Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 304: Golden Cicada’s Double Flying Wings, One Point of Ling Xiong

Chapter 304: Golden cicada’s double wings, clear understanding

The capital, Gu Yong's residence.

It is now the twelfth lunar month of winter, and a heavy snowfall last night turned the mountains and rivers of the northern country into a world of ice for thousands of miles.

In the early morning of this day, Ma Ji and Jiao Na were practicing their sword skills on the snow that had not yet been cleared in the garden.

Lin Jin sat in the pavilion and watched. Ruoxue, Ruomei and Zhan Chun were all standing behind her.

During this period, Jiao Na's martial arts cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

The reason lies in the battle with Fangshan Hu family in Yingtian.

There are five fox demons among the Hu family siblings. Aunt Hu and Hu Silang are the demon kings of the core formation. Hu Sanlang and Yu Wulang are close to the core formation in the later stages of their transformation. Only Hu Qilang has just transformed.

Now, the five fox demons have been transformed into two elixirs, Yunshen and Peiyuan, in the "Demon Refining Pot".

With the help of these two elixirs, Ma Ji's improvement in cultivation accelerated again. At this time, martial arts and Taoism had already passed the early stages of the fifth level. Jiao Na was also following in his footsteps, having successfully broken through to the sixth level a few days ago. In the Qi Condensation Realm, he was promoted to the fifth level of Refining Skill.

Ma Ji looked a little embarrassed, and he opened his mouth to speak but had nothing to say.

For a moment, Lin Jin and others could only see the two bright rays of light formed by the two long swords, one male and one female, performing all kinds of mysteries in the air, and the creation of heaven and earth, and the changes of all phenomena, seemed to be all in them.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the sword light flashed, revealing the figures of Ma Ji and Jiao Na.

Both of them maintained a stabbing posture with their knives. The tips of the two "cicada-wing knives" touched each other, and the male and female knives were connected in a line.

The colorful haze was as beautiful as a dream, and as short-lived as a dream, lasting only a few breaths before dissipating.

In her perception, there was no murderous intent in this colorful haze, but rather some charming and warm artistic conception. Even if there was some weirdness in it, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

Jiao Na showed a sly and excited smile, and suddenly shouted: "Master, double dragons cut their tails!"

At this moment, Jiao Na Xiafei's cheeks and beautiful eyes looking at Ma Ji were full of joy.

A bit of dream-like colorful brilliance burst out from the point where the tips of the two swords were connected, and suddenly turned into a ball of colorful smoke, wrapping the two people together with the sword.

The two of them fought until the end, when the two sword lights suddenly abandoned all changes and struck each other.

Lin Jin and others on the side were shocked. Ruoxue and Ruomei wanted to step forward to see what was going on, but Lin Jin raised his hand to stop them.

Because Jiao Na's "Wishful Heavenly Demon, Eight Chain Movements" has been mastered and transformed into "Magic Sword Slash", Ma Ji taught her the "Eight Heavenly Sword Movements" created in the previous life. At this moment, she suppressed her cultivation to She is at the same level as Jiaona, and uses actual combat to help her refine her swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

Ma Ji sighed softly, and finally followed up with his sword turning into a rainbow and catching up in the air.

Before he finished speaking, his body and sword had once again merged into a stream of light.

Both of them used the "Cicada Wing Sword". They controlled the sword with Qi and merged with the light of the sword.

Ma Ji and Jiao Na, who were frozen in the void, separated their swords, each falling lightly on the snow in the garden, leaving no trace behind their feet.


This time, the two sword lights did not attack each other, but flew hand in hand.

The light of the sword dragged longer and longer in the air, and finally it was like two swimming dragons with their heads and tails intersecting.

Suddenly, the front ends of the two swords opened and closed, like a giant pair of scissors cutting silk and cloth. Ruoxue, Ruomei and Zhan Chun couldn't see how powerful it was, but Lin Jin was horrified.

Under her induction, the dragon-shaped giant scissors transformed by the two blades of light were extremely sharp and powerful.

Under this cut, even the demon kings such as Aunt Hu and Hu Silang who had fought against each other that day were cut in two pieces like grass being cut in the wind!
"Bingdilian blooms!"

