Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 306 Xishan Yongxue

Chapter 306 Xishan Yongxue
At that time, Jia Fengzhi made up his mind to express his intention to Lang Sheng. Lang Sheng took him and flew for a long time in half cloud and half fog. When they arrived at an ancient cave in the deep mountains where it was difficult to determine the direction, they met an old man with a fairy spirit.

After Lang Sheng paid homage to the old man as a teacher and explained Jia Fengji's situation, the old man just said, "It doesn't hurt to give it a try," and he generously left Jia Fengji in the cave to teach him some concepts of calmness and concentration. Let him find a quiet room to practice at will.

When Jia Fengzhi first entered samadhi, he was sincere and single-minded. Although there were many illusions around him, including fame and wealth, as well as life and death crises, he was able to break through the illusions and remain unwavering in his determination.

But then his wife suddenly appeared next to him, crying and complaining about the pain of missing him after goodbye. Her voice, appearance, and smile were all so different that he had difficulty distinguishing the true from the false, which further shook his mind.

When the old man and Lang Sheng suddenly appeared, Jia Fengzi woke up from a dream, holding a bundle of hay and feeling ashamed and helpless.

The old man didn't get angry, he just said that the opportunity hadn't come yet and let him return to the world to experience it again.

Later, Lang Sheng still sent Jia Fengfei back to his hometown in the clouds.

As the saying goes: "A day in the cave means a thousand years in the world."

When Jia Fengzhi arrived in his hometown, he was shocked to find that more than eighty years later, his son, who was only seven years old when he left home, had died long ago, and his grandson Jia Xiang was already over fifty.

Fortunately, his wife suddenly fell asleep not long after he left home, and she suddenly woke up again recently, and she is still the graceful and graceful woman she was before.

Not long ago, Jia Fengzhi came to Beijing to take the exam. After hearing that Fu Tianchou, the left minister of the Ministry of War, who was most trusted by the current Emperor Long'an, was an old friend, he came to see him to reveal his identity.

Fu Tianchou was as astonished as Gu Yong at that moment. It was not until Jia Fengji told many details about his interaction with his grandfather that he became convinced.

He was an upright man, and although he saw that his uncle looked to be no more than twenty years old, he still abided by the etiquette of a junior; and seeing that he indeed had the talent to help the world, the position of a Jinshi was already within his grasp, so he He wanted to use his personal connections to pave the way for him in the officialdom, so he made today's appointment to enjoy the snow in Xishan Mountain.

Jia Fengfei said: "Yes, Brother Lang's double name is 'Yuzhu'."

Ma Ji then continued to ask: "Brother Jia, does the doctor who took you to practice have a name?"

Now Emperor Long'an is vigorously rectifying the teaching style. The officials sent to various places to preside over scientific examinations are all innovative people like Gu Yong and Qiao Yun. Jia Fengfei's full of splendid ideas will finally be put to use, and he will be as high as Ma Ji in the provincial examination. Jieyuan.

As the saying goes, "A scholar who is useless is useless." Jia Fengzhi had no choice but to return to his old career and go to the examination room again.

Jia Fengzhi said hurriedly: "As far as I am concerned, these eighty-odd years have only lasted a few days. I really don't dare to be arrogant. We only meet each other with courtesy."

The husband and wife met each other as if it were yesterday, but when they looked around, it felt like they were a lifetime apart.

Ma Ji thought of something and asked, "Dare you ask this..."

The originally wealthy Jia family has long since declined, and his grandson Jia Xiang has become a butcher. He is stingy and cunning, and refuses to support his grandparents, who have no affection and no benefits.

When Gu Yong heard such strange things, he couldn't help but marveled.

The words just came out, but for a moment I didn't know what to call them.

No matter how complicated and unspeakable their emotions are, they have to plan their livelihood first.

Ma Ji sighed: "It is indeed this person!"

Gu Yong, Fu Tianchou, and Jia Fengji were all shocked.

Gu Yong asked: "Dragon Matchmaker actually knows this person?" Ma Ji said: "The disciples only heard of his name. Little people know that the 'Huntian Supervisory Yuan', in addition to Jianzheng and the two supervisors, has four There are four sentences about these four people in the spiritual world: "The universe is great in the sleeves, the sun and the moon are long in the dream, and the pen performs thousands of changes, and the sword condenses hundreds of times to refine the light." That Lang Yuzhu is one of them. "Bi Yan Qian Ji Chang" refers to "Wonderful writing brings flowers".

