone came out and invited them in.

Shangguan Jinhong is not afraid that the other party will rely on geographical advantages or numerical advantages to pull tricks.

There were only four of them on the surface, but secretly there were a large number of people on standby, and they would launch a full-scale attack as soon as he gave the signal.

Unless the leader wants to have a bloody battle with the already extremely powerful "Money Gang" before heading east to the Central Plains, otherwise he can only accept his challenge and decide the outcome of the two parties. The difference between master and slave.

Sure enough, as Shangguan Jinhong traveled along the way, he clearly discovered that there were many deadly murderous intentions hidden in this seemingly ordinary mansion, but none of them were activated, allowing them to enter a very large hall unimpeded.

There were only a few people in the hall at this time. Apart from the three elders Huang Long, Tian Peng, Nu Shi, Hua Baifeng on both sides and a princess, there was only a pair of beautiful men and women sitting side by side above them.

"It's you? It turns out I'm late!" Seeing clearly that the person sitting above was actually Queen Tian Yu, Shangguan Jinhong narrowed his eyes and immediately wanted to understand many things. At the same time, he felt a little regret, knowing that he had missed the last opportunity to take action against the Demon Cult. Good opportunity.

During the day, Yu was still wearing a black robe, but he no longer had to hide his face.

He smiled and said: "It's me! You are indeed late."

After saying that, his eyes fell on Lin Xian'er behind him, with a look of surprise and unabashed aggression in his eyes, and he praised: "Is this your woman? She is truly the most stunning in the world. After today's battle, Then she belongs to me!"

"You think you are sure of victory?"

A flash of anger flashed in Shangguan Jinhong's eyes, and his drooping fists clenched subconsciously.

Shangguan Fei behind him seemed to sense the murderous intent surging in his body, and his upper body leaned forward slightly, ready to go like a taut bow.

Lin Xianer couldn't see the hands in Shangguan Jinhong's abbreviated sleeves, but she could see Shangguan Fei's performance, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Bai Tianyu stood up slowly, looking down at all living beings who were no different from ants like a god in the sky: "Of course, not only do I know the result, but your woman also knows it. If you don't believe it, I just need to scream and she will come to me obediently." In my arms!"

Shangguan Jinhong did not look back at Lin Xian'er, but said coldly: "I don't believe it!"

Tian Tianyu, however, cast his gaze on Lin Xian'er, smiled and shouted, "Come here!"

Shangguan Jinhong still stood quietly, neither speaking nor looking back, as if he had deep confidence in Lin Xianer or himself.

After a moment of silence, Lin Xianer suddenly smiled, and after laughing she sighed with great regret: "Three days ago, if you could force me to abort the child in my belly, I would definitely stay by your side now! "

Then she flew past Shangguan Jinhong like a light swallow, and fell into Bai Tianyu's more generous and solid chest just like she had fallen into Shangguan Jinhong's arms three days ago.

Shangguan Jinhong's clenched fists were trembling, and it became more and more violent, and eventually his whole body began to tremble.

Lin Xian'er didn't even look at him. She looked up at Tian Tian Yu's handsome face with fascination and murmured, "I have a gift for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword light suddenly rose.

Jing Wuming, who was standing on the left side of Shangguan Fei, drew the sword with his right hand without any warning. The speed of the sword and the force of the sword were cunning and vicious, which was even three points worse than that of his left hand!
  The thin and thin sword blade penetrated Shangguan Fei's left neck and passed through his right neck.

On the verge of death, the lifeless color in Shangguan Fei's eyes dissipated, now revealing human emotions of shock and fear, but he collapsed to the ground before he could say a word.

Shangguan Jinhong never made any movements or words, but his body suddenly became more powerful.

"I like this gift very much!"

Tian Tian Yu laughed heartily, then looked at Shangguan Jinhong and said calmly: "You have been defeated, you are no longer even worthy of being my opponent, you are only worthy of being a letter of challenge from me to others!"

After finishing speaking, the sword suddenly appeared!
  (End of this chapter)

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