Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 303: Supervise methods and turn wolves into dogs

Chapter 303: Supervise methods and turn wolves into dogs

Throughout the ages, it was inevitable for emperors to consolidate their power by taking advantage of the great victories in wars they led.

Today, Gu Yong has just served as an academic and political scholar in Jiangsu and Zhejiang for less than a year, and he was transferred to the capital and given another important position. This is one of the measures taken by Emperor Long'an to consolidate his power.

With Ma Ji's experience and intelligence, he immediately figured out the link.

After congratulating him, he asked what position Gu Yong would take after entering Beijing.

Due to a sad incident in his early years, Gu Yong has no wife or children. Naturally, he values ​​​​and is close to Ma Ji, the only disciple who enters the house. At that time, he confessed that he would take over the post of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in the next year, and made it more subtle. The current Minister of Civil Affairs in the Ming Dynasty is old and will be serving as official in one or two years.

This time, he asked Ma Ji to end his studies in Nanjian ahead of schedule. Firstly, he used his free time the previous year to personally advise him on some scientific examination matters. Secondly, he took advantage of the opportunity of Chinese New Year entertainment to let this disciple come into contact with his own knowledge in advance. Some connections.

Finally, he gave instructions: "My residence in the capital is very spacious. You can just stay here after the dragon mediator goes."

Ma Ji hesitated a little, then talked about taking Lin Jin as his concubine, without even concealing her identity. Finally, he mentioned Bian's illness, saying that it might be inconvenient.

Upon hearing this, Gu Yong not only did not blame Ma Ji for being involved in such things that would greatly hinder his future, but instead greatly appreciated his love and justice and made it clear that he did not have to have any scruples and just live in his home with peace of mind.

Seeing the throat-locking blow of the two swords, it turned out that the cultivation level of the fifth-grade refining realm was revealed. A disdainful sneer appeared on the young man's face. He did not move at all from head to toe, but moved his lips slightly and shouted "Seal". !”

As for Lin Jin's grievances, he also agreed with Ma Ji. He could not move the frontier officials like Liao En at the moment, so he could only make long-term plans and wait for the opportunity.

As he sat on the couch, his eyes suddenly blurred, and there was an extra person in the tent out of thin air.

What's more, at the moment when the knife was drawn, she could see clearly that it was a young man in white with hair and eyebrows as white as snow, a cold and handsome face, and she confirmed that he was definitely not from her camp.

Although this battle was a complete victory, there were numerous urgent matters that needed to be dealt with after the war, such as burying corpses, managing prisoners of war, capturing them lightly, arranging for the injured, and arranging defense arrangements.

No matter who the visitor is, just trespassing on the important territory of the military camp is a mortal sin.

Before he finished speaking, a thin layer of frost appeared on the tips of Wang Heng's swords, and spread at an extremely fast speed through the blades, handles, and onto Wang Heng's hands, arms, and torso.

Wang Heng forced himself to eat something and returned to his tent exhausted. He felt that this day was more difficult than killing seven in and seven out of a hundred thousand troops.

She took off her military uniform in the tent and changed into daily clothes. After washing a little, she went to bed and rested her mind to cope with the many things that would only happen tomorrow.

Because she was the only woman in the entire camp, although Wang Heng also had personal soldiers, she was only responsible for accompanying and guarding her. She had to do many things in daily life by herself.

After that, Gu Yong taught in the South Supervisor for seven days, doing his best without hiding any secrets, and all the students benefited a lot. They lamented that he was worthy of being a contemporary Emperor Wenzong, and envied Ma Ji for being able to have him talk to him day and night.

Seven days later, Gu Yong set out for the north. After Ma Ji said goodbye to his classmates and met again in the capital, he also took Lin Jin and others with him.

In just an instant, Wang Heng and his sword were wrapped in a layer of transparent ice crystals as thin as paper.

However, the old man in her family claimed that he was old and lacked energy, so he left all these matters to her daughter, who although she had no official position, was actually the deputy commander of the army, while he leisurely led a group of old brothers to fight for wine. I enjoy hunting day after day, and I don’t know how energetic I am.

On the northern border, Dayu Military Camp.

Wang Heng's pretty face immediately changed color, and she never left her side. At this moment, a pair of horizontal knives placed on the couch came out of their sheaths, crossing and slashing at the man's throat.

