Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 286 Jinshan Temple is near the water, with white horse hooves treading the waves

Chapter 286 Jinshan Temple is near the water, with white horse hooves treading the waves

Jinshan Temple, formerly known as Zexin Temple, is located on an isolated island in the middle of the Yangtze River. It was built during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The temple is built according to the mountain and is divided into three roads. The mountain gate faces the west, facing the mighty river coming from the sky.

Many buildings cover the entire mountain island. The temple is called the "Temple outside the mountain" and the mountain is called the "Mountain inside the temple". It is a wonder.
In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the Buddhist disciple Xuanzang became a monk in Jinshan Temple and traveled thousands of miles west to Nalanda Temple in Tianzhu to retrieve the true scriptures, which made Buddhism popular in China. Jinshan Temple also became a holy place for Buddhism in China.

After Xuanzang's Nirvana, Jinshan Temple declined for a time.

It was not until the middle of the Great Qi Dynasty in the previous dynasty that another Zen Master Fahai appeared in the temple. He cultivated all nine consciousnesses and was invincible in the world. He used the "Mighty Heavenly Dragon Mantra" to suppress countless heretic evil spirits, and Jinshan Temple once again prospered.

Later, Zen Master Fahai also achieved nirvana and was liberated, and Jinshan Temple no longer prospered.

But to this day, Jinshan Temple is still one of the Buddhist Buddhist temples, with an endless stream of pilgrims coming to worship the Buddha all day long.

On this day, Ma Ji and his party arrived in Zhenjiang by boat. After Jiang Aduan and Wanxia thanked Ma Ji and others, they took Grandma off the boat and went home.

Wang Zhangwen heard that this place was not far from Jinshan Temple, so he told Ma Ji that when he was trapped in the Dragon Palace of Taihu Lake, he often prayed for the blessings of gods and Buddhas in his heart. Now that he had escaped from the disaster, it was time to go to Jinshan Temple to worship the gods and Buddhas.

A group of people entered the mountain gate mixed in with the meandering line of pilgrims.

Ma Ji called Jiao Na to come over. Master and apprentice stood side by side facing the west. He saw a big river flying down from the sky like a giant dragon, shaking its head and swaying its tail. When it came here, it was split into two parts by a golden mountain standing in the middle of the river. separate.

Not long after, the boat arrived at Jinshan Temple, and everyone got off the boat one by one and headed up the mountain.

Wang Zhangwen and Wang Shixiu and their son went to various temples to offer incense and pay homage to their wishes and worship devoutly.

This platform is more than ten feet high, with cliffs on its east, west, and south sides. Standing on it, you can overlook the mighty rivers on all sides of Jinshan Mountain.

"Draw the knife!"

They finally reached the "Miao Gao Terrace" above Jinshan Mountain.

Jiao Na, who was originally looking at it in a daze, nodded vigorously with surprise on her face: "I understand!"

Following Ma Ji's shout, the master and apprentice slowly raised their right arms together, stretched out their five fingers and used their palms as swords, slashing towards the void in front of them and the surging river beyond.

Although there are Jiao Na and Zhan Chun who are both foxes and ghosts, the former has a special identity, while the latter has initially integrated "Dragon Horn Glue". Although he has not yet begun the practice of "Du Tian Tian Gui", his body is no different from a living person. , but there is no need to worry that the great monk in the temple will come to slay demons and catch ghosts.

Ma Ji took Jiao Na and the other four children up the stairs to view the flowers.

After a while, Ma Ji suddenly asked: "Do you understand?"

Ma Ji was not in a hurry and had no opinion on the matter. Although he was not very interested in worshiping Buddha, he was very interested in the eminent monks Xuanzang and Fahai, so he also wanted to visit Jinshan Temple to pay his respects.

The angle, trajectory, and speed of their swords are exactly the same as if they were copied. When the swords are drawn, the whole person is integrated with the golden mountain under their feet. The seemingly simple and direct swordsmanship contains the wonders of infinite changes, and contains the most powerful and powerful. The mighty meaning of resistance.

