Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 287 Painting horses and copying poems

Chapter 287 Painting horses and copying poems

Ma Jizheng didn't know how to end today's events. An old monk in gray robe with a beard like snow and a face like a boy walked slowly from the bottom of the mountain, holding a scroll in his hand.

The old monk looked at Ma Ji, who was sitting on the back of a white horse, and the man and the horse seemed in perfect harmony. Then he looked at Jiao Na and Zhan Chun next to him. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He put one palm up in front of his chest and saluted: " Namo Amitabha, Lao Na Pu Yi, has seen Tan Yue."

Before Ma Ji came to Jinshan Temple, he had heard that Zen Master Puyi was the current abbot of the temple. He was also an eminent monk with profound Buddhist teachings and exquisite Zen philosophy. He hurriedly got off his horse and bowed his hands in return, saying, "I don't dare. Ma Ji, who was born in Qiantang late, has seen Zen Master."

Pu Yi raised the scroll he held in his left hand and said with a smile: "Ma Tan Yue, you and I still need to talk in detail about this white horse, but for now we still want to let it return to where it came from. I wonder what Tan Yue wants?"

Ma Ji saw the scroll in his hand and thought about the current situation of the "Dark Lord". He immediately made some guesses in his heart. He knew that taking away the "Dark Lord" would inevitably involve the old abbot. He immediately nodded and said: "Everything is decided by the Zen master."

Pu Yi was about to unroll the scroll in his hand, but it turned out to be a picture scroll that looked a bit old. What was strange was that there was nothing in the picture.

Everyone was at a loss, but Ma Ji secretly sighed, "Sure enough."

Pu Yi shook the scroll towards the "Dark Lord" and shouted: "Yu Long'er hasn't returned yet, when will we wait!"

Following this shout, the "Dark Lord" neighed, and his stalwart figure turned into a white light and fell into the painting, turning into a lifelike horse in the painting.

Everyone suddenly realized that they immediately transferred their respect for Ma Ji, the "immortal", to the Buddha enshrined in the temple. They rushed to grab various temples and prayed more devoutly.

Ma Ji cupped his hands and said, "I'm ashamed, Dragon Matchmaker is a late-born person."

After some pleasantries, the two finally got down to business.

Puyi turned around and showed the picture to the stunned pilgrims, and said louder: "This is a picture of a galloping horse painted by the ancestor Xuanzang of our temple. It has become spiritual due to his age and the influence of Buddhism. For a moment, I The supervision is not strict, so I hope you won’t be offended if it escapes and disturbs all the donors!”

"When the Patriarch took the scriptures from Tianzhu and returned to China, 'Jade Dragon'er' had disappeared, and the Patriarch never explained it. He just drew this picture of a galloping horse as a commemoration in his later years.

Pu Yi gently stroked the scroll in his hand and said: "What I just said is not a fabrication. This painting of galloping horses was indeed written by Patriarch Xuanzang. When the Patriarch set out from Chang'an to the west, he subdued a white dragon in Kunming Pond and made it He turned into a white horse and used it as his leg strength, and named him "Yu Long'er".

Pu Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it was Ma Long, a master of both poetry and calligraphy, who was in front of me. Although I was from outside the country, I had heard of Tan Yue's talent, especially the song "Looking at the Sea Tide" that he composed on Wangjiang Tower. Every word is so beautiful that it describes everything about Hangzhou. No wonder people say that once this poem came out, no one in the world would dare to sing about Hangzhou!"

After the tea was finished and the cup was put down, he said to Ma Ji: "I heard that there was a great talent, Ma Long, a matchmaker in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I don't know..."

Puyi rolled up the scroll, invited Ma Ji and his entourage to his abbot, and called the young novice monk to serve tea.

When Ma Ji saw this method of taking advantage of the situation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Old monk is cunning!"

Ma Ji hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Zen Master's words are serious, how dare you live in such a late life and deserve such a high reputation!"

