Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 284 Looking for water in Qiantang, Gong Xian 1 sleeve

Chapter 284: Qianxun Water in Qiantang, Gong Xian’s One-Sleeved Wear
On the Qiantang River, the waves surged like mountains.

A middle-aged man with red hair and red beard and sharp eyes as sharp as lightning stood on the waves, looking north in the distance. A thick layer of evil aura enveloped his purple-red face.

On the bank of the river, Chu Liang, the young supervisor in charge of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang branches of the "Huntian Supervisory Academy", stood with his hands behind his back, facing the people on the river at a distance, calmly and calmly.

He raised his arms to the man in the river and asked with a smile: "I wonder what Mr. Qiantang wants?"

The man was none other than Qiantang Dragon Lord Ao Xuan, who was in charge of the Qiantang River waters. He shouted with an angry look, "Chu Liang, Gu's nephew just died tragically. If the murderer is not cut into pieces, how can Gu be worthy of his brother's spirit in heaven?"

His cultivation level reached the sky, and when his nephew died, he immediately felt a reaction in his heart, and followed a secret in the dark to locate the murderer.

Because he has always been fiery and revenge never lasts overnight, he was about to leave for Taihu Lake at that time.

He was not surprised that Chu Liang could show up in such a timely manner to block the road. The "Huntian Supervisory Academy" monitors all aliens in the world. As one of the few masters in the Dragon Clan, he was naturally the subject of key surveillance.

Chu Liang put away his smile and said sternly: "Qiantang Lord, please calm down the anger of Thunder. There is another reason behind Taihu Lord's death."

Ao Xuan's eyes were filled with coldness, and the Qiantang River under his feet was turbulent with his emotional changes: "Who is the murderer? What does it have to do with you?"

This is his "Tian Yi Sen Luo Dafa". All dragons, snakes, birds and beasts are transformed from Tian Yi Shen Shui. They are extremely heavy and powerful. With such a commotion, there is a mountain in front of them, and they have to collapse before stepping on it. For flat ground.

With a sigh, a Taoist wearing a lotus crown, a Bagua robe, a face like a crown jade, and a beard two feet long appeared beside him out of thin air. He raised his right arm, opened his wide cuffs, and looked towards the Qiantang River to the sky giant. The waves transform all the phases with just one move.

Ao Xuan sneered: "I committed a crime, so what can I do!"

Chu Liang did not hide anything, and told the whole story of the incident in Taihu Lake. It is not known from what channel he got the information, but there was no omission in it.

Chu Liang refused to give in to the tit-for-tat: "Xiaguan's level of cultivation is indeed as insignificant as the light of a firefly in front of Lord Qiantang who has survived the two tribulations of thunder and fire. However, the law of Dayu is majestic and does not tolerate light violations. Lord Qiantang, please think twice!"

Before he could finish his words, huge waves suddenly arose on the Qiantang River at his feet. The waves turned into countless dragons and snakes, divine horses, swift birds, fierce tigers and leopards... overwhelmingly roaring towards Chu Liang on the shore.

"Presumptuous!" Ao Xuan was furious, "You are a young prisoner of a small branch, and your Taoist cultivation is no more than the fifth level of divine wandering. What do you rely on to talk so shamelessly in front of me?"

In an instant, dragons, snakes, galloping horses, birds, tigers and leopards disappeared out of thin air, and the wind was calm and the waves were calm.

Finally, he said with a cold and solemn expression: "I am here just to convey a resolution of the 'Huntian Supervisory Council'. Ao Lang, the Dragon Lord of Taihu, has been misbehaving in the past and has killed and robbed people many times. This time he has done it again." He must be punished for his crime of colluding with the 'White Lotus Sect' to bandit Monk Tian Gu and intending to harm the great Yu scholar!"

Chu Liang's expression did not change, he turned to the side, clasped his hands in his fists and bowed: "Thank you for your service!"

