Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 283 The Dragon King also has no treasure

Chapter 283 The Dragon King also has no treasure

"Master, wait a moment!"

After Jiao Na said these words, she turned around and walked among the aquatic corpses scattered on the ground. She raised her lotus feet and kicked one of the corpses of the shrimp soldiers, and shouted: "Get up, don't pretend to be dead!"

"Grandma, spare your life!"

The shrimp soldier rolled on the spot and knelt down in front of Jiaona, knocking his pointed head on the ground like garlic.

Jiao Na spat: "Which one is your grandma? This girl has something for you to do. As long as you do it honestly, your life will be fine!"

As if he had received an amnesty, the shrimp soldier kowtowed a few more times and said repeatedly: "Thank you! Thank you grandma! Please rest assured, grandma, I will definitely help grandma with my heart!"

Jiao Na smiled and turned to Ma Ji: "During the previous battle, I had thought that Master might need to survive, so I left this guy behind when I attacked."

Ma Ji greatly praised his smart and considerate apprentice, nodded with a smile and then told the shrimp soldier: "You only need to take us to the Taihu Dragon Palace, and we can find a way out for ourselves."

Facing this evil star who would kill his Dragon Lord with one blow, Xiabing's fear could not be increased. After kowtowing to him, he said tremblingly: "Grandpa has a destiny, and I don't dare to disobey it. However, there are restrictions in the Dragon Palace Water Mansion. Only Only Dragon Lord can open it.”

With a slash of the knife, the barrier immediately cracked open, and water from the outside world surged in.

When Ma Ji heard Wang Zhangwen, Jiang Aduan and Wanxia introduce the situation of Taihu Dragon Palace, they all mentioned the old woman in front of him, saying that she was a popular oiran in Yingtian Mansion in the past. Her singing and dancing skills were the best in Jiangnan, and she had a famous name. It is called "Jie Yuhua".

Ma Ji raised his hand and pressed on the invisible barrier that separated the water flow. Feeling the soft and continuous power contained in it, he waved his hand to signal the shrimp soldiers to help themselves.

He took the "Cicada Wing Sword" in his hand, raised his hand and used a "Magic Sword Cut", but the power was limited to a few feet.

Ma Ji said hello to the three of them, and together they came to the door of the extremely luxurious palace.

At this moment, the palace door opened inward, and an old woman with chicken skin and white hair led a group of enchanting girls and girls to kneel down beside the door.

They each had their own methods, and the lake water was no problem. In a short time, they were outside the underwater world that had its own space.

After a few breaths, the sword intent attached to the crack dissipated, and the barrier was automatically repaired.

Then the four of them followed the shrimp soldier into the water.

Ao Lang traveled to Yingtian Mansion incognito, and was so impressed by her erotic skills that he paid a lot of money to redeem her and take her back to the Dragon Palace, where she was favored for several years.

The shrimp soldier said hurriedly: "I obey, little one!"

Ma Ji looked gentle and said with a smile: "You only need to lead the way to the Dragon Palace, and there is no need to worry about other things."

Ma Ji and the other four also followed the trend and got in through the gap.

It's a pity that she has no qualifications for cultivation, and eventually her beauty and love fade as she grows older.

Fortunately, she knew how to advance and retreat, and took the initiative to serve as the chief music officer of the Dragon Palace to train musicians and dancers for Ao Lang, who loved to dance the most. Ao Lang still valued her.

Because Ao Lang had never been married or had children, Grandma Xie had a detached status in the Dragon Palace. Even the beauties who were favored by Ao Lang did not dare to provoke this "senior" easily. She has a kind-hearted temperament. Although she cannot return the boys and girls that Ao Lang kidnapped from the human world to enrich the dance music department, she still tries her best to take care of them in daily life, so she is deeply loved by everyone.

Ma Ji waved his hand for Lao Xie and others to stand up, and then asked: "Now that Ao Lang is dead, what are Lao Xie's plans for the future?"

