Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 294 Refining a mortal into a demon, the dragon and horse change

Chapter 294 Refining a mortal into a demon, the dragon and horse change

In the middle of the night, Ma Ji on the couch suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart and opened his eyes.

Following the source of the throbbing, he projected his spiritual thoughts into the "Demon Refining Pot" beside him, and immediately saw a huge purple air ball suspended in the void, expanding and contracting like a heart, and a horse in the light ball. The huge horse is looming, but the shape of its head and tail seems a bit weird.

As the owner of the "Demon Refining Pot", he immediately understood what was about to happen, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

After reuniting with the "Dark Lord" that day, Ma Ji was thinking about how to restore the physical body of the painting horse that had become a spirit body, and finally pinned his hope on the artifact "Demon Refining Pot".

The "demon refining pot"'s ability to "refining demons" is smooth and reversible.

Not only can all demons and demons be collected into it and returned to their origins, and refined into elixirs, spiritual materials, and even magical seeds; you can also use elixirs, spiritual materials, and even magical seeds to refine all mortal objects, including humans, into demons.

Ma Ji's idea is to use the "Demon Refining Pot" to refine the "Dark Lord" into a physical monster. The required materials are also readily available, which is the body of Taihu Dragon Lord Ao Lang.

Although he himself also needs resources to practice, the "Dark Lord" can follow him to this world regardless of life and death, so it is nothing if he slightly delays the progress of his practice for the "Dark Lord".

As early as after leaving Jinshan Temple, he had already begun the process of demonizing the "Dark Lord", and now he was finally about to complete it.

Ma Ji's voice was like rolling thunder, echoing endlessly in the space in the "Demon Refining Pot", deafening and enlightening.

Using his spiritual sense to sense the direction, he left Yingtian City without any obstacles and reached Zhongshan Mountain in the east of the city.

Jumping out of the ground in a secluded mountain forest with no one around, he took out the "Demon Refining Pot" and observed it, and saw that the rhythm of the huge purple air mass inside was getting faster and faster.

"The 'Dark Lord' hasn't woken up yet, when will it be?"

A high-pitched dragon roar emanated from the purple air, and then the purple air quickly converged inwards, completely disappearing into the body of the "Dark Lord" inside.

At this moment, Ma Ji was underground, and the thick earth and rocks seemed to have turned into a void, allowing him to fly freely in it, and his speed was not inferior to flying with Gang Qi.

So far, he has obtained three magical powers with the help of the "Demon Refining Pot", namely the "Shrinking and Shrinking Ruyi" obtained from the snake demon Erqing, the "Escape and Stealth" obtained from the tree demon, and the "Shuttle" just obtained from the Tiangu Monk. Void”.

At that time, he hurriedly got up and put on his clothes without going out. He twisted his body on the spot and disappeared out of thin air. However, he used the magical power of "Escape and Stealth" obtained after refining the tree demon.

Now the "Dark Lord" looks very different from before. Although he still has a roughly horse-like body, his whole body is covered with a layer of fine scales. One of his heads has turned into a angular dragon's head, and the original fluffy ponytail has also become a dragon's tail.

With a thought in his mind, a golden bead the size of a walnut appeared out of thin air in the "Demon Refining Pot". It was the dragon bead that Ao Lang had accumulated in his cultivation, which was equivalent to the golden elixir of martial arts and the inner elixir of the demon clan.

Following some mysterious sense, it opened its big mouth densely packed with sharp fangs and sucked in, and the dragon ball in the air automatically flew into its mouth and rolled into its belly.

The dragon beads that were also refined by the "Demon Refining Pot" did not reject the "Dark Lord" at all, and blended into each other in an instant.