Wang Heng felt a bone-chilling chill, but his mind was extremely clear and his perception of everything around him was not affected at all. However, his whole body was so stiff that he could not even move his fingertips.

Looking at Wang Heng with a look of shock and anger on his face, the young man shook his head and muttered: "With your meager cultivation, you don't know how you can destroy my 'Sirius Flag'!"

Wang Heng immediately knew the identity of the young man in front of him, Ye Motian, the giant of the demon clan in the extreme northern ice field, the "Wolf God". Knowing that he had fallen into the hands of a terrifying demon who had survived the two calamities of thunder and fire, Wang Heng's expression returned to calm, and there was even a trace of pity in his eyes as he looked at Ye Motian.

Seeing her expression, Ye Motian suddenly felt a great sense of danger in his heart, and without hesitation he cast a spell to leave as quickly as possible.

A white, tender, fleshy little fist appeared out of thin air behind him, and landed on the back of his head seemingly softly and lightly.

Ye Motian, the monster giant, seemed to be as fragile as paper. He was hit by the punch without any resistance and fell forward at Wang Heng's feet.

Following that fist appeared, a boy in yellow who looked to be no more than ten years old, white, fat, pink and cute.

His body fell from the air and was pressed squarely on Ye Motian's back.

This pressure was really like a mountain town, like a mountain stand. It made Ye Motian scream in agony, and his five senses and seven orifices spurted out large tracts of strange cold white frost at the same time.

"Yuan Dansheng, you still dare to take action. Aren't you afraid of being forcibly rejected by the world and having to fly to heaven?"

Listening to Ye Motian yelling angrily and without any cold demeanor.

The boy who was called "Yuan Dansheng" snorted coldly: "To be rejected by this human world, I need to use at least 70% of my strength. You stinky dog, do you think you are worthy?"

Ye Motian knew that he would not be spared today, and shouted with a distorted face: "A big change is coming, and you have to leave this world. Don't think about being arrogant and domineering over us all the time!"

Yuan Dansheng sneered: "If I don't dominate you, you will have a lot of meat on the common people! As for the situation you mentioned, it may happen, but you will definitely not see it!"

After that, he raised his small fist and hit Ding Ye Motian with three more punches on the back of his head.

After three punches, Ye Motian let out a mournful scream, and immediately revealed his original shape and transformed into a giant wolf with a head and tail that was seven feet long and pure white fur.

When Yuan Dansheng stood up and got off the back of the giant wolf, its body shrank rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a little wolf that was only half a foot long and looked somewhat cute.

Its eyes were blank, as if it had completely forgotten who it was and why it was here. It instinctively opened its mouth to scream twice, but a ball of biting white frost spewed out from its mouth.

Yuan Dansheng came to Wang Heng, who was still frozen, and puffed out his cheeks. A soft and gentle force instantly turned the extremely thin layer of ice crystals into nothingness.

Wang Heng regained his mobility, immediately put away his swords, bowed to Yuan Dansheng, who looked to be only in his teens, and said seriously: "Thank you, Master, for saving me."

Before this battle, this little fat man appeared in front of her out of thin air, claiming to be the supervisor of the "Huntian Supervisory Council" and the current grand master Yuan Dansheng, and asked her to cooperate in designing an uneasy monster.

At first, she thought it was a child's prank, but she finally believed it until the other party showed some tricks. Later, she was praised by him with words such as "excellent bones" and "unique among ten thousand", so she accepted him as his disciple.

Yuan Dansheng still waved his hand in an old-fashioned manner, pointed at the little wolf who was cowering in place and did not dare to move because he could not figure out the situation:

"Girl, I haven't given you any decent greeting gift yet. I have just broken up this stinky dog's intelligence and banned its cultivation, so I will give it to you as a guardian spirit beast. As long as you can train it well. , its cultivation level will be automatically unblocked as its spiritual intelligence improves. Okay, now that’s over, I’ll go ahead and see you in the capital, master and apprentice!”

After saying that, he disappeared into thin air just as he appeared.

Wang Heng was lost in thought for a moment, and suddenly felt movement at his feet. When she looked down, she saw the little wolf approaching and tentatively touching her calf with his head.

She chuckled softly, leaned over and picked up the little wolf and raised it in front of her. Looking at its pure and bright eyes, she whispered: "From now on, I will call you Ye... um, 'Night Devil'."

(End of this chapter)

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