Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 313 New Year’s Eve

Chapter 313 New Year’s Eve
In the days before and after, Ma Ji and Wang Heng were very close.

Not only did Ma Ji go to the military camp many times, or invite Wang Heng to visit the scenic spots near the capital, Wang Heng also paid a return visit to Gu Yong's house.

During this period, Wang Heng naturally also met the four girls Lin Jin, Jiao Na, Ruoxue and Ruomei.

For this reason, Ma Ji was still worried.

Among them, Lin Jin has a calm temperament, and Ruoxue and Ruomei have different identities, but it doesn't matter.

What he was uneasy about was that he was worried that Wang Heng would be unhappy, and that this girl Jiao Na was going to cause trouble.

Fortunately none of his fears came true.

Although Wang Heng now has a good impression of Ma Ji, she is far from being jealous of him. Secondly, her biological mother, Yunshi, was originally Wang Lie's concubine, because Wang Lie's first wife died early, and Yun was the only one among Wang Lie's more than ten concubines who gave birth to a child. Even though she was a daughter, she was straightened up by Wang Lie and made a second wife.

As for Jiao Na, ever since she and Ma Ji inspired the secrets of the "Cicada Wing Knife" and understood the "Four Styles of Affection" created by Zen Master Xuanzang, the originally hanging heart has already been put into her belly, and she is one step ahead of herself. Lin Jin lost all hostility and was extremely open-minded towards Wang Heng, a latecomer.

As a result, the two girls got along quite harmoniously, which made Ma Ji happy to see it.

We have known each other for many days, and naturally we have seen the little wolf who often follows Wang Heng. Except for the cold-tempered Lin Jin, Jiao Na, Ruoxue and Ruomei are all little girls at heart, so they are very interested in this little furry and cute thing. There is no resistance at all, and I want to get close to her every time I see her.

Today, Wang Heng took off his military uniform, put a bun on his head, and a step rocker. He wore a long aqua dress, and applied a thin layer of powder on his face, making him look even brighter and more gorgeous.

At dusk, Ma Ji, Lin Jin, and Jiao Na walked out of the gate of Gu Mansion side by side, followed by Ruoxue and Ruomei, and Zhan Chun at the back.

Ma Ji was stunned for a moment, then waved with a smile and walked towards her with a few people.

When they got closer, they saw a furry little head sticking out from behind Wang Heng's skirt.

The group of people strolled around and saw that there were more and more people walking on the street, and various lanterns had been hung up.

This day is the Lantern Festival. Long'an Emperor Li Hui made a decree in advance, saying that in order to celebrate the great victory in the north, this year's Lantern Festival will be held in the capital all night long with lanterns for the officials and the people to enjoy.

However, Ma Ji had long heard Wang Heng say that this seemingly cute little wolf was actually a monster giant on the far north ice sheet who had survived two tribulations of thunder and fire. However, he was supervised by the "Huntian Supervisory Authority" and Taishi Yuan Dan Sheng dispersed his spiritual intelligence with three punches and sealed his cultivation level, and gave it to his new disciple to become a guardian spirit beast.

Ruoxue and Ruomei also walked forward with joy, and their six delicate hands caressed it from beginning to end.

After walking two streets, Ma Ji saw Wang Heng standing pretty there.

"Yeah, Sister Heng has brought the 'Night Devil' too!"

Ma Ji also made an appointment with Wang Heng in advance to go shopping and enjoy the lanterns together.

Jiao Na cheered and was the first to run up, bend down and pick up the pure white wolf cub.

Such methods are far beyond what he can understand with his current cultivation and knowledge. The only thing he can understand is the terror of that Grand Master Yuan.

Wang Heng looked at the three little girls hugging the little wolf and refusing to let go. He shook his head and laughed as Ma Ji approached. He first greeted Lin Jin and then chatted with Ma Ji.

