Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 332: 1 arrow without moment, 2 hits with Lingxi

Chapter 332: One arrow without a moment, two strikes with clarity
Jin Province has many mountains. The three most important mountain ranges are Taihang, Luliang, and Yinshan, and smaller ones include Wutai, Hengshan, and Zhongtiao.

Deep in the mountains of the Yunzhong Mountains, the northern branch of Luliang Mountain, there is a village that is isolated from the outside world and looks like a paradise.

"who is it!"

A fat old man with a fair face and no beard shouted angrily, his originally gentle and peaceful face covered with a layer of murderous aura.

The terrifying invisible energy spread in all directions like a stormy wave.

The large hall with bluestone walls collapsed and annihilated like a sandcastle under the waves.

In the blink of an eye, except for the Taishi chair where the old man sat, the area around ten feet turned into a white field, and nothing remained.

This is because the old man finally retained some sense in his rage, otherwise the scope of his anger would have been expanded at least ten times.

At that time, one-third of the core part of the village that he has managed for more than ten years will be destroyed by his own hands.

"Third Master!"

The black wooden arrow left the string and went straight into the sky, disappearing into the distant sky in an instant.

The bow is opened like the full moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star.

A large and simple bow, which was as long as an adult man and made of a black wooden stick as thick as an arm and translucent animal sinew as thick as a finger, appeared in his left hand. A bow about four feet long and as thick as a finger, with only the top cut off. A black wooden arrow with a pointed tail and feathers appeared in his right hand.

While he was busy there, Ma Ji told Jiao Na about the White Lotus Sect's Nine Dragons.

The old man shouted: "'Wuju' has a spirit, help me kill the evil one!"

One of them, a middle-aged man in his forties with a simple face, asked: "Third Master, what happened?"

At this moment, Xing De was smiling from ear to ear, holding a short bow and thanking Ma Ji.

Normally, this matter should be handled by the reporting officer, but Ma Ji had other plans, so he chose to suppress the matter for the time being.

The old man slowly raised his right hand and pointed his palm toward the southeast as if he was sensing something: "I'm looking for it. I sensed Jiao'er using the two arrows of 'Impermanence' and 'Wujin', and then the life card he left here suddenly shattered." As long as the murderer has the slightest trace of the two arrows of "Impermanence" and "Wujin", he will not be able to escape the thousands-mile sniper attack of my "Wuji Arrow"!

As for Shi Hong, they adhere to the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, and they are eager to end it here.

The middle-aged man's expression changed drastically: "Who did it?"

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly turned from sad and angry to fierce: "Found it!"

Everyone walked up to within two or ten feet of the old man and were frightened by the cold murderous aura emanating from the old man that was as real as water and could turn into ice. They all stopped and did not dare to cross the thunder pond.

With such a huge momentum, everyone in the village had already been alerted, and they rushed here from all directions. No matter men, women, old or young, all of them were agile and agile, and the worst ones had already reached the ninth level.

The old man's eyes were cracked, and blood mixed with tears rolled down from the corners of his cracked eyes. He gritted his teeth and said in a voice as cold as ice: "Jiao'er was harmed!"

Ma Ji waved his hand and asked him and Shi Hong's men to clean the battlefield and bury the bodies.

The Fox Clan is spread all over the world, hidden in the public world, and has always been the most well-informed.

The two happened to have mentioned this matter when they were chatting in the past, so just like Xing De, they recognized the origin of the "Impermanent Arrow".

Ma Ji said: "Back then, the White Lotus Sect was defeated, but all the core personnel, including the leader Xu Hongru, were missing. Over the years, the imperial court conducted many investigations to no avail. Judging from this 'Impermanent Arrow', one of the former Kowloon Sons 'Taotie' is actually hiding in Jin Province. No matter what his intentions are, staying here is still a hidden danger. Can Jiao Na try to find out the news?" Jiao Na patted her chest and said with a smile, "Master, don't worry, my uncle's family is settled here. Taiyuan, I can come to ask for his help when the time comes.”

Ma Ji nodded: "That's it..."

Halfway through his words, his expression suddenly changed, and a "Cicada Wing Knife" appeared out of thin air in his hand and soared into the sky.

However, Jiao Na actually seemed to have a connection with him and took out the "Cicada Wing Knife" without any backwardness and flew side by side with him like a pair of phoenixes.

There is a thousand-foot-long black rainbow coming from the sky.

Ma Ji gathered his spiritual eyes and saw clearly that at the core of the black rainbow was a simple black wooden arrow.

At the same time, he also felt clearly that if this arrow was allowed to fall, not to mention the people below, everything within a radius of ten miles would be annihilated.

Such power is already the means of a third-level martial arts thunder calamity realm. If he wants to fight head-on, he is still unable to do it, so he chose to join forces with Jiaona to attack. Naturally, he relies on the "Xuan Zang" created by Zen Master "Four Styles of Affection".

The two swords dance together gracefully, performing the "bordering of lotuses".

The light of the sword is brilliant, like brocade clouds and jade clouds, stacked one on top of another in close rows, turning into two nine-level lotus flowers with a diameter of a hundred feet, each with nine inner and outer layers and nine petals on each layer, for a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one petals.

In the center of the lotus, the figures of Ma Ji and Jiao Na are faintly visible.

The black rainbow transformed by the "momentless arrow" fell, and the lotus flowers swayed to greet it.

At the touch of black and white light and shadow, pieces of pure white lotus petals fall off the lotus platform and are annihilated, but then disappear and regenerate seemingly endlessly.

Originally, the "Four Styles of Lianqing" required a pair of loving men and women with similar skills to perform it.

At this moment, what Jiaona showed was the strength of the fourth-level martial arts realm of holding pills.

The reason lies in the strange light red rune that appeared between Ma Ji and Jiao Na's eyebrows at the same time.

It turns out that after a breakthrough in her relationship with Ma Ji, Jiao Na finally pestered him into agreeing to accept her family's secret "Love Spell".

Once blessed by this secret spell, not only are the two parties connected, but they can also share the realm of martial arts, temporarily raising Jiao Na's cultivation level to a level that is enough for her to join forces with Ma Ji to perform the "Four Love Stances".

At this moment, they are equivalent to two fourth-grade Dan Bao realm masters working together to perform the "Four Love Stances", and the power they display is far greater than the two fourth-grade warriors combined. Compared with the strength of the third-grade Thunder Tribulation Realm flying from outside that day. The fight turned into a stalemate with one arrow.

But Ma Ji also knew that Jiao Na had only temporarily improved her level of strength, but her strength was weakened again and again, and she had to fight quickly to have a chance of winning.

After curbing the momentum of the arrow, the two men immediately turned from defense to offense, and their swords turned into two bright rainbows and flew up, performing the "Two Dragons Cutting Their Tails".

The sword shines like two swimming dragons with their heads and tails intersecting. Look at the position of the black wooden arrow in the black rainbow. The front end opens and closes like a giant scissors.

The double blades of the male and female "Cicada Wing Sword", known as the most powerful weapon in the world, swung the black wooden arrow into two pieces as if it were breaking grass in the wind!
Three rays of rainbow light, one black and two white, dissipated at the same time, and the two broken arrows fell to the ground slumped. Ma Ji also hugged the girl who had long since lost her strength and fell gracefully.

The face of the old man in Zhongtiao Mountain changed suddenly, and a black wooden arrow appeared in his left hand again, but an anxious cry suddenly came from his ears: "Third brother, stop!"

He sighed in his heart. After all, the arrow could not be sent out again.

(Sorry, I stopped for two days, and the situation has improved slightly)

(End of this chapter)

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