The sword fell seemingly silently, but in the distance, two ravines that were ten feet long, three feet wide, and bottomless appeared side by side on the river.

After a few breaths, the river water that was divided to both sides by the sword's intention closed back to the middle, and the ravine closed and became invisible. "It's done! It's done!"

Jiao Na hugged Ma Ji's arm and cheered with joy.

At this point, under the guidance of Ma Ji, she finally integrated and unified the 31,104 variations of the "Eight Wishful Demons, Eight Chains of Forms" into one form of Gods and Ghosts. "Magic Sword Cut".

Ma Ji's arms felt warm and soft, and he hurriedly broke away from Jiao Na's hands. He acted in an old-fashioned manner, nodded in approval and said, "You can teach me!"

Jiao Na quietly rolled her eyes, but she was not too disappointed in her heart. After all, "poaching" could not be accomplished in a day, and she also had plenty of time and patience.

Suddenly, a high-pitched horse neighing full of excitement came from a Zen courtyard below, followed by a burst of human noise and chaos.

Ma Ji's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, just in time to see a white shadow crashing through the door of the monastery, flying towards the top of the mountain like a gust of wind.

It was a horse that was all white, without a trace of mottled color. The muscles on its muscular body undulated as it ran, full of an indescribable power and beauty.

It ran very fast and reached the Miao Gao platform in a moment; its movements were extremely light and agile. Even though there were many male and female pilgrims on the way, it could get around them in time or simply jump over their heads without colliding with them. to one person.

The white horse stopped suddenly in front of Ma Ji.

As it got closer, its figure became more majestic, but its back was already higher than its human body.

It lowered its huge horse head and took a sniff at Ma Ji, who was standing there blankly. A very vivid look of confusion appeared in a pair of large, bright and slightly red eyes like agate.

Ma Ji slowly raised his hand, gently pressed it on Baima's forehead, and asked with a trembling voice: "Dark Lord, is that you?"

Hearing the name "Dark Lord", Baima finally confirmed something. He snorted several times with a cheerful meaning, and put his big head in Ma Ji's arms and rubbed it again and again.

At this moment, even though Ma Ji III was a man and a man as deep as the sea, he couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes. Under the close feeling, he not only confirmed that the white horse in front of him was his "Dark Lord" , and even discovered that although it has not lost the memory of its previous life, it is no longer a flesh and blood body but a spirit body transformed by vitality. It is unknown what it has experienced in this world.

Jiao Na and others on the side were shocked to see Ma Ji lose his composure for the first time. They didn't know the origin of the white horse in front of them.

The "Dark Lord" only felt the joy of being reunited with his master. He neighed a few times to convey his feelings to Ma Ji.

Ma Ji understood immediately and put his worries aside for the time being. He laughed and flew onto the unsaddled horse.

The "Dark Lord" suddenly let out a hearty and joyful long hiss, used all four hooves to leap deeply, and jumped from the Miao Gao platform to the Taotao River below amid the exclamations from everyone near and far.

Four hooves fell into the water, but they felt like walking on flat ground. They went upstream and galloped away like lightning. In the blink of an eye, only one person and one horse were left, only a small white dot.


Someone among the pilgrims who witnessed this scene let out a loud shout, which immediately triggered everyone to respond. At that time, some people raised the ready-made incense in their hands and paid homage to Ma Ji and the "Dark Lord" who disappeared into the distance.

But at this moment, one person and one horse just happened to be walking around the river and returned after enjoying themselves. The "Dark Lord" jumped ten feet on the river and directly jumped onto the Miao Gao Platform. Ma Ji couldn't help but feel greatly as he looked at the people who were burning incense and worshiping. Awkward.

(Thanks to book friend Baiyuncang Gou Youyou for your generous reward.)
(End of this chapter)

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