Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 307 White Arowana Suit

Chapter 307 White Arowana Suit
The four of them looked surprised, but Gu Yong, Fu Tianchou and Ma Ji were obviously much more surprised than Jia Fengfei.

The reasons are quite different.

Gu Yong and Fu Tianqiu recognized their identities by their voices.

Ma Ji was because this person was able to elude his five senses and spiritual senses and come so close to him.

Two figures emerged from a rock not far away.

A middle-aged man has a thin build, a pale face, and three short beards. Although there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, his sharp eyes always contain a bit of scrutiny and even criticality.

An old man looked slightly wealthy, with fair hair and a childlike face, no beard on his lips, and a pleasant smile on his face. He seemed to be very gentle and kind, but his slender eyes were as quiet and deep as ancient wells.

Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou walked a few steps towards them at the same time, held their hands in front of them and waited to salute.

The middle-aged man walking in front also handed over his hand and said first, "Huang has met these two adults."

The old man behind him also smiled and said: "What a coincidence. Today, my family members are rarely in the mood to go out, so I met two adults."

"If Mr. Ran could write such words and sentences, could it be that he also knows military skills besides poetry and books?"

After meeting each other, the four of them returned to the Snow Viewing Pavilion together.

Gu Yong was overjoyed, knowing that these words had promised Ma Ji's future in advance.

Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou then spoke, and both said, "Huang Yuan is polite."

Although Huang Yuanwai had a cold and mean temperament, he couldn't help but admire Ma Ji at this moment, so he asked with a smile: "With Mr. Ma's talent, this imperial examination should be like picking something up. When you become an official in the future, with your literary talent and military strategy, you can do whatever you want." Whether you serve in the Hanlin Academy or gain experience in the Ministry of War, you will definitely achieve something."

Gu Yong said hurriedly: "This is a disciple I took in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Qiantang Ma Ji, whose courtesy name is Long Media."

Huang Yuanwai was very interested: "This is actually happening. I wonder how Mr. Ma analyzed this matter in the first place?"

"I just heard the poem that the young master just composed. Not only is the poem about the snow in the upper palace very expressive and magnificent, but the lower palace also uses the appearance of the frontier army to contrast the heavy snow. The heavier the snow, the stronger the army's power, and it also corresponds to the great danger of Yu in the north. of this great victory.

Huang Yuanwai nodded and said: "With his talent and quick thinking, it's no wonder that he is favored by Mr. Gu.

From the side, Ma Ji took in the changes in the demeanor, behavior, and tone of Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou. As he thought about it, he had some vague guesses about the identity of Huang Yuanwai. After the teacher introduced him, he immediately handed over his hand and said: "Ma Ji Ji has met Mr. Huang."

Huang Yuan looked at Ma Ji and said with a smile, "This young master is..."

Ma Ji smiled and said humbly: "I have only read a few military books in my late life. I can talk about military affairs on paper at most. How dare I say that I know the tactics of war?"

Gu Yong naturally spared no effort for his disciple's future, not to mention that this matter is a fact, and there is no need to exaggerate or modify it. He should just tell what Ma Ji said in the South Prison.

Gu Yong knew that today was a God-given opportunity for Ma Ji, and it was not the time to be humble and polite, so he immediately interrupted: "Mr. Dragon doesn't have to be too modest. When you concluded that Ping Lupo's victory was determined before hearing the news, how could it be just talking on paper?" Comparable to other generations?”

Ma Ji smiled calmly and said: "I have inherited Huang's auspicious words, but since I was born late, I would rather be a local official in Jin or Qilu to run a state and a county."

Gu Yong was well aware of Huang Yuan's temperament and knew that he didn't like others to go against his will, so his heart suddenly tightened.

Huang Yuanwai did not show any displeasure. Instead, he asked with interest: "I heard that nowadays, the most desirable place for Jinshi who pass the imperial examination is the noble Hanlin Academy, followed by the six ministries or various prefectures, As for the central government offices such as the hospital, prison, and Taiwan, it is really the next best thing to leave the capital. Why did Mr. Ma want to do the opposite?" Ma Ji shook his head and said with a smile: "People at that time thought that they would stay in office. The capital is close to the water, and as long as you make some achievements, you can get into the eyes of the court and get promoted easily. But they have forgotten that there are many opportunities in the capital and there are many people who are involved in every move. , It is too difficult to really do something. But in the place where we are in charge, even if it is just a county, we can also achieve results. "

Huang Yuanwai's interest seemed to be even more intense, and he asked again: "There is some truth in this statement...but why does the young master want to serve in Jin or Qilu?"