"There was nothing unusual about this painting until sixteen years ago, when the 'Jade Dragon' in the painting suddenly came to life and often jumped out of the painting and ran around. But in the past, it only went out at night and would definitely return before sunrise. This is the first time that I have been shocked like this in broad daylight..."

Ma Ji also understood the cause and effect at this time. The stupid "Dark Lord" must have jumped into the Immortal Sect with him and Wang Qiong. His body was annihilated by the power of the Immortal Sect. His soul came to this world, but he did not reincarnate like himself. Reborn, but somehow attached to the spiritual painting of a galloping horse painted by Xuanzang.

Thinking of this, he was moved but also a little embarrassed. The relationship between the "Dark Lord" and himself must not be revealed to others, so how to get the handwriting of the ancestor into his own hands would require a lot of effort. While he was making rapid calculations in his mind, Pu Yi smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to send the scroll to him.

Ma Ji was stunned on the spot.

Pu Yi smiled and said: "The founder once left a message saying that this painting will meet the destined person in the future. The 'Jade Dragon'er' appeared in the daytime because of Tan Yue, and is willing to ride for you. The destined person will know without asking."

Ma Ji didn't know if Master Xuanzang was just saying it casually or if he was really powerful enough to foresee what happened today, but he didn't shut out his own "Dark Lord". At that time, he stood up and took it without any hesitation, and then went to Pu Yi bowed solemnly and gave a salute: "Thank you for the generous gift. Ma Ji is ashamed to accept it. I dare not say thank you for the great kindness. I will definitely repay it the next day!"

Pu Yi smiled and said: "There is no need to wait until the next day, I have something to ask for right now."

After that, he pointed to the pen and ink on the table beside him and said: "Tan Yue is a master of poetry and calligraphy. Since you have come to our temple, you should leave your calligraphy treasure to make our temple shine."

Ma Ji quietly breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said, "Since I was wrongly loved by Zen Master, Ma Ji should show his shame."

He immediately walked to the book desk, and Zhan Chun, a freshly-made little book boy, rushed forward to help him unfold the paper and grind the ink.

Ma Ji thought for a moment and immediately wrote a seven-rhyme poem on the paper. He named it "Jinshan Temple" and the poem said:

Tens of thousands of hectares of clear rivers dip into green mountains, and the universe is wide toward it.

The shadows of fish and dragons are falling on the tower, and the sounds of bells and chimes are making the water and rocks cold.

At dusk, white birds fly over the sea gate, and when the tide returns, I can see the yellow beach with melon steps.

There were often violent storms outdoors, so the eminent monk had to watch quietly.

Pu Yi had also moved to the writing desk and saw a poem written in just a moment without adding any details. He first praised Ma Ji's quick thinking and then recited the eight lines of the poem aloud. The paintings are painted in shapes and colors, and the water is intertwined with movement and stillness. The concluding sentence is pun-like and has a profound meaning. It uses the storm to describe the world, and secretly praises myself as a "high monk" for his indifferent and detached mind that smiles at honor and disgrace.

The poem is indeed a good poem, fresh and refined, free and natural; the words are even better, steep and majestic, pure and elegant.

It was just that Pu Yi had just finished reciting this poem, and before he could express his full words of praise, someone outside the abbot laughed and said: "Poetry is good, and flattery is also good flattery!"

Pu knew who he was as soon as he heard his voice, and responded with a smile: "You are a arrogant warrior who can only use guns and swords. How can you understand the beauty of poetry? You are really insulting to gentlemen!"

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in slowly. He had a simple face, dark skin, thick hands and feet, and was wearing a brown short coat. He looked like a farmer in the fields everywhere.

Ma Ji had always lived in the city, and he had copied the poem casually, so he didn't care about the man's teasing words just now. He also heard that Pu Yi was familiar with him, so he put down his pen and stood up with a smile on his face. .

Jiao Na, Ruoxue, Ruomei, and Zhan Chun did not allow others to slander their master and young master, and they all glared at the visitors.

(End of this chapter)

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