Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 329 Encountering Bandits

Chapter 329 Encountering Bandits
Ma Ji and his party continued westward, but in front of the car there was a pioneer who was leaping on horseback with a spear, bow and arrow, which was enough to scare away all the young people.

After bowing before him, Xing De explained his affairs like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

It turned out that he was originally from Zezhou, Jin Province. He had practiced martial arts with his father who was a bodyguard since he was a child. Now he has the strength of the seventh level of martial arts and bone forging. He can shoot a 500-jin bow, shoot an arrow that can pierce Yang Lianzhu at a hundred steps, and ride a strong horse. , making the iron gun quite famous in Zezhou's arena.

It's just that he seemed to be born with no luck in wealth. After his parents passed away, he would always lose money no matter what he did. Later, he became really afraid of the loss and decided to live peacefully with the few acres of thin farmland he had.

There is a local businessman Shi Hong who is accustomed to traveling between Jin Province and the capital, buying low and selling high to earn the difference. Because when he returned from the capital last time, he encountered a strongman on the way and not only lost his property, but also almost lost his life, so he wanted to Invite Xing De, who has a reputation for bravery, to join the team and get an extra free bodyguard.

Shi Hong encouraged the merchants to speak eloquently, and with some sweet words, Xing De was moved again. He pledged some acres of land for some money and invested it in Shi Hong's business to take a small share.

Then the two set off in a team. Although some thieves and bandits showed up along the way, they were all frightened away by Xing De's little tricks and arrived in the capital safely.

Little did he know that the real danger in this business was not the thieves, but Xing De.

Strangely enough, in the past when Shi Hong came to the capital, no matter what kind of goods he brought, he could successfully sell them at a profit. The only difference was that he made more or less.

But this time with Xing De's elements, that batch of goods happened to catch up with the trough of the capital's market. Although Shi Hongqiu's grandfather sued his grandmother and sold it, the price was not even enough to supplement the cost, including the cost of horse chewing for everyone along the way. , has already lost everything.

After Xing De bowed down in front of the horse, he revealed his identity and said he was willing to give him a future.

Although he is a little naive, he is by no means stupid.

For a fourth-grade official who is so young and can serve as a guardian, his future is absolutely limitless.

In the eyes of businessmen, interests are all that matters. Shi Hong originally thought that Xing De could protect his own interests, so he treated him as an honored guest. But now that he learned that he was harming his own interests, he immediately cut off from him.

After the goods were cleared and settled, Xing De did not earn a cent of money. Instead, he owed Shi Hong a lot of room and board.

Shi Hong also understood the principle of "leave a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future". He generously expressed that the money he owed would be considered as a reward for escorting him all the way. From then on, everyone owed nothing to each other and went their separate ways.

Unexpectedly, a business without capital is still a business. Xing De was still as unlucky as ever. He hid in the woods and watched many "fat sheep" walking by. He finally made up his mind to come out, and bumped into Ma Ji's hand.

Seeing that he could no longer get any money, he was afraid that he would starve to death in the capital. Xing De could only change his mind and prepare to do a business without capital, so as to get some money back home.

He was penniless, so he had to pawn some of the clothes around him and survive for a few days, but in the blink of an eye he was empty-handed again.

Xing De does not blame Shi Hong for being ruthless, but only blames himself for his bad luck.

When Xing De heard that this young scholar with boundless martial arts skills was the next prefect of Taiyuan, he was stunned and then overjoyed.

Being able to be favored and used by the other party is definitely an opportunity that no one can ask for.

Only then did Shi Hong wake up from a dream, secretly cursing himself for being dizzy, thinking only of Xing De's bravery and neglecting his luck, so that he was dragged down by his bad luck.

Just now, Ma Ji saw that he was obviously a novice, and he did not look like a vicious person in terms of his words and demeanor. He also saw that although his cultivation was insignificant, his archery skills were quite impressive. He thought that after he arrived in Taiyuan Mansion, he also needed a few trustworthy people. ’s subordinates, so they half-jokingly showed off their skills.

