Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 301 Supervisor Bai Yuyu

Chapter 301 Supervisor Bai Yuyu

Today's battle, even though it was against two pill-forming demon kings and two great demons who were comparable to fourth-grade warriors or monks, was far easier than the battle with Taihu Dragon Lord Ao Lang.

The reasons are, firstly, Ma Ji's current cultivation level has improved a lot compared to before, secondly, Lin Jin, who is the helper this time, also has the strength to leapfrog challenges, thirdly, Aunt Hu and Hu Silang are only in the same realm as Ao Lang, and their inheritance and The combat power is far behind.

The three of them came out of the Hu family's lair and were about to go home when a chuckle suddenly came from the air: "Three ruthless little guys, they can destroy people's families with just one move!"

The three people changed their colors at the same time, and each looked at the sky with concentration.

A stream of light suddenly came, buzzing and flapping its wings, floating in the void not far in front of the three people, but it was a green cicada. On the cicada's back, sitting cross-legged, was a man in white who was only the size of a pea.

When the man saw the green cicada stopped in the air, he jumped off the cicada's back. His body suddenly became the size of a normal person, but the green cicada flew into his sleeve.

Ma Ji saw that this man seemed to be in his thirties, with a face like a crown jade, a short beard like ink, and a wild and free attitude, quite like a celebrity in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

"Uncle Bai, why are you here?"

However, Jiao Na met the visitor and ran forward with a smile, reaching out to grab the man's sleeve.

Ma Ji cupped his hands and said: "The 'Huntian Supervisory Office' suppresses evil and destroys demons in the world, so that all living beings can live in peace. This kind of righteousness has the common people in mind. I admire it very much. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely join in and make a contribution." But the Spring Festival is not far away now, so how about we wait until the late students take the scientific examination in Beijing?"

Bai Yuyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

When Ma Ji saw what he said, he immediately raised his hands and said, "Master Jian Cheng, you have a clear warning."

Jiao Na pouted and said: "We are not to blame for this matter. How could you, uncle, as the supervisor of the Huntian Supervisory Yuan, in charge of the Southern Zhili Branch and in charge of Jiangnan affairs, tolerate such evil deeds and harm our Fox clan? The scum of reputation exists!”

Ma Ji said with some embarrassment: "Master Jian Cheng is joking, late birth is just a coincidence."

And Ma Ji already knew the identity of the visitor. It turned out to be Bai Yuyu, one of the two chief supervisors in the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan" whose status was only lower than that of Jianzheng, known as the "Sky Fox".

The man raised his hand and flicked his forehead lightly, and said with a smile: "If I don't come, who will clean up this mess for you?"

Bai Yuyu looked at him with a smile and said: "My little friend's luck is indeed very good. Wherever he goes, he can encounter monsters causing trouble and kill them. It is as if he was born to be at odds with these evil heretics."

Bai Yuyu smiled and said: "It's the 'right opportunity' that's the most rare. Those of us who specialize in hunting down monsters and catching monsters for a living don't have the luck of 'just the right moment' a few times throughout the year. Since you have such luck, are you interested in joining? My ‘Huntian Supervisory Authority’?”

She knew that her Uncle Bai had great supernatural powers. Now that he was here, he must have figured out the ins and outs of this matter.

Bai Yuyu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after being scolded by Jiaona Tongyan, and sighed: "I have always met the Hu family's parents several times, even though they were devastated by thunder more than a hundred years ago. They are all dead, I also need to pay some attention to the incense, so last time I knew that they were more or less involved in the case of practicing painted skin magic, but I only killed the mastermind Hu Erlang this time. If you have evil thoughts in front of you, no wonder you killed me."

The little guy in front of him has twice defeated a powerful opponent at the fourth level at the fifth level, and his cultivation, skills, strategies, and wisdom are all top-notch.

Compared to this, the most shocking thing is his growth rate.

If he continues to improve at the current speed, it won't take long to reach his level.

If you can recruit into the "Huntian Supervisory Academy" in advance, you will be able to reserve a top master at the level of supervisor or enshrinement. As for Ma Ji's statement that he wanted to go to Beijing to take the scientific examination first, Bai Yuyu thought that if he could gain an additional official status, it might be a good thing in the future, so he would only be happy to see it happen.

After making a plan in his mind, he looked at Ma Ji with more admiration and said with a smile: "In this case, I will go home first and just prepare carefully for the spring after the new year. I am the only one who has things here. Come and clean up.”

Then he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The scholar surnamed Gu deserves to die, but no matter how he dies, he should not have anything to do with the promising young friend, so the young friend has to put some thought into dealing with it. "

What he said was equivalent to acknowledging that Ma Ji could decide how to deal with Gu Shi on his own, as long as he didn't create too many materialistic feelings.

Ma Ji immediately understood and responded: "Don't worry, Lord Superintendent, the late birth will be handled properly."

Afterwards, Ma Ji and the others said goodbye to Bai Yuyu and left.

Because the corpses of the four siblings of the Hu family had been put into the "demon refining pot" by Ma Ji in advance, and all the fox demon servants of the Hu family had fled, Bai Yuyu actually didn't have much leftovers to clean up.

He just paused his right foot lightly on the ground, and the earth and rocks surrounding the huge hill-like tomb immediately rolled back towards the center like a tide, and instantly buried the tomb deeply underground, completely covering it up. All traces of the Hu family’s life here.

Ma Ji and others on the other side returned home. Since it was already late, everyone had a rest.

The newlyweds Ma Ji and Lin Jin spent a night in the bridal chamber, during which it was difficult to describe all the beautiful scenery.

Early the next morning, Ma Ji and Lin Jin went to see Bian.

As soon as the two of them came out of the house, they heard Gu's mother crying and screaming from the Gu family's yard.

There were many neighbors watching the excitement in front of Gu's house and whispering about it. They were talking about how Gu's mother woke Gu Shi up in the morning, only to find that he had died in his room.

Gu's mother still didn't believe her son was dead, so she hurriedly called the doctor to see him.

The doctor diagnosed Gu Shi's death, and also diagnosed that he was extremely weak due to a lack of energy and blood due to being too busy in the house for a long time. I don't know who he was hanging out with last night. He must have been too excited during the fun, which led to sudden death. .

As a result, Gu Shi was not only dead, but also destined to become a laughing stock in the public.

Lin Jin glanced at Ma Ji who was beside him as if nothing had happened, but she didn't expect that he would still have the energy to do such a thing after being obsessed with her for half the night last night.

After meeting Mr. Bian, the family had breakfast together, and Ma Ji went to the South Prison to study as usual.

As soon as he approached the school building, he heard the classmates who had arrived earlier were discussing something intensely. Several of them were excited and seemed quite angry when they spoke.

Ma Ji entered the school with some doubts and saw that eight students, including Zong Zimei, were already here. They all stopped and looked at him when he came in, so he asked with a smile: "What happened? What happened to everyone?" So excited?"

Zong Zimei said seriously: "Dragon Matchmaker, now a great joy and a great sorrow have happened to me in Dayu, and I was just going to ask you to give me your opinion!"

(End of this chapter)

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