Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 302 Good news, entering Beijing

Chapter 302 Good news, entering Beijing

At that time, Zong Zimei informed Ma Ji of the news that had just reached Yingtian from the north.

It turns out that just a few days ago, a battle on the border of Northland took a turn for the worse.

The veteran general Pinglupo Wang Lie is really getting stronger with age.

At Shahukou, he used 30,000 elite troops to fight against the 100,000 prairie elite cavalry led by Botu Khan, the leader of the Northern Barbarians.

In the early stages of the war, Wang Lie either attacked or defended, and he was able to win nine out of nine battles, completely defeating the Northern Barbarians' energy.

When it came time for the decisive battle, he actually gave up the advantage of fortifying the city and mobilized all his elite troops to fight in the field outside Shahukou with a strong Northern barbarian force three times his own.

On the day of the decisive battle, Wang Lie, who was over 60 years old, personally took command of the battle and commanded 30,000 elite soldiers like arms and fingers.

Wang Lie has Queen Heng. At the age of 28, he bravely championed the three armies and became the sharpest sword in his hand. He led a team of light-armored elite cavalry to fight in and out of the nearly 100,000 Northern Barbarian army as if they were entering an uninhabited land. .

The father and daughter were responsible for cutting the Northern Barbarian army into small pieces like a big pie, and the other was responsible for commanding the main force to eat them.

It's a pity that Wang Lie's 30,000-strong army suffered nearly 10,000 casualties at that time. They were all exhausted after a long battle and were unable to pursue and expand the results.

After the war situation in the North was reported to the capital, North Korea, China and Wu Jingwei were clearly divided into two factions.

However, if the "Sirian Wolf Flag" is not destroyed, the spirit of the warrior wolf will not be extinguished. It only needs to provide a new host to restore its combat power. Therefore, the Northern Barbarians always have the upper hand.

Finally, Wang Lie was experienced in using troops and noticed the strange behavior of the enemy in time. Instead of attacking rashly, he ordered the entire army to rely on high fortresses and deep pools to defend to the death.

This battle lasted from sunrise to sunset. It is said that the elite cavalry who followed Wang Heng into the battle took turns in five batches, but she herself changed horses instead of people, and fought until the people were bloody and the horses were bloody horses.

At the end of the battle, the Northern Barbarian army, which had lost more than half, finally collapsed and retreated across the board.

Botu relied on this "Sirian Wolf Flag" to curb the defeat, and even made a comeback to kill Hukou.

One faction advocated sending troops to support Wang Lie and fight to the death with the Northern Barbarians.

One group believed that the Northern Barbarians' invasion of the south was just for food and wealth. As long as their needs were met, it would be better than having countless soldiers shed blood. Therefore, they advocated sending envoys to negotiate peace with the Northern Barbarians.

However, Beiman lost on the battlefield and actually resorted to off-the-chart tactics.

Botu tried to command 30,000 wolf soldiers to attack the city, but was thwarted by Wang Lie's plan of relying on land, and many wolf soldiers were killed or injured.

After Botu Khan rectified the remnant troops and regained a foothold, he did not know what price he paid to impress a monster giant in the far north ice field, the "Wolf God" Ye Motian, who had survived the two calamities of thunder and fire.

Although Ye Motian himself did not take action personally, he gave Botu Khan a "Sirian Wolf Flag", which contained the essence of thirty thousand wolf warriors.

As long as this "Sirian Wolf Flag" is erected on the battlefield, the wolf spirit in it can possess the soldiers and turn them into powerful monsters with wolf heads and human bodies.

This time the debate was extremely powerful, and Li Hui failed to make a decision for a while, so it quickly spread from the court to the people, and then from the north to the south of the Yangtze River.

This is what Zong Zimei and others were talking about just now. They are all young and talented, so they naturally stand on the main battle side. They think that there are people who advocate peace with the barbarians in the great danger. It's really sad and hateful to have no courage or integrity.

After hearing this, Ma Ji pondered for a moment, but did not express his opinion first. Instead, he asked Zong Zimei: "Brother Yi, since the war is unfavorable to Ping Lu, have you ever asked the court for reinforcements?" Zong Zimei thought for a moment, shook his head and said : "As far as I know, Pinglubo only destroyed the imperial court's allocation of more grain, grass and weapons, but did not ask for reinforcements."