The "Dark Lord" once again let out a dragon roar, and his four hooves created wind and clouds. He jumped into the air, jumped out from the spout of the "Demon Refining Pot" and went straight into the Qingming. Then he stepped on the void with his hind hooves, running vertically and horizontally, driving left and right. Chi, everything goes as expected. After possessing the long-lost body, the excitement in its heart could not be increased. Thick thunders appeared out of thin air around it. As its thoughts were projected to the ground like javelins, the mountains, rocks and trees were exploded into pieces, and the ground appeared densely packed with charred surfaces. The big pit.

"Control Thunder", this originally belonged to Ao Lang's innate magical power, and now it has been perfectly inherited by the "Dark Lord".

The thunder quickly stopped, and the body of the "Dark Lord" changed again, starting to expand and deform from the neck, and instantly transformed into the upper body of a human with a pair of strong long arms, but it still had a dragon head on top, and the body was still covered with dragon scales.

Ma Ji took out two seven-foot-long swords from the Taihu Dragon Palace from the "Demon Refining Pot". Although they were not magic weapons, they were still made of top-grade stainless steel.

"'Dark Lord', go on!"

With a cry from his mouth, he threw his two knives into the air.

The "Dark Lord" turned into a centaur and half-horse form and opened its hands to catch the two swords. The fighting instinct of the dragon in the body made it naturally know how to use this weapon that it had never come into contact with. It used its four hooves to gallop through the air at high speed, holding the two swords. Following the running momentum, he slashes left and right. The moves are simple, sharp and powerful.

After playing wildly for a long time, the "Dark Lord" finally had enough fun. He fell from the air and stood opposite Ma Ji. He grinned with a big mouth and said in a somewhat jerky voice: "Thank you... Thank you Master, I'm very... I like the way it looks now!”

Ma Ji smiled and said, "It's fine if you like it, but you should be more restrained so as not to scare people and cause unnecessary trouble."

The next sentence of the "Dark Lord" became much smoother: "I know, as you said before, Master, the real killing move should be hidden at ordinary times, so that it can be used to trick people at critical moments."

After saying that, he stuck the two swords on the ground, shook his body, and instantly returned to the form of the divine white horse.

Ma Ji raised his hand and patted the "Dark Lord"'s big head, which was hanging close to him, and he clearly felt his closeness and awe to him. This was not only due to the affection he had been with for many years in his previous life, but also from the "Demon Refining Pot". The born monster has a natural subordinate relationship to the owner of the "demon refining pot".

"He is indeed a smart guy, he's back home!"

After praising him, he put the "Dark Lord" back into the "Demon Refining Pot", relied on the magical power of "Escape and Stealth" to return to his residence in the city, and then released the "Dark Lord".

Early the next morning, when Jiao Na, Ruoxue, Ruomei, and Zhan Chun got up, they all saw the "Dark Lord" standing obediently in the yard, and they knew that Ma Ji had previously said that he would give the spirit horse in the painting a physical body. The thing was actually successful, and they all came over to take a closer look with surprise and curiosity.

The "Dark Lord" had the experience of taking care of the young Ma Qingfeng in his previous life, and he was quite patient with these little guys. He even played with them for a while, and soon won the favor of the fourth child.

After Ma Ji got up early and had dinner, he went to see Bian first. Seeing that her condition was relatively stable, he left the South Prison.

I arrived at the school building early, but saw that several classmates had already arrived.

One of them, Zong Zimei, saw him coming, so he stepped forward and said: "I invited Dragon Matchmaker to be a guest in my humble house earlier, and you said that you needed to settle down first when you arrived in Yingtian. Now that it has been quite some time, you have no reason to shirk anymore. I When I arrived, I had ordered Zhuo Jing to prepare a banquet, and the Dragon Matchmaker will surely enjoy it tonight."

Among the thirteen classmates, Ma Ji and Zong Zimei got along the best, not only because they were very sympathetic to each other's knowledge, but also because they admired each other's free and easy temperament. When he saw his sincere invitation again, he smiled happily and said: "In this way, little brother, now I’m going to bother you at home tonight!”

(End of this chapter)

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