Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 309: Offering prisoners at the Meridian Gate

Chapter 309: Offering prisoners at the Meridian Gate
On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, Pinglubo and Datong Governor Wang Lie sent their queen Heng and a thousand fine cavalry to escort the head of the enemy chief Botu Khan and 72 captured northern barbarian leaders to the capital.

Emperor Li Hui of Long'an had issued an order the day before, and the Ministry of Rites sent people ten miles out of the city to greet him, and held a prisoner presentation ceremony at the Meridian Gate. Hundreds of civil and military officials, envoys from the Tibetan kingdoms in Beijing, officials from every quarter of the capital, and senior citizens came to the capital. Anyone who takes the exam can be present to witness this grand event.

In the early morning of this day, the throne was set up on the upper floor of the Meridian Gate.

Starting from the Meridian Gate, the embroidered guards are divided into east and west sides along the imperial road from north to south, and stand solemnly with guard of honor.

The Jiaofangsi Band is located to the south of the ceremonial guard and is also arranged on the east and west sides.

All civil and military officials and other invited guests were guided by the etiquette officer and stood in front of the Meridian Gate Tower in order.

Ma Ji, as a candidate for the imperial examination in Beijing, also came to join in the fun and mix in the crowd.

At the same time as a red sun jumped out of the ground in the east, the bell rang loudly, and Emperor Li Hui of Long'an arrived in full regalia.

The musicians of the Jiaofang Division played drums together until Li Hui ascended the morning gate and took his seat.

The four embroidered guards downstairs of the Meridian Gate waved their long whips together, making several thunderous explosions, and the whole place fell into silence.

Immediately at the end of the royal road there was the sound of clanging armor.

Wang Heng and other generals bowed four times and then stood up in silence. The Northern Barbarian prisoners still knelt down and waited for Emperor Dayu to abdicate.

One hundred and twenty military lieutenant generals, all wearing armor and sabers, followed in two columns: left and right.

The official from the Ministry of Justice said "I obey the decree", stood up, turned downward and read Li Hui's decree aloud.

An official from the Ministry of Punishment came forward to take the wooden box from Wang Heng's hand, climbed to the morning gate tower, and reported to Li Hui: "Your Majesty, Queen Heng of Ping Lupp and Wang Lie, the governor of Datong, is offering the head of the barbarian chief. And captured seventy-two people, awaiting your Majesty’s execution!”

Everyone walked to the Meridian Gate and bowed to the music.

The salute officer of the Ministry of Rites raised his voice and shouted: "Come in!"

Li Hui and the crowd praised him with great satisfaction, and the contentment in his heart was hard to describe.

Afterwards, the publicity officer read out the victory report loudly, stating that the prisoners of war had captured various achievements in this battle.

All the civil and military officials and others shouted "Long live!" When the Northern Barbarian prisoners who had been exhausted by the training learned that their lives could be saved, they all cried bitterly and kowtowed in thanks.

Immediately, a propagandist from the Ministry of Rites saluted and kowtowed at the Meridian Gate with the good news in hand. The ritual music of the Jiaofang Secretary started again and stopped after the official bowed four times.

Under the attention of everyone, Wang Heng walked first in the center, wearing full armor, a bronze ghost mask, a white cloak, and two horizontal swords hanging, holding a square wooden box in his hand.

After announcing the submission, the salute officer shouted again: "Present the prisoners!"

Li Hui said solemnly: "This is a huge country with great power and virtue. I will send the head of the barbarian chief to the world as a warning, and all the other captives will be pardoned!"

Among the two columns of generals, seventy-two Northern Barbarian prisoners were filing in with their hair down and barefoot.

As his eyes were wandering among the officials and people below, he suddenly saw Ma Ji, who was as handsome and upright as a chicken standing out from the crowd. His heart moved and he immediately issued an order: "Let Wang's daughter take off her mask, so that the officials and people of Dayu can take a look at this heroine." Style!”

After the order was passed down, Wang Heng was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately took off the ferocious mask on his face in compliance with the order, revealing a pretty face as beautiful as a peach and a plum, and he stood for a moment facing all around without any coyness, for everyone to see. A clear one.

