Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 310 A couple slaps each other in the face

Chapter 310 A couple slaps each other in the face

Gu Yong was in the study giving instructions to Ma Ji on his homework. Seeing that he always looked a little absent-minded, he put down his book and said with a smile: "Made Dragon seems to have something on his mind after the prisoner presentation ceremony. Could it be that he has been thinking about it since he met the young lady from the Wang family?"

His last words were meant as a joke, but when he saw the sarcastic look on Ma Ji's face, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Are you really..."

Now Ma Ji was in a dilemma. In order to refuse Jiao Na's marriage, he lied about a fictitious school and fiancée. Now that he was finally reunited with his wife, he didn't know how to round up the lie.

Gu Yong was waiting to ask again when a servant suddenly reported outside the door that Shi Zhong Shilong, the chief of Prince Rui's palace, wanted to see him.

Hearing that it was someone from Prince Rui's Mansion, Gu Yong's face suddenly darkened.

But since the person had arrived, he had no reason to turn him away. He could only order the person to be led to the front hall.

Gu Yong took Ma Ji to the front hall first, and a few minutes later, Long was also ushered in by the servants of the mansion.

Gu Yong didn't have the patience to be conceited, and he didn't even maintain the basic etiquette of serving tea and entertaining guests. He asked with a serious face: "I wonder if Zhong Changshi has come here to teach me anything?"

Zhong Shilong was not surprised at the rudeness of the other party. He also said with a cold expression: "I am sent by the prince to give you a message to Mr. Gu. A few days ago, the prince has informed the Queen Mother and Your Majesty that he wants to marry Pinglubo's daughter for my heir apparent.

"Your Majesty does not want any trouble in this matter, so please take good care of your disciples. Otherwise, back then, Your Majesty had the title of Number One Scholar to protect you, but Mr. Ma did not!"

When there were only two masters and apprentices left in the hall, Gu Yong was silent for a long time, then turned to Ma Ji and said: "Don't worry, Dragon Media, your master will make the decision for you."

Gu Yong asked why.

There was something he had not said yet - he would only take one kind of evil dog to heart, and that was a dead evil dog!

Although Zhong Shilong was extremely angry, when he came into contact with Gu Yong's terrifyingly cold gaze, his heart trembled. He swallowed the tit-for-tat words that came to his mouth, turned around and left with a cold face.

Gu Yong looked at his back and whispered to himself: "Fei'er, if I had the courage of the dragon matchmaker, would it be possible..."

Then he asked Gu Yong for leave, saying that he wanted to go out of town.

Before he finished speaking, tears were already pouring from his eyes.

Ma Ji smiled and said: "Disciple heard that the young lady of the Wang family did not live in the mansion rewarded by the imperial court, but lived in a military camp outside the city with the thousand elite soldiers she brought back. Since Prince Rui suspected that the disciple would harm his son's good deeds, , Disciple cannot bear this charge in vain!”

However, Ma Ji kept his expression as usual, showing no shame or anger at all. Hearing the words, he smiled and said: "He is just a vicious dog that relies on his master's power to bark. Naturally, my disciple will not take it to heart."

When they arrived outside the city, others were still sitting on horseback, but the Yin Shen escaped from the top door.

The last words were growled through gritted teeth.

Gu Yong's face turned white with anger, and his eyes showed undisguised hatred: "Gu Yong back then couldn't protect his lover, but today Gu Yong can protect his disciples, King Rui Ruo If you still rely on force, why should Gu Yong be in danger of being destroyed? "Get out!"

Gu Yong looked at him for a moment, then suddenly laughed loudly and showed off his madness. He finally stopped his laughter and waved his hand: "Made Dragon, just do what you want to do, and you will take care of everything!"

Ma Ji rode on the "Dark Lord" in front of the mansion gate, and galloped all the way through the city, all the way out of the north gate of the capital.

Ma Ji bowed his hands, turned around and walked out.

