Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 330: Uncertain Flying Ring, Impermanent Small Arrow

Chapter 330: Uncertain Flying Ring, Impermanent Small Arrow

Xing De was really surprised to see this young man using such powerful archery skills.

Finally, he had received a tip from Ma Ji earlier and secretly paid attention to the young man. When he saw him firing the arrow, he realized how powerful he was, so he opened his bow and fired arrows without thinking.

His twelve feathered arrows intercepted the twelve feathered arrows fired from the opposite direction in the air with incomparable precision. The arrowheads collided with each other and bounced away.

"Okay! Come again!"

The young man laughed angrily, and without stopping, he fired twelve arrows in succession.

Xing De groaned secretly. If it had been a few days ago, he could foresee that he would not be able to catch the first round of arrows and would have been shot into a hedgehog.

Now that he has been taught by Ma Ji, his martial arts and archery skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and he is worthy of being that young man's opponent.

It's just that his martial arts and archery skills are not inferior to his opponent's, but the bow he uses is far inferior.

The opponent's short bow looks like a toy, but it can fire such powerful arrows, which is obviously an extraordinary thing.

At this moment, the four white lights just happened to spin and fly away again, and the two sisters raised their hands to catch them.

It took Ma Ji four full years to get to this point.

Two petite figures followed the four white lights passing by Xing De, and stood side by side in front of Xing De's horse, facing the young man directly. They were sisters Ruoxue and Ruomei.

Four balls of white light the size of fists were flying and circling rapidly in the air. In a series of crisp sounds, they knocked away all the twelve arrows that could penetrate gold and stone.

Xing De saw the arrow coming and he was unable to block or dodge it. Just as his heart felt cold, four strong winds suddenly whizzed past him on both sides of his body.

At the critical moment, several tips for breaking the archery skills that Ma Ji had mentioned a few days ago flashed through his mind. Xing De hurriedly opened his mouth and lowered his head, allowing the arrow cluster piercing his throat to penetrate into his mouth. Then he bit hard and killed the arrow. Between the teeth.

After practicing martial arts with Ma Ji for two years now, the two sisters have actually reached the sixth level of Qi Condensation.

Just as this idea came to Xing De's mind, the only arrow from the opposite side that had not been intercepted had already flown towards him with a piercing scream, and the cluster of arrows shining with cold light was pointed directly at his throat.

But facing a strong enemy, he didn't dare to hold back at all with every arrow he fired.

When he was about to fire twelve more arrows to intercept the opponent's arrows, the eleventh arrow was fired. The twelfth arrow had just been clasped and halfway through the bow, when the bowstring broke with a "bang".

Sure enough, the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone saw clearly that the white light was actually four mutton-fat white jade bracelets that seemed to break at the touch of a touch.


While shouting, he fired twelve arrows in succession again, showing an attitude that he would never give up until Xing De's life was taken.

Although the big bow he used had an iron back and a copper tire, with beef tendons as strings, it could only withstand the power of his martial arts before he broke through. Now that he is at the sixth level, he pours his true energy into the arrow and fires it with all his strength. This bow is a bit weak. overwhelmed.

The young man was shocked and angry, and yelled: "Where did you secretly learn my family's 'Arrow Grinding Technique'?"

When he fired the arrow, he could even clearly hear the heart-stopping squeaking sound from the back of the bow and the bowstring.

This certainly does not mean that they are all far more qualified than Ma Ji. It can only be said that with Ma Ji's guidance and protection, the resources they can enjoy are far better than Ma Ji's back then.

In the past, Ma Ji often faced opponents who were at a higher level than himself, so naturally he would not let the two girls die.

Now they finally met an enemy whose cultivation level was comparable to that of the two sisters, so Ma Ji had just secretly informed them and asked them to take action to gain experience. Although Ruoxue and Ruomei's endowments are excellent, they are still a little worse than Jiao Na, and they cannot learn Ma Ji's all-encompassing "Huntian Fighting Victory Method".