A smile appeared on Ma Ji's face, and he raised his hand and said: "In this case, this old general is probably already well-informed. If we discuss war and peace here, we may be unfounded."

Everyone was attracted by his words and gathered around to ask why.

Ma Ji looked around at the crowd and eloquently said what was in his mind: "Any warrior relies on the right combination to win with surprise. With the help of the power of demons, Botu Khan actually used surprise and deviated from the right path. Although I have not seen it. After seeing those 'Wolf Soldiers', we can conclude that although this kind of evil method is powerful, it must have great flaws.

"Ping Lupo is a famous general in the world. In the first battle, he may be slightly at a disadvantage because he does not know the truth. But after being in contact for a long time, he will definitely find out the details of the opponent. He is still stubbornly defending, and it is very likely that he is planning. Just wait for the opportunity. If you mature, you can end this battle with one fell swoop.”

He was speaking out this guess at this moment, not afraid that others would leak the information and affect the battle situation. If his prediction was correct, the sword king Sima would be about to close or even already closing the net.

At the same time, he did not mention that one variable in this battle was the monster giant Ye Motian.

If he couldn't help but kill himself, he could completely turn the tide of the battle with one blow.

But Ma Ji was not too worried. After all, there was a "Huntian Supervisory Council" in Dayu, and they should not sit back and watch the powerful aliens perform this drama of one man being the enemy of the country and covering the sky with one hand.

"well said!"

The students were still hesitant about Ma Ji's judgment, when a voice of praise came from outside the door.

Ma Ji hurriedly called out "Teacher!" and walked towards the door in a few steps.

Gu Yong and Qiao Yun walked into the school together, their faces filled with unabashed admiration.

Hearing Ma Ji's address, Zong Zimei and others immediately guessed Gu Yong's identity, and they all followed Ma Ji forward and saluted the two of them respectively.

After everyone had finished saluting, Qiao Yun first introduced Gu Yong's identity, explaining that he would stay in the South Prison for seven days to preach and teach everyone, and asked everyone to seize this rare opportunity.

Then, he smiled at Gu Yong and said, "Brother Wei Qi, can you tell them the news in advance?"

Gu Yong nodded and said: "This matter will be spread throughout the world soon, so it's okay to let them know as soon as possible."

Looking at the people who were a little confused and Ma Ji who seemed to be enlightened, Qiao Yun smiled and said: "Three days ago, Pinglubo used a strategy of deceiving defeat to abandon the guard and kill Hukou, and lured 30,000 wolf soldiers to one place. In the narrow valley, the pre-laid gunpowder was ignited, and the mountain walls on both sides were blown up and collapsed, completely burying 30,000 wolf soldiers.

"At the same time, Pinglupo ordered his Queen Heng to lead a group of elite troops to ambush behind Shahukou, and took advantage of the wolf soldiers' attack to launch a surprise attack on the northern barbarian army. The heroine rushed to Botu Khan like a broken bamboo, and first Cut off the 'Sirian Wolf Flag' and dissipate the spirit of the 30,000 war wolves who have just returned and have not yet re-possessed them, and then cut off Botu Khan's head and annihilate his remaining troops!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all clapped and cheered.

Later, someone praised and said: "In this battle, Lupp's strategizing and decisive command are indeed the greatest contribution. Miss Wang, who charged into the battle as a daughter, killed the general and captured the flag, is even more admirable. I only regret that we have no chance, I couldn’t see the heroic appearance of this strange woman in person.”

Gu Yong said with a smile: "There may not be no chance. The imperial court has summoned Uncle Pinglu and his daughter to the capital to accept the reward. When you all come to the capital to take the exam, we might be destined to meet each other."

Then he called Ma Ji to talk to him alone. He first asked about his coursework and then said, "When the seven days of teaching for Master are up, Long Media does not have to stay in Nanjing anymore and can go to Beijing with Master."

Ma Ji suddenly woke up and hurriedly raised his hands to Gu Yong and said, "Congratulations, teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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