Grandma Jie smiled bitterly and said: "I have lived here for decades, and now I am on the verge of death. What else can I plan? The only thing I care about now is the children behind me. They are all poor people who were kidnapped by the Dragon Lord. Please, Sir, It can take them out of the Dragon Palace so that they can go home and reunite with their relatives. "

After saying that, he bowed down to Ma Ji and others, and the men and women behind him also bowed down again.

Ma Ji waved his hand and sent out a soft force to support everyone, and said with a smile: "This is easy. When we leave later, we will just take you away with us. Grandma Xie can take some property from the Dragon Palace and give it to them as a gift. Secondly, it’s Dragon Palace’s compensation for them.”

Grandma Xie and all the men and women were overjoyed. Although they could not bow down, they could not stop thanking her.

The old man had a very clear mind and guessed the purpose of Ma Ji and others' coming here. He immediately took the initiative to lead everyone to the location of the Dragon Palace Treasury.

There are naturally restrictions on the important areas of the treasury, but they are all useless under Ma Ji's "Cicada Wing Knife".

Grandma Jie first took out some small and easy-to-carry pearls and jade treasures from it, gave one to each young man and woman, and ordered them to hide it close to their bodies and step back to wait. Then she said to Ma Ji: "All the valuables of Taihu Dragon Palace are here. Wherever you go, it’s up to the young master to decide.”

Ma Ji and others followed Lao Xie to the treasury and were disappointed when they heard her introducing the treasures in the treasury one by one.

Just because there are many worldly treasures in this treasury, if you have these, you can immediately become wealthy, but there are only half of the treasures of heaven and earth, elixirs, magic weapons and so on.

Ma Ji thought that when Ao Lang fought with him before, he only used an iron mace that could barely be regarded as a magic weapon, and he couldn't help but wonder: People say "Don't worry about the Dragon King having no treasures." How come this Taihu Dragon King is so shabby? .

Seeing everyone's disappointment and doubts, Grandma Jie explained: "Ao Lang Longjun was originally the son of the Dongting Dragon Lord. A hundred years ago, because the old Dragon Lord of Dongting was approaching his end of life, he passed the throne to his human son-in-law Liu Yi and passed away. He was sent to the waters of Taihu Lake to start his own business as his legitimate son. He had only just established his own business, and he was resentful about the succession and refused to accept help from his sister and brother-in-law, so his background was still very shallow. "

At this point, she reminded several people sternly: "Ao Lang is not only survived by the Dongting Dragon Clan, but also has an uncle, Qiantang Dragon Lord. It is said that this king's nature is like fire. In the past, his niece Dongting Dragon Girl was treated harshly by her husband's Jinghe Dragon Clan. In a fit of anger, he came to kill the whole clan of Jinghe Dragon Lord, killing 600,000 people and flooding the land for 800 miles. If he knew that his nephew was killed by you, I'm afraid the disaster would be huge!"

Wang Shixiu and Zhan Chun both changed their expressions, but Ma Ji and Jiao Na looked as usual.

They all have fathers who serve as guest ministers in the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan", and they know far more about some things than ordinary people.

In the past, Emperor Taizu Wu of Dayu, Emperor Li Geng, established the empire. He suppressed not only the powerful princes from all sides, but also the demons and ghosts that arose in troubled times.

At that time, all the great demons and trolls who were the ancestors of the disaster party were personally led by Li Geng and the masters of the "Huntian Supervisory Academy" to attack the door. They were taken out of their respective caves and bled one by one. After they were skinned and boned, they were made into food to reward the three armies. .

In the next hundred years, the Yu Dynasty suppressed the demonic atmosphere in the world, and the "Huntian Supervisory Office" monitored and swept away all evil spirits. It was true that the demons were suppressed and the world was at peace.

Later, Dayu went through several turmoils, and the country's power had gone up and down several times and was no longer as prosperous as the founding of the country. Only then did demons sneak up and cause trouble.

But until now, it has only been small-scale quarrels with minor characters, and no major commotion like the Qiantang Dragon Lord, which easily affected thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of living beings, has ever happened.

When Ma Ji and Jiao Na think about it, no matter how fierce the Qiantang Dragon King is, he may not dare to be the first to challenge the power of the Yu Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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