At that time, Xing De happily made a distinction between master and slave with Ma Ji, and temporarily acted as his bodyguard. He also performed the responsibility of guard conscientiously along the way, not to mention it was a thief or bandit, but any bird or beast dared to invade the surroundings of the carriage. Within one step, he would knock him down with an arrow, and he would never let his master and his family members be disturbed in the slightest.

Seeing that he was doing his duty well, Ma Ji casually gave him some tips on martial arts practice and tips on shooting with a gun on the way.

His martial arts cultivation has reached the level of fourth-level pill-holding, and his experience and knowledge are still above the cultivation realm. For example, although he does not specialize in archery, he is proficient in one skill and masters all kinds of skills, and uses the "Heavenly Sword" sword intention Used in archery, the soul of the goshawk can be captured with just an invisible arrow. Although it is just some scattered gossip now, to Xing De's ears it is like a secret book of magical skills. Many difficulties in martial arts in the past have been swept away, and the martial arts cultivation that has been stagnant for several years has become increasingly sophisticated.

By the time the group entered the Jin Province, he had broken through the bottleneck of the seventh-level pinnacle, attracted the vitality of heaven and earth into his body, and achieved the sixth-level Qi Condensation realm.

As a result, Xing De regarded Ma Ji as a god and made up his mind to sell his life to him in return for passing on his art.

Seeing that they were not far away from Taiyuan Mansion, there was a faint cry of death coming from the front along with the wind.

Xing De's face hardened, he turned to look at Ma Ji and asked, "Master, would you like to pause for a moment and let me go and find out what's going on?"

Ma Ji looked intently into the distance on his horse. The eyes of the "Twenty-Four True Gods" monitored the movement of magical powers. There was a golden light in his eyes. Through the space and obstacles in front of him, he could see everything happening several miles away.

He looked at it for a moment, then withdrew his magical power and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, just keep walking."

Xing De surrendered his hand, but still urged his horse to get ahead, with a bow and arrow in his hand for defense.

After turning an intersection, ahead was a narrow road between two mountains. Two groups of people were fighting desperately around several carriages.

Ma Ji and others looked at each other from a distance on horseback. It was easy to tell that those wearing blue cloth-wrapped heads were probably a group of bandits, and those guarding the carriage were merchants and guards wearing different costumes.

Now the bandits had gained the upper hand, killing everyone around the car until they were retreating. Seven or eight bodies had fallen on the ground.

Outside the battle circle, there was a thin boy of thirteen or fourteen who was riding a skinny horse and watching with a playful look on his face.

"That's Boss Shi's caravan!"

Xing De was good at archery and had excellent eyesight. He could see at a glance that it was Shi Hong and his entourage who were in danger beside the car.

He hurriedly turned around and explained the situation to Ma Ji, looking quite intent on rescuing him.

Seeing this, Ma Ji nodded with a smile and warned: "Be careful of the young man behind who is watching the battle."


Xing De was overjoyed. He agreed and immediately galloped out.

"Stop the thieves, do you know the punishment virtue of 'shooting arrows'?"

Before the horse arrives, the sound has already arrived, and the arrow follows the sound.

One after another, big arrows with white feathers were drawn out of the quiver like flowing water, buckled, stretched the bow, and fired. Twelve arrows were sprinkled into the fiercely fighting crowd like rain hitting pear blossoms. Each arrow shot through the thigh of a bandit, making him Screaming and falling to the ground.

The young man was suddenly shocked by this change. He was stunned for a moment, and then he became furious and yelled: "Where is this common man from? He dares to ruin my business!"

While scolding, he took off a small bow no more than two feet long from the side of the thin horse, and plucked the bow strings with the five fingers of his right hand like the most skilled luthier with his round fingers. In a series of "buzzing" sounds, the same twelve bow strings were played. The feathered arrows shot out in succession, and they advanced together in the air to form an arrow array with a radius of more than ten feet, covering all of Xing De's men and horses.

(End of this chapter)

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