Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 289 Cursed Killing, Backlash

Chapter 289 Cursed Killing, Backlash

The land of Qilu, Yanzhou Prefecture, Zhaojia Village, Teng County.

On this day, the teacher finished his schoolwork for the day and waited for the boys and girls in the private school to disperse happily like birds out of a cage or fish out of a net, and returned to his home alone and leisurely.

This is a three-room thatched cottage side by side, with a guest room in the middle, a study room and a bedroom on the left and right respectively. A small courtyard is surrounded by a bamboo fence in front of the house, which looks very simple and elegant.

The teacher entered the study room on the left from the living room, raised his hand and pointed at the empty wall, and a door appeared out of thin air on the wall.

He pushed the door open and entered. Behind what was supposed to be the outermost wall of the house was actually a very spacious hall. Behind the incense table in the front was a goddess with white hair and a kind face.

The teacher went to the futon in front of the incense table and bowed respectfully, saying: "My hometown is empty, my mother has no life, my disciple Xu Hongru pays my respects!"

This person turned out to be Xu Hongru, the contemporary leader of the "White Lotus Sect" who was listed as the most wanted criminal by the imperial court but has never been arrested.

After he devoutly worshiped the inanimate old mother who was regarded as the highest deity by the "White Lotus Sect", he picked up a straw man from the incense table. The limbs were very rough, but the face was extremely delicate, and he vaguely had the appearance of a horse.

Xu Hongru picked up the straw man, looked at its face carefully, and sneered: "No matter who you are, since you killed this poor Taoist disciple, you must repay with your life. Seven days, thousands of miles of soul locking, today's meritorious deeds are complete, Look at the poor way and take your head!"


At this moment, Ma Ji, who was far away in Jinshan Temple, suddenly fell backwards, closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

Jiao Na's beautiful eyes were filled with chills. A "Cicada Wing Knife" appeared out of thin air in her hand, and she slashed it at the head of Liu Yi, who had a look of astonishment on his face. The force of the knife was so powerful that it was about to cut the sky and split the earth. It was so powerful that it was exactly The "Magic Sword Cut" that I just learned under Ma Ji's inspiration.

Jiao Na and Zhan Chun were both stunned on the spot.


Zhan Chun's figure suddenly appeared behind Liu Yi. His usually timid face was as cold as frost, and he thrust his hands towards Liu Yi's lower back.

Jiao Na, Ruoxue, Ruomei, and Zhan Chun exclaimed in unison.

Ruoxue and Ruomei knew that they were not strong enough, so they did not take any action to cause trouble. They rushed to Ma Ji's side together, grabbed his arms from left to right, and called repeatedly with anxious faces.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The face of the straw man became clearer and clearer, and in the end it was Ma Ji's lifelike face.

"What two cruel little guys!" Tong Yu sighed, his right hand gently held Jiaona's arm that was holding the knife and slashed downwards, and his left hand looked into the air to grab Zhan Chunshe, grabbed the back of his neck, and shouted in a deep voice, "Don't mess around, he didn't do it!"

After saying that, a long black hair on his head automatically fell off, and flew around the neck of the straw man like a spirit.

Tong Yu looked solemn and was about to say something else, when Ma Ji on the ground sat upright like a corpse.

Ruoxue and Ruomei beside him were startled at first, and then cried together with joy.

Jiao Na and Zhan Chun also broke away from Tong Yu's hands and ran to Ma Ji to see him.

Ma Ji shook his head in confusion and asked doubtfully: "What happened just now?" Tong Yu said in a deep voice: "The boy is lucky. Someone must have used some sinister thing like a spell to secretly harm you." You, but it suddenly failed for some reason.”

Thinking of the sudden loss of consciousness just now, Ma Ji couldn't help but be wary of such unpreventable means. He also vaguely remembered that when he regained consciousness, he seemed to see the mysterious jade monument shining brightly in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He guessed that he had survived this time. It’s because of this treasure whose origin is still unknown.

At this moment, Xu Hongru, who was far away in Teng County, was extremely miserable. His arms were twisted like twists, his face was pale, and blood was oozing from his seven orifices.

It turned out that he had just held the straw man with one hand, picked up a golden short knife no more than seven inches long from the incense table with the other hand, and slashed it towards the neck of the straw man.

The grass man was about to cut his body into two parts, and the center of his eyebrows suddenly bloomed with infinite light.

In a daze, he saw a huge image standing in the sky, exuding the profound meaning of vicissitudes that suppressed the eternal world, but he couldn't see clearly what it was.

What followed was an unimaginably terrifying force that shocked him so much that his dagger shattered, his arms were broken, and his organs were displaced.

The straw man had disappeared into ashes in the white light, leaving no trace.


Feeling that the terrible power was still eroding his body and even the Yuanshen, which had been tempered by two tribulations of thunder and fire and was close to pure Yang, seemed to be destroying both his body and spirit before he gave up, a three-inch-six-point tall figure appeared in front of Xu Hongru The peach wood little man.

The little Taomu figure was shattered and annihilated, the terrifying white light disappeared, and Xu Hongru's serious injuries also recovered.

He stood frozen for a long time with lingering fear, turned around and left the hall, went to the study outside, sat down in front of the desk, picked up a pen and drew a portrait on the paper, which was exactly Ma Ji's face.

In Jinshan Temple, Liu Yi felt a little relieved when he saw that Ma Ji was safe and sound.

The "Huntian Supervisory Yuan" has sent out mainstay figures such as Tong Yu to protect Ma Ji. They are not only considering Ma Ji's safety, but also intend to use this matter to show their strength and determination to the outside world, and intimidate more and more people in recent years. There are many outliers emerging.

If something unexpected happened to Ma Ji, and the person behind the plot could not be found, the blame would most likely be placed on himself, and he really did not have the confidence to fight against the "Huntian" who really showed his power after being slapped in the face. Control Yuan".

Now that he had taken action once, he had an explanation for both his identity and his wife who was crying all the time at home, so he cupped his hands to Tong Yu and said: "Fellow Taoist Tong, the Taihu matter is over. I'm leaving."

After saying that, he walked out of the abbot and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, both Tong Yu and Pu Yi came forward to check on Ma Ji's condition. They saw that there was nothing unusual about him. Although they were confused, they were relieved.

At this time, Pu Yi finally laid his eyes on the "Cicada Wing Sword" that Jiao Na was still holding in her hand, put his hands together and asked: "I dare to ask female Tan Yue, what you are holding in your hand is the 'Cicada Wing Sword' used by Patriarch Xuanzang in the past. ?”

Jiao Na put the long knife behind her back with caution: "So what?"

Seeing Pu Yi's embarrassed expression, Tong Yu laughed loudly: "Little girl, don't worry too much, this great monk has a pretty good character. Even if you are taking his ancestor's sword, as long as you didn't steal it from him , he won’t ask for it by force, Lao Tong can guarantee this.”

Ma Ji also laughed dumbly. He raised his hand and took the "Cicada Wing Knife" from Jiao Na's hand. Another "Cicada Wing Knife" appeared in his other hand. He held the two knives together in his hand and said to Pu: "Late and inferior. I am fortunate enough to have received the legacy of Zen Master Xuanzang.”

When Pu Yi saw the two long knives that were as thin as cicada wings and as bright as golden clouds, he was stunned for a moment and then raised his hands and laughed: "Tan Yue is indeed the destined person that the ancestor said!"

(End of this chapter)

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