Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 311 Hug Madam’s thigh

Chapter 311 Hug Madam’s thigh

"It's you?"

Wang Heng ordered Ma Ji to be brought into the military camp. After meeting him in his tent, he immediately recognized this man who he had briefly met at the prisoner presentation ceremony but had left a deep impression on him.

Ma Ji smiled and held up his hands: "It's me!"

Question and answer, the meanings are quite different.

When he saw this man again, he felt an inexplicable throb in his heart. Wang Heng asked him to sit down first, and then said: "My father also often mentioned Ma Xiaowei, saying that with his talents, if he had not been disbanded in the past, he would not have been able to serve in the army." There must be a place for him in the army. I dare to ask, Master, how is Colonel Ma doing now?"

Ma Ji answered truthfully: "My father returned to his hometown in Qiantang and ostensibly worked as a merchant, but in fact he joined the 'Huntian Supervisory Academy' and is now a guest minister of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Branch."

Wang Heng nodded and said: "In this way, although your father has left the army, he is still doing things to protect the country and the people. If my father knows this news, he will be very happy."

Seeing that Ma Ji had successfully used his father's origins to build a relationship, he took advantage of the situation and said: "This time Uncle Wang defeated the barbarians in the northern border, which can be regarded as completely establishing the reputation of the world's number one general. To be honest, although I am a scholar, I have never done anything in my life. I am quite good at martial arts. I have deduced the whole story of this battle in private many times, but I am not able to go to the battlefield in person, so it is a pity to talk about it on paper. I have a chance to see you today, can you ask me a few questions? "

Hearing the other party ask about the use of troops, Wang Heng was secretly amused. He thought that the scholar was taking it for granted. He really thought that he would know how to fight after reading a few military books.

The two of them were talking happily when a burst of noise suddenly came from outside the tent.

Before Wang Heng could find anyone to ask, his soldiers had already come forward to report: "General, Guo Zheng, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, came to the camp with some officers. Although he did not dare to break into the military camp without permission, he kept asking General, you and Mr. Ma. Go out and meet.”

Wang Heng knew that the other party was not a good person, so he did not give him any face, and said calmly: "Is this sentence said by Lord Fu Cheng from Prince Tingrui?"

Wang Heng's foundation in martial arts was laid by her father, Wang Lie, but later on, many fantastic ideas about martial arts always appeared in her mind out of thin air, and she naturally incorporated what she had learned, resulting in her current level of fifth-level refining skills.

Wang Heng was not surprised, but said with some regret: "My trouble came at the wrong time, and it disturbed our fun for nothing."

But she always had an inexplicable fondness for Ma Ji, so she did not refuse and patiently talked with him for a few words.

The more they talked, the more they became more speculative, and later they started talking about war and martial arts.

Ma Ji sighed: "Perhaps this is my trouble."

Not long after, a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a fourth-grade official robe, came to the tent.

Guo Zheng said proudly: "The prince, the prince, was beaten and seriously injured by you. The facts are all there, so why should anyone say anything? But Prince Rui will report this matter to the court, but I am here for another matter... Qiantang County Juren Ma Ji Where?"

When he saw Wang Heng sitting still, a look of anger appeared on his face, and he sneered: "No wonder people say that the border troops are domineering. When I saw him today, I realized that this statement was true!"

Wang Heng turned to look at Ma Ji. Seeing his indifferent expression, he sent an order: "Invite them to come to the camp to talk."

Wang Heng was a little surprised, but when he saw him smiling and saying nothing, he didn't ask further questions and immediately left the camp with him.

Little did he know that after this conversation, there was a tendency to be unable to stop talking.

When discussing the principles of martial arts training and martial arts, she discovered that many of Ma Ji's ideas were exactly the same as her own, and even the several kung fu they each developed were quite similar.

In Wang Heng's view, many of Ma Ji's ideas coincided with his own.

Ma Ji calmly cupped his hands at the side: "That's the student!"

After that, he and Ma Ji went to the Chinese army tent to wait.

Later, she had a vague feeling that if Ma Ji took control of the battle in the north, she would be more in tune with him than her father would be if she cooperated with him.