Ma Ji glanced at Gu Yong, who looked a little nervous and was telling him to be careful with his words and actions. He said with deep meaning: "There is no one else here. Wan Sheng will talk nonsense without thinking. If you miss this place, you will never do it." Those who admit to saying these things... If Wan Sheng's prediction is correct, within a few years, the northern border of Shanxi will suffer from foreign aggression again, and there will be civil strife in the heart of Qilu. Although this is not a blessing for the people of the country, it is the cause of our achievements. time!"

"Dragon matchmaker, don't talk nonsense!"

After hearing the last sentence, the expressions of several people present changed suddenly, and Gu Yong even shouted harshly.

But although his voice was stern, his eyes looking at Ma Ji were full of worry and concern.

Huang Yuanwai's expression also became extremely ugly, and the old man beside him narrowed his slender eyes and looked at Ma Ji with a chill in his eyes.

After a moment of silence in the field, Huang Yuanwai's expression returned to normal and he asked calmly: "Does Mr. Ma have any basis for making such shocking remarks?"

Ma Ji was not in a hurry, first he raised a finger and said: "Let's talk about Jin first. Now Pinglupp has defeated the Beiman, and the lady from the Wang family even beheaded Botu Khan in the battle. As far as Wan Sheng knows, Botu Khan The Khan's heir is still young, so it is bound to be difficult for him to live up to the expectations of the public, and a round of competition for the Khan's throne will surely break out on the grassland.

"According to Wan Sheng's observation, this internal fight is actually a good thing for the Northern Barbarians. It will not only eliminate the weak and leave the strong to survive the predicament of lack of food and clothing after the snow disaster, but also cultivate a true overlord like a poison. Once this When the overlord is born to reunify all the grassland tribes, the first thing to do is to invade Dayu from the south and wash away the shame of defeat. Only in this way can he truly consolidate his authority. "

Seeing everyone pondering for a moment, their faces showed solemn expressions, obviously agreeing with his point of view, Ma Ji raised a finger again and said: "Let's talk about Qilu, Dayu has occupied the world for hundreds of years, which has caused all dynasties to One of the ills of decline has become worse.”

Huang Yuanwai realized something and asked, "Master Ma, are you talking about land annexation?"

Ma Ji nodded and said: "Since ancient times, the powerful and powerful have been committed to occupying more land, and they have not hesitated to use all kinds of despicable means to do this. Especially in years of floods and droughts, many landlords and gentry colluded with the government and used various means to force farmers to sell their land. . Once we reach a situation where the rich have no land and the poor have no place to stand, the farmers who have no choice but to rise up."

Huang Yuanwai asked in a deep voice: "Land annexation happens all over the country. Why does Mr. Ma think that the chaos will come from Qilu?"

Ma Ji said sternly: "Firstly, for some reasons, the land annexation of Qilu is the most important one. Now it has accumulated fuel, and once it breaks out, it will become a prairie fire. Secondly, such chaos has always been accompanied by cults, and it is late in life." Tian Guseng, a disciple of the former White Lotus leader Xu Hongru, was captured and killed. Although the details were not revealed during the interrogation, there are some clues that indicate that the White Lotus sect will make big moves in recent years, and the land of Qilu is a natural breeding ground for their growing power! "

Everyone was digesting Ma Ji's inference, and the place fell into silence again.

After a while, Huang Yuanwai took a deep look at Ma Ji and said with a reluctant smile: "I am honored to meet such a great talent as Mr. Ma today. I should have asked for more advice, but Huang still has some housework to deal with, so let's just say goodbye. See you later.”

After that, he nodded to Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou, and hurried down the mountain with the old man's entourage.

When the two of them walked away, Gu Yong looked back at Ma Ji and said with some dissatisfaction: "Made Dragon talked too much today!"

Ma Ji shrugged and said: "The opportunity is rare. Since I am destined to meet this person, I simply tell some things in advance. If we can prevent problems before they happen, wouldn't it be a great good?"

Both Gu Yong and Fu Tianchou's expressions changed slightly.

Gu Yong asked: "Do you already know the identity of Huang Yuanwai?"

Ma Ji smiled and said: "Although I am wearing a white dragon fish suit, I still have some eyesight."

(End of this chapter)

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