Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 124 Jin Hong enters the pass, Jin Peng’s old minister

Chapter 124 Jin Hong enters the pass, Jin Peng’s old minister

On February [-], the dragon looked up.

Shangguan Jinhong led the "Money Gang" eastward into Yumen Pass and officially expanded its power to the Central Plains!

His first stop was Guanzhong, and his target was Yan Tieshan, the owner of the "Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion", a wealthy businessman who has made a fortune in Guanzhong in recent years by operating jewelry business.

That day, Shangguan Jinhong and his shadow-like subordinate Jing Wuming broke into Yan Tieshan's house when he was a guest at his birthday party and revealed a secret in public.

It turns out that Shangguan Jinhong is actually the royal family of the Jinpeng Dynasty, a small foreign country in the southwest border, and Yan Tieshan, whose real name is Yan Liben, is the internal treasury manager of the Jinpeng Dynasty.

Shangguan Jinhong left the Jinpeng Dynasty to start his own business when he was young.

Yan Liben stayed in China until the fall of the Jinpeng Dynasty.

The last King Jinpeng entrusted four ministers who took care of his life to escort the little prince of the Jinpeng Dynasty and the huge wealth in the treasury to the Central Plains. They planned to wait for the little prince to grow up and use these wealth to support his restoration of the country.

Yan Liben was one of the four ministers who cared about life.

At that time, for the sake of safety, these four ministers went to the Central Plains separately. As a result, Yan Liben and two others took away the Jinpeng Dynasty's property and disappeared like a yellow crane, and they were never seen again.

Although Shangguan Jinhong established his own business long ago, he is still the prince of the Jinpeng Dynasty and the uncle of the young prince. He must not allow these treacherous ministers to swallow up the wealth of the Jinpeng Dynasty.

He has already found out that Yan Tieshan is Yan Liben, and he came to collect debts for his nephew today.

Under his severe accusation, Yan Tieshan was sweating profusely and remained speechless, which undoubtedly proved the accusations made by the other party.

After Shangguan Jinhong stated the cause and effect, Jing Wuming, who was behind him, immediately took action and assassinated Yan Liben in the high hall with a sharp sword that was rare in the world.

Then Shangguan Jinhong immediately occupied the magpie's nest and let his "money gang" take over the "Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion".

After that, he announced the names and portraits of two other rebels from the Jinpeng Dynasty. One was younger, named Yan Duhe, and the other was older, Shangguan Mu. He promised to offer heavy rewards for these two people and related information.

Shangguan Jinhong played this skill very cleverly. Not only did he establish a solid and solid foundation in the land of Guanzhong based on his righteousness, he also took the opportunity to reveal his life experience and clear people's suspicions about his identity as the king of the demon sect.

In a vast manor somewhere in the south of the Yangtze River, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in brocade clothes ran back from outside excitedly, broke into the study and shouted: "Uncle, there is good news!"

A middle-aged man who was sitting at his desk taking stock of accounts looked up, revealing a clear and handsome face, and asked calmly: "Apeng, what news did you hear?"

The young man asked first without answering: "Uncle, do I have an uncle called Shangguan Jinhong, who is ranked second in the "Weaponry Book"?"

The middle-aged man didn't seem too surprised: "You already know?"

"It's true!" The young man immediately became excited, "Uncle, you don't know yet, but now my uncle, whom I have never met before, is..."

The middle-aged man interrupted him: "I know, and I also know what you are thinking. Do you want to use the power of this prince to restore the country?"

The young man was very surprised: "So uncle, you have known about it for a long time. Why have you never mentioned this to me?"

The middle-aged man sighed: "Apeng, you gave up your plan to borrow power from Shangguan Jinhong as soon as possible. The reason why the late king sent him away from the Jinpeng Dynasty at a young age was to prepare for a rainy day, but the more important thing is The reason is that he is ambitious and definitely not someone who is inferior to others.

"If you take the initiative to come to your home to recognize your family, there will only be one outcome, and that is to be killed by him after draining all the value of your wealth and identity!
  "Our great cause of restoring the country will ultimately depend on ourselves. Even the wealth that was taken away by those three traitors is insignificant. As long as you, Apeng, work hard to practice martial arts, you can make a career in the court or in the world in the future. , naturally you have the capital to restore the country, so at this moment you should..." A very unnatural look appeared on the young man's face, and he suddenly interrupted the middle-aged man: "Uncle, I remembered that I have made an appointment with friends outside, so I can't delay, wait. Come back and listen to your teachings!"

After that, he disappeared as fast as he could escape.

The middle-aged man stared at his back for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. He still lowered his head to take stock of the accounts that were becoming increasingly difficult to maintain balance.

In another place in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a very simple cabin, built alone in a jujube forest on the mountainside.

Although the house is old and the furnishings are extremely simple, with only a table and a few chairs, it is clean and tidy inside.

But few people know that this simple cabin was actually the summer recital place of the great poet Lu Fangweng in the past. There are still poems written by Fangweng himself on the surrounding walls.

These seemingly simple tables and chairs were actually carved by Lu Zhi, a famous craftsman of the past, for the emperor. Nowadays, no one can find such a set even after searching the palace.

If calculated based on the most tacky money, this small wooden house can easily be sold for a sky-high price of [-] to [-] taels of gold.

The person who can own this wooden house is naturally a rich man, and a very rich man at that.

His name is Huo Xiu. He is less than forty years old, but he is already one of the richest people in Jiangnan. People say that his family business is no longer inferior to that of the richest family in Jiangnan.

At this moment, he was sitting in this wooden house drinking, first drinking one cup after another, then drinking one pot after another, and in the end he was grabbing the wine jar and drinking heavily.

Finally, his short and skinny body could no longer hold a drop of wine, and the wine he had just swallowed gushes out of his mouth and nose like spring water.

He lay on the ground like a dead dog for a long time. The burning stomach and cold ground gradually made his brain anesthetized by alcohol gradually regain consciousness. Finally, he seemed to have made some kind of determination. He got up and came to the corner, starting from a dark place on the ground. He took out a small iron box from the compartment, opened it and took out a piece of parchment inside.

Drawn on the paper is a sea chart, with text next to it indicating the time to go to sea and the wind direction and ocean currents that need to be paid attention to.

This picture was something he got by chance. It is said that an unnamed island marked on the picture is a paradise on earth. If you can land on that island, you will get everything you want.

But Huo Xiu never had the thought of leaving that fairy island.

As a successful businessman, he knows that everything in the world has a price. No matter what you want, you have to pay an equal or higher price in the end.

However, at this moment he had no choice. For a man who is deep in the desert and about to die of thirst, even if there is a glass of poisonous wine in front of him, he can only drink it first.

In the middle of Shu, there is the Golden Summit of Emei and the Xuanzhen Temple.

After sitting in his room for half a day, Dugu Yihe came to meet his master, Taoist Hu, and said that now that there was another turmoil in the world, he wanted to go down the mountain to watch the scenery.

Now Hu Daoren is paying more and more attention to this disciple who was originally not optimistic because he was a leading art master, and has even clarified the identity of his next leader.

He did not become suspicious of Dugu Yihe's words, but rather praised him for starting to look at the problem from the perspective of the entire Emei, and allowed him to leave with a few words of advice.

After Dugu Yihe left Emei, he did not go to Guanzhong, the center of the storm, but rushed to the outside of Guanzhong as quickly as possible.

Because there was a friend of his there, a friend who loved helping his friends solve problems and would never let them down.

(End of this chapter)

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