When Wang Heng talked about the battles he had personally experienced, Ma Ji could always point out the key to victory in the battle. When reviewing each battle, Ma Ji could even put forward what he would do if he led the troops.

Guo Zheng stared at his face with a cold gaze and asked: "I want to ask you, did you have any conflict with Shi Zhong Shilong, the chief of Rui Palace today?"

Ma Ji shook his head sharply: "No!"

Guo Zheng shouted: "You dare to say that you have never met Zhong Changshi?" Ma Ji said: "Having met and having a conflict are two different things? Today, Zhong Changshi came to my teacher Mr. Gu's house and said: Our master and apprentice said some incomprehensible words and walked away, is this considered a conflict? "

Guo Zheng, however, did not argue with him and said coldly: "As long as you are willing to admit it, now Zhong Changshi has been assassinated in front of Prince Rui's Mansion. You are suspected of committing a major crime. I will detain you for interrogation in accordance with the law. Who will come?" !”

Following his greeting, more than a dozen Shuntian Prefecture officers broke into the tent and pounced on Ma Ji like wolves and tigers.


Wang Heng scolded angrily, and placed two sheathed horizontal knives on the table in front of him. They were unsheathed with a loud sound, and they were inserted in front of the guards in a flash of cold light.

"Those who act rashly will die!"

Hearing Wang Heng's voice as cold as an icy spring, the officers all shuddered and immediately stopped moving forward.

Guo Zheng was furious: "Wang Heng, do you dare to hinder my Shuntian Mansion from handling the case?"

Wang Heng asked back: "Then when did Chang Shi die?"

Guo Zheng was startled and then replied: "It's three o'clock."

Wang Heng turned around and asked Ma Ji: "Where were you at that time?"

Ma Ji replied calmly: "On the way here."

Wang Heng asked again: "Are there any witnesses?"

"I rode a very eye-catching white horse, people..." Ma Ji dusted off his clothes, "It is also very eye-catching, so there should be a lot of people paying attention along the way. There should be three to five thousand people who can be witnesses. some."

Wang Heng turned back to look at Guo Zheng: "Did you hear that?"

Guo Zheng sneered: "So what if I heard about it? What is going on in this case can only be determined by my Shuntian Mansion interrogation. I'm afraid Miss Wang is not qualified to intervene!"

Wang Heng raised his right hand and showed something in front of him: "Isn't it also qualified?"

Guo Zheng looked intently and saw a round jade plaque in her hand that was smooth and flawless, surrounded by five dragons. In the center was the word "武" written in seal script, and below it were four small characters "As if I were here in person"!
"This is the Five Dragon Jade Talisman of Emperor Taizu!"

Guo Zheng screamed, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Wang Heng said: "Now that you know it is the Five Dragon Jade Talisman, what should you do?"

Guo Zheng immediately pushed down the jade pillar from the golden mountain and bowed down to Wang Heng, saying: "I, Guo Zheng, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, have met the sage Taizu!"

The person he was in awe of was not this little jade talisman, or even the Taizu Li Geng represented by this jade talisman. After all, no matter how heroic Li Geng was, he died hundreds of years ago.

What really frightened him was the person who was said to be in charge of this jade talisman.

If the Wang Heng in front of him was related to that person, even if he had great courage, he would not dare to trouble Wang Heng.

Wang Heng put away the jade talisman and said calmly: "You are responsible for your responsibilities. Just handle the cases that need to be handled, but your intentions must be upright. If the public weapon is used privately to frame innocent people..."

Guo Zheng was trembling like chaff: "I don't dare!"

When Wang Heng said "Let's go," he rushed away with a group of his men as if he had been granted amnesty.

Ma Ji asked tentatively: "Miss Wang, what about the Five Dragons Jade Talisman?"

Wang Heng said casually: "I have recently become my master to Grand Master Zhengyuan, the Supervisor of the Huntian Supervisory Yuan. Before entering the capital this time, he said that there were too many people and things in the capital, so he gave me this jade amulet to protect me." Body... Hey, why do you look so bad?"

Ma Ji was speechless. He couldn't say that he was just lucky to have his wife's lap to hold him, but suddenly he thought of Lin Jin who was his concubine at home and Jiao Na who was becoming more and more entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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