Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 314 Painting Wall, Yellow Beam

Chapter 314 Painting Wall, Yellow Beam

The Lantern Festival is celebrated by everyone.

However, beyond the hustle and bustle, there are always quiet and quiet places; when everyone is rejoicing, there are always people who are working hard.

In a remote corner of the capital, there is a small temple. There is only a main hall in the front and two monks' houses on the left and right.

At this moment, in the main hall, which is completely devoid of grandeur, a man in his thirties in a green robe with long hair and bare feet is holding a thick purple-stemmed white-stem brush and painting on a wall on the right. , the movements are wanton and wild, as if crazy and drunk.

The strange thing is that the tip of the brush in his hand is as clean as new, without even a drop of ink or dye, but when it falls on the snow-white wall, colorful clouds of smoke appear.

Behind the man in green robe, Yuan Dansheng sat cross-legged on the floor in the hall, holding his chubby cheeks with a pair of white and tender little hands, squeezing his round little face out of shape, making him look very bored.

In front of the incense table in the front of the main hall, a fat, middle-aged monk put several futons in a row and lay on his back. With the long and slow breathing in his nostrils, his round belly rose and fell regularly. , but slept soundly.

Finally, the man in green robe put the last stroke on a corner of the wall, and then he sat down against the wall without any manners, as if he was exhausted, sweating profusely and panting.

Yuan Dansheng was so energetic that he jumped up from the ground and ran to the wall to take a closer look.

This man in green robe is none other than Lang Yuzhu, the "wonderful pen and flower" among the four major enshrinements of the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan".

At this moment, he stood facing the wall, holding his abdomen lightly with both hands, puffing out his cheeks and blowing a breath towards the picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers on the wall.

After falling back to the ground, he walked to the wall in a few steps, smiled at San San, clasped his hands and bowed, "Master, don't be anxious, the monk will cast the spell right now."

"Young man Lang is so humble!" Yuan Dansheng said with a smile, "Without you building the framework of this small world with the 'Danqing Realm', little monk Lingxu's 'Yellow Liang Realm' would not be able to turn reality into reality."

He weakly cupped his hands and said, "I'm ashamed, but it may look real but it is fake after all. In order for it to truly possess the power of using fakes to cultivate, it is necessary to rely on Senior Brother Lingxu's 'Huang Liang Realm' magical power."

The colorful smoke and clouds all over the wall gradually dissipated, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, all kinds of weather, and infinite scenery were all before our eyes.

This monk Lingxu is known as "Sleeping Bodhi". He practices Buddhism's "Dream Heart Sutra" and is good at "Sleeping Dream Arhat Boxing". Along with Gong Miao, Lang Yuzhu and Tong Yu, he is one of the four major enshrinements of the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan".

The last word "do something" was like two thunders exploding in the ears of the fat monk. He was so shocked that he jumped several feet high and almost crashed through the roof of the hall.

At this point, he raised his voice and shouted: "Little monk, didn't you hear what my old man said? Get up and do something!"

"Not bad, not bad," Yuan Dansheng nodded repeatedly in approval and turned to the green-robed man who was completely exhausted, "Young man Lang deserves to be called the 'Wonderful Painter'. The magic power of this 'painting world' is already seven times as powerful as that of your old ghost." Cheng Huohou, the small world created in his writing is so realistic that it seems almost real.”

A misty cloud of misty smoke spurted out from his mouth. There were countless lights and shadows in the smoke that flickered on and off. It fell on the mural and spread in all directions, covering the entire wall in an instant.

Then, the painting immediately "came alive", the mountains had color, the water had sounds, the wind moved the trees, and the flowers gave off their fragrance.

Although he only took a breath, Lingxu seemed to have exhausted all his strength. Not only was he mentally exhausted, but his fat body had also shrunk. Yuan Dansheng beamed with joy, nodded and said: "It's done! The 'Danqing Realm' is superimposed on the 'Huangliang Realm', making the imaginary become reality, practicing the imaginary becomes real, and one day in the outside world and one year in the painting are enough for my old man to use his hands and feet to arrange things." "Ten Jueguan" is here to train and hone the disciples."

Lang Yuzhu asked with some confusion: "If the Grand Master wants to teach his disciples, he can just stay by his side and teach them. Why bother with so much trouble?"

Yuan Dansheng said: "Although my old man's disciple is just a little girl, he is following the way of military killing. Naturally, he needs to be trained in the most brutal killings to become a talent. Among these 'Ten Ultimate Passes', I am the one for her. The ten powerful opponents arranged also have ten hidden magical powers. If she can get through the ten levels and get to the end, she will still be able to get the final reward from me. "

After saying that, he put his right hand into his left sleeve and felt around for a while, and pulled out a colorful crystal stone the size of a fist.

"The Sky Mending Stone!" Lang Yuzhu and Lingxu were both shocked and said in unison, "Master, please think again!"

Yuan Dansheng weighed the crystal in his hands and sighed: "You all think this object is a sacred artifact, but you don't know that it is also a mountain that I have been carrying on my back for many years. If I hadn't been able to find someone to entrust it to, Why do I always miss the human world?"

The two of them were even more surprised. Lang Yuzhu asked: "Master, you mean that Miss Wang..."

Yuan Dansheng nodded and shook his head: "I caught a hint of inspiration from the will of heaven and sensed that that girl is the key person to deal with the big change in the future. Otherwise, why would I go to the north to accept her as my wife? only?"

Speaking of this, his pink boyish face became unusually solemn: "As long as you know this, you must not leak it to a fourth person, otherwise..."

Although the following words were not spoken, Lang Yuzhu and Lingxu were both frightened and responded in unison: "I will obey the order of the Grand Master!"

Ten green auras flew out from the back of Yuan Dansheng's head. Each green aura was wrapped in a ball of light. In each ball of light, there was a figure curled up, either in the shape of a human or a bird-like beast.

Ten rays of green energy fell on ten locations on the mural, either in the mountains, in the wilderness, or in the abyss of the sea... and then blended into it silently, turning into ten palaces of different shapes.

He raised his hand and threw the "sky patching stone", which turned into a rainbow of light and fell into the most majestic and majestic palace in the painting.

After doing all this, Yuan Dansheng left Lang Yuzhu to do what he wanted, while Lingxu, as the owner of the temple, took care of the murals. With a little induction, he instantly captured Wang Heng's position and disappeared in a flash. At the same time, Appeared in front of Wang Heng again.

The moment he appeared, a small space around him seemed to be separated. Although there were bright lights and people coming and going, no one paid attention to their group.


Wang Heng hurriedly stepped forward, and under the strange looks of everyone around him, he respectfully saluted Yuan Dansheng, who looked like a teenage boy.

At this time, Ma Ji also came to his senses. Following Wang Heng's salute, he said, "Ma Ji was born late and has met the Grand Master."

Yuan Dansheng first waved his hand to ask Wang Heng to stand aside, then looked Ma Ji up and down, and said with a smile: "After Tong boy came back from the south, he praised you many times in front of my old man. Now that I see you, you actually take it seriously. Yes, it’s no wonder that my disciple is so impressed by you. But now I want to take my disciple to learn my skills. If you don’t want your husband to be weak in the future, you should work harder on your own!”

Then he grabbed the pretty red-faced Wang Heng and disappeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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