Ao Xuan, who was about to step ashore, froze on the river, with an extremely ugly expression on his face, and said slowly: "'The universe is vast in the sleeves, and the sun and the moon are long in the dream. The pen performs thousands of changes, and the sword condenses hundreds of times of light.' His sleeves fluttered lightly. So I broke Gu's 'Tian Yi Sen Luo Dafa', but in front of fellow Daoist Taixuan of 'The Universe in My Sleeves'?"

The Taoist bowed his head to him as a courtesy and said with a smile: "Qiantang Lord is so complimentary. This poor Taoist is Gong Miao."

Except for the most mysterious and unpredictable member of the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan", who has been in charge of inspecting all kinds of affairs since the founding of the Yu Dynasty, and who was worshiped as the Grand Master by all the emperors, the one who is most feared by the aliens in the world is his subordinate. There are two eunuchs and four ministers who are in charge of daily affairs. The four worshippers corresponded to the four lines of the poem that Ao Xuan was reciting. The one who appeared at this moment made even the arrogant Ao Xuan fearful. It was Gong Miao who was known as "the universe in his sleeves" and whose Taoist name was "Tai Xuan" .

Ao Xuan could ignore Chu Liang, but he could not ignore Gong Miao, who had survived the second calamity of thunder and fire and the second level of Taoism like him.

He looked solemn, stared at Gong Miao and asked, "Fellow Taoist, are you here to stop me from avenging my nephew?"

Gong Miao looked gentle, but his words were extremely tough, leaving no room for change: "The right and wrong of Taihu Lord's matter are clear. The prisoner Zhengming Pindao sent a message to Qiantang Lord, 'If you insist on going your own way, you will be responsible for the consequences'!"

The expression on Mr. Qiantang's face changed drastically, and he finally said with hatred: "What a majesty! What an evil spirit! Today your 'Huntian Supervisory Yuan' is so powerful that I can only swallow my anger. However, the situation has always been changing, and now a big change is coming, and the world will be turned upside down. , Let’s see if you can still be so tyrannical on the day when the dragon and the snake land.”

After saying that, his figure sank into the river below and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that Gong Miao had successfully forced back the Dragon Lord, who had always acted arrogantly and domineeringly, there was not much joy on his face. He stared at the Qiantang River in a daze.

Chu Liang asked tentatively from the side: "Honor, what is the 'big change' that Ao Xuan just said..."

Gong Miao came back to his senses, shook his head slightly and said: "It's not time for you to know about this. You only need to remember one thing. In the next period of time, more and more demons and monsters will appear in the world and cause trouble." The more we do, the higher and lower the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan" must fulfill their duties and try to control the situation and not make too much noise."

Chu Liang hurriedly bowed and said: "I obey your orders."

Then he asked: "Although that little guy Ma Ji is being reasonable this time, his behavior is too bold. Do you want to remind him to restrain himself?"

"That's a little guy who can cause trouble, but there's no need to remind him." Gong Miao chuckled.

"In fact, the prison has recently felt that many old friends who have been hiding for many years are trying to make a move, and they are trying to kill the chicken and scare the monkey.

"Taihu Lord Ao Lang's identity and strength are barely up to standard, and Ma Ji's move just suits Jian Zheng's wishes.

"Moreover, that boy is arrogant on the outside and inside, and has his own rules of conduct in his heart. Even if you remind him, he will not change his behavior."

"What I saw is very true." Chu Liang agreed, and then asked, "I'm afraid there will be some actions from the Dongting Dragon Clan. Do you want to go over there?"

Gong Miao smiled and said: "The Lord of Dongting, Liu Yi, has always known how to advance and retreat. Even if he had to act because of his wife's affection, he must know how to measure it. And Brother Tong Dao will be watching over there, and he will definitely not let that person Something happened to the little guy.”

The "Brother Tong Dao" he was talking about was none other than Tong Yu, who was known as the "Swordsman of Tianchi" among the four "Huntian Supervisory Yuan" worshippers.

Only then did Chu Liang feel relieved. Ma Ji and Jiao Na were the children of his colleagues. If he knew that something might happen to them but did nothing, it would be difficult to get along with Ma Yao and Huang Fuli in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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