Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 305 Xishan Qingxue

Chapter 305 Xishan Qingxue
In the western suburbs of the capital, there are continuous mountains, collectively called Xishan, known as the "right arm of the divine capital".

After the capital was established in Shuntian in the early years of this dynasty, Taizu Li Geng returned from Xuehou by climbing Xiangshan Mountain in the Xishan Mountains to enjoy the snow.

At that time, just after the snow had just begun, Li Geng looked back in the dragon chariot to where he had come from. He saw the peaks of the Western Mountains were like piles of jade, the rising sun and sunset were shining with thousands of mist, the jungle was covered with snow like swords and halberds reflecting the cold, and the wilderness was frozen. As if wrapped in silver, he praised out loud: "It's clear and snowy in the Western Mountains, and the world is beautiful!"

As soon as Taizu opened Chrysostom, "Xishan Qingxue" immediately became famous all over the world and became a place where countless literati and poets visited.

Gu Yong knew that his disciples were extremely skilled in martial arts and Taoism, so he did not bring any followers to protect him. The master and the disciple each rode a horse out of the city and galloped all the way to the foot of the Western Mountain.

Afterwards, Gu Yong told Ma Ji about his relationship with Fu Tianchou.

The former emperor Yongxi Emperor Li Zhuo lost his virtue in his later years, and the princes only focused on fighting for power and profit, which caused chaos in the government and the decline of the country.

Among them, only the fourth prince, Ning Wang Li Hui, received advice from an expert and pursued the policy of "fighting without fighting" and only focused on serving the court.

However, he has a cold and harsh temperament, and cannot tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. No matter who you are or what power you belong to, as long as you do something wrong and are unlucky enough to fall into his hands, you will be dealt with strictly according to the rules and laws, and he will never show any kindness. .

On the surface, many courtiers and dignitaries who are devoted to serving the dragon stay away from this iron-faced prince who has "no ambition", but many people with ambition and insight regard him as the only hope to revive the decline of Emperor Yongxi in his later years, including Including Gu Yong, Han Lei, and Du Heng, who were originally known as the "Three Heroes of Jiangnan" and had endless limelight, as well as Fu Tianchou, who was still just a little-known head of the Ministry of War.

On the other hand, Fu Tianchou was not noticed at first because of his low reputation. For more than ten years, he relied on his personal talents to rise step by step to the high position of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War.

When Li Hui gradually emerged as a prodigious figure, until Li Zhuolong succeeded to the throne with a posthumous edict after taking over Bin Tian, ​​he immediately encountered a strong counterattack by several princes who had missed the throne.

In this battle between the northern barbarians and the prairie barbarians, although Wang Lie and his daughter on the front line were extremely successful, they were actually in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of War in the rear. Fu Tianchou, who was fully responsible for the dispatch of troops and horses, logistics supply and other matters for this battle, was on the right track. In response to the saying "Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements."

In the end, Han Lei and Du Heng resigned and returned home together. Although Gu Yong stayed in the capital, he only became an idler in the Hanlin Academy and indulged in sensuality from then on.

This was also the biggest constraint for Li Hui's later efforts to govern and revitalize Yu. Every time he wanted to take action, he would be hindered because it touched the vested interests of these people.

Because of this, Fu Tianchou had long been designated by Li Hui as the best candidate for the post of Minister of War, and he was probably appointed earlier than Gu Yong.

As the saying goes: "If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them."

At that time, Gu Yong, Han Lei, and Du Heng were not only the most prestigious, but they were also the first to be promoted and re-employed by Li Hui, who had just ascended the throne. Therefore, they were the first to be targeted with the most malicious intentions and designed to do everything possible.

Among them, Li Yu, the king of Yue, used the most violent method of launching an army to rebel, while he used various means to cut off Li Hui's wings to make him a real loner.

The most helpless thing was that in order to quell Li Yu's rebellion, Emperor Li Hui of Long'an not only couldn't deal with his brothers, but also offered huge benefits to win them over and appease them, giving them greater power.