Not long after, the boundless night enveloped the earth, and countless lanterns on the streets lit up one after another, just like the Milky Way pouring down into the world, turning the nine-layered city of the capital into an incomparably splendid fairy world. At that moment, everyone began to walk along the street to admire the scenery. Jiao Na held the little wolf in her arms, Ruoxue and Ruomei walked at the front. Ma Ji, Wang Heng and Lin Jin walked side by side. Zhan Chun, the little follower, was still following at the back. .

They watched as they walked, pointing at all kinds of lanterns of different shapes everywhere, especially the two in front, Jiao Na and Ruomei, who were not shouting loudly. Unknowingly, a group of people also became a street with more lanterns than lanterns. An attractive scenery.

Along the way, all the men peeked at the five girls around Ma Ji who had different styles but were all the most beautiful in the world. At the same time, they were filled with envy, jealousy and hatred for Ma Ji, a guy who was so blessed.

All the women were taking a peek at Ma Ji, who had a body like a jade tree, a face like a bright moon, a crane-bone posture, and a graceful appearance like an immortal. They wished they could replace Wang Heng and other girls in their hearts.

While walking and walking, when we arrived under a tall building, a person suddenly appeared in front of him. He had white hair and a childlike face, and a charming smile. He was Cao Jirong, the most trusted eunuch of Long'an Emperor Li Hui.

"Mr. Ma, my family members and Master Gu are both upstairs. Please come up and say a few words."

Ma Ji first turned to look at Wang Heng, with an inquiring look in his eyes. When he saw her shaking her head slightly, he asked them to stay on the street to continue waiting, and he followed Cao Jirong to the building.

This restaurant has obviously been occupied. Although there are people sitting on the two floors below, they are all strong-looking men. They are forming a vague formation with each other. Once someone invades, they can immediately launch a thunderous strike.

Cao Jirong led Ma Ji to the third floor, only to see that there were only six or seven people sitting by the window in the huge hall. The person sitting at the top was Long'an Emperor Li Hui, and the others were on the left and right, Gu Yong and Fu God's hatred is among them.

Since they had already met again at the prisoner presentation ceremony, Ma Ji could no longer pretend to be ignorant. He immediately stepped forward to salute solemnly and said: "Ma Ji, a scholar from Qiantang, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor."

Li Hui waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Today I go out of the palace to have fun with the people. The dragon media has temporarily forgotten my identity and still only calls me 'Huang Yuanwai'."

"You will be born late as you are told."

Ma Ji stood up from Shanruliu.

Li Hui waved Ma Ji forward to stand next to him, pointing to the bright lights and tourists outside the window, and said with a smile: "Gu Qing showed me the poems written by Dragon Matchmaker. They are really amazing and unique. . Tonight coincides with the festive season, does Dragon Media have any poems?”

Ma Ji looked downstairs, focusing on Wang Heng's daughters. He also thought of the experience of reuniting with Wang Heng after a lifetime, and said, "I gained a little from being born late."

Seeing how quickly he responded, Li Hui was surprised and said, "You can recite it in front of everyone!"

Ma Ji loudly chanted: "The east wind blows thousands of flowers and trees at night, and they blow down stars like rain. BMW carvings and carriages fill the road with fragrance. The sound of phoenix flute moves, the light of jade pot turns, and fish and dragons dance all night. Moths, snow and willows, golden strands, The laughter was filled with fragrance. I looked for him a thousand times in the crowd, but suddenly I looked back, and there he was, in the dim light."

After chanting the word, there was silence upstairs.

After a long time, Li Hui sighed: "What a 'people have been looking for him thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, he is there, in the dim light'. As soon as this song "The Sapphire Case" comes out, who dares to chant it on the New Year's Eve?"

Ma Ji hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Huang Yuanwai is so complimentary!"

Li Hui smiled and said: "Dragon matchmaker doesn't have to be too modest. Hearing this word, it's not in vain for me to take half a day to go out of the palace. You have a beautiful woman waiting for you, so you don't need to accompany us old guys, just go now. Remember there are flowers It’s worth it, don’t let it go to your youth, let alone your beauty!”

Everyone felt a little weird in their hearts when they saw that the usually stern emperor was so emotional.

Only Cao Jirong knew that he was expressing his feelings, and he also sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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