Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 323 Granting marriage and performing duties

Chapter 323 Granting marriage and performing duties

The grand ceremony of passing on the family has become a grand ceremony of recognizing relatives. Such a legendary event should only happen on the stage of a script, but it was staged in a grand manner in front of hundreds of civil and military officials and new scholars.

There were many smart people present. From the performance of Li Hui and Cao Jirong, the master and servant, although they sang and read well, they were a little exaggerated. They could tell that this was a big show that had been arranged in advance.

But Li Hui didn't want to deceive everyone. He just wanted his long-lost son to return to him in the most shocking way.

Of course, the identification of the prince's identity is not a "blood recognition" procedure. Especially since Zong Zimei, as Li Hui's only son, is very likely to become the heir of Dayu, it must be confirmed by multiple parties in the clan government to ensure that there is no mistake. Even doubtful.

Before the matter was completely settled, no one was interested in other matters.

Compared with the much-anticipated Zong Zimei, even Ma Ji, the newly minted champion, pales in comparison.

Three days later, the imperial court finally issued an edict confirming that Zong Zimei was the biological son of Emperor Long'an Li Hui. Now he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, changed his name to Li Hang, named him King of Wu. His wife, Tang, was named Princess Wu, and his biological mother, Wan Concubine, was posthumously named. For Queen Duanhui.

The final posthumous title has shown that the current title of King Wu is just a transition. Maybe at some point, everyone will change the title from "His Royal Highness King Wu" to "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince".

The original Zong Zimei became Wu King Li Hang, so naturally he could no longer occupy the second place on the list. After Li Hui's instructions, the name of "Zong Zimei" was removed from the Tiger List, and the following rankings were moved forward in order.

An imperial edict was sent to Gu Yong's mansion, and the person who came to deliver the edict was Wu Wang Li Hang, who had changed into a prince's clothes and added a bit of splendor and nobility to his elegance and handsomeness.

When he saw Ma Ji coming out to greet him, he winked quietly at first, then straightened his expression and said loudly: "Ma Ji, the new champion, accepts the order!"

Ma Ji had just expressed his congratulations to Wang Shixiu, and in a blink of an eye, good things happened to him.

After Ma Ji had finished receiving the order to thank him, Li Hang took the initiative to step forward and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Dragon Matchmaker, I will definitely come to your door to have a glass of wedding wine."

Ning Caichen already had a wife at home, and it was well known that Ma Ji and Weining Hou Wang Heng were in love. Wang Shixiu became a favorite among those who had daughters of the right age at home. People who came to propose marriage every day almost crossed the threshold.

A few days later, the martial arts examination began. Wang Shixiu came out to take the examination and came out on top without any suspense, becoming Enke's martial arts champion this time.

Ma Ji cupped his hands and said, "I will be waiting for His Highness to welcome you."

As a result, Jia Fengzhi, who was originally ranked third overall, became the second best player, and Ning Caichen, who ranked first in the top two, became third overall.

Interested people discovered that Ma Ji, Ning Caichen, and Wang Shixiu were all friends of Wu King Li Hang, and believed that their futures must be bright, so they tried every means to get close to them.

Ma Ji said: "Your Highness, please speak."

Ma Ji responded with a smile and calmly saluted, "Your Majesty, Ma Ji accepts the order."

Since Wang Shixiu entered the officialdom, he naturally understood the significance of marriage, but he was not pretentious. After much consideration, he agreed to marry Fu Qingfeng, the eldest daughter of Fu Tianqiu, the minister of the Ministry of War.

This imperial decree was actually Li Hui's fulfillment of his previous promise, and he arranged for Ma Ji and Wang Heng to be married and was given a special mansion.

After the two of them sat down in the main hall, Li Hang said seriously: "Made Dragon, I have one more thing to tell you here."

Li Hang said: "The article "Ping Lu Ce" you wrote during the palace examination shocked my father. He intended to let you transition in the Hanlin Academy for a year. After your grade is improved, you will be sent to Taiyuan to replace Han Zhang as the prefect. .You may understand the intention?”

Ma Ji smiled and said: "Your Majesty, are you planning to try out your "Pinging the Imprisonment Policy"?"