Ma Ji was inspired by the sisters Shangguan Xian'er and Shangguan Xiaoxian in his previous life, and revised Shangguan Jinhong's Dragon and Phoenix Golden Ring secret technique to make it suitable for the origin of martial arts in this world. He renamed it "Wuding Flying Ring" and guided them in their practice. .

When Yingtian Mansion was killing the Hu family in Fangshan, Ma Ji seized a jade bracelet magic weapon from Aunt Hu, and later studied its secrets.

Now that he had the magical power of "Samadhi True Fire", he tried to imitate the jade bracelet and refined three more. They were not half inferior to the original one, and then gave them to Ruoxue and Ruomei for use.

The young man was still young, but he still didn't understand the meaning of "caring for the beauty and cherishing the jade". He just saw that the little girl had broken his archery skills, and he felt extremely humiliated and had endless murderous intentions.

He shouted sternly: "I don't kill women, but if you come here to think about it, don't blame me for being cruel!"

While he was talking, he took out a small black arrow from the quiver, which was thinner than chopsticks and only two feet long. He clamped it between the index and middle fingers of his right hand and fastened it to the string.

Fortunately, he was using a short bow, otherwise this small arrow would not be usable at all.

The strings are ringing and the arrows are shooting.

The small arrow lost its shape the moment it left the string and turned into a blur of black air that shot toward Ruoxue and Ruomei.

The two sisters screamed at the same time, and their four white and tender arms like lotus roots were raised together. Four "indefinite flying rings" flew out from their hands, and they faced each other like mandarin ducks, attacking the black energy from all sides.

In Ma Ji's previous life, although there were many masters in the world and the weapons they used were all kinds of strange, there were only a handful of them who could escape from the Shangguan Jinhong Double Ring.

The "Infinite Flying Ring" revised by Ma Ji's deduction is only better than Shangguan Jinhong's original "Dragon and Phoenix Golden Ring".

Although Ruoxue and Ruomei's martial arts realm is far from Shangguan Jinhong's, the sisters work together to make up for each other's shortcomings, and together they are at least 70% as powerful as Shangguan Jinhong.

At the moment when the black energy was about to be intertwined and locked by the four jade rings, it suddenly turned around like a living spiritual snake, bypassing the blockade of the jade rings and flying towards the two sisters.

"Impermanent Arrow!"

Xing De from behind changed his color and exclaimed.

This was when he was learning archery from his father who was a bodyguard when he was young, and he heard his father talk about a magical archery skill.

In the past, the White Lotus Sect united with King Li Yu of Yue to rebel. The head of the family, Xu Hongru, had nine powerful generals sitting down. They all kept their names anonymous and called themselves the Nine Sons of the Dragon.

"Impermanent Arrow" is one of the unique skills of "Taotie" in Jiulongzi.

There are two reasons for its name: first, the arrow's momentum is strange, mysterious and unpredictable, and second, it is sure to kill someone when it comes out, just like seducing the soul.

With the defeat of the King of Yue and the collapse of the White Lotus Sect, Xu Hongru retreated from the world and Jiulongzi also lost his voice.

Some people said that they had died in the rebellion, while others said that they were hiding with Xu Hongru and waiting for the opportunity, preparing to cause a bigger disturbance in the future.

Just when Xing De was worried about Ruoxue and Ruomei because he recognized that the boy was using the "Impermanent Arrow" that had disappeared for many years, the four jade rings thrown by the two women actually hit each other in the air as if they were alive, and then Use your strength to chase the black energy again.

The black air flew faster and faster, and eventually it dragged a long line of light and shadow flying all over the sky, trying to attack the two women from all directions and angles.

The four jade rings were like butterflies piercing flowers, not only colliding with each other, but also flying around the two girls, making their bodies thin and weatherproof.

After a stalemate for about half a cup of tea, the "Impermanent Arrow" gradually slowed down as the stored energy was consumed. Finally, the flaw was caught by four jade rings, with two pairs of cross locks, a pair of pincer heads, and a pair of jade rings. Control the tail, hold it tightly, and prevent it from changing again.

(End of this chapter)

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