Speaking of this, he said to Jia Fengyi with great regret: "The Taoist practice of this man has reached the second level of fire calamity. He is really a first-class figure like a god. You can imagine what kind of figures his elders are." I know. It’s a pity that Brother Jia has missed such an opportunity!”

Jia Fengji didn't seem to take it seriously, and said with a smile: "When I left the world to seek Taoism, it was an impulse. After returning to the world, I realized that compared with pursuing the vague immortality, it is more important to stay with my wife. The white-headed promise is to live up to what you have learned in order to benefit the people.”

Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou nodded in approval, but Ma Ji had other ideas.

In the story of his first life memory, Jia Fengzhi re-entered the world. After going through the ups and downs of the officialdom, he was finally led by Lang Yuzhu to enter the gate of immortality, and even took his wife with him.

Inferring from this result, Jia Fengzhi's bizarre experience in this life seems to be a deliberately arranged training. If this is true, then he and his wife must have other origins.

The two parties had already met and then went hiking together.

A few servants brought by Fu Tianchou stayed in Changting to guard the horses for everyone. The only ones who climbed the mountain were Gu Yong, Fu Tianchou, Jia Fengphei and Ma Ji.

After heavy snowfall, the mountain roads are slippery and difficult to travel.

Fortunately, although Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou are a few years old, they are still young, and they are both in strong health. As long as they walk carefully, they will be fine.

Needless to say, Ma Ji, but Jia Fengzhi actually walked calmly and briskly, breathing evenly and long without any rush. It was obvious that although that period of practice was interrupted, it was not without gain.

The four of them chatted all the way, mainly Ma Ji and Jia Fengxian talking about knowledge, while Gu Yong and Fu Tianqiu only made occasional comments.

Neither Ma Ji nor Jia Fengzhi were die-hard readers. Their knowledge was extremely complex and broad. They only talked about a few scriptures and articles, and then talked about various schools of thought, such as three religions, nine schools of thought, and hundreds of schools of thought.

No matter what they talked about, both of them were eloquent and eloquent, and they were by no means just memorizing things on paper. They talked about each item so deeply that they seemed to have studied it for many years.

The four of them talked all the way up to the top of Xiangshan Mountain. There is a pavilion here called "Snow Viewing Pavilion", which is the best place to watch the snow scenery of Xishan Mountain.

There was no one else in the pavilion at this moment, so the four of them moved into the pavilion.

Looking around, you can see that the mountains and rivers have all turned into silvery white, and the infinitely magnificent scenery is all in sight.

After a while, the semi-clear weather began to turn cloudy, and soon snowflakes began to fall again.

Gu Yong stretched out his hand and caught a snowflake in the palm of his hand. He turned back to look at Ma Ji and Jia Fengfei and said with a smile: "This situation and this situation cannot be recited without poetry. Between these two great talents, I don't know who will come first?"

After just a conversation, Jia Fengzhi knew that he was far from being able to compare with Ma Ji in terms of poetry, so he immediately handed over his hand and said, "We must rely on the help of Dragon Media!"

Ma Ji didn't refuse. After drinking for a while and pondering, he said: "I just got a piece of "Niannujiao", but I can't help but rise to the occasion."

Immediately, he recited loudly:
"Tian Ding was so angry that he overturned the silver sea and scattered the pearl foils. Six strange flowers flew and filled the hills and valleys in the mountains. The tigers were mad and Su Lin was rampant, breaking the ropes of pearls. The jade dragons were fighting fiercely, and their scales were falling all over the sky.

"Who thinks of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers? The warriors stand frozen, the flags are stained with silk belts. The color reflects the spears, the light shakes the swords and halberds, and the murderous spirit crosses the curtain. The brave tigers are heroic, but they are brave, and we discuss military strategies together. We need to get drunk together. Look at the clear blue sky.”

After reciting the song, before Gu Yong and the others could praise him, a voice came from behind: "Good words! Even more powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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