When he said the last sentence, his eyes fell on Ma Ji, who was standing next to Gu Yong, with no concealed threat.

Because there is a white jade heavy building on the top to protect it, the Yin Shen is in a state of invisibility at this moment.

After using the "Demon Refining Pot" to refine Tian Gu, he used the magical power of "traveling through the void" of the Heavenly Ghost, and the Yin God merged into the void without any hindrance, and when he came out again, he was already in front of Prince Rui's Mansion.

At this moment, Zhong Shilong also happened to be returning in a carriage. A small flying sword flew out from the white jade heavy building, using the sword as a sword to slash through the air.

Afterwards, Ma Ji Yin Shen traveled through the void again, returned to the outside of the city and entered his body.

The guard in front of Prince Rui's Mansion saw the carriage returning from Lord Changshi, and someone came forward to greet him attentively.

After just a few steps, an extremely terrifying scene suddenly appeared in front of them: the strong horse pulling the carriage and the entire carriage split into two pieces from the middle without warning and collapsed. Zhong Shilong in the carriage suddenly suffered the same fate.

"There are assassins!"

With a scream, everything from the streets to the palace was in chaos.

At the same time, outside a military camp in the north of the city, Yang Mei, the Crown Prince of Rui, looked at the group of soldiers guarding the gate with murderous intent. His right hand had already grasped the handle of a long knife at his waist, and he said coldly: "I am the Crown Prince of Rui. As my nephew, who dares to stop me?"

Those twenty soldiers on the border were all elite soldiers who followed Wang Heng and fought out from the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses. How could they be frightened by his murderous intent?
The leader sneered: "In this important military camp, any intruders will be killed. Our steel swords don't recognize persimmons and pears!"

"How brave!"

Li Mei shouted angrily, unsheathed the long sword at his waist and slashed it towards the head of the long head. Before the sword could reach him, the cold sword energy penetrated three feet. He was lacking in muscles and bones, and was cold in courage. He was actually at the sixth level of martial arts. Qi realm cultivation.

That person could barely reach the ninth level of skin training, so how could he be cut into pieces with a knife out of anger?

A sheathed sword flew from behind. He caught the sword firmly from below and lifted it gently. Li Mei's long sword involuntarily raised upwards.

The horizontal sword took advantage of the momentum and struck the wrist of Li Mei's right hand holding the sword with the sheath tail wrapped in red gold.

Clear bones were shattered and a scream was heard at the same time. Li Mei's long knife fell to the ground, and his body staggered back. His right wrist had been twisted into a very weird angle and was actually broken.

" dare to hurt me?"

Li Mei held the broken wrist in his hands, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Wang Heng walked out of the camp gate with disgust in his eyes and said coldly: "This is just a small punishment but a big warning. If you are still messing around at the camp gate and disrupting our military discipline, I will behead you!"

"Okay! Very good!" Li Mei gritted his teeth and said, "You can be arrogant today, but when you fall into my hands in the future, you will definitely..."

A cold light flashed in Wang Heng's eyes, and he raised the sheathed sword again and struck Li Mei on the left side of his face. He opened his mouth and spat out seven or eight white teeth, and at the same time, he flew out in a swirl.


More than a dozen royal guards who came with Li Mei rushed forward in shock.

Wang Heng unsheathed his horizontal sword, and a sword energy came out in response to his hand, drawing a long ravine in front of the camp gate.

"Anyone who crosses this boundary will be killed!"

The guards all stopped. You looked at me and hesitated for a long time. Finally, you had to carry the half-conscious Li Mei back to the capital.

Wang Heng watched everyone go away in embarrassment, and ordered the gatekeepers to just perform their duties, and then returned to the camp to his tent.

As soon as she sat down, a soldier outside the door reported: "General, there is a man outside the camp asking to see him. He claims to be Ma Ji, the son of Ma Yao, the marshal's old subordinate."

(End of this chapter)

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