Jiao Na's scream came from the air.

The two sword lights regenerated and changed, spinning in the air. The overlapping sword lights turned into two nine-grade lotus flowers that grew side by side, with nine inner and outer layers, nine petals on each layer, and a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one petals. Ma Ji He Jiao Na's figure is hidden in the center of the two lotus flowers.

In Lin Jin's eyes, if the "Two Dragons Cutting Tails" just now was an indestructible and supreme killing attack, the "Bordering Lotus Opening" at this moment was an invulnerable and indestructible way of protecting one's body.

The lotus petals withered and disappeared, and Ma Ji and Jiao Na fell back to the ground.

Jiao Na regained her usual free and easy and lively attitude. She stepped forward with a smile and took Ma Ji's arm, pulling him to sit down in the pavilion.

Lin Jin asked with some confusion: "Aji, what happened just now? Why did you and Jiao Na suddenly use these two powerful sword skills?"

Ma Ji sighed: "Just now, Jiao Na and I unintentionally triggered a secret hidden in the 'Cicada Wing Knife'.

"It turns out that Zen Master Xuanzang, a disciple of Buddhism, encountered a love disaster on his way to the west. Although he finally escaped from the disaster, he also planted a strand of love in his heart.

"After he returned from his journey to the west and fulfilled his wish to promote Buddhism, he also returned to his old place hoping to see her again, but it turned out that things were different and her soul was gone.

"Zen Master Xuanzang returned sadly, and the strand of love in his heart became more and more entangled. So before turning into rainbow and Nirvana, he used this strand of love as a guide to evolve into the 'Four Styles of Lianqing' sword technique, and the spell was imprinted on the two mouths." Cicada Wing Knife'.

"Although this sword technique is called the 'Cicada Wing Knife', it must be used by a man and a woman at the same time in order to be triggered in certain situations. Just now, Jiao Na and I used the first two moves of this sword technique. The last two moves' The "Qin Se Chord" "Ling Xi Wu Jian" requires very high levels of cultivation, and it should only be used after reaching the fourth level."

Ruoxue, Ruomei and Zhan Chun were all amazed after hearing this.

Lin Jin glanced between Ma Ji and Jiao Na, guessing that the "certain situation" that Ma Ji said was very mysterious.

Since this sword technique was created based on emotion, of course the only thing that can trigger it is the word "love".

After getting along for many days, Lin Jin had already seen Jiao Na's feelings for Ma Ji, and also understood that it was because of this that she hid some resistance and hostility towards him. Judging from what happened today, although Ma Ji was always showing off in front of Jiao Na He tried to show some dignity as a teacher and try to dispel her inner thoughts, but he was afraid that he might have been moved by Jiao Na without even realizing it.

Regarding this matter, Lin Jin was actually happy to see it come to fruition.

She had long heard that Ma Ji had a fiancée appointed by her master but whom she had never met before. She was also a little worried that the future lady would be difficult to get along with. She was thinking of pulling Jiao Na, a "disciple" who was deeply loved by Ma Ji, into " The "concubine" camp supports each other.

Now that I saw that the layer of paper between Ma Ji and Jiao Na was finally broken, I guessed that the realization of my idea was not far away.

After the morning exercise for the day, Ma Ji went to the front to have breakfast with Gu Yong, and then followed Gu Yong to the study to study.

Gu Yongcai lectured Ma Ji on the principles of the scriptures for a while, when suddenly someone from the palace came to report outside the door, saying that Mr. Fu Tianchou, the left minister of the Ministry of War, had sent someone to deliver a message.

Gu Yong paused his lecture and ordered someone to come.

Not long after, a servant in Tsing Yi came to the study to see Gu Yong and sent him a post.

After Gu Yong unfolded it and read it, he turned to Ma Ji and said with a smile: "Mr. Long, the Master Fu has invited me to climb a mountain to enjoy the snow. You can pack up and accompany you."

Ma Ji knew that the teacher's move was to help him get in touch with his connections, and he was touched by the name "Fu Tianchou", so he handed over his hand to express his compliance.

(End of this chapter)

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