Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 295 Chang’e’s leadership is a blessing to the people of Qi

Chapter 295 Chang’e’s leadership is a blessing to the people of Qi

After finally waiting for the day's heavy schoolwork to end, Ma Ji said goodbye to Zong Zimei and returned to his residence.

He first went over to give Ms. Bian an injection, explaining that he would have an appointment with his classmates tonight, and would ask Ruoxue or Ruomei to fry the medicine and bring it to him later. Then he went back, changed his clothes, and prepared a gift.

After these few days of observation, he has seen that Zong Zimei's family may no longer be as rich as his own, not to mention that the two are gentlemen's friends. They should be as pure as water and not stained by dust, so this gift was just handwritten and framed by himself. A word.

Since it was his first visit, he also rode the "Dark Lord" to show his solemnity.

Both of them settled near the South Prison, and they were not far from each other. The "Dark Lord" spread his hooves and trotted all the way. After a while, he arrived at a grand house that occupied an extremely large area.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Zong Zimei came up with two servants.

When he saw the "Dark Lord", he first praised "What a horse!" and then asked a servant behind him to come forward and help Ma Ji place the horse.

Ma Ji told the servant that his horse was very human and did not need to be led. It only had to lead the way, and it would naturally follow behind.

The servant tried to take a few steps, and the "Dark Lord" followed him obediently.

There seemed to be some kind of taboo involved, but Ma Ji didn't know the details yet.

While many thoughts were passing through Ma Ji's mind, Tang Heng stepped forward, saluted in front of Ma Ji and said, "I've met my uncle."

After the ceremony, Zong Zimei, his wife and Ma Ji entered the flower hall together.

Ma Ji hurriedly bowed and returned the salute: "I don't dare, I have seen my wife."

Ma Ji often heard Zong Zimei praise that he had a wife, Tang Heng, who was beautiful, virtuous and gentle. She was indeed a woman who could satisfy all the fantasies of men in the world.

Zong Zimei led Ma Ji to the mansion, where winding corridors connected pavilions and pavilions, and were dotted with strange flowers, rocks, meandering water and clear pools, making it look like a fairyland on earth.

Among them, the connection between the human world and the underworld is relatively close. Not only can the ghosts stay or return to the human world, but also the souls of human beings can go to the underworld if they have the means to communicate with the underworld.

However, in Ma Ji's view, although this "Chang'e" may not be that "Chang'e", her appearance and temperament should be inferior to that of the legendary most beautiful woman in heaven. Anyway, many beauties he has seen since the third generation are comparable to her. It's one or two points inferior to both.

However, the barrier between the heaven and the human world is very tight. I have only heard that warriors or monks in the human world can choose to fly to the heaven after breaking through the first-level limit, but I have never heard that the immortals in the heaven return to the human world.

Now Ma Ji knows more and more about this world, and already knows that heaven and earth really exist.

It was already early winter, and it was early time to light the lanterns. Therefore, after Ma Ji took his seat, Tang Heng immediately ordered the servants standing by to bring food and wine.

Zong Zimei smiled and said: "Long Matchmaker, this is the Zhuojing Tang family."

Arriving at an elegant and open flower hall, a woman came up to her. She had a misty hair on her temples, snow-skinned jade face, and her colorful clothes were trailing on the ground. Her broad belt was facing the wind. She looked like a fairy shot by a goddess, a star king from Guanghan.

In the memory of his first life, there is a vague story about a Zong Zimei. If this Zong Zimei is the other Zong Zimei, then the Tang Heng in front of him should have another name called "Chang'e", but this "Chang'e" Whether it is the "Chang'e" is difficult to determine.

Although Ma Ji is now rich in the enemy's country, his daily life is just to not wrong himself. Compared with Zong Zimei, he is quite dwarfed.

Although there are not many dishes at this banquet, the few dishes use extremely rare ingredients from all over the world, in the mountains and under the sea, and the cooking methods also have unique styles. They are obviously produced by more than one famous chef. hand.

A jar of wine may seem inconspicuous, but it is a relic from the ancient Loulan country that has been extinct for hundreds of years. The wine liquid has long since turned into gelatin and must be mixed with honey and water to drink. The utensils used in the banquet are all treasures produced by famous kilns of the previous generation. If you bring any one of them to an antique shop, it will be enough to become a treasure of the store.

