Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 292 Heroine

Chapter 292 Heroine
Lin Jin led Ma Ji to his home.

The yard is very small, with only two main rooms and a hut on the side that serves as a kitchen.

When the two of them arrived outside the main room, they saw a woman with gray hair and a weathered face doing embroidery.

She looked up and saw Lin Jin walking in front first, and asked: "Jin'er, didn't you say you were going to buy rice? Why..."

Halfway through his words, he saw Ma Ji following behind and stopped abruptly in surprise.

Lin Jin walked to the woman's side, but his expression remained cold. He turned around and pointed at Ma Ji and said, "Mom, do you still recognize him?"

Only then did Ma Ji vaguely recognize that this woman was Lin Jin's mother Bian, but she was a few years younger than his mother, and for some reason she looked so old.

Of course, he would not wait for Mrs. Bian to slowly recognize him. He stepped forward and saluted, "My nephew, Ma Ji, has met Aunt Lin."

"Ma Ji? You are A Ji...ahem!"

Mrs. Bian immediately connected the handsome young man in front of her with the beautiful child in her memory, and she looked a little excited.

Ma Ji hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: "Auntie is just weak and sick due to a lot of physical depletion. She only needs to take some warming medicine and nurse her back to health for a period of time. She should be fine."

Ma Ji sat down next to the table, put three fingers on Bian's wrist, and felt it for a long time.

Afterwards, he suggested that Mr. Bian go back to his room to take a nap to recuperate.

Noticing his initial hesitation, Lin Jin's eyes flashed with disappointment and sadness, but there seemed to be no doubt on his face, and he asked: "Then will you prescribe the medicine now?"

Ma Ji heard her coughing deeply, his face was toothy, and his expression changed slightly. He hurriedly took a few steps forward. While Lin Jin patted Bian's back, he grabbed Bian's right hand and massaged the back of her hand with his fingers for the first time. , Hegu point between the two metacarpal bones.

Lin Jin hurriedly asked: "Aji, do you know medical skills?"

Ma Ji shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need to worry. I have rented the innermost courtyard and will move in for a while. Then I will just fry the medicine and bring it to my aunt."

Ma Ji apologized and said with a smile: "With the friendship between our two families, Auntie really doesn't have to be so open-minded."

Ma Ji let go of his hand first and said with a serious face: "There seems to be something wrong with my aunt's health. Please allow my nephew to help you diagnose your pulse."

It was only when she got excited that she immediately started coughing violently.

When he retracted his finger, Lin Jin seemed a little uneasy and asked hopefully: "Aji, how is my mother's health?"

Ma Ji nodded and said, "I met someone a few years ago and learned some random skills, and medical skills are one of them."

After a while, Bian's coughing gradually stopped, and she looked at Ma Ji with gratitude in her eyes: "Good boy, thank you."

Ms. Bian said uneasily: "Is this too much trouble for you?"

At first, Ms. Bian couldn't let go of her embroidery work. It wasn't until Lin Jin said she had something to say to Ma Ji that she smiled and said, "You were so close back then, and now that we have reunited after a long separation, we should catch up on old times."

Lin Jin immediately urged Mr. Bian to raise his arm and put it on the table beside him.

After that, he went to the inner room with a very pleased smile.

Ma Ji sensed that Mrs. Bian was already lying down on the couch through the wall, and used his spiritual mind to use a small technique to soothe her mind and calm her soul, making her fall asleep quickly.

When Mrs. Bian fell asleep, he lowered his voice and asked Lin Jin: "Sister Jin, what have you experienced in these years? My aunt has obviously suffered great damage to her body due to long-term fatigue, hunger and cold!" Lin Jin saw that he was accurate. He determined the cause of his mother's illness and asked with the last glimmer of hope: "Do you have a way to cure it?"

Ma Ji couldn't bear it in his heart, but he still shook his head slowly: "He is seriously ill and cannot be saved by gods!"

Nowadays, Bian's body is riddled with holes, and his vitality and lifespan have been exhausted to the point where the oil and lamps have dried up. Not to mention the medicine and stone are ineffective, and even Taoism and immortal magic are difficult to achieve.

Lin Jin acted much stronger than Ma Ji, or maybe she had already realized the situation. After a moment of silence, she asked: "Mother... how much time does she have?"

Ma Ji pondered for a moment and said: "I will use acupuncture and medicine to treat my aunt for a period of time, which can make her suffer less pain, but for up to a year, I'm afraid she will..."

Seeing that Lin Jin just sat there and stopped talking, he asked the previous question again, wanting to know what happened.

Lin Jin hesitated for a moment and finally talked about the cause of the matter.

Lin Xie was originally transferred to Beidi and came under the jurisdiction of Liao En, who had recently been promoted to commander-in-chief due to his military exploits.

A few months after taking office, he accidentally discovered that Liao En's so-called military exploits were actually the massacre of several remote villages belonging to Dayu. He was shocked and angry and quietly investigated, and later obtained some evidence.

But before he could submit the evidence to accuse Liao En, Liao En, who had already noticed it, charged him with a felony of treason for colluding with foreigners. He then launched an attack and beheaded him first and then executed him.

Liao En also wanted to eradicate the problem and deal with Lin Xie's wife and daughter together.

Fortunately, someone who knew the inside story sympathized with Lin Xie's plight. Although he did not dare to openly oppose Liao En, he informed the Lin family in advance, so that Bian could escape with young Lin Jin.

Under Liao En's operation, Lin Xie's charges were completely confirmed, and Bian and Lin Jin were also wanted.

At that time, Bian had to avoid being wanted by the government and also support his daughter. You can imagine how difficult life was.

Her body was destroyed by the suffering of those years.

Later, Lin Jin met an expert who taught her swordsmanship for a year.

Only when Lin Jin has the ability can she take care of her mother.

However, they continued to be displaced, and their lives were never comfortable. Bian's body was not recuperated, and the situation became worse and worse.

"Liao En?" Ma Ji felt that the name was familiar, and then thought of where he had heard it before, looked at Lin Jin and said, "The current Governor of South Zhili is called Liao En. Sister Jin, you brought your aunt to Yingtian, but Want to take revenge on him? "

Lin Jin's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said coldly: "He killed my family, but he himself rose to the top of the official hierarchy. If I didn't have a mother to support, I would have gone and taken the head of this thief!"

Ma Ji looked at her with some suspicion: "Sister Jin, you said that although you have learned swordsmanship from an expert, I can't see any sign of being a warrior in you."

Lin Jin said: "I learned the art of assassin from my master. The first important point of this art is that if you want to learn to assassinate others, you must first learn to hide yourself."

After saying that, she let out a little bit of her hidden aura, and her temperament immediately changed, from a frail woman to a swordsman with a hidden edge, whose murderous sword intent made people shudder.

Although the other party's aura soon became restrained, Ma Ji still clearly sensed that this childhood playmate's martial arts cultivation was as impressive as his own, and he was already at the fifth level of martial arts.

He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, it turns out that Sister Jin has realized her long-cherished wish, and she has truly become a chivalrous woman with unique skills and a happy heart."

(End of this chapter)

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