Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 288 Tong Yu, Liu Yi

Chapter 288 Tong Yu, Liu Yi

When the man walked into the abbot, and they were within easy reach of each other, Ma Ji suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and subconsciously adjusted his stance slightly, implying a defensive attitude.

This warning sign does not come from the other party harboring any evil thoughts and murderous intentions. It is purely due to the natural pressure caused by the disparity in strength between the two. It is like a tiger standing beside you. Even if it does not mean to bite people, people can't help but feel frightened.

When he came to this world, he encountered many powerful enemies, from tree demons and beautiful silkworms to Taihu Dragon Lord Ao Lang. He also met many masters, from Yan Chixia, Huangfuli, Baiyun and even Puyi in front of him.

In terms of cultivation strength, these people are all better than him, but they have never caused him to feel such pressure.

It can be seen from this that this ordinary man who looks like a farmer in the field has most likely reached the third level of cultivation.

At this time, Pu Yi came to introduce both parties.

He pointed at the man and said to Ma Ji: "Ma Tanyue, this is Tong Yu, an old friend of Lao Na. Because he has lived in seclusion on the bank of Tianchi on Changbai Mountain outside Guan Guan for many years, and he is good at swordsmanship, people call him the 'Tianchi Swordsman'."

Ma Ji and Jiao Na were moved when they heard the name of "Tianchi Swordsman" Tong Yu.

They have all heard of these four sentences: "The universe is vast in the sleeves, and the sun and the moon are long in the dream. The pen performs thousands of changes, and the sword condenses hundreds of light." They have all heard of these four sentences, as well as the four major enshrined names of the "Huntian Supervisory Academy" they represent. .

His last words caused a faint sigh, and then a handsome scholar in blue shirt appeared at the door and walked in slowly.

Pu Yi also wanted to introduce Ma Ji to Tong Yu. Tong Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "This little guy is Lao Tong's junior, and he doesn't need an introduction from the great monk."

He knew that the person in front of him looked middle-aged, but he was already famous since the founding of Dayu. He was much older than his three generations combined, so he didn't hesitate to call him "Uncle".

Tong Yu smiled brightly: "You didn't call me 'Master' for nothing. With this title, Old Tong can confidently support you today - Mr. Dongting is here, why don't you show up to meet him?"

Hearing the other party mention Yan Chixia, Ma Ji quietly put down his guard, cupped his hands and said: "Ma Ji was born late, and I have seen Tong worship her."

Then he looked Ma Ji up and down, with an unabashed look of admiration on his face: "No wonder that kid Yan Chixia admires you so much. The little guy really has some skills, but with such a keen sense of spirituality, you are one of the third-class people in the world. Very few people come here."

Tong Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Although you are a disciple of our courtyard, you do not hold a position in the courtyard. There is no need to use some official courtesy. You have a friendship with Yan Chixia, but he is a disciple of old Tong. You Just call Lao Tong 'Master'."

Before he could react, Tong Yu had already said this and took a step sideways to stand in front of him, facing the person directly.

"Great monk, I will use your territory to settle some grudges today!"

Ma Ji followed Shan Ruliu and immediately changed his title again: "Uncle Master!"

As soon as the young man stepped into the door, Ma Ji clearly felt a terrifying pressure that pointed directly at his heart. However, this pressure was only concentrated on himself. Jiao Na and the other four little girls around him seemed completely unaware.

"Mr. Dongting, you bully the small with the big, but you didn't listen to what Old Tong just said!"

The visitor was the protagonist of the story "Liu Yi's Biography", and later became the leader of the Dongting Dragon Clan as a human being.

Seeing Tong Yu's unkind expression and cold tone, Liu Yi stopped and raised his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Tong, you should know that I have no reason to be like this." "What reason?" Tong Yu sneered disdainfully.

"If it weren't for you and Qiantang Jun, based on what Ao Lang did, he should have gone to the 'Demon Slaying Platform' of the 'Huntian Supervisory Authority'.

"Before Liu Longjun stood up for his nephew, did he ever think about the humans who were harmed by him? Or... once Liulongjun turned into a dragon, he had long forgotten his origin, and just like other self-proclaimed noble dragons, he regarded us humans as I don’t care about the ants!”

Liu Yi was speechless, and after a long silence he said: "Having said that, since I have come here, I can't return without doing anything. Now that Taoist friend Tong is here, I can't do anything more, and I only attack Mr. Ma once. And only with a comparable fifth-grade strength, I don’t know what you think?”

Tong Yu sneered: "Why would Mr. Liu Long play such word games? Doesn't Old Tong know that strength is not equal to realm?"

Liu Yi sighed: "As the leader of the Dongting Dragon Clan, there are things that I cannot help but do. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

Tong Yu was still waiting to say anything more, but Ma Ji said: "Uncle, I did the job, but I still have to face it in the end."

Then he walked out from behind Tong Yu and stood opposite Liu Yi. Yuan Ting stood tall and said with grace, "Please take action, Mr. Long!"

There was admiration in Liu Yi's eyes, and a ferocious bronze mask appeared out of thin air on his face, covering up his jade-like face and gentle jade-like temperament. In an instant, an elegant scholar appeared incarnate and came to dominate the 800-mile waters of Dongting. , the majestic king, who had millions of scales in submission, raised his right hand and stretched out a finger as white as jade, and gently tapped Ma Ji's eyebrows.

Under Ma Ji's perception, a small group of invisible force condensed at the tip of that finger, or like an undercurrent, or like a stormy sea, or like a flying current, or like a whirlpool, changing in an instant, as if It is a concrete, subtle and diverse Dongting Lake.

Seizing the creation of heaven and earth, invading the mystery of sun and moon. Technique advances beyond Tao, that is what is called.

In front of this finger that had never exceeded the limit of his own strength, but whose realm was astonishingly high, Ma Ji's spirit was instantly elevated to a mysterious realm that had never been reached before.

Watching the finger coming slowly, he read aloud: "The west wind blows the old Dongting waves, and Mr. Xiang's hair turns white all night long. After being drunk, I don't know that the sky is in the water, and the boat is full of clear dreams that overwhelm the stars!"

Strangely enough, although the speed of Liu Yi's finger was not very fast, given the distance between the two of them, it should have landed on the center of his eyebrows in just a few breaths. However, he finished reciting these four lines of the poem in a hurry. Finally, the finger reached halfway, and it seemed that time and space were strangely distorted in a small area between the two.

At the same time as he spoke the last words of a poem, he raised his hand and pointed out his fingers slowly as if copying Liu Yi's movements. The fingertips contained the wonderful principle of "the change of heaven and earth" in "the battle to win the sky", and performed the "mirror flower, water moon".

The moment before the tips of the two slender fingers touched, a small invisible force was also generated at Ma Ji's fingertips. All the changes contained in it were exactly the same as those in the Dongting that Liu Yi had evolved.

The so-called "mirror flower, water moon" is just like the last two sentences of the poem he recited. The water mirror reflects the sky, the stars and rivers are all reflected in the mirror, and the boat sails on the water without distinguishing the difference between sky and water.

With a light touch of your fingertips, all the power and changes contained in the two tiny Dongting Lakes cancel each other out within a square inch and become invisible, making no sound or even a speck of dust.

As soon as his fingertips touched the point, Liu Yi remained motionless, and the mask on his face disappeared. There was no shame or reluctance on his face, but full of appreciation.

However, Ma Ji took three steps back, stood still, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Long, for staying..."

Before the word "love" could be uttered, his body suddenly shook violently. Under the astonished gazes of everyone, including Liu Yi opposite him, he fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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