Although wealthy people all pay attention to "never getting tired of fine food and fine food", the banquet table that Zong Zimei used to entertain Ma Ji was indeed "fine" to the extreme, which shows that she is very considerate.

At the banquet, Ma Ji also presented the gifts he had brought.

Zongzi Mei saw that it was written in Ma Ji's handwriting, and immediately felt like he had found a treasure. He couldn't wait to unfold the scroll at the banquet, and saw that there were two sentences on it: "If you are confident that you will live two hundred years, you will be able to swim three thousand miles in the water."

He immediately praised the case repeatedly: "Wonderful! Wonderful words! Even better sentences! It is difficult for a non-dragon matchmaker to be so ambitious! From now on, I will use this sentence to encourage the dragon matchmaker. I will hit the water three thousand times and fly thousands of miles, so that I can live up to the hundred years. The body, the ambition of a man!”

After admiring him for a long time, he drank with Ma Ji again and again.

Tang Heng served the two of them with wine and dishes from time to time, showing off the demeanor of a virtuous wife.

When the wine was full, Zong Zimei was already a bit tipsy and said to Tang Heng, "Madam, it's rare for such a feast to be held. I would like Dian Dang to perform a dance in front of the banquet to entertain the guests. Is that okay?"

Tang Heng smiled sweetly: "My husband is the head of the family, and Dian Dang is also a member of your house. Naturally, everything is subject to my husband's orders. I will go and call Dian Dang's wife."

After saying that, she got up and walked away Nana.

Zong Zimei raised her glass to Ma Ji and smiled in a lower voice: "Dian must be the dowry brought by my wife. She is not only charming and charming, but also has stunning dancing skills. It's a pity that this lady has always been lazy, and she relied on my wife to get her." Favored, it is easy to refuse to dance. Today, I also borrowed the light of the dragon matchmaker to feast my eyes on it!"

While they were talking, the harps, flutes and flutes were playing in the corridor outside the flower hall. Amidst the melodious music, a slim figure wrapped in a bright red dress gracefully entered and danced gracefully in front of the table.

Ma Ji saw that the woman was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she indeed had a look that could confuse all living beings. Her delicate body was as soft as a boneless body when she danced, her limbs turned as she wished, her starry eyes were full of emotion, she could be angry or happy, and she was indescribably charming and charming.

Zongzi Meizao on the side looked at it with joy and fascination.

However, Ma Ji noticed that there was a hidden meaning of charm in this wonderful dance, which made people unconsciously feel nostalgic. He also thought that the real person in the story seemed to be a fox demon, and he felt wary in his heart.

The white jade tower in the sea of ​​​​consciousness shone brightly, suppressing his soul and driving away all distracting thoughts. He always had a clear vision and watched the dance with an appreciative but not addicted smile on his face.

At the end of the song, Zong Zimei and Ma Ji applauded together, but the latter was obviously just out of courtesy.

Zong Zimei called Diandang forward to pour wine for Ma Ji, but Diandang suddenly seemed unhappy, said "I'm tired" and left, which made Zong Zimei quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, Tang Heng arrived in time, apologized to Ma Ji, saying that he had failed to discipline her well, and would give the wretched servant a stern lesson later, thus saving some face for Zong Zimei.

Although the banquet had a few twists and turns, it ended happily.

After seeing Ma Ji off, Zong Zimei fell asleep due to too much alcohol, while Tang Heng sat in front of the lamp and meditated.

There was a portrait on the table in front of her, and it was exactly Ma Ji's face.

As soon as the door rang, Diandang walked in from the outside. He saw the portrait on the table and curled his lips and said, "My dear, my servant's test just now has proven that Ma Ji only has some skills in the skills he practices, and there is nothing scary about it at all." Treasure. Did our leader Xu make a mistake? There was someone else protecting Ma Ji that day?"

Tang Heng raised his hand to pick up the portrait, put it on the candlelight to light, and said calmly: "Now that my husband has become a good friend with him, the days are long, and there will be time for us to find out the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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