Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 293 Neighbors

Chapter 293 Neighbors
Although he knew Lin Jin's strength, Ma Ji was still not optimistic about her revenge.

Today, Admiral Liao En is in charge of the military affairs of Nanzhili. He is said to be in a high position and has high authority. Although he does not know his own strength, he must have many strange people under his command.

What's more, Dayu's "Huntian Supervisory Authority" monitors not only alien monsters and ghosts, but also human warriors and monks who rely on force and lawlessness.

Even if Lin Jin is lucky enough to succeed in assassinating Liao En, it will definitely be a ground-breaking case, which will attract the full pursuit and arrest of the "Huntian Supervisory Office". Once a monster of Tong Yu's level is attracted, Lin Jin's ending will inevitably be disastrous. .

Of course, Lin Jin himself only wanted revenge and might not care about his own outcome, but since Ma Ji knew about this, he could not let such a thing happen.

He did not object to Lin Jin's revenge, but he hoped that she would consider it long term, but seeing that her temperament was quite cold now, she did not seem to be easily persuaded.

The only solution for now is to try our best to extend Bian's life. With this concern, I believe Lin Jin will not be in danger easily.

With these things in mind, he went to the inn where he was staying and picked up Jiao Na and others.

When they were packing up the room and placing their luggage, Lin Jin also came over to help.

Ma Ji introduced them.

In the evening, Ma Ji cooked the medicine that he personally prescribed and asked Zhan Chun to grab it. After giving it to Bian, he took out the silver needle and performed acupuncture on her.

Thinking of her mother's condition, Lin Jin felt a pain in her heart. She immediately forgot about her shyness and hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, don't talk nonsense. Didn't Aji say that as long as you are well and well..."

But after all, she was a young girl who had not yet left the court. When she suddenly heard her mother talk about a life-long event, she couldn't help but feel a little shy. She lowered her head and said, "Mom, why did you suddenly talk about this?"

Mrs. Bian sighed: "My health is getting worse and worse. I don't know how many days I can take care of you. If I can't arrange your life-long affairs before you close your eyes, you won't be able to see the master even if you go underground."

Although Lin Jin's master practiced the art of assassins, his temperament was cold due to his unique skills. He rarely saw joy, anger or joy, even in front of his mother.

Ruoxue, Ruomei and Zhan Chun didn't think much of it. At most, they felt that Miss Lin was stern and not easy to get along with.

Ms. Bian felt the long-lost relaxed and comfortable feeling in her body, and she was even more grateful to Ma Ji. Looking at Lin Jin who was standing next to Ma Ji to help, she suddenly remembered a joke she had made with Ma Ji's mother Liu Qing, and she hid a secret. A matter of mind.

When Ma Ji returned to his home, Mrs. Bian called Lin Jin to her side and said sincerely: "Jin'er, now that you are eighteen and almost nineteen years old, it's time to think about finding a good family."

Lin Jin also looked at Jiao Na a few times, and seemed to have seen something. However, after hearing Ma Ji say that this was his disciple, he didn't say anything more.

Bian was stunned when she heard this. After all these years, the government's pursuit of them had long since relaxed, and she had almost forgotten that she and her daughter were still accused of betraying the general's family.

Jiao Na is a little troubled. Her master has a fiancée whom she has not met yet, which has already made her a little troubled. Now there is another childhood sweetheart whose appearance is not inferior to hers, but it adds to her plan of "for one day to be a teacher, to be a lifelong husband". hinder.

Bian waved her hand to stop her from continuing: "Aji is a good child, so he said this to comfort me, but how could I not know what my physical condition is? What I want to tell you now is Aji. With our two families, relationship, if you get married, his parents will definitely not let you be wronged, why not..."

This time, it was Lin Jin who waved her hand to stop her mother from talking any more. She whispered: "Mom, please don't talk nonsense. I heard from the girl Jiao Na next to Aji that he has now passed the exam and was selected as a traitor this time. He was trained as a future No. 1 scholar in the Imperial College. Our status as mother and daughter is awkward, so why should we miss his bright future? "

"My miserable daughter!"

She had never known her daughter to be more like a mother. From Lin Jin's few words, she had already heard that her daughter was not unintentional towards Ma Ji.

In fact, with Ma Ji's current appearance, knowledge, conduct and behavior, it is really impossible to find any shortcomings. It would be strange if his daughter is not interested. However, her increasingly cold-tempered daughter was finally moved, but she voluntarily gave up on this good marriage because of their identities, which made her involuntarily sad.

At this time, Lin Jin had calmed down her somewhat ups and downs, and said calmly: "My daughter only has two things on her mind right now. One is to support her mother until she grows old, and the other is to avenge her father's murder. After that, she will follow her master to practice Taoism."

Bian was speechless and could only cry sadly.

From then on, Ma Ji became neighbors with the mother and daughter.

During the day, he went to the South Prison to further his studies.

Within two or three days, as the fourteen recruited disciples arrived, Qiao Yun invited Su Ru, a master from various parties, to give lectures to them.

Each of these people has their own strengths, and they have been solemnly entrusted by Qiao Yun. They bear the important responsibility of cultivating talents and revitalizing the academic style in Jiangnan. They all want to put what they have learned in their lives into the fourteen finals in these two months. The brain of an outstanding student.

Therefore, even though these students are all outstanding talents in Jiangnan provinces, most of them are overwhelmed by the heavy academic workload.

The only two exceptions are Ma Ji and Zong Zimei.

Ma Ji was able to memorize, understand and integrate the massive amount of knowledge he learned every day even in the face of this high-intensity cramming teaching method.

Zong Zimei is a true genius. Completely relying on his own intelligence, he can keep up with Ma Ji in academics, and is only half as good as Ma Ji, who has been cheating in poetry and calligraphy.

But today's imperial examinations do not include poetry, and the system of copying and obfuscating names has long been implemented. If we only focus on the imperial examinations, Zongzi may not be as beautiful as Ma Ji.

As a result, Qiao Yun had pinned his hopes on the two of them to regain the top spot for Jiangnan, and secretly ordered several gentlemen to continue to add more material to their studies.

Although the schoolwork became more and more heavy, Ma Ji had to give Bian acupuncture and medication every day after returning home without interruption.

He also saw that mother and daughter were living in embarrassment by making embroidery and selling them, so he asked Ruoxue, who was in charge of daily expenses, to share all the daily necessities purchased in the future here.

When Mrs. Bian saw that he took such good care of her mother and daughter, she felt grateful, but also felt increasingly regretful that her daughter had no connection with such a person.

Lin Jin has an aloof personality. Although he lives in poverty, he is unwilling to make profits with his fifth-level martial arts, let alone accept gifts from others without reason.

Opposite her house lived a scholar named Gu, the young man whom Ma Ji had met on the day she reunited with her. Because he saw Lin Jin's beautiful appearance, he always admired her and often wanted to help their mother and daughter through charity. The name is close to Lin Jin.

Lin Jin never made any excuses and refused to accept his help.

Only for Ma Ji, she looked at him differently. No matter whether Ma Ji worked hard to diagnose her mother's illness or donated money, she accepted it calmly without even mentioning the word "thank you".

Seeing this scene in the eyes of Gu Xiucai, who was across the door, a jealousy had already ignited from the bottom of his heart.

But he already knew Ma Ji's identity, and knew that their identities were very different at this time, and their futures were destined to be very different. No matter how much he was unwilling to accept it, he could only hold it in and secretly feel depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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