Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 322: The Grand Ceremony of Passing on the Family, Blood Recognition of Relatives

Chapter 322: The Grand Ceremony of Passing on the Family, Blood Recognition of Relatives
On March 18, the Chuanlu Ceremony was still held in Fengtian Hall as usual.

The civil and military officials are arranged on both sides of Danqi according to their civil and animal series, and the three ranking Jinshi are listed on the left and right.

Emperor Li Hui of Long'an arrived with the ceremony and music, and all the officials and Jinshi had finished paying their respects. An official from Honglu Temple read out the edict: "On March 18th, the eighteenth year of Long'an, we tried to test the world's tributes, and the first one was awarded Jinshi. If you are ranked second, you will be awarded a Jinshi background, and if you are third, you will be awarded a Jinshi background."

Afterwards, the official called the names one by one. Ma Ji, the first place winner in the first class, Zong Zimei, the second place winner in the first class class, and Jia Fengji, the third place winner in the first class class, came out of the class and stood in awe. The others still stood in place.

When the roll call is over, Ma Ji and other three dingjia have to go to the hall to thank them, while the other Jinshi only have to thank them outside the hall.

Officials of Honglu Temple guided Ma Ji and the other two people to the temple. When they were about to salute and bow down, a person next to them suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

This sound shocked everyone, because no one thought that anyone would be bold enough to be so presumptuous in such a solemn ceremony.

Everyone looked around, only to see an old man with a fat body and a boyish face walking out from Li Hui's side. It was Cao Jirong, the eunuch in charge who had the most trust in Li Hui.

He turned around and bowed down: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, I have something big to announce!"

Li Hui changed his expression and shouted angrily: "You old man, do you dare to be so arrogant and rude because you think you are my close minister?"

The situation that time was extremely dangerous. All the masters around Li Hui were killed or injured, but only Li Hui himself was spared. His wife, concubines, and children were all murdered.

Li Hui calmed down his anger slightly: "Please tell me, if you make trouble unreasonably, I will not forgive you lightly!"

Li Xun, who had been demoted to Prince Rui, was suddenly furious after being shocked. He jumped out without any regard for etiquette, pointed his halberd at Cao Jirong and shouted harshly.

The words were so shocking that everyone's hearts were shaken, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

However, Cao Jirong was calm and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, please calm down. It's not because the old slave is mad, but because there is a huge happy event, and we must take this opportunity to explain it."

When Li Hui came to the throne based on a posthumous edict from Li Zhuo, the Yue King Li Yu not only raised troops in the southeast to rebel, but also invited Xu Hongru, the leader of the White Lotus Sect who colluded with him, to personally lead his masters to Beijing to assassinate him.

Cao Jirong looked around at the confused crowd and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have secretly investigated and found out that Zong Zimei, who is second in the new class, is not actually a descendant of the Zong family, but your Majesty's own son!"

"Everyone in the world knows that your Majesty's sons have died young. What kind of evil intentions are behind your monstrous words to confuse the public?"

"What nonsense!"

Of course, Xu Hongru's side also paid a heavy price. He was the only one who was seriously injured and escaped, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then.

Li Hui had always been cold and solemn, and never cared much about women. When he was Prince Ning in his early years, except for the concubine Rong, there were no more than four concubines in the mansion.

The Rong family was always weak and sick and could not give birth to a legitimate son, so Li Hui only had three sons and one daughter from his concubines.

Li Hui hated Li Yu so much that he deprived his family of his family and changed his surname from "Li" to "Qiu". He regarded him as his "Kou Qiu" throughout his life. This is the real reason.

Although Li Hui did not establish a queen later, he did have several concubines, but for some reason he never gave birth to a son or a daughter over the years.

He has been on the throne for many years, but the throne is still not stable. "Heirless" is actually a huge factor. The reason why Li Xun is arrogant is that he thinks that as the brother of Li Hui's mother, he is the best candidate to inherit the throne since Li Hui has no children.

At this moment, when he saw Cao Jirong identifying Zong Zimei as Li Hui's biological son, he couldn't help but become furious.

Facing Li Xun's accusation, Cao Jirong remained calm and calm, neither humble nor arrogant, and said: "Prince Rui, please be patient. How can I dare to speak nonsense about such a big matter? Of course, there is detailed evidence."

After that, he ignored Li Xun and took out a stack of papers from his arms and raised his hands above his head: "Your Majesty, please remember that twenty-five years ago, after returning from the inspection of the northern territory at the request of the late emperor, he was also attacked in Taiyuan. Assassination by White Lotus Sect gangsters. Although His Majesty was blessed, his concubine Xiao Waner, who was accompanying him, fell off a cliff and disappeared. The old slave remembered that Concubine Wan was seven months pregnant at that time..."

At this point, he turned to look at Li Xun again.

Li Xun looked away with a guilty conscience.

After that assassination, when Li Hui returned to Beijing, he sternly questioned whether he was involved in it, because Li Hui came out of Beijing on a secret order, and apart from Li Zhuo, the Yongxi Emperor who issued the order, only his brother knew about it.

At that time, he naturally tried his best to deny it, and Li Hui had no solid evidence, so the matter could only be left alone. However, with this thorn buried in his heart, the two brothers, who were originally from the same mother, gradually drifted away from each other.

Cao Jirong continued: "Previously, the old slave met Zong Bangyan by chance. Seeing that his appearance was quite similar to Wan's concubine back then, he was curious and sent someone to investigate. It turned out that although his native place was Yangzhou, he moved there from Taiyuan, so there were more I was a bit suspicious and continued to investigate.

"It turned out that the Zong couple were infertile, but they accidentally saved a pregnant and injured woman. Later, the woman gave birth to a son with her last breath, and died without even leaving a word.

"The Zongs naturally raised the child as their own son, and later moved to Yangzhou. They were also worried that as their son grew older, someone might talk too much about his life experience."

"Now the old slave has brought to the capital the secrets of the Zong couple's neighbors who learned about the incident, Wen Po who delivered Wan's concubine, and so on. This is their monogrammed confession. Your Majesty can summon it in person to verify it."

"No need!" Li Hui raised his hand excitedly and called to Zong Zimei, who was already stunned, "Child, come here!"

Zongzi woke up from a dream and saw the loving look on Li Hui's face, so he couldn't help but step forward.

Li Hui stretched out an index finger, and a flash of bright red appeared on the fingertip. A piece of blood, as crystal clear as a ruby, as thick as mercury, and as hot as magma, seeped out and suspended in the void.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in that drop of blood, Ma Ji was secretly frightened and thought: "His Majesty is hiding so deeply!"

"Endure the pain!" Li Hui said warmly, grabbed Zong Zimei's right hand, and lightly scratched his index finger with his nails, blood immediately poured out.

Strangely enough, after the blood gushes out, it seems to be pulled by some kind of force. It flies out from Zong Zimei's fingertips, flies into the air, and melts into the drop of blood without any hindrance.

Li Hui touched the small wound on Zong Zimei's fingertips with a gentle touch of his finger, and then he held his hand and stood side by side with her. He looked around the crowd and said, "This is undoubtedly my son. Who has any objection?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, then suddenly they all fell down together and shouted in unison: "This is your Majesty's blessing, this is your blessing, I congratulate you!"

At this moment, no matter how unwilling Li Xun was in his heart, he could only kowtow and shout along with everyone.

In the eldest son's beautiful home far away from the imperial city, Tang Heng was looking up in the direction of the imperial city. When the ministers shouted, her eyes lit up as if she had seen something interesting, and a look of overwhelming beauty appeared on her face. An extremely touching smile.

(End of this chapter)

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