Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 291 Meeting Qingmei

Chapter 291 Meeting Qingmei

After Ma Ji wrote a poem titled "Jinling Nostalgia", all seven classmates were impressed.

Of course, there are those who are sincerely convinced in their core, and there are also those who are convinced with their mouths but fearful and jealous in their hearts.

Ma Ji has such a sharp eye. He can roughly grasp everyone's psychology by observing their words and colors, and he also determines in his heart those people who can be friends with, those who should be kept at a respectful distance, and those who should be on guard against.

Although his thoughts changed, there was no trace on his face. When he chatted and laughed with everyone, everyone felt like a spring breeze, and there was no sense of favoring one over another.

While everyone was talking, an official from Nanjian came in and called Ma Ji to handle the enrollment matters.

Ma Ji followed the official to a nearby room.

The official first gave him an open rattan box, which contained the four treasures of the study and several books, explaining that these were provided by Nanjian for free, and he could come here to continue collecting the stationery after it was used up or damaged.

Then the official asked him if he wanted to have room and board in the South Prison, and everything was free of charge.

When Ma Ji just talked with his classmates, he had already learned that they did not have to live in the South Prison, as long as they did not delay their daily classes.

Ma Ji took a casual glance and saw that this woman was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was clothed in civilian clothes and had a hairpin. She had no makeup, a slim and well-proportioned figure, a very beautiful face, as gorgeous as a peach and a plum, and a very cold gaze, as cold as frost.

Finally, he arrived at a remote alley and saw the innermost courtyard. He saw that the small courtyard he entered had four main rooms and east and west wing rooms, which was enough for his family of five to live in.

The house and courtyard are very clean, and the furniture in the house is complete. You can move in with your bags.

Unexpectedly, the woman also stopped at the door, looking at Ma Ji intently, without any hesitation or concealment.

Among them, Mei, the eldest son, came with his newlywed wife and his family was well off, so he chose to rent a huge house near the South Prison to live.

Of course, this courtyard has the best conditions, and the rent is naturally the most expensive, otherwise it would not be able to attract tenants until now.

He felt uncomfortable looking at the other person, and thought to himself: "My skin in this life can be called a prosperous beauty, but girl, you are not so greedy, are you?"

After Ma Ji thanked him, he took the rattan box back to the school and put it on his desk. Then he explained to his classmates that he had to deal with some trivial matters and would come back tomorrow to study with everyone and wait for the start of classes.

Although the house is old, it can be seen that it has been maintained and repaired with great care, and there are no leaks.

But now that Ma Ji has the family background of Yue Wang Li Yu and Taihu Dragon Palace, in most cases, he is qualified to say that "problems that can be solved with money are not problems." Naturally, he will not care about the rent. The difference was enough, so the rental matter was settled quickly.

He took the key and went out to pick up Jiao Na and the four of them at the hotel where they were staying.

The best thing is that there is a well in the courtyard, which is very convenient for domestic water.

After he left the South Prison, he did not return to the inn. Instead, he went to several nearby rental and sale houses and took a look at them one by one according to what the official said.

At that time, Zong Zimei also invited Ma Ji to be a guest at his house in the evening, but Ma Ji had not yet settled down, so he politely declined.

The woman was so able to let go, but it was Ma Ji's turn that he couldn't let go.

Since there was no one else in the alley at the moment, Ma Ji stopped and wanted the woman to go first.

The officials did not force him, and enthusiastically provided him with information on several houses for rent and sale near South Prison.

With Zong Zimei's example in front of him, Ma Ji told him that he had family members accompanying him and planned to rent a house near the South Prison.

Ma Ji was not very satisfied with the first few places because of their poor location or small space.

When passing two houses facing each other in the alley, the courtyard door on the left opened with a creak, and a woman in green walked out.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of leaving first, Ma Ji ignored any humility and raised his legs to continue moving forward.

"Wait a minute."

He just raised one foot when the woman suddenly called out. Ma Ji felt helpless, turned around and asked, "Girl, I don't know..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman suddenly yelled, "Kan Quan!" Then she actually stepped forward to punch Ma Ji, hitting Ma Ji's chest with a white and tender right fist.

This punch seems to be ordinary, but in fact it is also ordinary. It is just the most widely circulated long fist stance among the people, and this woman's punch is as loose as a beginner's and full of flaws.

But just this punch caused Ma Ji's expression to change suddenly, and he subconsciously used an extremely clumsy long fist to fight back.

The woman changed her moves and attacked again, but Ma Ji hurriedly fought back.

The two of them retreated and I advanced in the alley here, and you attacked and I defended. Although their boxing skills were terrible, they had a surprisingly tacit understanding with each other, just like fellow practitioners who knew each other very well.

In the last move, the two of them punched head-on at the same time, but the two fists did not exert any force. They only blocked each other in the air, which looked quite childish and ridiculous.


"Sister Jin!"

After practicing with fists and kicks all the way, a long-lasting memory from ten years ago finally emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Since awakening from the past at the age of ten, "Ma Kongqun" has so many wonderful memories that have completely covered "Ma Ji's" simple life in the first ten years, making many childhood memories belonging to "Ma Ji" sink into the bottom of his heart. Most of the deliberate thinking and memories triggered by certain factors have become indifferent without trace.

Ten years ago, a group of troops moved to Hangzhou, and a Sima Linxie in the army was Ma Yao's good friend in the army.

Lin Xie brought his wife and daughter to Hangzhou and rented a house near Ma's house. The two families naturally started to move around.

Lin Xie's daughter is called Lin Jin, and she is two years older than Ma Ji. Since she was new to Hangzhou and unfamiliar with the people, she loves to play with Ma Ji the most. They are the so-called "childhood sweethearts".

At that time, Ma Yao only wanted his son to study and become an official, and did not want him to be involved in martial arts, so he refused to teach Ma Ji martial arts.

Lin Jin, on the other hand, learned a set of Changquan from his father, and often fought vigorously in front of Ma Ji.

Seeing that Ma Ji was greedy, she didn't hide her secrets and secretly passed on the boxing skills to him. After teaching him, they practiced offensive and defensive drills together.

It's a pity that Lin Xie was stationed in Hangzhou for only one year, and later received an order to guard the border in the north.

The two families parted ways, and both Ma Ji and Lin Jin burst into tears.

In the first two years after the separation, as a child, Ma Ji often missed Lin Jin.

When I regained my memory of my previous life when I was ten years old, I gradually forgot about her.

It wasn't until they met again, and Lin Jin recognized him first, that they replayed the scene of playing together before, that he finally recognized Lin Jin.

After the surprise, Ma Ji asked with some confusion: "Sister Jin, why are you here? Where are Uncle Lin and Auntie Lin?"

Lin Jin's cold and pretty face showed a slight sadness, and she whispered: "Come to my house and talk to me."

Ma Ji nodded and was about to follow her home when the door of another house behind him opened and a handsome young man in his twenties or fives came out.

He first glanced at Ma Ji with some hostility, then turned to Lin Jin with a smile and said: "Miss Lin, this young master is..."

Lin Jin said calmly: "It has nothing to do with you!"

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed Ma Ji's arm without hesitation, pulled him to his home, and slammed the courtyard door behind him.

The young man was stunned on the spot, with a mix of shame and anger on his face. He wanted to go forward and push the door of Lin Jin's house, but he retracted his hand with some scruples, stamped his foot hard, and turned around to go back to his home.

(End of this chapter)

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