Ma Ji's body in the crowd was shaken. Although his face had changed, he would never mistake the charm in the corners of his eyes and brows, let alone the thread of ties he sensed in the dark. For a moment, he stared at that pretty face, and thousands of thoughts and words came to his mind.

Wang Heng keenly sensed two particularly blazing gazes, and looked back with a slight frown on his beautiful eyebrows. He immediately saw Ma Ji in the crowd, as bright as a jade tree and as graceful as an immortal.

Although he had never met before, an inexplicable feeling of familiarity arose in his heart, and his sharp eyes softened unconsciously.

When Ma Ji saw Wang Heng looking at him, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said silently in his heart: "Madam, long time no see!"

Feeling the sincerity of the other person's smile, Wang Heng subconsciously smiled as well, just like a hundred flowers blooming, as beautiful as any other.

Li Hui, who had been paying attention to the two of them, couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he saw this scene. He immediately felt more confident about the matter that he had previously asked Cao Jirong to handle.

Among the officials, King Rui Li Xun had been secretly paying attention to Li Hui's every move on the Meridian Gate Tower. When he saw something strange in his expression, he immediately followed his gaze and then learned everything about the situation between Ma Ji and Wang Heng. When he closed his eyes, a stern look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and at the same time, he kept Ma Ji's face firmly in his heart.

After a prisoner presentation ceremony, Li Hui's reputation was unprecedentedly high, and the forces that had previously been restraining him temporarily restrained their minions, making him feel more at ease in his actions than ever before.

However, after all, there are people who believe that they have something to rely on, and they want to do something at this time.

In Prince Rui's Mansion, Li Xun frowned and said after listening to the news reported by Palace Chief Shi Zhongshilong, "Gu Yong's disciple?"

Zhong Shilong bowed and said: "That's right. The people sent to investigate have found out that the person mentioned by the prince is named Ma Ji. He is from Qiantang County in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He is the "No. 1 in Jiangsu and Zhejiang" because of his excellent poetry and calligraphy. He was known as a "talented scholar". Gu Yong took him under his wing when he was in charge of academic affairs in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. During the provincial examination, he overcame all objections and designated him as Jieyuan."

Li Xun sneered and said: "If he is Gu Yong's disciple, then it makes sense. He must have not forgotten what happened back then, so he let this pretty boy ruin my son's good deeds. Go to Gu Yong's house immediately and represent me. The king sent a message to him that since he has been clamping his tail for many years, he will continue to clamp it for me, otherwise...his disciple will not have the status of the number one scholar as a talisman!"

Even if he sent someone to send a message, he only targeted Gu Yong, obviously thinking that a small person like Ma Ji was not qualified to be mentioned by him.


At the end of the day, the dragon made a promise and left.

Li Xun thought for a moment and asked someone to call his eldest son Li Mei.

Not long after, the crown prince Li Mei strode up to him and saluted, "Why did your father call me?"

Li Mei's face resembles his father's, but he has a bit of a young man's wantonness and flamboyance. He wears a warrior outfit, which further accentuates his powerful figure with a tiger's back and a wolf's waist.

Li Xun looked at the eldest son in front of him lovingly, and asked with a smile: "Originally, you were resistant to the marriage arranged for your father. What do you say now?"

Li Mei immediately bowed down and said with a smile: "I originally thought that Miss Wang could charge into battle on the battlefield, but I didn't know how fierce and rough she looked like a yaksha. Who knew that her true appearance was revealed at the prisoner presentation ceremony? She was actually Xie The country will fall and the city will fall. I hope my father will take the trouble to make it happen!"

"You're a blind brat!"

Li Xun laughed and cursed, and then said seriously: "My father will naturally try his best to help you, but you should also put in some effort yourself."

Li Mei asked hurriedly: "Whatever you need me to do, please just ask me, father."

Li Xun said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid many people are already making up their minds about such a provocative woman. Although we haven't decided on this matter yet, we want to let everyone know that this woman is already a member of our Prince Rui's Mansion. Let them Let’s take a rest as soon as possible!”

(End of this chapter)

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