Otherwise, Gu Yong, Han Lei, and Du Heng would not have wasted more than ten years.

Talking about these past events all the way, the master and the apprentice rushed to the foot of Fragrant Mountain. Several people were waiting in a long pavilion at the foot of the mountain.

They urged their horses and hurried a few steps before they arrived outside the pavilion, where two people came out to greet them.

Ma Ji saw that one of them was about fifty years old, with gray beard and hair, but he was still energetic and steady in his steps. He should be Fu Tianchou; the other was twenty-five or six years old, elegant in manner and handsome in appearance. The strange thing was that he was actually the same as Fu Tianchou. Tianqiu stands side by side, but they don't have the status of disciples and juniors. When Gu Yong and Ma Ji dismounted outside the Changting Pavilion, Fu Tianchou stepped forward and said, "Brother Gu is returning to Beijing this time. I am unable to greet him due to busy business, so please give me some advice."

Gu Yong returned the salute and said with a smile: "The war has just ended. Brother Fu is in charge of the military department. It is a busy time with many things. If you put aside your official duties to greet Gu, it will make Gu uneasy."

The two immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Then Gu Yong called Ma Ji forward and said to Fu Tianchou: "Brother Fu, this is the disciple Gu has taken in Jiangsu and Zhejiang this time. Ma Ji and Ma Long are the matchmakers in Qiantang. Please look after Gu Yier in the future."

Ma Ji took advantage of the situation and stepped forward, bowed to Fu Tianqiu and said, "Junior Ma Ji has met Mr. Fu."

Fu Tianchou said with a smile: "I've heard that Brother Gu has gained a good disciple. He is indeed a talented person. No need for courtesy."

When Ma Ji returned behind him, Gu Yong's eyes fell on the young man next to Fu Tianchou, waiting for him to introduce him.

They are quite reliable allies in the political arena, and now that spring is approaching, it is customary to introduce each other's juniors and ask each other for support and care. That's why he brought Ma Ji to the appointment this time. It is not surprising that Fu Tianchou brought someone here. .

Unexpectedly, Fu Tianchou looked a little embarrassed, and once again raised his hands to Gu Yong and said, "Brother Gu, this is my grandfather's best friend during his lifetime, Pingliang Jia Fengyi."

Gu Yong was stunned and laughed out loud: "I haven't seen you for a long time. How did Brother Fu, who has always been serious, learn to joke?"

Fu Tianchou said seriously: "Brother Gu, you should know that Fu never joked in his life. Uncle Jia passed the provincial examination in the 14th year of Jinghong. He was a classmate and the same subject as his grandfather."

Gu Yong was dumbfounded and looked at Jia Fengji who was blushing in disbelief.

After a long while, he shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "If these words had not come from Brother Fu's mouth, Gu would not have believed it at all."

Fu Tianchou thought that this incident was too bizarre, so he immediately invited Gu Yong and Ma Ji to sit down in the pavilion, and then talked about Jia Fengji's experience.

It turns out that Jia Fengzhi was famous for his talent for a while, but he failed many times because his writing style did not suit the examiner's wishes. Later, he changed his writing style and wrote a piece of writing that he thought was unsightly, and he became a high school student in one fell swoop.

He was not happy about it but felt deeply ashamed of it, and then he had the desire to stay away from the world and seek immortality.

Just at this time, a scholar surnamed Lang came to visit.

Previously, Jia Fengzhi once saw Lang Sheng showing some extraordinary abilities and knew that he was a stranger in the world, so he treated him sincerely and told him his wish to be born, asking him to show him the way.

Lang Sheng happily agreed to his request and expressed his willingness to introduce him to his disciple to practice, but he would have to give up all the worldly ties.

Jia Fengzhi had already achieved fame and wealth, but he couldn't let go of his loving wife and seven-year-old son at home, so he hesitated for a while.

It wasn't until later that I thought of the allusion of "one person ascends to immortality, a fairy, a chicken or a dog", and thought that if we say goodbye today, maybe we can reunite in the future, I finally made up my mind, and then I had a bizarre experience.

(End of this chapter)

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