Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 282 Slaying the Dragon

Chapter 282 Slaying the Dragon
Just when Tianzhu's finger was about to touch Zhan Chun's heart, a fist-sized white jade heavy building appeared in the void three feet above Zhan Chun's head, and a large white light curtain hung down, covering Zhan Chun and Tianzhu together.

This white light seemed to be a signal to Zhan Chun. He raised his right foot back without looking back, using the "Scorpion Tail Gui" Cuju kick he had just learned from Wang Shixiu. It looked like a poisonous scorpion. It was as fast, accurate and hard as a tail kick, and it kicked Tian Gu right in the lower abdomen.

The angle of this kick was tricky and the force was not small. The kick caused Tian Gu to let out a scream, staggered back, hit the white light behind him and bounced back, falling to the ground in a panic.

Since Ma Ji knew that Tian Gu had transformed into a heavenly ghost like Zhan Chun, he naturally wanted to take precautions, so he had already released the white jade tower in the sea of ​​consciousness, hiding his whereabouts and hanging it in the air.

This white jade heavy building has been tested on Zhan Chun, and its effect of restricting space is the nemesis of heavenly ghosts.

Nowadays, the area shrouded in white light below the White Jade Chonglou is isolated from space, and the ability of heavenly ghosts to travel through the void cannot be used.

However, Zhan Chun has no other talents except this innate ability, while Tianzhu has just transformed into a heavenly ghost and has not yet developed other abilities.

Now that the two of them had to fight to the death, they could only fight like novice chickens pecking each other.

When it comes to novices pecking each other, Zhan Chun is one or two years older than Li Zhuer, who is possessed by Tianzhu. He is taller and stronger. He first learned some boxing and kicking skills from Jiao Na, and then learned some from Wang Shixiu. The advantage of Cuju footwork is greater than that of Tianzhu.

He turned around and saw a child younger than himself on the ground. He immediately thought of how he had been harmed by Tian Gu, and his eyes immediately turned red. He completely forgot about the fear that once filled his heart and cursed "Stinky Monk" repeatedly in his mouth. ! Thief monk! Evil monk!" He jumped on him and kicked and beat him, causing Tian Gu to roll on the ground and scream.

At this moment, neither one person nor one dragon has any reservations.

On the one hand, Ao Lang relied on his innate magical power as a dragon to drive thousands of thunders, scattering countless large and small lightnings in all directions; on the other hand, he turned this true dragon body containing tyrannical power into a weapon, biting and tearing with his claws and teeth. The collision of the dragon's horns, the coiling of the body, and the swing of the long tail. The attacks that seem to be completely instinctive not only contain tremendous power, but also naturally coincide with the principles of martial arts.

It's just that the heavenly ghost is almost immortal. Only by finding and destroying the object of its destiny that entrusts its true spirit can it be truly killed.

On the one hand, Ma Ji wielded the "Cicada Wing Sword" with Gang Qi, and the body and sword merged into a stream of brilliant light, evolving the transformation of the "Heavenly Sword" that has been perfected by two generations of Shenyan. Each sword contains supreme magic. Di's mysterious killing move: releasing twenty-four flying swords on one side, using Yin Shen to control it to perform the "Twenty-Four Qi Jingshen Sword Techniques" with the same name as the flying swords, which is all-encompassing and infinitely varied.

Ma Ji, who was fighting with Ao Lang over there, saw that Zhan Chun had vented enough, so he used the spirit of Yin to drive the white jade heavy building. The drooping white light enveloped the sky and rolled back. The eight sceneries and twenty-four scenes in the building The true gods cast spells to suppress him.

On the other side, Wang Shixiu and Jiao Na also worked together to kill all the hundreds of water tribe soldiers. The only ones left were Ma Ji and Ao Lang, who really decided the battle.

Although Tian Gu was beaten badly at this moment, he was only suppressed temporarily and was not really hurt.

Now Ma Ji's Taoist cultivation has reached the level of the fifth-level divine wandering. With the help of the increasingly miraculous White Jade Chonglou and the "Inner Scenery True Divine Technique", it is easy to suppress Tian Gu, a heavenly ghost.

Ao Lang became more frightened the more he fought, not only because Ma Ji was gradually overpowering himself with his endless tricks and special skills, but also because he showed a tendency to become more courageous as he fought, and his stamina was unreasonably long.

If an ordinary fourth-grade warrior or monk maintains such a high-intensity output, he will be at the end of his rope in a matter of three seconds at most.

Naturally, he didn't know that Ma Ji's Yin God had the "Twenty-Four True Gods of Three Palaces and Eight Views" to continuously provide spiritual power, and his body had the "Swallowing Star Transformation" to continuously absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and even the power that overflowed when the two sides fought. If he spends his energy, he will have no pressure even against enemies at a higher level.

Wang Shixiu, Jiao Na and Zhan Chun, who looked up to watch the battle below, were all dazzled.

Even Jiao Na had already known that her master's power could not be imagined by common sense, and she did not expect that he could stand up to a true dragon who was as good as a fourth-grade warrior or monk, and even gradually gained the upper hand as time went by.

She also saw that although her master was not as powerful as Ao Lang, he was like the most outstanding strategist in the battle. When his troops were at a disadvantage, he could use the most brilliant methods of mobilizing troops and generals, and comprehensively make use of the right time, place, and location. All factors related to the war situation, including the psychology of the enemy and the enemy, reverse the disadvantage bit by bit.

Being able to witness such a battle with her own eyes gave her an indescribable harvest.

As the war continued, as Ma Ji's plan that he had planned since the beginning of the war gradually took shape, Ao Lang, who was unknowingly trapped in the situation, began to struggle to cope with the difficulties.

As the swords and swords flashed, large and small wounds began to appear on Ao Lang's true dragon body, and dragon blood and dragon scales fell from the air from time to time.

Suddenly, thousands of golden lights bloomed under the eastern horizon, and a red sun was about to rise.

At the end of the night and the moment when the yin and yang changed, Ma Ji's twenty-four flying swords were divided into two groups, like a pair of yin and yang fishes holding each other end to end and spinning endlessly, turning into a huge spherical sword net, trapping Ao Lang. In the middle of the sphere, the "Summer Solstice Sword" and the "Winter Solstice Sword" become the formation eyes of two yin and yang fish.

Ao Lang felt that the flow of time around him became extremely slow, and his movements and even thinking also slowed down.

The stream of light formed by the combination of Ma Ji and the "Cicada Wing Sword" was like a falling meteor that passed through the sword net at an astonishing high speed and flew past Ao Lang.

Ao Lang's body immediately froze, and a red line as thin as a hair appeared at the junction of his head and neck. Then a large amount of dragon's blood as hot as lava spattered like rain. A faucet the size of a water tank fell off from his neck, and his body slumped in the rain of blood. It fell and hit the desert island below hard.

Ma Ji also fell back to the island, his face a little pale. Even if the "Twenty-Four True Gods" and the "Swallowing Star Transformation" continued to replenish the losses, it would not be inexhaustible after all.

Jiao Na and Zhan Chun hurried to his side and asked him with concern if he was in any way.

Ma Ji waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, then took out the "Demon Refining Pot" from his arms and collected the two-part corpse of the real dragon on the ground as well as the spilled dragon blood and dragon scales.

After Ma Ji adjusted his breathing for a while to regain some energy, Jiao Na asked: "Master, what should we do next?"

Ma Ji pointed at Taihu Lake and said with a smile: "If we don't get enough benefits, wouldn't this fight be in vain?"

Jiaona understood, and her eyes immediately lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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