Li Hang nodded: "Yes, my father will prepare for up to three years before he implements the first of your three strategies, the 'military conquest', to counterattack and attack by sending troops deep into the grassland. This battle still depends on the fathers of Pingluhou and Weininghou. For the two women, Long Media is responsible for preparing food, soldiers and other matters in Taiyuan, which should be the most reassuring to them." At the end, he said it with a bit of teasing.

The wedding of Ma Ji and Wang Heng is scheduled to be held in early May.

Prior to this, Ma Ji had been appointed editor of the Hanlin Academy, but he was given an unusual two months of marriage leave without even taking one day's leave.

The reason is that the Marquis of Weining, Wang Heng, has made great contributions to the country and will return to the north to guard Datong after his marriage, so the holiday given to Ma Ji can be regarded as a reward and compensation for Wang Heng.

Before the wedding, Wang Lie was unable to come due to heavy responsibilities, but Ma Yao and Liu Qing rushed to the capital.

They already knew that their son Na Linjin was their concubine, and now that they were about to marry a real wife, the branches and leaves were blooming in front of them, so they were naturally overjoyed.

The emperor had decreed a marriage, and both Ma Ji and Wang Heng were new members of the court with promising futures. Naturally, the wedding was extremely grand. It was only said that King Wu Li Hang and his concubine Tang Heng were present in person to congratulate them, which aroused the envy of others.

The next month, Ma Ji and Wang Heng enjoyed the joy of being newlyweds again, and all the wonderful fun during it was beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

However, the joy will eventually come to an end. When Ma Ji's vacation is over, Wang Heng will also leave Beijing to take up his post in Datong.

Fortunately, they were not really newlyweds but an old married couple. They also knew that Ma Ji would be taking up a post in Taiyuan soon, so they would be able to see each other often, so they didn't have much to worry about parting.

After bidding farewell to Wang Heng, Ma Ji also began to perform his editing duties at the Hanlin Academy.

Li Hui had already made arrangements for Ma Ji, and often discussed and perfected the "Pinglu Ce" with him on the pretext of inviting him to lecture on classics and history.

After all, "Pinglu Ce" was just a rough outline and framework drawn up by Ma Ji in a matter of seconds. If it was to be implemented in detail, many details needed to be filled in.

Although Ma Ji has three generations of experience, he cannot just talk on paper. He needs to have a sufficient understanding of all kinds of information about the enemy and ourselves before he can formulate more specific measures.

This project was quite complicated and vast. In addition to Li Hui and Ma Ji, later Wu Wang Li Hang, Gu Yong, Fu Tianchou and other loyal ministers also joined in it.

By the time a complete and detailed final version of "Pinglu Ce" was released, it was already the early spring of the next year.

During this period, Li Hui found various excuses to reward Ma Ji, and within one year he was promoted three levels in a row, from a sixth-grade Hanlin compiler to a fifth-grade ministerial bachelor.

In addition, Ma Ji also held a concurrent job during this year.

It turned out that Tong Yu, the "Tianchi Swordsman" whom Jinshan Temple had met once, came to visit and asked him if he was willing to join the "Huntian Supervisory Academy" as promised.

Ma Ji was worried that the elixir in the "demon refining pot" was about to run out, so he happily accepted the invitation to be a guest directly under the Overwatch Council headquarters.

In recent years, the world has been on a trend of eliminating demons and demons. There are many demons and ghosts appearing in various places to cause trouble. The "Huntian Supervisory Office" has limited manpower, and it is inevitably a little stretched to cope with it.

After Ma Ji joined the company, he took on seven cases in a row. He killed four demon kings and transformed into seven demon kings, all of which were collected into the "demon refining pot" and turned into training resources.

With sufficient resources, Ma Ji, Lin Jin, and Jiao Na's cultivation progressed very quickly. Especially since Ma Ji received the blessing of "Heaven Rewards Diligence", he was about to combine the "Fifth Grade of Martial Arts" and "Tao" in the information column. The value after the two items of "Fifth Grade of Law" is filled in.

Now that "Ping Lu Ce" has been completed, Ma Ji expected that he would be released from the capital soon, so he decided to be promoted to the fourth rank on tomorrow's Jingzhe Day.

(End of this chapter)

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